Michael Guttman Tango Quartet concert I Wednesday 27 April at 7.30pm

This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Thursday 14 Apr → Wednesday 20 Apr

Opening next week
Thursday 21 Apr → Wednesday 27 Apr

Thu 21.04 — 16:00

Thu 21.04 — 17:00

Thu 21.04 — 18:00

Wed 27.04 — 17:00

Wed 27.04 — 17:00

Wed 27.04 — 18:00

Last week & installation views I How she spins I Raffaela Naldi Rossano, Giuseppe Desiato, Le Nemesiache I a project by Sonia D’Alto

Damien & The Love Guru

Installation view 

Raffaela Naldi Rossano, Giuseppe Desiato and Le Nemesiache
How she spins
curated by Sonia D’Alto

‘How she spins’ will be on view until 16. April 2022 


Installation view 

 Installation view 

Installation view 

Giuseppe Desiato, Untitled, 1969, mixed media on canvas backed-paper, 38 x 24,5 cm
framed: 42 x 28,2 x 4 cm
courtesy of Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi

Giuseppe Desiato, Untitled, 1969, mixed media on canvas backed-paper, 38 x 24,5 cm
framed: 42 x 28,2 x 4 cm
courtesy of Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi

Raffaela Naldi Rossano, 15. Never ending fear – VAGINA DENTATA (the illusion of being one with you), 2021-2022
cotton paper from Amalfi, mirror, glass, sea water, organic elements, black ink, 28 x 37 x 3,5 cm

Raffaela Naldi Rossano, 08. Two sirens together (a chair on Hydra), 2021
cotton paper from Amalfi, mirror, glass, sea water, organic elements, black ink, 26 x 34 x 3,5 cm

Raffaela Naldi Rossano, 05. Tinos / Athens – Touching your hips (sunlight from your eyes), 2021
cotton paper from Amalfi, mirror, glass, sea water, organic elements, black ink, 60 x 40 x 3,5 cm

Raffaela Naldi Rossano, 23. Y – Neapolis Androgena, 2020
cotton paper from Amalfi, mirror, glass, sea water, organic elements, black ink, 83 x 60 x 3,5 cm


Mousse Magazine 

Instituto Svizerro – Milano
‘UNDOMESTICATED VOICES’ a joint exhibition by Raffaela Naldi Rossano and Lara Dâmaso


How She Spins brings together a selection of works that share a performative practice addressing language as a form of rebellion and ceremonial celebration. The modern mythology and cartography of the artist is replaced by de-egoisated subjectivities, geographically deriving from the coasts and the city of Naples, whilst belonging to multiple existences. Dedicated to the practice of Raffaela Naldi Rossano and expanded through a dialogue with works by Giuseppe Desiato and Le Nemesiache, the exhibition project explores possibilities to revisit and rewrite narratives and mythologies of modernity, with thanks to ritual and spiritual interventions. Raffaela Naldi Rossano (1990, Naples) has founded her practice at the intersection of post-historical narratives, magical language and the rewriting of Mediterranean mythology, breaking down the bonds of language and logic of secularised power. Her work evokes a political and spiritual confabulation based on gestures, stories, and the recovery and invention of symbols, bodies and objects. Oracular fortellings, divinations, regressive hypnosis, and ephemeral actions inform her practice on display, which dialogues with the intimate and ritualistic artistic practices of others that focus on sinking the nature of existence in the transformation; a perpetual contrast with a fixed identity. Giuseppe Desiato (1935, Naples) embodies the rejection of the artist’s identity by playing the role of a popular storyteller, embracing the events of the everyday. In his work Desiato addresses tales of the past and present life within the limits of acceptability from the system of social languages. Le Nemesiache collective, founded by the philosopher, artist and writer Lina Mangiacapre in 1970, embeds mythological methodologies in feminism. The group proposes a different perspective on the relationship with the world of ‘work and the economy’, working together to create multidisciplinary projects involving rewriting, revisiting and re-staging of old storytellings in order to invoke ancestors, beings and entities. In this regard, the exhibition project adopts a transhistorical approach that experiments with temporalities. The constellation of drawings and moving images that traverse the space of the gallery articulate an emanation of multiple realities, through works of a pluralized ‘I’, of a doubling ‘me’. The title of the exhibition, How She Spins refers to a tarot card(1), Wheel of Time. This card bears the number 23, symbolically resonating with the multiple meanings within Naldi Rossano’s site specific drawing installation for the show(2) and the process of care and weaving that characterises both her drawing and her work in general. The 23 drawings on salt-washed paper are realised through ritual materiality and composed of symbols and secret codes. In the space, they compose the script of a divination: traces of purification and initiation for different and alternative forms of worlding. The drawings are an attempt to create an alphabet whose narration agency is inscribed in the body unconsciously: signs of a script that would like to overcome the space and time paradigm of our culture. Symbols and traces from the drawings not only seek a different language and world, but embody the strength of intuitive desire, moving toward the unspeakable. Every drawing, immersed in sea salt water resonates with personal, solitary and collective rituals. Created on cotton paper from Amal, sprinkled with organic materials such as sand and mended in a continuous gesture of repairing and transforming, the work is placed and framed on mirrors. Since ancient times, water and reflective surfaces have been considered a source of magical power and prophetic visions. Additionally, the mirror suggests a sense of relationality, like the mutual existential transformation that guides the gesture and the forming of their being. In the same spatial script, Giuseppe Desiato’s works on paper reveal the chromatic and formal refined care of his work. The tension doesn’t renounce joy nor vitality of an erotic and mystic process of creation. His drawings unfold ancestral contradictions and sensibility eradicated in Mediterranean culture, emanating poetical and political sensation from and beyond its cultural limits. With Desiato as with Le Nemesiache, Naldi Rossano shares ephemeral processes, expressed by ritualistic components of their works, articulating an attempt to overcome the power and social structure through symbolic and sacred elements. Temporal and subjective rhythms of bodies are presented through artworks in a way that destabilises the rational register and restructures the system of language and power on which it is built. In the film ‘Le Sibille’(3) Le Nemesiache presents a ritual to disclose an archaic and mythic past to denounce the historic and present violence suffered by women and to express the consciousness of the environment’s and social anomalies. The Sibyls, mythical and allegorical figures, are chosen as a symbol for their ability to predict the future, embodying insurrectional spirituality and ritual celebration. The women’s bodies, the landscape and props of the film, present poetry through rituals embodied practice wholly distinct from the linear structure of our language. Naldi Rossano mirrors a different path, wheeling a journey that crosses the sea and its islands, chasing the powerfully charged origins of arcaich (pre-classic) rituals around the mediterranean sea, which disrupted the conventional idea of domesticity and social convention. The divination already reflects another vision: “La casa sarà sempre la chimera, basa il tuo istinto sull’incontro”(4). A metal fence(5), whose surface gathers messages, continues to link to the body and the unconscious. The irrational, emotional and magical sphere become the insurrection to language and cultural norms influencing the will for the subject to escape from the sense system. The encounter over the railing is a ‘Chimera’, a female monstrosity:

I am Medusa, one of many monsters, one of the unacknowledged sovereigns […] Formidable Gorgon.

I am she. She, me. My sisters, Stheno and Euryale, howl with ferocity and mourning and rage. We are.

Monster Women. So many many many more of us. My sisters. My kin(6)

Historical narratives and classical fiction are reversed and readdressed by a plurality of voices: the sound of waves, the echo of many waters, the voices of different sirens, the seduction of mythical figures. She spins the wheel, poetically. She has become an autobiographical fragment, whose desires and uncertainty crash on the shores of a city to be re-found from the source. Parallels and sundials mingle with a new language, ceremonially infused. Oppressive structures of meaning and narration inscribed within the language have been refused. She is becoming a ‘prophet of the present’(7), lying beyond the realm of information and exceeding a linguistic map(8) emerging from spiritual communication and generating imaginative possibilities. Within this realm of imaginary and sacred languages, she spins multifarious possibilities of meanings. Becoming is a trace of existence and an affirmation of erotic and mystic power, changing the present modes of perception and representation, transcending the existing hegemony. Prophecy is not a prediction of the future, but an awareness of what is not recognised or perceived.


