argos news: solidarity with Ukraine


Dear ₐᵣᶢᴼˢ-reader,

As we continue watching the current geopolitical events unfolding, 𝕒𝕣𝕘𝕠𝕤 wanted to express its solidarity with the Ukrainian people in their resistance to the invasion of their country by Russian forces and to fully support their struggle for democratic self-determination.

Last week, we shared a list with temporary relocation resources compiled by Ukrainian cultural workers. Concerned with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine, we wanted to encourage people to help out where they can and to stay informed about this unjustifiable war as much as possible.

Following this, we have decided to donate the full revenue of our March ticket sales to the three Ukrainian organisations below. While the urgency of this conflict is obvious, it is not our intention to prioritise the Russo-Ukrainian war and its consequences over other conflicts and especially not over systemic and structural injustices already present in Ukrainian society, in Belgium and in other countries. By selecting initiatives who are helping out citizens already disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppressions, we aim for our support to be more durable, intersectional, and more just.


Insight is known in Ukraine for its educational activities and active response to cases of discrimination and violence. As an LGBTQI* organization, it provides psychological and legal support to the community, and as a feminist organization, it holds the annual Women’s March.


Fight for Right, promotes and protects the human rights of people living with disabilities in Ukrainian communities. In response to the crisis, they’re coordinating accessible shelter, evacuations, and emergency services –ensuring those living with disabilities aren’t left out of the humanitarian efforts.


Chiricli works to address the legal and social issues of the Roma women and Roma community through affecting the state policy and building the capacity of the Roma community. Chiricli works in 15 regions of Ukraine and has 5 representatives in Moldova, Latvia, Macedonia, Russia, Belarus, and Hungary.

The revenue will be split in three equal parts.

Help out where you can and stay informed!

Emergency Temporary Relocation Resources for artists and cultural workers from Ukraine

Take good care,

Niels with Dagmar, Daria, Inge, Jonas, Katia, Katoucha, Laurence, Maryam, Rebecca, Sander, Stijn / ⒜⒭⒢⒪⒮



Cher.e d’ₐᵣᶢᴼˢ,

Nous continuons à suivre la situation géopolitique actuelle et 𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓸𝓼 veut se montrer solidaire avec le peuple ukrainien dans sa lutte contre l’invasion de son pays par les forces russes et soutient pleinement sa son droit d’autodétermination. 

Il y a une semaine, nous avons partagé une liste de ressources d’aide et d’accueil d’urgence compilée par des travailleur.euse.s culturels (ci-dessous). Soucieux.ieuses de nos ami.e.s et collègues en Ukraine, nous voulons encourager les gens à aider là où ils le peuvent et à rester informé.e.s sur cette guerre injustifiable.

Suite à cela, nous avons décidé de faire le don de l’intégralité des bénéfices de nos ventes de billets du mois de mars à trois organisations ukrainiennes.  Si l’urgence de ce conflit est évidente, nous n’avons pas l’intention de privilégier la guerre russo-ukrainienne et ses conséquences à d’autres conflits et aux injustices systémiques et structurelles déjà présentes dans la société ukrainienne, en Belgique et dans d’autres pays. En sélectionnant trois initiatives qui aident celleux déjà défavorisé.es par de multiples sources d’oppressions, nous souhaitons rendre notre soutien plus durable, plus intersectionnel et plus juste.


Insight est une association connue en Ukraine pour ses activités éducatives et sa réactivité en cas de discrimination et de violence. En tant qu’organisation LGBTQI*, elle offre un soutien psychologique et juridique à la communauté, et en tant qu’organisation féministe, elle organise annuellement la Marche des femmes.


Fight for Right promeut et protège les droits humains des personnes en situation d’handicap dans les communautés ukrainiennes. En réponse à la crise, l’association a mis en place une coordination d’accueil, d’évacuation et d’aide pour que les personnes en situation de handicap ne soient pas exclues des efforts humanitaires.


Chiricli s’emploie à résoudre les problèmes juridiques et sociaux des femmes roms et de la communauté rom en influençant la politique en Ukraine et en renforçant la résilience de la communauté rom. Chiricli travaille dans 15 régions d’Ukraine et a des représentants en Moldavie, en Lettonie, en Macédoine, en Russie, en Biélorussie et en Hongrie.

Les revenus seront divisés en trois parts égales.

restez informé.e.s et aidez là où vous le pouvez! 

Emergency Temporary Relocation Resources for artists and cultural workers from Ukraine

Prenez soin de vous,

Niels avec Dagmar, Daria, Inge, Jonas, Katia, Katoucha, Laurence, Maryam, Rebecca, Sander, Stijn / 🅐🅡🅖🅞🅢


Beste ₐᵣᶢᴼˢ-lezer,

Terwijl we allemaal de recente geopolitieke ontwikkelingen op de voet volgen wenst ⓐⓡⓖⓞⓢ zijn solidariteit te betuigen met het Oekraïense volk. We steunen het verzet tegen de invasie van hun land door Russische troepen en onderschrijven hun strijd voor democratische zelfbeschikking.

Vorige week deelden we een lijst met noodhulpmiddelen en tijdelijke opvangmogelijkheden die samengesteld werd door Oekraïense cultuurwerkers. Bezorgd om onze vrienden en collega’s in Oekraïne willen we iedereen aanmoedigen om te helpen waar het kan en zoveel mogelijk op de hoogte te blijven.

In navolging hiervan hebben we besloten de volledige opbrengsten van onze ticketverkoop in maart te doneren aan drie Oekraïense organisaties. De urgentie van het conflict speelde uiteraard een rol in deze beslissing. Het is echter niet onze intentie het Russisch-Oekraïense conflict en de gevolgen van deze oorlog voorrang te geven op andere conflicten in de wereld en zeker niet op de systemische en structurele onrechtvaardigheden die reeds aanwezig zijn in de Oekraïense samenleving en in België. Door initiatieven uit te lichten die zich inzetten voor gemeenschappen die in Oekraïne benadeeld worden door een veelvoud van onderdrukkingen, maken we onze steun duurzamer, intersectioneel en rechtvaardiger. 


Insight staat in Oekraïne bekend om zijn educatieve activiteiten en reactiviteit bij discriminatie en geweld. Als LGBTQI*-organisatie biedt het psychologische en juridische ondersteuning aan de gemeenschap, en als feministische organisatie organiseert Insight de jaarlijkse Vrouwenmars.


Fight for Right zet zich in voor de bevordering en bescherming van de rechten van mensen met een handicap in Oekraïne. Sinds het uitbreken van de oorlog coördineren ze toegankelijke opvang, evacuaties en hulpdiensten opdat mensen met een handicap niet vergeten worden bij humanitaire inspanningen.


Chiricli werkt gestaag aan de juridische en sociale rechten van de Roma vrouwen en de Roma gemeenschap door druk te zetten op het politieke beleid in Oekraïne en door de veerkracht van de Roma gemeenschap te versterken. Chiricli werkt in 15 verschillende regio’s in Oekraïne en heeft vertegenwoordigers in Moldavië, Letland, Macedonië, Rusland, Wit-Rusland en Hongarije.

Elke organisatie krijgt een derde van het totaalbedrag.

Help waar je kan en blijf op de hoogte!

Emergency Temporary Relocation Resources for artists and cultural workers from Ukraine

Take care,

Niels met Dagmar, Daria, Inge, Jonas, Katia, Katoucha, Laurence, Maryam, Rebecca, Sander, Stijn / a̷r̷g̷o̷s̷

copyright © 2022 argos centre for audiovisual arts, all rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
argos centre for audiovisual arts
werfstraat 13 rue du chantier
1000 Brussels

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Tomorrow | Brussels Gallery Walks | 2PM – 6PM

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Tomorrow Gallery Walk in Iower Ixelles !


