Spring Overtoons

Hello again!

I must admit it feels a bit strange to be sending out something like a “Newsletter” these days – to act as though anything can just continue on as usual.

Did you read about the obscene attempt to weaponize the respectability of John Cage against the pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia University? A small account of that is here. I mention this both to have an excuse to broadcast love and gratitude to the embattled encampments across the US and beyond, as well to underscore a case of sound’s supposed pastoral neutrality being explicitly undergirded by a reactionary political agenda. This is precisely the ideological notion of “sound” that I hope we can thoroughly dissemble in the work we support at Overtoon.

Saying that, I’m writing today with some updates about the state of Overtoon.

About the podcast announced in our last communique (Instead of “sound art,” say: abrasion, a dirge, willed from the other side of a leaky room, undisciplined, celebrative, dangerous, always emerging.), so far, we’ve released 4 of the 8 episodes. You can listen to those 4 directly here:

The next episode, featuring Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman, will be released next Thursday, May 9th.

Since we were last in touch in February we’ve hosted 3 more residencies – with New York-based sound artist Woody Sullender, and emerging Brussels-based artists Stan Litjens, & Anouk Kellner (who is in residence in our workspace right now).

Tons more is in store for Overtoon that we’ll be excited to update you all on as soon as possible including:

  • Overtoon’s brand new FELLOWSHIP program

  • Overtoon’s new website (being made as you read this by OSP)

  • And last but not least, Overtoon’s NEW SPACE!

Finally, a small heads-up: I will be in Brussels at the end of May to participate in a discussion hosted by the Flanders Art Institute. The panel follows a key-note by the wonderful artist Yazan Khalili. More information about the event is here: [removed]

Such much for now,