Text by Sonia D’Alto


  1. Tarot cards from a system of divination of the Tantric tradition. Crafted by artist Penny Slinger, the cards are a mirroring device that evokes subtle memories, sentiments, desires and fears.
  2. The number 23 is used here to propose a score, mirroring many meanings. The divination of the 23rd tarot card is to locate oneself in the position of the spinner, indicating the need to transform the world. 23 is also the number of the letters from the Latin alphabet, the number of chromosomes that determine human sexuality, the number which the old Egyptian calendar started with. In this regard, 23 as reference to androgyny that relates to the possibility of recomposing the original male/female laceration, also introduces the possibility of overcoming polar division and sexual repression.
  3. The film was awarded Best Direction at the Trieste Science Fiction Festival. Venice Biennale 1987. Cannes Film Festival 1981. First Feminist International Film & Video Amsterdam.
  4. ‘Home will always be the chimera, base your instincts on encounters’.
  5. CET 14°13‘55.78“E 40°50‘9.53“N is a metal railing made in 2021 for the terrace of Residency 80121, the experimental platform founded by the artist in Naples. Naldi Rossano also works with architectural and domestic conventions and norms. Its’ surface is inscribed with a code of symbols, articulating possibilities beyond the household language, as a further rebellious proposal to change conventions we inhabit.
  6. Hélène Cixous, ‘The Laugh of the Medusa’, trans. by Keith Cohen and Paula Cohen, in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1.4 (1976).
  7. Hélène Cixous, L‘indiade ou l‘Inde de leurs rêves,Théâtre du Soleil éditions Théâtrales, Paris, 1987
  8. Federico Campagna, Prophetic Culture, Recreation for Adolescent, Bloomsbury, London/New York, 2021.

Raffaela Naldi Rossano (b. 1990, Naples) lives and works in Naples, Italy. Her installations integrate sculptures, moving image, sound, group experiences and poetry, and are conceived as in-between spaces where meaning around hidden and suppressed histories, individual or collective, is recreated and exposed. Through them, she aims to pursue a breakdown of the architectural environment and a feminist reappropriation of space and landscape, in a poetic articulation of the territory.

She is currently working on an ongoing research and film project, entitled ‘Tessitura/Warp’, which revolves around the myth of the Siren Parthenope—the founding myth of the city of Naples—utilised here as an open vessel of meaning and desire, a space for shared narration and relationship. In her grandmother’s home in Naples, she established Resi- dency 80121, an ongoing renovation and transformative project to host others to inhabit the space and create alternative ways of being together. Raffaela Naldi Rossano is one of the participating artists in the 2020 edition of Quadriennale D’Arte, Rome, curated by Sarah Cosulich and Stefano Collicelli Cagol. Among her recent exhibitions: ‘Utopia Distopia: il mito del progresso partendo dal Sud’, curated by Kathryn Weir, Madre, Naples (2021); ’There is no Time to Enjoy the Sun’, Fondazione Morra Greco, Naples (2021); ‘Waves between Us’, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Guarene; ‘I Confess’, curated by Chus Martinez, der TANK, Basel (2019); ‘Doing Deculturalization’, Museion, Bolzano (2019); ‘Partenope’, Aetopoulos, Athens (2019); ‘May the Bridges I Burn’, Manifesta, Palermo (2018).


Giuseppe Desiato (b. 1935, Naples) lives and works in Naples. Intimately linked to his city, he has lived its popular culture but also entered the international debate thanks to frequent associations with Fluxus and Viennese Actionists. Desiato stands out for his deeply transgressive practice. Despite his approach being far removed from the art market and its dynamics, from the 1970s onward he came into occasional contact with historic galleries, most of which are no longer active today but were at the time closely allied to body and performance art. A first retrospective exhibition was dedicated to him on the occasion of Manifesta 7 (2008). Recently, his work was included in the group exhibition Tutto. Perspectives on Italian Art, Museion, Bolzano (2018), and Sammlung Goetz, Munich (2019). A solo exhibition of his work curated by Elena Re was recently presented at Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin (2021).

Le Nemesiache taking their name from Nemesis, the Greek goddess of revenge against the masculine Hubris, Le Nemesiache was a group and a political reality who embedded mythological methodologies in feminism. Founded by philosopher, artist and writer Lina Mangiacapre in 1970, they have been active in Naples for many decades from the 1970s through their militant engagement and artistic practice ranging from performance to activism, from films to poetry, costumes to colleges and from theater to music, blurring the lines between art and politics. Their approach was always addressing history and landscape issues, activated through a radical spirit of solidarity. Rooted within the struggles of women who have resisted colonisation, their ritualistic practice was entangled with the sensibility of harmony and beauty in regard to the archaeological ruins and the landscape of the Neapolitan territory. As they themselves wrote in 1981, the references to the mythical past of Naples were not a nostalgic gesture but a way to “reject the reduction of an entire civilization, such as the Neapolitan one, to the folklore and subcultural status in which it has been confined. Feminism in Naples was born from Naples and its roots, from the reality of the struggles of women who have never allowed themselves to be colonized and will continue—alongside men, and sometimes against or simply distant to them—, the story of the life of HARMONY, to revenge all the violence that has been done to Naples; to the SIBYLS, to life, to Beauty.” (Statement, 1981). In 2020, the activity of Le Nemesiache was rediscovered and presented in the exhibition From the Volcano to the Sea. The Feminist Group Le Nemesiache in 1970s and 1980s Naples curated by Giulia Damiani in dialogue with Sara Giannini (Curator, If I Can’t Dance) and Arnisa Zeqo (Artistic Director, Rongwrong) at If I Can’t Dance, in Amsterdam.



Christiane Blattmann 
The Law
4. February – 30. April 2022
Damien & The Love Guru


Anne Fellner
duo show with Alessandro Carano
Depth of Field 
29. March – 7 May 2022
Castiglioni in collaboration with Damien & The Love Guru 

Christiane Blattmann 
Sharon Van Overmeiren 
Sour Well
group show with Henrik Potter
12. March – 30. April 2022 
Nir Altman 

Anne Fellner
Energy Patterns 
group show 
16. February – 23. April 2022
Galerie Tobias Naehring 

Emanuele Marcuccio
D’Après Cavenago
suns.works / Damien & The Love Guru 

Jannis Marwitz
La réforme de Pooky 
19. February – 8. May 2022
group show with Fabienne Audéoud, Sarah Benslimane, Elise Corpataux, Gritli Faulhaber, Sophie Gogl, Jasmine Gregory, Nanami Hori, Tom Humphreys, Marc Kokopeli, Matthew Langan-Peck, Sophie Reinhold, Marta Riniker-Radich, Christoph de Rohan Chabot, Thomas Sauter, Grégory Sugnaux, SoiL Thornton, Amanda del Valle, Jiajia Zhang
curated by Grégory Sugnaux, Paolo Baggi and Nicolas Brulhart
Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

Jasmin Werner 
Stufen zur Kunst 
11. March 2022 – March 2023
Kunstverein Hannover

Emanuele Marcuccio
Der Radwechsel
30. March – 30.April 2022
group show with Jenna Bliss, Noémie Degen/Simon Jaton, Martin Ebner, Georgia Gardner Gray, Julia Haller, Sveta Mordovskaya, Matthias Noggler, Lukas Posch, Allen Ruppersberg, Michael E. Smith, Joanna Woś, Steffen Zillig
curated by Lukas Posch
Universitätsgalerie im Heiligenkreuzerhof


Magnus Andersen
Readers Remedy
26. April – 2. July 2022
Damien & The Love Guru

Vanessa Disler 
Anastasia Pavlou
shared booth with Hot Wheels Athens
28 April – 1 May 2022
Discovery section
Art Brussels 

Vanessa Disler 
Opening 13. May 2022
Damien & The Love Guru 


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Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Zollikerstrasse 249
8008 Zürich
by appointment

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BY ASSOCIATION | Project: ‘Etchings’ by Paul Thek

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Paul Thek: Etchings
13/04 – 30/06/2022

Paul Thek, Untitled (14 plates), 1975/92, Etching on handmade Twinrocker paper, estate stamped, 66 x 50,8 cm (paper), 70 x 54 cm (framed), Edition of 25 (numbered in pencil 1/25 – 25/25) + 6 artist’s proofs

Jan Mot is delighted to present “Paul Thek: Etchings”. These works were part of Thek’s solo exhibition at the gallery in 2019. The series of etchings was posthumously printed after finding a number of copper plates in Paul Thek’s New York storage in 1989, one year after his death. Images include a campfire, a balloon, a prune, a one-eyed potato, a tarbaby and a sequential triptych of a glowing heart rising above the Earth. All these subjects appear in contemporaneous paintings on newspaper or bronzes but only two of the etchings themselves were produced and exhibited during the artist’s lifetime.