The Brussels Gallery Walks are back! Join our guided tour through Ixelles’ contemporary art landscape on Saturday from 2pm to 6pm. 

Participating Galleries : Archiraar, La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach, Bernier/Eliades Gallery, Baronian, Galerie DYS, rodolphe janssen, Harlan Levey Projects, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Nosbaum Reding, Michel Rein, Stems Gallery, Super Dakota, TEMPLON.

Book your guided tour in EN, FR and NL, starting at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm:  1h30 | 12 €

  • Galerie Nathalie Obadia
  • Michel Rein
  • Super Dakota
  • Bernier/Eliades Gallery
  • Archiraar
  • Stems Gallery 
  • Baronian 
  • Nosbaum Reding
  • Harlan Levey Projects
  • La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach
  • rodolphe janssen
  • Harlan Levey Projects
  • Galerie DYS

Book your tour

For more information, please contact the BGW team at 


Rue de la Tulipe 31A/35A

Emmanuelle Leblanc “Looking for Gold”
Pierre Liebaert “Hólos Kaustós

La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach
Rue Veydt 15

João Freitas “UNSHIELDED” 
Sahar Saâdaoui “Illimités“
Marthe Wéry “Au gré de ces ‘déplacements’”

Rue Isidore Verheyden 2
Joseph Marioni “Liquid Light” 

Rue de la Concorde 33
Leen Voet “Je fais ce que je veux”

Bernier/Eliades Gallery
Rue du Châtelain 46

Cameron Jamie, Dionisis Kavallieratos, Bharti Kher, Jonathan Meese, Susan Rothenberg, Pentti Sammallahti, Boyd Webb, Marnie Weber, Robert Wilson and Hugues De Wurstembergerat “Animal Farm

Galerie DYS
Rue de l’Arbre Bénit 84

Yasemin Senel “Carnaval”

rodolphe janssen
Rue de Livourne 32

Tom Poelmans ” Next time you see me, it won’t be me”

Harlan Levey Projects
Rue Jean d’Ardenne 46

Willehad Eilers “Holiday on Horse”

Galerie Nathalie Obadia
Rue Charles Decoster 8

Joris Van de Moortel ” Foolhardy Boarding a Lost State of Mind “

Nosbaum Reding Rue de la Concorde 60A Peter Zimmermann “Torrent”
Michel Rein Rue Washington 51A Edgar Sarin “Rubber Soul”
Stems Gallery
Rue du Prince Albert 4 Susumu Kamijo “I’ll Tell You Later”
Super Dakota  Rue Washington 45 Alex Clarke “Snowballing”
TEMPLON Rue Veydt 13 Jeanne Vicerial “Présences”




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Hamza Halloubi – You’re your country’s lost property with no office to claim you back!

You’re your country’s lost property with no office to claim you back!

Hamza Halloubi
17 maart – 30 april, 2022

U bent van harte uitgenodigd voor de opening op donderdag
17 maart van 17 – 21 uur. 

Hamza Halloubi, Bégaiements, 2020-2021
single channel video projectie,
4’43”, video still

Op een rond projectiescherm doemt het beeld op van een expressieve kop, een houten beeld van een man. Een vrouwenstem begint te spreken. In staccato zinnen houdt de vrouw een monoloog tegen het beeld. Close ups van de sculptuur worden afgewisseld met het beeld van de mond van de vrouw die spreekt. 

De stem in Messing Encounters (2020-2021) blijkt de stem te zijn van een Afrikaanse immigrant in België die zich richt tot een negentiende eeuwse Congolese sculptuur in het Africa Museum in Tervuren. Het ‘spijkerbeeld’ Nkisi nkonde werd in 1878 meegenomen uit het dorp Kikuku. De figuur, die magische krachten zou hebben, draagt een mantel van spijkers, lapjes stof en touw. “I need a science to know you. I need a science to take you into the future,” zo spreekt de vrouwenstem. De tekst is even ingehouden als aangrijpend: sprekend over ontworteling, culturele toe-eigening, verplaatsing, post-kolonialisme, en de roep om een taal en een wetenschap om beelden te herdefiniëren. “You are held hostage in this museum. With you, our science is hostage. Our technology, our magic is hostage. Our horizon and our land. You must be recovered to recover the trees, the sky, color. Even color is a hostage. Blue is hostage. Red is hostage. Black is hostage. You are a future object. In the future you can reappear to your public, to those who will invent a language to describe you.“

In zijn tweede solo tentoonstelling in de galerie, You’re your country’s lost property with no office to claim you back, presenteert Hamza Halloubi een installatie bestaande uit recente video’s en schilderijen. In zijn werk worden onverwachte verbanden gelegd tussen kleine en grote artistieke en politieke gebeurtenissen. Zo wordt de complexe relatie tussen kunst en macht, identiteit en representatie verbeeld. Het werk probeert niet het huidige culturele discours te esthetiseren of te illustreren, maar creëert beelden die de positie van de beschouwer omkeren. 

Hamza Halloubi is een multi-disciplinaire kunstenaar met een focus op video en schilderkunst.  Hij werd geboren in Marokko in 1982, en woont en werkt in Brussel en Amsterdam. Solo tentoonstellingen van Halloubi waren te zien in o.a. Argos, Brussels (2021, BE); Museum De Pont, Tilburg (2020, 2015, NL); L’appartement 22, Rabat (2019, MO); Museo Hermann Nitsch, Naples (2017, IT); c-o-m-p-o-s-i-t-e, Brussels (2017 and 2014, BE); A Tale of A Tub, Rotterdam (2016, NL); KIOSK, Ghent (2014, BE); Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (2013, BE). Daarnaast maakte zijn werk deel uit van groepspresentaties in o.a. M – Museum Leuven (2021, BE); S.M.A.K., Ghent (2019, BE); Centre Pompidou, Brussels (2019, BE; Kunsthal Extra City, Antwerp (2018, BE); Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, (2018, UA); SCHIRN KUNSTHALLE FRANKFURT, Frankfurt (2018, DE); De Pont Museum, Tilburg (2017, NL); Witte de With, Rotterdam, (2016, NL); EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam (2016, NL). Werk van Halloubi bevindt zich in nationale en internationale collecties.


bloemgracht 57
1016 ke amsterdam
the netherlands

+31 [0]20 320 67 68

     opening hours
wednesday – saturday, 1 pm – 6 pm

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Copyright © 2022 tegenboschvanvreden, All rights reserved.

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FOCUS – Masterclass EJTECH

EJTECH are Budapest based duo Judit Eszter Kárpáti and Esteban de la Torre. They use soft interfaces and augmented textiles to explore sound, touch, space and light in performative installations, multichannel sonic sculptures and dynamic surfaces.
In collaboration with KASK School Of Arts departments EPAS and Mediakunst we present an EJTECH masterclass in KASK Cinema in Ghent with the support of our EU program Oscillations. The artists will talk about their work process and methods in interaction with sound and textiles. The two following days are reserved for a workshop with EJTECH for KASK students. The workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday is fully booked. The masterclass on Monday is free. Please send an email to Masterclass EJTECH on Monday 21 March 2022 at 20:00 – Cinema KASK – Godshuizenlaan 4, 9000 Ghent
On a sidenote, you can still apply for the first call for 2022-2023 postgraduate course in sound EPAS for a few days.


Currently in residency at Overtoon, French designer-artist-developer-composer, Thomas Barbé is an Esad Saint-Étienne graduate. His work, which questions sound and its sensory perception, is inscribed in the electro-acoustic and digital fields through installations and / or audio software. Through these works he invites the spectator to rediscover in situ listening experiences.
Thomas develops an electro-acoustic string instrument that can be kept in constant vibration with electronic bows.
An electronic bow has two electromagnets. The first captures the vibrations of the strings. The signal that is received is amplified by an electronic amplifier circuit and sent out again by the second electromagnet, which keeps the strings in vibration. His aim will be to develop a device for performances, and later, in a second phase, device will be part of an installation set-up. In this phase, the addition of servomotors and a microprocessor will make the instrument autonomous and the resulting arrangement generative.