Informed by the galleries’ programming, BY ASSOCIATION offers the discovery of artworks and artist publications that are available for purchase. BY ASSOCIATION also host events and projects curated by the member galleries.

For updates, please visit by-association.online and subscribe to the newsletter here.

Currently available on BY ASSOCIATION:

Jan Mot

Sven Augustijnen
Pierre Bismuth
Andrea Büttner
Manon de Boer
Mario Garcia Torres
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
Joachim Koester
David Lamelas
Jonathan Monk
Seth Siegelaub / Egress Foundation
Paul Thek
Philippe Thomas
Tris Vonna-Michell
Ian Wilson

Hollybush Gardens

Johanna Billing
Andrea Büttner
Knut Henrik Henriksen
Lubaina Himid
Claire Hooper
Claudette Johnson
Eline McGeorge
Bruno Pacheco
Falke Pisano
Ruth Proctor
Charlotte Prodger
Reto Pulfer
Anne Tallentire

Current exhibition:

Jan Mot
02/04 – 21/05
Johanna Billing
Each Moment Presents What Happens

invited by Hollybush Gardens, London

Jan Mot
Petit Sablon / Kleine Zavel 10
1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 514 10 10

Wednesday till Friday 2 – 6.30 pm
Saturday 12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

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Derniers jours ! Croisement(s) – appel à contributions – Facettes n°8


Cher·e·s contributeurs et contributrices,
il ne vous reste plus que quelques jours pour nous envoyer vos contributions !

au 22 avril pour les FOCUS et les DOSSIERS
et au 20 mai pour les CARTES BLANCHES

FACETTES est un espace de collaboration, de débat et de recherche de la scène artistique transfrontalière franco-belge (Hauts-de-France, Wallonie – Bruxelles).

Éditée par 50° nord réseau transfrontalier d’art contemporain, cette revue annuelle et gratuite examine les données et enjeux de la création contemporaine dans le champ des arts plastiques et visuels. Chaque numéro est l’occasion de s’interroger sur une thématique, de l’explorer sous différentes perspectives, de porter des regards croisés sur ce qui fait l’actualité de l’art.

FACETTES affirme l’exigence de son contenu dans la multiplicité des approches et des points de vue. Artistes, critiques d’art, commissaires, universitaires, jeunes chercheur·euse·s et autres acteur·trice·s du monde de l’art sur la scène eurorégionale et européenne, contribuent ainsi au développement de la revue.


La figure de l’artiste véhicule de nombreuses idées préconçues, parmi lesquelles le mythe de l’artiste solitaire. Celui·celle qui crée seul·e dans son atelier, en dehors de toute réalité ; en dehors de tout contact avec le monde et les autres corps de métier.

La nouvelle édition de la revue FACETTES invite à déconstruire ces images et à envisager l’art contemporain comme un terrain de transversalité(s). D’une certaine manière, la territorialité en tant que donnée géographique et technique, est tremblante.

Ainsi on observe des glissements, des hybridations entre les différentes techniques et les différents gestes, au profit d’une création interdisciplinaire. S’émancipant de la scission entre artisanat et art, de plus en plus d’artistes contemporain·e·s s’entourent d’artisan·e·s pour réaliser, apprendre, faire ensemble. Cette collaboration amène à des croisements entre les statuts d’artiste, d’artisan·e, d’amateur·trice ; où le partage de connaissances et de savoir-faire semble acquérir un statut équivalent, sinon avoisinant, celui de la restitution finale de la démarche créatrice. En d’autres termes, le processus est aussi important que “l’œuvre”. Il n’en reste pas moins que la création artistique s’envisage comme le fruit d’une rencontre et de négociations (parfois contraintes ou contraignantes) entre des protagonistes aux aspirations et stratégies diverses, qu’il s’agisse des publics, des commanditaires ou des professionnel·le·s de la culture.

La question du glissement se retrouve aussi dans sa définition spatiale et géographique. Les artistes contemporain·e·s se tournent de plus en plus vers les territoires ruraux. Logique de décentralisation ou volonté de créer dans un environnement différent ? En plus d’une conscience écologique et sociale avérée en milieu rural, cette tendance pourrait aussi s’expliquer par une échelle de production et de diffusion plus petites et plus satisfaisantes humainement.

Quelles frictions demeurent dans ce processus de dépassement des cadres jusqu’alors établis ? Quels facteurs empêchent la porosité entre ces territoires géographiques et disciplinaires hybrides nouvellement conquis ? À quels endroits la rencontre ne peut avoir lieu ? Quels potentiels créatifs peuvent naître de la rencontre de ces différents mondes ?


Au regard de la situation extrêmement difficile vécu par le peuple ukrainien aujourd’hui, au premier rang duquel les artistes, les commissaires d’exposition, les critiques et tou·te·s les professionnel·le·s de l’art contemporain – le comité de rédaction de la revue FACETTES a décidé de réserver aux artistes, critiques, commissaires, ukrainien·ne·s – qu’ils·elles soient en exil ou qu’ils·elles aient décidé de rester sur place – une carte blanche, un focus et un dossier pour permettre l’expression de le liberté et contre la tentative d’effacement de la culture ukrainienne par le gouvernement russe.

Télécharger l’appel à contribution

(Re)-découvrez la revue n°7


Contributeur·trice·sLucien Bitaux, Johan Fernandes, Antoinette Jattiot, Antoine Liebaert, Raya Lindberg, Élodie Merland, duo ORAN, Anne-Émilie Philippe, Fabien Pinaroli, Collectif Polynome, Karin Schlageter, Eliza Sys, Élise Vandewalle.

Réseau transfrontalier d’art contemporain

9 RUE DU CIRQUE – B.P. 10103

+33 (0)6 07 31 14 51

Graphisme : Yann Linsart – The Viewer Studio

50° nord est membre du CIPAC et du collectif HF Hauts-de-France

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9 Rue du Cirque
BP 10103

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Mykki Blanco & Samuel Acevedo – 14 April 2022 8pm



Mykki Blanco & Samuel Acevedo 

14 April 2022 – 8pm

We are turning the bookshop into


free entrance!

Rue de flandre 114 Vlaamsesteenweg
1000 Brussels, Belgium

+32 487 13 65 72

Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 7pm
& On appointment

Website  –  Facebook  –  Instagram

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IKOB – Feminist Art Prize 2022 | Deadline 24. April

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Unsere Öffnungszeiten über Ostern

Karfreitag, Karsamstag und Ostersonntag: 13-18 Uhr geöffnet
Ostermontag: geschlossen 

Nutzen Sie die Feiertage für einen Besuch im IKOB!

01.05.2022, 16 Uhr
Künstlergespräch mit Reinhard Doubrawa

Reinhard Doubrawa, Receiver, 2014. Jackett, Schablonenbeschriftung, Lackspray. © der Künstler

Anlässlich seiner aktuellen Ausstellung im IKOB, ein Gespräch mit dem Künstler Reinhard Doubrawa. Neben seiner derzeit ausgestellten Installation DIE GANZE WELT SAMMLUNG TEIL1 werden die übergreifenden Ideen und Konzepte seiner künstlerischen Praxis sowie frühere Arbeiten thematisiert.

Für mehr Informationen und Anmeldung, hier klicken.

Aktuelle Ausstellungen im IKOB

Bis 05.06.2022
Kristina Benjocki
At sunset we retreat once again, up the hill, to where we can watch the skeins of water reflect colours we’ve never seen before
Bis 29.05.2022
Reinhard Doubrawa


Ausschreibung bis 24.04.2022

Helen Anna Flanagan, Gestures of Anatomy, 2019. Still from the video. 13′. Courtesy and © of the artist.

Der IKOB – Feministische Kunstpreis soll künstlerischen Stimmen Gehör verschaffen, die in der zeitgenössischen Kunstwelt und in der Gesellschaft insgesamt weniger Gewicht haben. Anstatt nach künstlerischen Praktiken zu suchen, die in die Kategorie einer vorgegebenen Definition von Feminismus passen, stellt der Preis die offene Frage, was Feminismus in all seinen Formen für heute arbeitende Künstler:innen bedeuten könnte. Ausgehend von dieser Neugierde laden wir Künstler:innen aus Belgien, den Niederlanden, Deutschland und Luxemburg ein, sich für den Preis zu bewerben, deren Arbeiten uns dazu anregen, die Realität, in der wir leben, neu zu denken.

Für mehr Informationen über den Preis und zur Bewerbung, hier klicken.

IKOB x Meakusma
Finissage Kristina Benjocki | Vernissage Nika Schmitt | Konzerte und DJ-sets

Tickets ab sofort im Vorverkauf.

Weitere Infos findet Ihr auch auf unseren digitalen Kanälen.

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Rotenberg 12b
4700 Eupen
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Art does not need a common language, it is international by itself.
The Network of 11 art institutions of the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. Supported by Euregio Maas-Rhein

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C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

Marina Markovic, The Void, 15’ video loop, 2016



Kunstlicht vol. 43 (2022), no. 3-4  
Deadline: April 18
Guest Editor: the editorial team

As a group of people who work intimately with words, we began inspecting this sentence. On closer examination, it appeared an oxymoron. And then not really; after all, even love requires work and continued effort. When love enters a labour-centred sentence – “I love my job,” “I love what I do for a living,” “it is a labour of love,” “I love writing/editing/being creative” – the work is made innate.  Alarm bells of warnings against capitalism’s tendency to consume even our free time and inner emotional energy go off. Against such alarms, we want to question if there is such a thing as a ‘labour of love’. 

We throw the ball to you; what is a ‘labour of love’? What consequences does the entanglement of the two have? What drives us to accept jobs that forgo adequate monetary compensation for the work we do, only to be ‘paid’ in exposure, experience, or emotional fulfilment? We decided to focus this issue exactly on labour and labourers of love; those whose jobs require the practice of care and compassion, those working fields that demand employing a repertoire of feelings, as well as those whose passion is also their job. Acknowledging the juxtaposition of the phrase, we want to respond to both ends of the spectrum; what’s the love in labour and what’s the labour in love?

Proposals (200-300 words) with attached résumés and related image material can be submitted until 18 April 2021 via 


Buy our latest issue “SÜNYA” NOW

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Op ontdekkingsreis door het collectieve onbewuste

Invitation au vernissage Miguel Sbastida



Miguel Sbastida

High Tide

Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au vernissage de la première exposition personnelle de Miguel Sbastida à la galerie le mercredi 27 avril de 17h00 à 21H00 en présence de l’artiste.

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of Miguel Sbastidas first personal exhibition at the gallery at the gallery on Wednesday April 27 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the presence of the artist.




Looking forward to seeing you all


Rue de la Concorde, 31
B–1050 Brussels

Oscillation 2022 Bulletin ::: episode 1

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Oscillation Bulletin ::: episode 1
8 April

Dear all – our full festival program is online!

Right now, you are reading the very first sentence of this year’s series of Oscillation Bulletins. The next three weeks, many more will follow, and will keep you regularly updated about our Oscillation ::: Public Address Festival.

The website and full festival program are online now, available in English, Nederlands and français. The sending of this bulletin also marks the official start of the ticket sales, both for the workshops as for the festival. Be sure to take your time to discover our new website, the designers and web developers at OSP made us feel rather proud about it.

After two years of remote festival versions, it’s about time to meet each other again; the concerts, sound walks, talks and workshops will all be spread throughout Brussels. Our hosts for this year are the ever nice Decoratelier near our base in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, and Atoma and Zonneklopper in Vorst/Forest. Fully in line with the focus of this edition, the surrounding public spaces of these locations will also be used.

So, time to dig deeply in our program and discover what artists like RYBN, Enrico Malatesta & Attila Faravelli, David Helbich, Jasmine Guffond, Kate Carr, Mariam Rezaei, Marta De Pascalis, Matana Roberts, DJ Marcelle, Thomas Ankersmit, Collective Actions Group, Pak Yan Lau & Amber Meulenijzer and many more have to offer for you. This year’s workshops are held by Margherita Brillada (Radiophonix), Lia Mazzari (Whip Cracking), Elena Biserna (Feminist Steps), Alisa Oleva (A Listening Walkshop), Attila Faravelli  (Aural Tools), and walks by RYBN, Alisa Oleva and Jérôme Giller.

To contribute a performance to the The Open Mic Night on Friday 29/4, please send a 1 paragraph proposal, as well as technical requirements to acoustic, limited to a single microphone or able to be installed direct-to-mixer without sound check (‘plug and play’). Performers will receive a ticket to the festival for Friday 29/4 and drink vouchers.

Kind regards,

The Oscillation Crew

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With the kind support of Needcompany, citydev.brussels, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.

Opening 💥 Lucy Raven – Another Dull Day 💥 Open Call for Residents

EN     FR      NL

At last, another festive opening night at WIELS! Join us on Tuesday 26 April as of 19:00 for the opening of the new exhibition by Lucy Raven.

Artist and filmmaker Lucy Raven makes us look elsewhere. In order to understand our current landscape, she encourages us to look below, behind or beyond. Her solo exhibition Another Dull Day observes the properties of extreme pressure and material state changes in the context of the Western United States of America. In the vastness of the desert, Raven scrutinizes what is usually overlooked: gravel pits, nuclear testing sites, ballistics ranges—contemporary settler industries hidden in plain sight.

The exhibition at WIELS features two large film installations: the premiere of Demolition of a Wall (Album 2), and Ready Mix, recently commissioned by Dia Art Foundation in New York. These are shown alongside a new body of photographic work titled Socorro!.  

All exhibitions open until 21:00 (welcome without registration)
DJ + Bar + Foodtruck until 23:30




We kick off the opening of Lucy Raven’s exhibition Another Dull Day with a conversation between the artist and curator Helena Kritis.





The call for applications for the 2023 WIELS Residency Programme is now open to Belgian artists or artists based in Belgium for at least two years. 


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Cas-co NEWS: april 2022

 Foto: Michiel De Cleene





My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours: Valentino Russo

Vanaf 9 april verwelkomen we Valentino Russo als nieuwe CEO in Off the, Grid. Zijn installatie ‘Hyperemployed’ van Valentino Russo in de ruimte te zien zijn.
Diezelfde dag kun je om 15.00 uur intunen op instagram voor een live fitness sessie ‘Productivity at the Workstation’.

Dit project maakt deel uit van seizoen #5 in Off the, Grid: My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours, georganiseerd door kunstenaars Davide Ghelli Santuliana, Valentino Russo, Cathleen Owens, Carmen Dusmet Carrasco & Arthur Cordier.

09.04, 15u00, instagram live ( INSTALLATIE
09.04, 15u00-19u00, @ Off the, Grid (Vaartstraat 94)
Of op afspraak (



Op 20 april ont­vangt Cas-co twee col­lec­tie­ven voor een talk en studio visits. Van 12u30 tot 13u30 stel­len Koi Persyn (KOMPLOT) en Christophe Floré (SECONDroom) hun prak­tijk, werk­wij­ze en toekomstperspectieven voor voor. Bring your own lunch & van har­te wel­kom voor een gesprek.

Vaartstraat 94






‘Common Dreams School’ is een noma­di­sche school over topics zoals kli­maat, over­le­ven en samen­ho­rig­heid. In tij­den van indi­vi­du­a­lis­me en afzon­de­ring, wil deze work­shop juist ons ver­mo­gen om samen te han­de­len sti­mu­le­ren.
Tijdens deze ses­sie expe­ri­men­te­ren Maria Lucia Cruz Correia en de deel­ne­mers met het ver­we­ven van ver­schil­len­de dro­men, als een alche­misch trans­for­ma­tie­pro­ces, om nieu­we vor­men van ver­want­schap en weder­ke­rig­heid voor te stellen. In mei volgt een vierdelige masterclass als resultaat van de residentie in Maakleerplek.