Even more Oscillations when our resident artist Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle is invited for a residency at the bb15 gallery in Linz, Austria. She will build and present her new installation ce qu'il reste des échos with her ceramic sculptures showing different shapes and resonances and equipped with speakers to create a spatial sound environment in the exhibition space. The soundscape is created using sounds recorded in Linz such as voices, echoes, and various field recordings to evoke memories of places visited.

ce qu'il reste des échos by Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle at bb15
Exhibition Opening: 22 March 2022 at 19:00
Opening Hours: 23 – 30 March 2022, 15:00 – 18:00. Closed on Sundays.

CCHA dedicates a festival to the piano with dance performances, concerts, film screenings …and an installation by Floris Van Hoof, our coproduction of 2021. Antenna presents the upright body of a piano with its strings and mechanics exposed. Ever- present electromagnetic waves that fly through the air (imploding stars, far away lightning, planes, traffic, our phones etc) are picked up by the antenna and translated to small electromagnets that make strings of the piano sing.

Antenna by Floris Vanhoof
Piano Days at CCHA in Hasselt, Belgium
From 25 March 2022 to 29 March 2022

VOLTA is back once more! Yann Leguay presents the performance version of his OVERTOON production at the SONIC PROTEST Festival. In fact, the annual festival INTERFERENCE_S by Centre Wallonie Bruxelles in Paris teams up with SONIC PROTEST 2022 to host an evening of sound performances at their headquarters.

VOLTA by Yann Leguay
Centre Wallonie Bruxelles in Paris, France 46 rue Quincampoix
31 March 2022 at 19:30


The VOID exhibition at Le Botanique presents a full-scale installation in the museum space that immerses the viewer in a parallel universe. The exhibition rooms become the production headquarters for SARA (Souvenir Archival Recording Apparatus), a fictitious company that collects and archives the verbal and memorial traces of mankind.

Le Botanique, rue Royale 236 Koningsstraat 1210, Brussels, Belgium
From 24 February 2022 to 17 April 2022



Brussels Gallery Walks | 12.03.22

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We look forward to seeing you at our next  Gallery Walk in Iower Ixelles !


The Brussels Gallery Walks are back! Join our guided tour through Ixelles’ contemporary art landscape on Saturday from 2pm to 6pm. 

Participating Galleries : Archiraar, La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach, Baronian, Galerie DYS, rodolphe janssen, Harlan Levey Projects, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Nosbaum Reding, Michel Rein, Stems Gallery, Super Dakota, TEMPLON.

Book your guided tour in EN, FR and NL, starting at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm:  1h30 | 12 €

  • Galerie Nathalie Obadia
  • Michel Rein
  • Super Dakota
  • Bernier / Eliades Gallery
  • Archiraar
  • Stems Gallery 
  • Baronian 
  • Nosbaum Reding
  • Harlan Levey Projects
  • La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Back
  • rodolphe janssen
  • Harlan Levey Projects
  • Galerie DYS

Book your tour

For more information, please contact the BGW team at 


Rue de la Tulipe 31A/35A

Emmanuelle Leblanc “Looking for Gold”
Pierre Liebaert “Hólos Kaustós

La Patinoire Royale – Galerie Valérie Bach
Rue Veydt 15

João Freitas “UNSHIELDED” 
Sahar Saâdaoui “Illimités“
Marthe Wéry “Au gré de ces ‘déplacements’”

Rue Isidore Verheyden 2
Joseph Marioni “Liquid Light” 

Rue de la Concorde 33
Leen Voet “Je fais ce que je veux”

Galerie DYS
Rue de l’Arbre Bénit 84

Yasemin Senel “Carnaval”

rodolphe janssen
Rue de Livourne 32

Tom Poelmans ” Next time you see me, it won’t be me”

Harlan Levey Projects
Rue Jean d’Ardenne 46

Willehad Eilers “Holiday on Horse”

Galerie Nathalie Obadia
Rue Charles Decoster 8

Joris Van de Moortel ” Foolhardy Boarding a Lost State of Mind “

Nosbaum Reding Rue de la Concorde 60A Peter Zimmermann “Torrent”
Michel Rein Rue Washington 51A Edgar Sarin “Rubber Soul”
Stems Gallery
Rue du Prince Albert 4 Susumu Kamijo “I’ll Tell You Later”
Super Dakota  Rue Washington 45 Alex Clarke “Snowballing”
TEMPLON Rue Veydt 13 Jeanne Vicerial “Présences”




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Crop Circle – A collective studio exhibition by Martin Bonnaz

March news




Group show


“A mains nues”, by Alexia Fabre in collaboration with Florence Cosson and Mélanie Meffrer-Rondeau at the Contemporary art Museum of Val-de-Marne, (Vitry-sur-Seine, France).

12/03 – 28/08/22

Opening on March 11th from 06:30pm

→ read more

Public Order


“L U M I E R E” commissioned by the Regional Fund for Contemporary Art Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur and The Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean (Mucem) at Place d’Armes, fort Saint-Jean (Marseille, France).

14/03 – 29/08/22

→ read more

Solo show


“Les sillons irrigués” by Baudouin Oosterlynck at Kamer Negen/K9 (Rue Robert Boisacq, 9, Rixensart, Belgium).

12/03 – 03/04/22

On Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 to 18:00 and by appointment, come and meet the artist

→ read more






Solo show at


“To be Handed” is still on view at the gallery (Rue de la Concorde, 31, 1050, Ixelles) on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm to 6pm and .

Until April 9th

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Group Show



“Formes du transfert” by Gaël Charbeau at Magasins Généraux (Paris, France).

Until March 13th – Last days 

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Group show


“Peinture : obsolescence déprogrammée, Licences libres” by Camille Debrabant at Musée de l’Hospice Saint-Roch (Issoudun, France).

Until May 8th

read more


Group show


“Das eigene im fremden” by at Bensheim Museum (Benshein, Germany).

Until March 20th

→ read more

Solo Show


“SARAᵀᴹ” at Botanique (Brussels, Belgium).

Visits with VOID are organized,

Until April 17th

→ read more




31, Rue de la Concorde / Eendrachtstraat
B-1050 Brussels, BE

The gallery is open from Thursday to Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and by appointment







Discover the work and life of Huguette Caland • March Events • Late Night Openings & Workshops

EN     FR      NL

“The exhibition celebrates Caland’s love affair with the line and its capacity to express the shared human desire for intimate connection.”
– Artforum 

Get to know Huguette Caland’s unconventional and exuberant life and work. In this video, Brigitte Caland, the late artist’s daughter, tells more about her mother and the exhibition Tête-à-Tête at WIELS.





A roundtable discussion with the various authors of Kasper Bosmans’ monograph Dovetail about the making of this publication, its ambitions and creative approach.





Multimedia artist Samah Hijawi takes you through Huguette Caland’s exhibition Tête-à-Tête.

WED_16_03___18:00 (LATE NIGHT OPENING)




Medievalist Chloé Deligne presents a talk weaving a link between the first representation of Brussels and the pictorial narrative process of Kasper Bosmans.

WED_16_03___19:00 (LATE NIGHT OPENING) 




Petra Van Brabandt and Hans Maes present their latest book in which they scrutinise and criticise the Western view of the body and sexuality.






The artist and curator of the exhibition take you through Husbandry





The curator of the exhibition takes you through Tête-à-Tête by Huguette Caland. 





Former WIELS resident Yiannis Papadopoulos presents a selection of new works in the Project Room. 

OPEN: TUE > SUN, 14:00-18:00


Discover a recent series of sculptures by former resident Marlie Mul in the Project Room. 
OPENING: 30_03__18:00-21:00
31_03____24_04_2022, 14:00-18:00


Discover the current exhibitions in a playful manner together with our bilingual guides and your kids. 

FREE WITH ENTRY TICKET (free for kets -18 years old)


Be sure to take this poster with you during your family visit of Kasper Bosmans’ exhibition, including quests in the exhibition and a recipe of Kasper’s favourite cake. Have fun!




Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, WIELS is open until 21:00! On these nights you can participate in a creative workshop. On the 1st Wednesday of the month, we make a printing roll to create a frieze inspired by Kasper Bosmans. The 3rd Wednesday of the month is dedicated to Huguette Caland with an embroidery workshop. 




A weekly guided tour for individual visitors to join. Discover the exhibitions from a new angle!
EACH FRIDAY, 12:00-13:00

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À l’occasion du prix indépendant décerné par art-exprim lors du 69e festival Jeune Création, Marcos Uriondo est invité à présenter son travail lors d’une exposition monographique intitulée Lilies of the Valley. L’exposition ouvrira ses portes le vendredi 25 mars de 18h30 à 21h30

Lilies of the Valley est une vallée de fleurs en silicone évoquant la célèbre baie de San Francisco. La Silicon Valley, au coeur du propos de l’artiste, fait l’objet d’un exercice de poésie absurde et ironique puisqu’il confesse lui-même ne s’y est être jamais rendu. À travers cette métaphore, Marcos Uriondo met en exergue la nouvelle condition humaine à l’ère du numérique : la dématérialisation du travail, la fièvre de l’esprit entreprenarial, les dystopies technologiques, le wishful thinking ou encore la masculinité toxique.

Pour en savoir plus

87 rue Marcadet
75018 Paris 

Du 26 mars au 30 avril 2022
Du mer. au sam. de 14h30 à 19h
Nocturnes les 6 et 20 avril jusqu’à 21h


À l’occasion du prix indépendant décerné par la galerie Horae lors du 71e festival Jeune Création, Jonas Moënne et Laure Tiberghien sont invités à présenter leur travail lors d’une exposition collective intitulée Changements d’état des corps purs. L’exposition ouvrira ses portes le jeudi 24 mars à partir de 18h

La galerie Horae est heureuse d’accueillir sept artistes aux pratiques et manifestes divers qui traitent du mouvement et de la métamorphose. Une dynamique de la transformation, un changement d’état de la matière, des corps purs. A quelle température s’évapore l’eau liquide ? A quelle température à contrario devient-elle solide ? La roche peut-elle être liquide ? Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier soulignait que : « […] dans toute opération, il y a une égale quantité de matière avant et après l’opération ; que la qualité et la quantité des principes est la même, et qu’il n’y a que des changements, des modifications ». D’une matière, la dynamique de sa transformation peut recréer sous une autre forme, une ou plusieurs autres matières. L’exposition Changements d’état des corps purs réunit des artistes et leurs œuvres explorant ces mutations et leurs résultantes.

Avec : Silvère Jarrosson,  Amandine Antunez, Jonas Moënne, Laure Tiberghien, Laurent Champoussin, Lou Gouaille, Chloé Jeanne. Co-commissariat par Gervaise Thiriet et Nicolas Deshais-Fernandez.

Galerie Horae 
80 rue du Chemin Vert
75011 Paris 

Du 24 mars au 19 mai 2022
Entrée du libre du lun. au ven., les sam. sur rendez-vous. 


L’appel à candidatures pour le 73e festival Jeune Création qui aura lieu en 2023 est en ligne ! 
Vous avez jusqu’au lundi 21 mars 2022 à 23h59 pour candidater ! 

> Candidatures en ligne sur le site
> Appel ouvert aux artistes sans limite d’âge, toutes formations et tous médium confondus
> Appel ouvert à toutes les nationalités
> Les frais d’inscription sont de 15€
> Un seul dossier par artiste ou collectif d’artistes est accepté
> Pour plus de détail concernant l’appel à candidatures


L’exposition C’est beau, c’est loin, est visible jusqu’au samedi 26 mars à la galerie Jeune Création !

C’est beau, c’est loin est un commissariat de Max Coulon et Ludivine Gonthier. 
Avec : Jule Bode, Tamara Goehringer, Yongkuk Ko, Vincent Krüger, Ninya Lehrheuer, Jordan Madlon, Paul Friedrich Millet, Raoul Muck, Miriam Schmitz.


Galerie Jeune Création 
43 rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 Romainville 

Du 20 février au 26 mars 2022
Du mar. au ven. de 11h à 19h et le sam. de 14h à 18h

Visuel: Inscription sur l’abribus de Brackenheim, juin 2021


L’artiste Antide investit la Galerie du Couloir avec sa série de Portraits  jusqu’au samedi 26 mars. 

Visuel : Paul Rebeyrolle, 65 x 50 cm, 2012, (reproduit catalogue Jeune Création 2012 et inspiré de la photo de Jean François Bauret).


L’artiste Damien Rouxel investit la Petite Galerie des Selles jusqu’au samedi 26 mars.  

Visuel : Portrait de Marc’h, l’homme-cheval, photographie, 2021 sur plateau de jeu. ADAGP 2021

La boutique en ligne de l’association Jeune Création présente les oeuvres des différentes expositions en cours ou passées, ainsi que des artistes de l’association. 

Vous pouvez les découvrir ICI

Acheter des oeuvres c’est soutenir les artistes et l’association ! 

Visuel: Vue de l’exposition Glad to Take Height and See the Slow Motion World, photographie par Camille Richer

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Frankfurter Hauptschule



















Anlässlich der Ausstellung kANzELKuLTuR der Frankfurter Hauptschule im NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein erscheint die neue Jahresgabe This needs to be addressed. Die Edition kann direkt über den NAK bezogen werden; Bestellungen nehmen wir gerne per Email oder telefonisch entgegen.


Frankfurter Hauptschule, This needs to be addressed, 2022, Alu-Dibond-Print im Künstlerrahmen, 40 x 40 cm, Auflage 10 + 3 AP

Weitere Informationen:

Die Ausstellung kANzELKuLTuR kann noch bis kommenden Sonntag, den 13. März, täglich von 14-18 Uhr besucht werden.

Für den Besuch der Ausstellung gilt die 3G-Regel, d.h. Besucher_innen müssen geimpft, genesen oder getestet sein. Ein Nachweis ist vor Ort zu erbringen. Über eventuelle Änderungen der derzeit gültigen Regelungen informieren wir zeitnah auf der NAK Homepage und den sozialen Medien.

Falls Sie den Newsletter nicht mehr erhalten möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail mit dem Betreff UNSUBSCRIBE.
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NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
Passstraße 29
52070 Aachen
0049 (0)241503255


Last Chance | Jule Korneffel | Snippets from the Met

Last Chance to see Jule Korneffel | Snippets from the Met


This is the last week to see:
Jule Korneffel
Snippets from the Met
Through Saturday March 12

Lijnbaansgracht 318
1017 WZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Open during exhibitions: Wednesday through Saturday 1-5 pm and by appointment.



Save the date: The Against Nature Journal



with Aimar Arriola

Friday, March 18th, 7:00 p.m 

Drawing from TANJ’s exploration on sexual and reproductive rights, co-editor Aimar Arriola focuses on the third issue of the journal as an alibi to review the many ways in which medicine has pathologized non-procreative sexual desire— those bodies that challenge gender binaries or expose different abilities—while imagining other ways of collectively well-being.

THE AGAINST NATURE JOURNAL is a biannual arts and human rights magazine exploring “crime against nature” laws and their legacies, in print, in person, and online. Authors and readers from law, activism, social sciences, and the arts are brought together to foster dialogue on sexual and reproductive rights and rethink nature anew.