Startlocatie: maak­leer­plek, Molens Van Orshoven (koer)
Voertaal: Engels




Hear Here is een par­cours langs geluids­kunst in Leuven, geor­ga­ni­seerd door STUK. 15 klin­ken­de kunst­wer­ken staan ver­spreid over 10 erf­goed­lo­ca­ties, waar­van Cas-co één. Hier cre­ëer­de kun­ste­naars Maika Garnica & Nico Dockx de nieu­we instal­la­tie ​‘Embedded Tonality’. In de Kruidtuin is dan weer het nieuwe in situ werk ‘LAAN‘ van Cas-co-resident An Roovers te zien. 







Vanaf 19 april zal Cathleen Owens in residentie zijn bij Off the, Grid. Zij neemt een week verlof van haar kantoorbaan in Amsterdam. Vanaf maandag 19 april vanaf 9 uur ‘s ochtends kunt u bij Cas-co aanbellen bij “Cathleen Owens” om een wisselende ingesproken boodschap te ontvangen. 

Bent u een kunstenaar die worstelt met de gang van zaken? Is de balans tussen werk en rust vaak zoek? Heb je interesse om mee te gaan wandelen, een kop koffie te drinken of samen een film te kijken? Neem contact op via e-mail (  

23.04, 15u00-19u00, @ Off the, Grid (Vaartstraat 94)
Of op afspraak ( Dit project maakt deel uit van seizoen #5 in Off the, Grid: My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours, georganiseerd door kunstenaars Davide Ghelli Santuliana, Valentino Russo, Cathleen Owens, Carmen Dusmet Carrasco & Arthur Cordier.




Wat is fair in de beel­den­de kunst? Op woens­dag 27 april orga­ni­seert Kunstenpunt een inter­ac­tie­ve work­shop over juis­te ver­lo­ning en eer­lij­ke prak­tij­ken in Leuven, in Cas-co. We tes­ten in klei­ne groe­pen de ver­goe­dings­cal­cu­la­tor, en gaan ver­vol­gens met elkaar in gesprek over fic­tie­ve cases; waar­om is iets unfair, en hoe zou het fair kun­nen zijn? 

Vaartstraat 94
14u00 – 17u00

Gratis, reser­veer via de link


Save the Date! Cas-co organiseert haar jaarlijkse Open Studio’s tijdens het weekend van Atelier in Beeld (13 — 15 mei). Meer dan 35 kunstenaars openen de deuren van hun studio of tonen de resultaten van hun residentie bij Cas-co. Verwacht je aan een fees­te­lij­ke ope­ning op vrij­dag, een pro­gram­ma met public events op zater­dag en een ras­ech­te Open Studio op zon­dag. Dit pro­gram­ma kwam tot stand in samen­wer­king met: Kunstwerkt, Platform UFO, Studio Annext, maakleerplek, M Leuven, 30CC, CIRKLabo & STUK. MEER INFO.


maakleerplek: Op 4, 11, 18 & 25 mei organiseert Maria Lucia een 4-delige masterclass rond haar ‘Common Dreams School’. Hiervoor is zij op zoek naar gemotiveerde deelnemers. MEER INFO

Off the, Grid: My Goals Are Bigger Than Yours
maakleerplek: Legrand Jäger, DependantMaria Lucia Cruz Correia
N+1: Lisa Ijeoma
M-residentie: Tom Hallet
30CC-residentie: Been

Maarten De Naeyer
Maarten De Laet


Ateliers, residenties & omkadering voor

Vaartstraat 94
3000 Leuven



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72e festival Jeune Création


Le 72e festival d’art contemporain Jeune Création débute avec une exposition à la galerie Jeune Création à Romainville, “Demain, puis demain, puis demain…”. Rendez-vous dimanche 10 avril pour le vernissage !

Commissariat : Marie-Thérèse Beheyt
Avec : Valentin Abad, Ismail Alaoui Fdili, Dimitri Arcanger, Camille Benarab-Lopez, Juliano Caldeira, Javier Carro, Jérémy Chabaud, Antoine de Tyssandier, Mathilde Ganancia, Christian Gardair, Sophie Gaucher, Nathalie Genot, Ludivine Gonthier, Nathalie Grenier, Alex Huthwohl, Marko Isidor, Marine Joatton, Krochka, Margaux Lelièvre, Charlotte Mano, Léo Marchutz, Gregory Masurovsky, Raquel Maulwurf, Donka Mishineva, Benoît Pingeot, Lucie Planty, Cécile Reims, Damien Rouxel, Robin Salomé, Alain Snyers, Louise Vendel et Henri Wagner. 


Galerie Jeune Création 
43 rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 Romainville 

Du 10 avril au 15 mai 2022
Du mar. au ven. de 10h à 18h et le sam. de 14h à 18h

Visuel: Alex Huthwohl, David et Goliath, acrylique sur toile, 300 x 400 cm, détail. 


L’appel à candidatures pour le 73e festival Jeune Création qui aura lieu en 2023 est en ligne ! 
Vous avez jusqu’au lundi 18 avril 2022 à 23h59 pour candidater ! 

> Candidatures en ligne sur le site http://opencall.jeunecreation.org/fr
> Appel ouvert aux artistes sans limite d’âge, toutes formations et tous médium confondus
> Appel ouvert à toutes les nationalités
> Les frais d’inscription sont de 15€
> Un seul dossier par artiste ou collectif d’artistes est accepté
> Pour plus de détail concernant l’appel à candidatures

L’association Jeune Création a synthétisé en 5 questions élargies les préoccupations d’artistes, d’amateurs de culture et de partenaires, pour les transmettre à tous les candidats à la présidentielle, en espérant attirer leur attention sur la création émergente en France. L’association Jeune Création remercie les personnalités qui ont bien voulu répondre. 

Les réponses des candidats à consulter ici


L’artiste Antide investit la Galerie du Couloir avec sa série de “Portraits”  jusqu’au dimanche 15 mai. 

Visuel : Paul Rebeyrolle, 65 x 50 cm, 2012, (reproduit catalogue Jeune Création 2012 et inspiré de la photo de Jean François Bauret).


L’artiste Damien Rouxel investit la Petite Galerie des Selles avec “Rêve équin” jusqu’au dimanche 15 mai.  

Visuel : Portrait de Marc’h, l’homme-cheval, photographie, 2021 sur plateau de jeu. ADAGP 2021


◊ 49 artistes sélectionnés

L’exposition principale du 72ème festival d’art contemporain de l’association Jeune Création se déroulera du 30 avril au 15 mai 2022. L’exposition rassemblera le travail d’une sélection de 49 artistes internationaux d’art contemporain choisis par leurs pairs, ainsi qu’une programmation variée.

Formidable moment de rencontres entre artistes, professionnels et amateur d’art, Jeune Création est une plateforme permettant les mutualisations et des projets partagés et solidaires.

◊ Les artistes sélectionnés ◊

Aram Abbas / Morgane Baffier / Olivier Bémer / Max Blotas / Kamil Bouzoubaa-Grivel / Camille Chastang / Lou Chavepayre / Clément Courgeon / Juliette Dérutin / Jérémie Danon / Yuna Denis / Énora Denis / Inès Di Folco / JJ von Panure / Morgan Erpen / Cédric Esturillo Cacciarella / Raphaël Fabre / Léo Fourdrinier / Maylis Gerard / Juliette George / Juliette Green / Shuo Hao / Ninon Hivert / Jean-François Krebs / Guillaume Lépine / Corentin Laplanche Tsutsui / Aurore Le Duc / Robin Lopvet / Leticia Martinez Perez / Adrien Menu / Sergio Morabito / Lucian Moriyama / Pascal Mouisset / Raphaël-Bachir Osman / Nefeli Papadimouli / Chae Dalle Park / Joseph Perez / Maëlle Poirier / Franck Rausch / Paola Siri Renard / Francisco Rodriguez Teare / Lucas Seguy / Masahiro Suzuki / Xolo Cuintle / Una Ursprung / Gaspar Willmann / Yoann Ximenes


La Chaufferie / Fondation d’entreprise Fiminco
43 rue de la commune de Paris, Romainville
Accès métro ligne 5 : arrêt Bobigny-Pantin/Raymond Queneau
Station Vélib : Gaston Roussel
Bus 145 et 318 : arrêt Louise Dory / bus 147 : arrêt Avenue de Metz
Entrée prix libre

◊ Informations pratiques ◊

Exposition du 30 avril au 15 mai 2022
Vernissage le 30 avril de 15h à 21h

◊ Partenaires ◊

Ministère de la Culture, Région Ile-de-France, Mairie de Paris, ADAGP, Artaïs, Plein Sud, Fondation Fiminco, Université Paris 1, Cabane Georgina, Galerie Municipale Jean-Collet, Villa Belleville, Galerie Horae, Lieux-Communs, MAD, La Richardière, Atelier Mondineu, Atelier Martel, Orange Rouge, 6B, 47, La Source, La Providence, art-exprim, Emmaüs Solidarité, Galerie du Haut-Pavé, Galerie du Tableau, KOMMET, La Factatory, Sitel, Mairie de Romainville.