Image: TANJ III cover by Stepan Lipatov.

fluent books

c/ Luis Hoyos Sainz, 2 (int)
39001, Santander. SP


This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Wednesday 09 Mar → Tuesday 15 Mar

Opening next week
Wednesday 16 Mar → Tuesday 22 Mar

Q-O2 News :: March 2022

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Second Sundays #29
13 March – 17h (doors 16h30) – free
Lieven Martens
Second Sundays is a monthly series initiated by Q-O2. Each session a new guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice.
Lieven Martens (Lieven Martens Moana, formerly Dolphins Into The Future) is a composer and observer. He makes a conceptual form of programme music that travels beyond the pure description. His works are like narrative stills; encounters with objects and thoughts.
[more info]

17 + 18 March – 20h30 – 5€
Portaits de Pays — Stéphane Marin + Gaël Segalen + Eric La Casa + Els Viaene + Rodolphe Alexis
Depicting places. This is a common practice in all art forms. What about the particular fortune of the country portrait genre in the field of sound art? How can composition, field recording, radiophony, and even cinematographic and poetic forms in their sound dimension trace the sensitive identity of a certain territory?
17 March: Stéphane Marin + Gaël Segalen
18 March: Rodolphe Alexis + Eric La Casa + Els Viaene
Related event: conference at PointCulture


post-residency performance
24 March – 18h – free
BMB con. & Laetitia Gendre
During the residency, in which Laetitia Gendre & BMB con. (Justin Bennett and Roelf Toxopeus) have collaborated for the first time, they have explored different ways of working together combining layers of reality and media using techniques like live-drawing coupled to sound-making, drawn and projected scenography, field trips, paper as sound source, simultaneous translation into multiple languages, etc. etc.
[more info]

Support Ukraine
Please suppprt the Ukrainian people and donate via the MIX of the collective ШЩЦ (
[more info]

23 March – 14h – 18h
Meta PAM

PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media Arts) has grown out of a diverse assembly of organizations and practitioners working with moving image, sound art, or media art. PAM invites anyone who works in media arts to meet, to discuss common issues and to share knowledge and tools about the development, production, distribution, presentation, and reflection of audiovisual and media arts.
[more info]

13 March
Applications are still open for admission for EPAS (European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound) sound studies program at KASK Ghent.
[more info]

rooms to rent
We are looking for a room to rent for one of our interns between March 28th and May 1st.
We are also looking for rooms for our festival artists between April 28th and May 2nd.
Please get in contact via

save the date: festival
28 April – 1 May
Oscillation ::: Public Address
The fourth edition of Oscillation festival is dedicated to the question what it means to address a public, and how, by changing the site of a performance, the relationship between audience and performer shifts.
[more info]

save the date: Showcase Emerging Sound
14 May – 20h (free upon reservation)
Marija Rasa Kudabaité, Vica Pacheco, Léa Roger, Raphael Malfliet
Every year STUK, Q-O2 and Musica present a sample of new sound art in Belgium. Although these artists are active in a variety of disciplines, this edition focuses primarily on electroacoustic live performances, in which composition and improvisation come together.Showcase Emerging Sound is a project of STUK – Huis voor Dans, Beeld & Geluid, Q-O2 Werkplaats, Musica, Impulscentrum voor Muziek & C-TAKT.
[more info]

still available
podcasts, books, cassette releases, videos.

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‘We zijn allemaal kunstenaars, we moesten iets doen’

matter-of-fact exhibit now open! virtual reception tonight.

exhibition now on view

07 march – 24 april 2022

deanna lee + kirsten nash

view exhibition | press release | card

matter-of-fact has officially launched!
join us for a virtual reception with the artists today from 7–8pm et/us.

meeting info: id | 814 7633 3894 / passcode | MAT4FAC7
OR use the button directly below

join the reception


copyright © 2022 intermission museum of art, all rights reserved.
you are receiving this email because you have either opted in via our website, or have been added because you have a connection to one of our founders, rose van mierlo or john ros.

intermission museum of art

43-01 22nd street #348

long island city, ny 11101

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How she spins I Raffaela Naldi Rossano, Giuseppe Desiato, Le Nemesiache I curated by Sonia D’Alto I Opening Wednesday 9. March 5-9pm Brussels

Damien & The Love Guru

design by Atelier Brenda 

Opening Wednesday 9. March 5-9 pm



A new series of works by Raffaela Naldi Rossano in dialogue with Giuseppe Despiato and Le Nemesiache

‘How She Spins’ brings together works that share a performative practice addressing language as a form of rebellion and ceremonial celebration. 

Historical narratives and classical fiction are reversed and re- addressed by a plurality of voices: the sound of waves, the echo of many waters, the voices of different Sirens, the seduction of mythical figures. She spins the wheel, poetically. She has become an autobiographical fragment, whose desires and uncertainty crash on the shores of a city to be found from the beginning”. curated by Sonia D’Alto 

a special thank you to Isabella Bortolozzi



Christiane Blattmann
The Law
4. February – 26. March
Damien & The Love Guru 

Anne Fellner
Energy Patterns 
group show 
16. February – 23. April 2022
Galerie Tobias Naehring 

Julian Irlinger
A Smile With One Tooth
19. February – 9. April 2022
Galerie Thomas Schulte

Emanuele Marcuccio
D’Après Cavenago
2017-2021 / Damien & The Love Guru 

Jannis Marwitz
La réforme de Pooky 
group show with Fabienne Audéoud, Sarah Benslimane, Elise Corpataux, Gritli Faulhaber, Sophie Gogl, Jasmine Gregory, Nanami Hori, Tom Humphreys, Marc Kokopeli, Matthew Langan-Peck, Sophie Reinhold, Marta Riniker-Radich, Christoph de Rohan Chabot, Thomas Sauter, Grégory Sugnaux, SoiL Thornton, Amanda del Valle, Jiajia Zhang
19. February – 8. May 2022
curated by Grégory Sugnaux, Paolo Baggi and Nicolas Brulhart
Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg


Christiane Blattmann 
Sharon Van Overmeiren 
Sour Well
group show with Henrik Potter
Opening 11. March 6-9 pm
Nir Altman 

Margarita Maximova 
Spring Equinox
group show with Andy Hope 1930, Deshaun Price, Elise Corpataux, Gregory Sugnaux, Lee Scratch Perry, Lucas Erin, Lutz Dammbeck, Marie Matusz, Marta Riniker-Radich, Osama Alrayyan, Richard Sides and others.
Opening 12. March

Anne Fellner
duo show with Alessandro Carano
Opening 29. March
Castiglioni in collaboration with Damien & The Love Guru 

Jasmin Werner 
Stufen zur Kunst 
Opening 11. March 
Kunstverein Hannover

Slow Reading Club
KASK Talk  
31. March 8pm


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Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Zollikerstrasse 249
8008 Zürich

by appointment

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[NGHE NEWSLETTER] médiathèque lac-à-l’épaule tranquille

n n n n n n g g g g g h h h h h e e e e e e
n n n n n n e e e e e w w w w w w s s s s s

semaine qui vient de passer
semaine qui va arriver

De bons rayons nous aident à sortir du lit et les moineaux sont toujours là.
Le buisson tombé du ciel est au sol, posé sur de l'herbe et de la terre retournée par des verres de terre
sortis d’hibernation, s’ils hibernent bien, il y a des bourgeons sur les rebords,
des choux continuent de pousser dans des potagers laissés en auto-gestion,
et des fleurs disent coucou avec des couleurs. On s’est senti bien épuisé de cet hiver
et je pense qu’on l’est encore, c’est pas tout à fait fini, en fait ça le sera jamais
tant qu’on aura envie de se battre pour de la vie et pour repérer les fissures du béton
mauvaise qualité où ça repousse, et qu’on repère des dessins d’enfants qui racontent
de satellites et de vaisseaux spatiaux juxtaposés à des bateaux approximativement flottants
qui vendent plusieurs rêves en même temps. Si on croit pas en eux, on croit en rien.


Ce sera un mois de Mars tranquille,
avec des ouvertures régulières chaque samedi,
peut-être des trucs improvisés, comme souvent,
pour avoir le temps de voir le printemps monter,
et prendre le temps de le respirer à petits souffles
en écoutant des disques, en copiant des cassettes,
en faisant des pochettes, allongé.es dans un nid,
en sirotant une bande magnétique spaghetti,
en pensant à ce qu’il y a de mieux à faire
entre nous et avec vous et avec les morts
qui continuent de vivre si on le veut.

Nos pensées à Mitch,
et à ses les plus proches,
avec qui on a organisé des afro tuga
et des tropicoulos au Barlok,
où tu pouvais voir tous les soirs
des concerts à prix libre
et rentrer de ce joyeux bordel
tous les soirs de ta semaine
sans compter tes heures de sommeil
parce que c'était moins important.

} {

une nouvelle nghenghe
est arrivée sur terre :
Bienvenue Krikri !
bisous aux poissons
} {
elvirajuliettenefeli.jpgà bientôt <3

NGHE – Médiathèque bricolée

rue des mariniers, 6
1080 Molenbeek St Jean

Van de Maasvallei naar het Congolese Manono

Geen afbeeldingen? Bekijk de webversie

Z33 Nieuwsbrief

De krokus(vakantie) breekt met de winter. Ook wij maken plaats voor wat nieuws. Op 6 maart opent de tentoonstelling Charging Myths en pik je de laatste dag van Mother(Land) mee. In de Maasvallei trekt Benjamin Verdoncks werk van kapel naar kapel.

Seppe Vancraywinkel aan het woord

Foto: Seppe Vancraywinkel

Seppe Vancraywinkel is een fotograaf uit de tentoonstelling Mother(Land). Hij vertelt over de meerwaarde van het Currents-traject op persoonlijk en professioneel vlak.

Lees het interview

De verering van vondsten

Kunst aan de Maas
Foto: Michiel De Cleene

Hoe kleine gebaren een grote impact hebben. Benjamin Verdonck verzamelde tijdens zijn wandelingen aan de Maas voorwerpen die iets vertellen over de vallei, van stenen en zaden tot verloren sieraden. Zijn werk is tot 13 maart te zien in de Kapel van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Zeven Smarten in Boyen (Stokkem). 

Lees meer

Hoe afhankelijk zijn we van grondstoffen?


Charging Myths
06.03 tot 21.08.22

Kunstenaarscollectief On-Trade-Off volgt het spoor van lithium – het nieuwe goud – en vertrekt vanuit het Congolese Manono.

Lees meer


Same Same but Different
10.04 tot 07.08.22

Architectuur is een game changer in de zoektocht naar alternatieve grondstoffen. Hoe kan je ontginnen zonder de aarde leeg te halen of uit te putten? Dat toont BC architects & studies & materials. 

Lees meer

Z33 is een grensverleggende kunstinstelling in Hasselt op het kruispunt van hedendaagse kunst, design en architectuur. 



Bonnefantenstraat 1
3500 Hasselt (BE)


Copyright © 2022 Z33, All rights reserved.
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Bonnefantenstraat 1

Hasselt 3500


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Newsletter March

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Discover installation, sound, film and archival presentations in the exhibition Rewinding Internationalism. Wednesday, 16 March, there are two screenings of movies closely related to the exhibition. Curator Nick Aikens will introduce both films. Friday, 25 March, we are treating you again with a live rehearsal of REWIND / REPLAY.

Continue to enjoy our film selection, both in our cinema and online we show the best arthouse films! 


EXHIBITION –  With work by Didem Pekün, susan pui san lok and Wendelien van Oldenborgh, a research presentation and Belgian New Beat. Curated by Nick Aikens.

The exhibition draws from the 1990s. During the decade, the ascendancy of globalisation coincided with the revival of ethnonationalisms within Europe. Within the art world a ‘New Internationalism’ was embraced, calling for an end to the centring of Western European and US positions.

Visiting with children? A ‘Gids voor Kids’ (in Dutch) will guide you through the exhibition. Rewinding Internationalism runs until 1 May.
Info and tickets >

FILM –  Wednesday, 16 March at 19:30, there are two screenings of movies, introduced by curator Nick Aikens. One of the films is by the Black Audio Film Collective, an innovating art initiative from great-Britain in the 80s and 90s that shone a new light on black culture in England. The other film is by Tony Cokes, an American artist who combats the cultural misinterpretation of black Americans.

Beforehand, at 18h, curator Nick Aikens will guide you through the exhibition. 
More information >

LIVE REHEARSALFriday, 25 March at 19:30, artist susan pui san lok / susan lok pui san comes back to Netwerk Aalst for another live rehearsal of REWIND / REPLAY, her newest work at the exhibition of Rewinding Internationalism.

Beforehand, at 18h, curator Nick Aikens will guide you through the exhibition. 
More information >


FILM – On Wednesday, March 23 at 18h, Netwerk Aalst and The Foodbridge invite you to the film  HUMANITAS. The Humanitas project brings women from different cultural backgrounds together to discuss the important circles of life through food. These are their stories of food, marriage, childbirth and funerals.

Prior to the film, at 18h, there is time to meet and engage in conversation. The film starts at 19h.
More information (NL) >


FILM – Another month, another batch of movies! Discover Joel Coen’s newest film (The Tragedy of Macbeth), The French Dispatch (Wes Anderson), Belle, Shiva Baby and A Chiara (Film Fest Gent)
More information >


FILM – On you will find a plethora of new Oscar nominated films ready for your viewing.
Chosen from the category of Best Foreign Film you can have a look at: Drunk (2020), Parasite (2019), Una Mujer Fantástica (2018), The Salesman (2017), Son of Saul (2016), Ida (2015), Amour (2013), A Separation (2012).

With every film you watch on, you support us.
View our offer >

EXHIBITION – End-of-year exhibition Municipal Academy of Visual Arts Aalst. Opening Saturday, March 12, graduating year ’19-’20. Opening Saturday, April 2, graduation year ’20-‘2. Both at 13h.

KIDS – Children from the age of 8 till 12 can let their creative juices flow during a filmcamp with REKKER. They will get to know the world of animation and stop motion.
More information for their spring break and summer camps >

NEARBY – Help build the Smuljungle! Together we create a food forest where you can pick your own berries and nuts. Will you help us plant the edible plants, bushes and trees?
Get inspired here >

Are you a fan of Netwerk Aalst or an entrepreneur with a passion for culture? Put your back in supporting the ambitions of Netwerk Aalst and its varied programme!
All donations above €40 are eligible for a tax certificate.
Support us >

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C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

Marble Ass, directed by Želimir Žilnik, 1995.

Kunstlicht vol. 43 (2022), no. 3-4  
Deadline: April 18, 2021
Guest Editor: the editorial team

In All About Love (1999), bell hooks remarks that values of money and work have replaced love and community. This reverberates to the present tense, when a crisis of compassion has become a hot topic in the healthcare industry. It goes without saying that hooks wishes to reverse this, and “return to love”. Love is a tender dissent to the disarming structures of capitalism. From behind the bars of the daily realities that govern late-stage capitalism, it seems that acts of care and compassion aren’t prioritised or compensated enough. Regardless, they persist. And so we might ask: Where is the love? 