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FOCUS – Hear Here

The first edition of Hear Here takes you on a trip through sound art in Leuven. Fourteen resounding artworks are spread out across ten heritage locations. Every installation engages in an acoustic dialogue with the architecture and the surroundings. The solid brick walls of the KADOC chapel resonate differently from the Botanical Garden in full spring. This relation between sound, acoustics and perception is a key element in sound art. From buzzing bees to droning organ pipes, from the search for silence to noise disturbance in the North Sea: Hear Here is a surprising discovery route for all ages. Put on those walking boots and experience Leuven heritage sites with different ears and eyes.
Former, current and future Overtoon artists participating in the exhibition are Amber Meulenijzer, Christoph De Boeck, Floris Vanhoof, Liew Niyomkarn, Maika Garnica, Stijn Demeulenaere. The list of artists is further completed by Esther Venrooij, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, John Grzinich, Bouke Groen, Rie Nakajima, Phillip Sollmann & Konrad Sprenger, An Roovers, Félix Blume, and Nico Dockx.


The month of April is packed with residencies, we will be welcoming several artists researching different topics.

Kunrad's artistic practice seeks to enhance the value of the everyday. Every moment of the day Kunrad tries to be on, open to discovering new things: cycling on a newly paved coal road, a coffee cup falling down the stairs of a train station, a large truck driving over an arch bridge. He collects his finds, then a phase of experimentation begins. He attaches a chain of bricks to a motorcycle, withers towers of moving boxes with a water sprayer, smashes bricks against the floor using an upside-down massage chair.
Kunrad researches small brass tubes as sonorous material. He discovered that the tubes produce a complex sound in free fall. If you throw the tubes in the air, they collide and start a singing, buzzing sound. With a floor made of sand or soil, this sound is suddenly interrupted by a thud. From this vantage point, Kunrad will research and develop new work.
We welcome back Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle as a resident artist. She is working on an installation for La Pop in Paris. EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) led Clarice to focus her research on the relationship between sounds and memory and more specifically on traumatic memory and memories that disappear following shocks. For La Pop she builds waterlogged glass sculptures accompanied by spatialised audio composition. At Overtoon she will be working on the audio for the installation.

Wendy Van Wynsberghe works with textiles, electronics and audio and is a longtime member of Constant. She continues to work on her project The Ephemeral Choir Machine that presents interactive woven thread that enables textiles to became sampler interfaces.


Former Overtoon resident artist Stijn Wybouw presents his new installation KRAMP and the SHAKERS at Fred & Ferry.
His work often starts from very rudimentary sounds/instruments, such as home-made shakers, rattles, bells on chicken legs. These instruments serve as an important source of inspiration. Last summer he made rattling machines using handmade shakers and found objects.
KRAMP and the SHAKERS continues on this premise as it continues to trigger his inspiration and he wants to find ways to refine sonic aspects. An additional source of inspiration are field recordings of fiercely rustling cricket fields that he made a few years ago while travelling through Spain. An artificial machine-like drone sound in combination with the sound of the rattles could be a good complement to a translation of the ferocious cricket fields. An ongoing live performance will also be presented in the gallery space on the 6th of may, starting at 2pm.

KRAMP and the SHAKERS by Stijn Wybouw
Fred & Ferry, Leopoldplaats 12, Antwerpen, Belgium
From 28 April 2022 to 7 May 2022
Hours: Thu-Sat 13:00-18:00 & by appointment
Durational performance on 6 May, starts at 14h

In the frame of Oscillations, Exercises in Resilience our partner bb15 presents a sound performance by Budapest based duo EJTECH.
THIRDSPACE is a textile sound system exploring extended present via electromagnetic air sculptures. A spatial setup to invoke invisible geometries of emerging sonic constellations through multichannel compositions. A tool for weaving sound spaces into existence.
Textiles are self-signifying media that string macrocosm and microcosm together, the emerging pattern of senses woven into a cognitive fabric, the interlinkage of vertices and edges to create an immanent network, our second skin, and the next-generation interface for human-computer interaction. EJTECH investigates the interweaving of sound matter with spacetime through a multichannel textile sound system focused on corporal and expanded listening.

bb15, Linz, Austria
22 April 2022


Le Botanique, rue Royale 236 Koningsstraat 1210, Brussels, Belgium
From 24 February 2022 to 17 April 2022

Seasonal Neighbours
with Seeding Noise by Ines Marita Schaerer in collaboration with Caroline Profanter
Z33, Hasselt
From 30 January 2022 to 17 April 2022



This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Thursday 07 Apr → Wednesday 13 Apr

Thu 07.04 — 18:00

Opening next week
Thursday 14 Apr → Wednesday 20 Apr

Opening Ann Veronica Janssens and On the Approach I Saint-Paul-de-Vence

Opening Ann Veronica Janssens and On the Approach I Saint-Paul-de-Vence ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

April in Netwerk Aalst

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Easter holidays at Netwerk Aalst? Visit the exhibition Rewinding Internationalism together with your kids and the Gids voor Kids. Or have a look at all the family-friendly movies at Picl.be

On Saturday, 30 April, there is a live concert, Chaos Culte by Alosta Souls. Prior to that Steven Keymeulen will talk about the history behind New Beat of Aalst.

Continue to enjoy our film selection, both in our cinema and online we show the best arthouse films! 


EXHIBITION –  The exhibition draws from the 1990s. During the decade, the ascendancy of globalisation coincided with the revival of ethnonationalisms within Europe. Within the art world a ‘New Internationalism’ was embraced, calling for an end to the centring of Western European and US positions.

Visiting with children? A ‘Gids voor Kids’ (in Dutch) will guide you through the exhibition. Rewinding Internationalism runs until 1 May.
Info and tickets >

TALK AND LISTENING SESSION – Saturday 30th April at 17:00 Steven Keymeulen will tell the story of New Beat in Aalst.

From the dance halls of Aalst in the late 80s and early 90s, New Beat’s defining character was its slowing down of rpm. The music is the product of sonic experiments taking place in Aalst and transmitting to the world in this time of political and cultural change.
More information >

CONCERT – Saturday 30th of April at 21:00 Alosta Souls presents Chaos Culte (Live).

With Chaos Culte, Polle Van de Gash and Kwinton Lesi Jonson aka The Trappists pay tribute to their Aalst New Beat roots.

Sluggish beats, growling basses, Golf GTI synths, green laser, smoke and strobo.
More information >


We love to amaze our visitors. Thanks to co-creation a whole new way of inspiring conversations and surprising revelations are brought to light. So come along and be aspired by the exhibition Things to Hold On To or come to State of the Region from Avansa.

EXHIBITION – Things To Hold On To is an exhibition that came to be out of an emotional confrontation with enormous trash piles at the Spinnerij in Veurne. We read poetry and see images in the beauty, and yet also fragility of the characteristic compressed sisal.

From the 28th of April at Netwerk Aalst.
More information >

INSPIRATION DAY – Together with Avansa we bring “State of the region” to you on 5 May. A very interesting program where we focus on climate, society, citizenship, and resilience. 
Read the whole program and register before 29 April >


FILM – Another month, another new portion of films! Every Tuesday and Friday we showcase the best movies, such as Paul Thomas Anderson’s Licorice Pizza, Kind Hearts and Vortex (Film Fest Gent) of Casper Noë.
On Sunday, 24 April we show the breakfast movie Waar is Anne Frank?
More information >
PICL – Didn’t see Madres Paralelas in the cinema? See it on Picl.be “Penélope Cruz and Milena Smit are two women who get an unwanted pregnancy, deliver the baby in the same restaurant and form a warm bond of friendship.”