We, the editorial team, often refer to the work we do at Kunstlicht as a so-called ‘labour of love’. Offhandedly, we repeat this turn of phrase in meetings with collaborators and among ourselves to explain, even validate our investment in the journal, and why we do this all for free. By ‘labour of love’ we mean that we are voluntarily offering our time, network, and knowledge to work on the texts that give body to each edition. The editorial process is merely a small aspect of ‘voluntarily running a journal’, which also includes administration, shipment, website upkeep, annual planning, running social media and other communication channels – just to name a few ways in which this magazine provides us with labour. Yet, this is a labour we love. 

We want to hear your love stories about work and your work stories about love. Your analyses of loving work, of care, and of community making against the tides of systems that do not prioritise it as such. Your experiences with and readings of emotional work that promises to be compensated in kind, not money. Your appreciation of and love for practitioners of these kinds of labour that deserve to be valued so much more.


Buy our latest issue “SÜNYA” NOW

Subscribe to Kunstlicht today!


You can support Kunstlicht by taking a subscription, which is only €30 per year. To subscribe, go here or send an email to

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Le Casino Luxembourg, quartier général du Luxembourg City Film Festival

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Le Casino, QG du Luxembourg City Film Festival  

Photo sur la bâche : Maia Flore, VU / Studio Welfringer

03 — 13.03.2022

Luxembourg City Film Festival

Le Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain est fier d’accueillir sous son toit le siège du Luxembourg City Film Festival et nombre de ses événements. Grâce à ce partenariat, nous espérons promouvoir davantage l’art du cinéma et ses liens intimes avec le monde de l’art contemporain. 

Pour la cinquième fois consécutive donc, nous rassemblons amateur·rice·s d’art et du 7e art autour d’une série d’événements, d’ateliers et de projections.

Retrouvez le programme complet du festival ici.

Fabien Giraud et Raphaël Siboni, 1759 – Mil troi cens quarante huyt. The Unmanned saison 1 épisode 6. Vidéo HD, 26 min. 2017. Courtesy les artistes. 

jusqu’au 21.03.2022
Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni
2045 –1542 (A History of Computation)

En guise de prélude de la prochaine exposition – The Everted Capital (Katabasis) des artistes français Fabien Giraud et Raphaël Siboni, du 02.04 au 04.09.2022 –, l’entièreté des huit vidéos composant la première saison de l’œuvre The Unmanned sera présentée dans les salles du rez-de-chaussée du Casino Luxembourg. 

Initié en 2014 lors d’une première exposition au Casino Luxembourg, The Unmanned est un projet au long cours sous la forme d’une série composée de trois saisons, qui propose une histoire de la technique qui n’est pas celle des instruments et des outils au service de la production humaine, mais une histoire de l’homme lui-même en tant que production technique. 

Remontant à rebours de l’histoire, les huit films de la première saison narrent la genèse de l’informatique en explorant l’invention du calcul moderne et les conséquences de son automatisation dans les machines. L’informatique s’y dévoile comme le produit d’une histoire complexe où se croisent les luttes ouvrières du 19e siècle (1834 – La Mémoire de Masse), les mouvements d’émancipation des femmes dans les années 1920 (1922 – The Uncomputable), le colonialisme européen du 16e siècle (1542 – a flood), ou encore l’homophobie institutionnelle dans l’Angleterre des années 1950 (1953 – The Outlawed).

En parallèle, le Casino Luxembourg a mis en place dans sa bibliothèque InfoLab une sélection d’ouvrages et de dossiers de presse sur The Unmanned, ainsi que la diffusion dans la Channelbox d’entretiens filmés avec les artistes. 

White Cube, 2020 (film still)

Mardi 08.03.2022, 19 h 00
White Cube

LIEU : Ciné Utopia, 16, avenue de la Faïencerie, L-1510 Luxembourg

Un film de l’artiste Renzo Martens

2020, 79 min, couleur
Langues : Lingala, français, anglais
Sous-titres en anglais et néerlandais

dans le cadre de la série « Cartes blanches & Collaborations artistiques »

Les visiteur·euse·s des temples de l’art moderne dans les grandes villes comme New York, Londres, Berlin, Dubaï ou Le Cap connaissent bien l’espace des galeries dit white cube.  Mais, lorsqu’il surgit au milieu d’une plantation d’huile de palme congolaise, l’effet est profondément désorientant. Par ailleurs, ce white cube attire l’attention sur les liens souvent négligés entre le colonialisme et le monde de l’art, par exemple, à travers les multinationales qui sponsorisent désormais fièrement ces musées souvent construits avec les bénéfices de la plantation. 

La construction d’un musée dans une ancienne plantation Unilever à Leverville, au Congo, fait partie du plan peu orthodoxe de l’artiste Renzo Martens pour relancer l’économie locale. Les anciens travailleur·euse·s de la plantation réalisent des sculptures qui sont reproduites en chocolat, puis exposées avec succès à New York. Les Congolais·e·s, dont la plupart gagnent un dollar ou moins par jour, utilisent les bénéfices de cette exposition pour racheter les terres qui leur ont été confisquées.

Du réalisateur de Enjoy Poverty (2008).

© Les Courtisans asbl

Samedi 12 et dimanche 13.03.2022, 11 h 00 – 19 h 00
Le parfait écrin du court-métrage

par Les Courtisans a.s.b.l.

Emplacement : espace « Aquarium » à l’intérieur du Casino Luxembourg

Depuis 2015, le Court-Toit, cette petite salle de cinéma itinérante voyage et pose ses bagages débordantes de petites pépites, à la campagne comme à la ville. À peine arrivée, elle étend ses parois de bois pour accueillir 5 spectateur·rice·s à la fois, et projette des courts-métrages du monde entier, bien à l’abri sous son toit déployé. Tous les thèmes et tous les genres y sont les bienvenus, fictions et documentaires, films expérimentaux et clips musicaux… 

Pour le dernier week-end du Luxembourg City Film Festival, le Court-Toit diffusera en continu une sélection de courts-métrages en lien avec la science-fiction.

Accès gratuit

Le Casino Luxembourg
est soutenu financièrement par 

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg
T 352 22 50 45
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2022 Casino Luxembourg – All rights reserved

[nadine] upcoming March 2022


10/03 – [dinA] Hibernation Picturale – happening by Chloé Schuiten & Clément Thiry
10/03 – [n0dine] PRÉ-AVIS – start of the project by Various Artists & nadine 

17/03 – [dinA] MOTA 11 – serious laughter with Martín Zícari 
28/03 – [dinA] RusClub #52 DAU. New Man (2020)


[dinA] Hibernation Picturale – happening by Chloé Schuiten & Clément Thiry
10/03 – 27/03 2022 – dinA

[EN] Chloé Schuiten & Clément Thiry organise a happening around their project Hibernation Picturale in dinA. The duo took care of “tired mattresses” on the street. Mattresses left to abandon, impregnated with the life scene of those who slept on them. The mattresses were cleaned and welcomed as a new source of dreams paintings and texts. 

[NL] Chloé Schuiten & Clément Thiry organiseren een happening rond hun project Hibernation Picturale in dinA. Het duo ontfermde zich over “vermoeide matrassen” op straat. Matrassen die werden achtergelaten, doordrenkt met de levensscènes van zij die erop sliepen. De matrassen werden schoongemaakt en verwelkomd als nieuwe bron van dromen, schilderijen en tekst. 

10/03/2022 : launch video, installation & publication from 18:00-21:00
11/03 – 27/03 : open by appointment, contact: 

dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels
more info:
image by Chloé Schuiten & Clément Thiry

[n0dine] PRÉ-AVIS – start of the project by Various Artists & nadine 
10/03 – 10/04 2022 – n0dine

[EN] nadine and Various Artists organise PRÉ-AVIS, a group show in n0dine. It will function as a visualization and a survey of the future structurally subsidised landscape within the Flemish arts sector. 

[NL] nadine en Various Artists organiseren PRÉ-AVIS, een groepstentoonstelling in n0dine die een visualisatie en een overzicht biedt van het toekomstige structureel gesubsidieerde landschap binnen het Vlaamse kunstenlandschap.

10/03/2022 : start of the project
07/04 – 10/04 : vernissage

n0dine, Rue de Laekensestraat 105, 1000 Brussels
more info:

[dinA] MOTA 11 – serious laughter with Martín Zícari
17/03/2022 – dinA

[EN] MOTA 000 is a series of nomadic conversations in Brussels criss-crossing and connecting the city’s artists through their shared questions and inquiries. The next topic that will be addressed is ‘serious laughter’, with Martín Zícari.

[NL] MOTA 000 is een reeks nomadische conversaties in Brussel die kunstenaars uit de stad verbindt via gedeelde vragen en onderzoek. De volgende conversatie gaat over ‘serious laughter’, met Martín Zícari. 

dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels
more info :

MOTA at Workspace Brussels, image by MOTA

[RusClub #52] DAU. New Man by Ilya Khrzhanovsky & Ilya Permyakov
28/03/2022 – dinA

[EN] RusClub is a platform for Russian cinema. Alexandra Dementieva selects Russian movies and guides you through the history of Russian cinema.

[NL] RusClub is een platform voor Russische cinema. Alexandra Dementieva gidst het publiek doorheen de geschiedenis van de Russische cinema aan de hand van geselecteerde films.

dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels
more info:

nadine is supported by:
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Mobiel Brussel van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

dinA / Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf / Brussel 1000 Bruxelles

INC Newsletter March 2021


INC Newsletter March 2022

In this March newsletter, we have an open call for anyone affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine to send in notes, reports, reflections or anything else connected to the war zone. We also update you on our new posts and publications. As always you can order our physical publications we have in stock for free on our website. Scroll down for more…

Open Call – Amplifying Voices from Inside the Ukrainian War Zone

The Institute of Network Cultures is in solidarity with those affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine. We are open to any form of reflections, tactical tools, notes, witness material and reports from or connected to the war zone. INC wants to amplify the artistic, activist, academic and critical voices of all those influenced by the Russian attacks. Please send an email to 

Please read these submitted diary entry and reflections below

Dispatches from the Place of Imminence by Svitlana Matviyenko
February 12-13, 2022

The war, they say, is scheduled on Wednesday, February 16th. It tells a lot.

I do not think the full-scale invasion will happen. The Western media escalate the panic, which did not made sense to me at first, but now it seems they are doing it strategically, to deliver a message to one person only, P. continue reading…

On Small and Big History, Reflections from a Sleepless Night by Yuliya Yurchuk
The third sleepless night. I badly want to check on my father, but what if he is peacefully sleeping and I will just rob him this ultimate joy – sleep? I am taking notes instead.

Yesterday night, last time I spoke with my father, it was totally dark on my telephone’s screen. He could see me on the camera but I could hardly see his contours. It should be dark everywhere inside, when it is dark outside. In this way, the planes will not realize that there are inhabited houses below them and hopefully won’t send their missiles on you. continue reading…

Read more about Ukraine


In the Time of Refuge. A Collection of Writings and Reflections on Art, Disaster and Communities


In this timely collection of essays and artistic works, we gain a spherical perspective on the role of the arts in addressing the challenge of climate change through the concept of refuge. This book follows from a pioneering five-year program of artistic experimentation and community action called Refuge in which artists… continue reading

Hacking Art


The art of hacking. What does that mean? There are a lot of books with titles such as “The Art of <your topic here>”, however, interestingly, very few of them go down the art path. They mostly concentrate on technical details and describe different technologies, methods and techniques.

Deep technical analyses are interesting , but a philosophical and artistic perspectives often lacks. If “Art” is used in your title this is a missed opportunity to reflect on the artistic possibilities that arise from technology… continue reading

No Shot Like Screenshot: Banal, Sublime and Dangerous


Computational devices such as computers and smartphones give us an easy way of preserving the contents of their screens for myriad of purposes through screenshotting. Whether screenshotting serves a creative, documentational or even a surveilling purpose, it represents in Jacob Gaboury’s words, “one of the many vernacular computational practices, in that there is a great deal of variance in how they are used, modified, and disseminated.” continue reading

INC Books

You can order a free paper copy of our latest publications:

  • INC Reader #15 Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image 
  • VideoVortex Reader III 
  • Let’s Get Physical. A Sample of INC Longforms.
  • Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

Order here 


Time Is an Unrenewable Resource – And You Know How We Are With Those

By Maria van der Togt

What Do You Meme? An Evening About Memes and Mental Health

By Laurence Scherz

Pulsations of Dis/information: Diary of Kateryna Kobzdar from Lviv, Ukraine

By Kateryna Kobzdar

desk-talk #5 / Derrick de Kerckhove

By @lbert Figurt

On platformization permeation: intersectionalists perspectives from India

By Gianmarco Cristofari

A Poem about Suggested Reactions
By Maisa Imamovic

Latest Version of the Sad by Design/We Are Not Sick Performance
By Geert Lovink

Q&A with Business Consultant Maik Baumgaertner
By Geert Lovink

Stop Being Reasonable: On Nonviolence in Social Media Comment Wars  
By Chloë Arkenbout

intermission museum of art newsletter | march 2022

upcoming exhibition

opening 07 march 2022

deanna lee + kirsten nash

ima is proud to present matter-of-fact, featuring the collaborative work of deanna lee and kirsten nash.  this exhibition represents the second artist exchange of ima’s volume ii series.  matter-of-fact opens on 07 march and will be featured through 25 april 2022.

ima will hold a virtual reception on monday, 07 march, 7–8pm et/us for an opportunity to drop in and meet the artists.

ima | matter-of-fact reception
07 march 2022, 7-8p et/us

meeting info: id | 814 7633 3894 / passcode | MAT4FAC7
OR use the button directly below

join the reception

matter-of-fact explores the intersection of the collaborators’ individual studio practices through the concept of collage.  this method of working offered lee and nash the opportunity to play with and navigate the potential of digital video as a way to bring together expressions of their respective and overlapping interests and ideas.  the resulting experimental encounters and gestures manifest a conversation, and the works embody a practice of interactions and contributions that bring together bits and pieces: elements, views, influences, inspirations, and interpretations, of the surrounding landscape and of direct and mediated experiences of the material and immaterial world.

press release | card

future exhibitions

02 may – 19 june 2022
i am the river, the river is me |
christina battle + samanta batra mehtra

27 june – 14 august 2022
specious reasoning |
jeffrey martín + david mccormick

in case you missed it…

10 january – 27 february 2022
ghostly matters |
alice wilson + neja tomšič

view exhibition | press release | card

about ima

intermission museum of art (ima) was founded in 2020 by rose van mierlo and john ros, in response to the cultural, social, environmental, economic and political fissures that make themselves evermore present during times of crisis and put stress on accepted systems of operation.  ima provides a space for critical thinkers to respond to these moments of friction by investigating them as meaningful sites of production, instigating dialogues which will culminate in a public archive.

ima’s name references the question of open space: the flipping movement of a hand searching through archives, gaps in the pavement, performance interludes, tv-commercials, coffee breaks and silent pauses; all moments of unpoliced disruption that are typically un-institutional.  at its core, ima therefore proposes the museum as a site of uncertainty; a building without walls; a non-hierarchical collection of interdisciplinary narratives and voices; both a guest and a host; and an exercise in cross-pollination.  it resists the architectural premise of power that underwrites the white cube, democratizing the exhibition in terms of access. instead, its architectural premise is that of lateral networks; its vision decentralized and participatory.

copyright © 2022 intermission museum of art, all rights reserved.
you are receiving this email because you have either opted in via our website, or have been added because you have a connection to one of our founders, rose van mierlo or john ros.

intermission museum of art

43-01 22nd street #348

long island city, ny 11101

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