With every film you watch on Picl.be, you support us.
View our offer >

EXHIBITION – Senior exhibition from the Stedelijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten. Until 17 April in Netwerk Aalst.
More information (NL) >

KIDS – Children from the age of 8 till 12 can let their creative juices flow during a filmcamp with REKKER. They will get to know the world of animation and stop motion.
More information for their Easter and summer camps >

PODCAST – Do you have an object with a distinct story? Podcastmaker Julie Weyne is looking for you, your object and story to make an auditory piece of art.
Mail to  F E R N E   N Ä H E
NEARBY – Charl van Ark on Saturday, 9 April and Sunday, 10 April in Garage Neven in Ninove.

NEARBY –  Johannes Steendam until 17 April in gallery EL in Welle.

Are you a fan of Netwerk Aalst or an entrepreneur with a passion for culture? Put your back in supporting the ambitions of Netwerk Aalst and its varied programme!
All donations above €40 are eligible for a tax certificate.
Support us >

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Q-O2 News :: April 2022

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Second Sundays #30
10 April – 17h (doors 16h30) – free
Michele Giovannini
Second Sundays is a monthly series initiated by Q-O2. Each session a new guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice.
For its thirtieth edition, Second Sundays invites local hero Michele Giovannini.
[more info]

28 April – 1 May
Oscillation ::: Public Address
The fourth edition of Oscillation festival is dedicated to the question what it means to address a public, and how, by changing the site of a performance, the relationship between audience and performer shifts.
[festival website]

21 Tracks for the 21st Century: Ugne & Maria
HART magazine and Q-O2 join forces with 21 Tracks for the 21st Century, a series of playlists to gear ourselves for our present century. We ask our guests: what music does this century need? As tonic, as engine-fuel, as rhythm, as common ground, as ballast? Each time, we invite one artist, thinker or musician to prepare a playlist of those sounds, songs and pieces of music that will best arm their listeners with the tools to approach what is left of this young century. To kick off the series, we asked ugne&maria to make the first compilation.
[listen here]

Support Ukraine
Please suppprt the Ukrainian people and donate via the MIX of the collective ШЩЦ
Lisen here: [wwwvvv.net]

save the date: Showcase Emerging Sound
14 May – 20h (free upon reservation — WAITING LIST)
Marija Rasa Kudabaité, Vica Pacheco, Léa Roger, Raphael Malfliet
Every year STUK, Q-O2 and Musica present a sample of new sound art in Belgium. Although these artists are active in a variety of disciplines, this edition focuses primarily on electroacoustic live performances, in which composition and improvisation come together.Showcase Emerging Sound is a project of STUK – Huis voor Dans, Beeld & Geluid, Q-O2 Werkplaats, Musica, Impulscentrum voor Muziek & C-TAKT.
[more info]

still available
podcasts, books, cassette releases, videos.

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[nadine] upcoming April 2022


[n0dine] PRÉ-AVIS (group exhibition)
07/04 – 10/04 2022 – n0dine

[EN] PRÉ-AVIS is a group exhibition organized by nadine & Various Artists in the shimmering light of the structural grants and preliminary advice that was shared with all applying art organisations in the past week. The 10 participating artists were informed about the Flemish arts decree and evaluation procedure through an information session and a ‘datapack’. The walls of n0dine were transformed into a poll-/grid, where each artist could make their predictions about the outcome of the committees. In the exhibition, they equally present a work that reflects on the Flemish subsidy mechanism. 

[NL] PRÉ-AVIS is een groepstentoonstelling georganiseerd door nadine & Various Artists in het licht van van de structurele subsidies en het voorafgaand advies dat de afgelopen week gedeeld is met alle aanvragende kunstorganisaties. De 10 deelnemende kunstenaars werden via een infosessie en ‘datapack’ geïnformeerd over het Vlaams kunstendecreet en de evaluatieprocedure. De muren van n0dine fungeerden als poll-/raster, waar elke kunstenaar hun voorspellingen kon doen over de uitkomst van de commissies. In de tentoonstelling presenteren ze ook een werk dat reflecteert op het Vlaamse subsidiemechanisme. 

with Clément Thiry, Esther Fantuzzi, hans Andreas R., Lotte Van den Audenaeren, Mario Monti, Sam Vanoverschelde, Sarah Cale & Steven Jouwersma, Various Artists, Yvonne De Grazia

07/04/2022: vernissage, 18:00 – 21:00 
08/04 – 10/04 2022: open by appointment, contact: 

n0dine, Rue de Laeken(se)straat 105, 1000 Brussels
more info:
image by nadine

[n0dine] If This Then That by Shervin Kianersi Haghighi & Various Artists  
14/04 – 10/05 2022 – n0dine

[EN] If This Then That is a Q&A exhibition between Shervin Kianersi Haghighi and the collective Various Artists. Shervin Kianersi Haghighi will deconstruct existing work of Various Artists by applying a set of actions that are part of her performative language. The result of these actions will be on display in n0dine. 

[NL] If This Then That is een Q&A tentoonstelling tussen Shervin Kianersi Haghighi en het collectief Various Artists. Shervin Kianersi Haghighi zal bestaand werk van Various Artists deconstrueren door een reeks acties toe te passen die deel uitmaken van haar performatieve taal. Het resultaat van deze acties zal te zien zijn in n0dine.

14/04/2022 : vernissage, 18:00-21:00
15/04 – 03/05 2022 :
open by appointment, contact:  

n0dine, Rue de Laekensestraat 105, 1000 Brussels
more info: 
image by European Pressphoto Agency, 2022

[dinA] LASER TALK Brussels with Claire Williams, Enrique Tomás & Bavo Van Kerrebroeck
23/04/2022 – dinA

[EN] LASER TALKS Brussels is curated by Alexandra Dementieva. The second LASER TALK of 2022 in Brussels involves around the themes: ‘Tangible sound, postdigital instruments, audio spatialisation technologies and extended reality’. 

[NL] LASER TALKS Brussels wordt gecureerd door Alexandra Dementieva. De tweede LASER TALK van 2022 in Brussel gaat over de thema’s: ‘Tastbaar geluid, postdigitale instrumenten, audio spatialiseringstechnologieën en extended reality‘. 

23/04/2022: Laser Talk (in English, no reservation), 19:00-21:30 
dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels & online stream (link on website)
more info: nadine.be

[extra muros] Portrait of a Landscape by Pierre-Philippe Hofmann
06/04/2022 – Botanique

[EN] Pierre-Philippe Hofmann is interested in how our contemporary relation to space and time conditions our vision of the world. He uses restrictive protocols to explore new ways of representing reality, often in the form of photography-, video- and sound installations.
Portrait of a Landscape is an attempt to describe two territories, Belgium and Switzerland, in a global and specific way.

[NL] Pierre-Philippe Hofmann is geïnteresseerd in hoe onze hedendaagse relatie tot ruimte en tijd onze visie op de wereld kneedt. Aan de hand van limiterende protocollen probeert hij werkelijkheid op een andere manier weer te geven, vaak in de vorm van fotografie-, video- en geluidsinstallaties.
Portrait of a Landscape is een poging om twee gebieden, België en Zwitserland, op een globale en specifieke manier te beschrijven. 

06/04/2022: vernissage, 18:00-21:00
Botanique (Galerie), Koningsstraat 236, 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node
more info: botanique.be
image by Pierre-Philippe Hofmann, Engstlen, Innertkirchen, 2014

nadine is supported by:
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Mobiel Brussel van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

dinA / Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf / Brussel 1000 Bruxelles

INC Newsletter April 2022


INC Newsletter April 2022

In this April newsletter, we have a lot of exciting news for our readers. We announce a call for proposals for Our Creative Reset Conference in July, as well as ac all for speculative theory for our upcoming Critical Meme Reader #2. In addition we announce our new research project Going Hybrid. Scroll down for more…

Call for Proposals – Our Creative Reset Conference

During the Our Creative Reset Conference, experts and (beginning) cultural workers explore how to take agency over their own education, collective organization, and income. The Institute of Network Cultures invites theorists, (artistic) researchers, journalists, artists, activists, designers, and others interested in rethinking professional practice and labor relationships during the crisis, to propose a contribution for:

Our Creative Reset: A Conference on Work in the Dutch Cultural Sector through and after the Pandemic

The one-day conference takes place at Framer Framed in Amsterdam on Friday 1 July 2022, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. In the same week, we organize policy debate (in Dutch) and three related workshops for Netherlands-based students and recent graduates. Continue reading…

Call for Speculative Theory: Critical Meme Reader #2: Memetic Tacticality

After the success of the Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image, the Institute of Network Cultures is publishing a second reader. The Critical Meme Reader #2: Memetic Tacticality will be edited by Chloë Arkenbout, Geert Lovink and Laurence Scherz. For this reader we are looking specifically for theorists to share their work on the state of the art of meme theory. Topics could include, but are not limited to:

  • Political or philosophical discourses 
  • Experimental speculative theory
  • Psychoanalysis 
  • Art, visual culture and image analysis 
  • Social media and communication, internet and network cultures, platform (capitalism)

Deadline for proposals: 10th of April
Acceptance or rejection of proposals: 15th of April

Contributions can be between 500 and 5000 words and should be in essay form.

Submissions: Questions: See more…

New Project – Going Hybrid

Going Hybrid is a 24 month-long research project into the future of hybridity for the cultural field. Where will hybrid events take us? Which platforms are best practices to host a cultural event without Zoom fatigue? How can hybrid publications be developed, or even living archives, sharing these experimentally broadcasted events with a (potential) audience?

All of this is researched with the focus on a long-term vision of a high-quality, hybrid program, aiming to serve new and existing audiences after the Covid reset. We will develop tools, research (the use of) existing platforms, gather expertise, and subsequently share this with the public through articles published here, presentations, a conference, and finally a publication to be published at the end of 2023. Visit the page

The latest posts in Going Hybrid: 

Towards an Interactive Future
By Laurence Scherz

Every since the Covid-19 ‘reset’—a re-evaluation of workflows, business models, and ways in which events are organized—the cultural field has continuously tried to innovate itself, compensating for temporary breaks in programming along with financial losses. Out of this reset, a new attitude was formed regarding digital exhibition formats, live broadcasting… continue reading

A Hybrid Start
By Laurence Scherz

And so it begins… With a hybrid kick-off on January 19th the long-term research project Going Hybrid, which will continue until December 2023, has entered its initial phase: figuring out what exactly ‘hybrid’ means to all of us as partners, and for the cultural field in general… continue reading

Open Call – Amplifying Voices from Inside the Ukrainian War Zone

The Institute of Network Cultures is in solidarity with those affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine. We are open to any form of reflections, tactical tools, notes, witness material and reports from or connected to the war zone. INC wants to amplify the artistic, activist, academic and critical voices of all those influenced by the Russian attacks. Please send an email to 

Please read these submitted diary entry and reflections below

Open Letter of Dmitry Pilikin, Russian Artist, Curator, Art Historian

Dear friends and colleagues, I want to write important thoughts for me.

It is very difficult for me to talk about culture and art at a time when war is going on. The official Russian authorities call what is happening in Ukraine “a special military operation by Russian servicemen to protect Ukraine from militarization and nationalism… continue reading

Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 7 By Svitlana Matviyenko

On the 33rd day of the Russia-Ukraine war, I continued receiving media and speaking requests to address a so-called “crisis in Ukraine.” It is almost surprising, or maybe not at all, that Russian propaganda is so pervasive that it imposes a false caution on someone who’d think that despite the ongoing full-scale destruction and erasure of a culture, the word “war” might be a little too extreme to use… continue reading

Read more about Ukraine


New Dependencies


It seems that many people today experience a space problem. This applies to the physical world where living spaces in the city become less affordable by the day as wages continue to stagnate. And this is also the case for the digital spaces we inhabit, where governments and software conglomerates lock us into walled gardens and spend every single one of their considerable resources in order to sell us ads. But while spatial activism in the physical world is battle-tested and well-established… continue reading

In the Time of Refuge. A Collection of Writings and Reflections on Art, Disaster and Communities


In this timely collection of essays and artistic works, we gain a spherical perspective on the role of the arts in addressing the challenge of climate change through the concept of refuge. This book follows from a pioneering five-year program of artistic experimentation and community action called… continue reading

INC Books

You can order a free paper copy of our latest publications:

  • INC Reader #15 Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image 
  • VideoVortex Reader III 
  • Let’s Get Physical. A Sample of INC Longforms.
  • Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

Order here 


Bunk Debunkers: Warfakes as Russian War Participatory Propaganda

By Karyna Lazaruk

AFTER EXTRACTIVISM: Open call by the Berliner Gazette

By Chloë Arkenbout

STRP Scenario #17: Crypto Therapy for Mixed Crypto Feelings

By Inte Gloerich

UKRA))i((NATV streaming on Twitch from Krakow

By Sepp Eckenhaussen

Adventurous Writing at the Domein voor Kunstkritiek Lab Days

By Laurence Scherz

Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 6

By Svitlana Matviyenko

It’s a Military Coup-Political Reflections from St. Petersburg

By Anonymous

The Ukraine War and the Costs of the Metaverse by PJ Gamez Cersosimo

By Geert Lovink

Collaborative Link Filtering: Contexts of the Invasion of Ukraine

By Geert Lovink

Ben Peters: Ukrainian Reflections from Tulsa, Oklahoma

By Geert Lovink

“Worlds of Networks”-Centre Pompidou/Ircam exhibit & conference

By Geert Lovink

My Digital Armpits Stink

By Kateryna Polevianenko

Notes of Lev Manovich, February 24/March 6, 2022

By Lev Manovich

Pulsations of Dis/information: Diary of Kateryna Kobzdar, Lviv-Berlin, part 2

By Kateryna Kobzdar

Opening Ann Veronica Janssens I Saint-Paul-de-Vence

Soyez les bienvenu·e·s!

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Le Casino vous souhaite la bienvenue 

visite guidée spéciale

Mardi 12.04.2022, 17 h 00 – 18 h 00

The Everted Capital (Katabasis)

Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni

Dans le but d’encourager l’accès à l’art pour tou·te·s, l’équipe de médiation du Casino Luxembourg propose une visite de découverte de l’exposition en cours, The Everted Capital (Katabasis), qui s’adresse aux travailleur·euse·s, bénévoles ou salarié·e·s d’associations œuvrant dans le champ social, du handicap ou du milieu médical.
Depuis 10 ans, les artistes Fabien Giraud et Raphaël Siboni travaillent sur une œuvre protéiforme, The Unmanned, composée de films, de performances et de sculptures : vaste fresque historique et spéculative divisée en trois saisons explorant notre rapport au temps, à l’incertitude du futur et aux systèmes de valeurs qui en découlent. The Everted Capital (Katabasis) marque ainsi le troisième et dernier volet de ce projet au long cours. 

La présente visite permettra de se familiariser à la fois avec le lieu et avec l’univers artistique des artistes. C’est aussi l’occasion de rencontrer et d’échanger avec l’équipe du Casino Luxembourg autour de la préparation et de la réalisation d’éventuels projets de visite futurs. 

Gratuit sur inscription :  

Vendredi 29.04.2022, 11 h 00 – 12 h 00
Visite guidée parents-bébés

Nous proposons des visites destinées aux parents accompagnés de leurs tout jeunes enfants (0-24 mois) en porte-bébé ou en poussette. Une fois par mois, le vendredi matin à 11 h 00, l’équipe du Casino Luxembourg est sur le qui-vive pour assister les parents dans les déplacements avec poussette à l’intérieur du bâtiment.

Entrée gratuite. Sans inscription.

Visites guidées hebdomadaires 

N’hésitez pas à solliciter un·e membre de l’équipe à l’accueil pour une courte visite. Nous rappelons également que chaque jeudi soir à 19 h 00 et chaque dimanche à 15 h 00, un·e médiateur·rice vous fait découvrir l’exposition en cours.

Tous les jeudis, c’est Creative Thursday

Durant tout le mois d’avril, le Casino Luxembourg crée des moments de partage avec les familles ukrainiennes récemment arrivées au Luxembourg. Les jeudis après-midi, de 15 h 00 à 17 h 00, jeunes et moins jeunes ont ainsi l’occasion de se familiariser avec le forum d’art et de s’adonner à des ateliers créatifs.

Entrée gratuite. Sans inscription.

Le Casino Luxembourg
est soutenu financièrement par 

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg
T 352 22 50 45
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