intermission museum of art newsletter | may 2022

current exhibition

02 may – 19 june 2022
ouroboros |
ayesha kamal khan + catalina tuca + joshua j. araujo + mariangela ciccarello

view exhibition | press release | card

intermission museum of art (ima) is proud to present ouroboros, featuring the collaborative work of ayesha kamal khan, catalina tuca, joshua j. araujo and mariangela ciccarello, which represents the third artist exchange in ima’s volume ii series. ouroboros will be featured through 19 june 2022.

ouroboros gathers thought processes of new explorations on sculpture, installation and film by the collaborators. through found and constructed images and text, each artist addresses notions that spontaneously coincide, such as the concomitant real and fictional states of language, translation and representation.

future exhibition

27 june – 14 august 2022
specious reasoning |
jeffrey martín + david mccormick

in case you missed it…

07 march – 24 april 2022
matter-of-fact |
deanna lee + kirsten nash

view exhibition | press release | card

about ima

intermission museum of art was founded in 2020 by rose van mierlo and john ros, in response to the cultural, social, environmental, economic and political fissures that make themselves evermore present during times of crisis and put stress on accepted systems of operation.  ima provides a space for critical thinkers to respond to these moments of friction by investigating them as meaningful sites of production, instigating dialogues which will culminate in a public archive.

ima’s name references the question of open space: the flipping movement of a hand searching through archives, gaps in the pavement, performance interludes, tv-commercials, coffee breaks and silent pauses; all moments of unpoliced disruption that are typically un-institutional.  at its core, ima therefore proposes the museum as a site of uncertainty; a building without walls; a non-hierarchical collection of interdisciplinary narratives and voices; both a guest and a host; and an exercise in cross-pollination.  it resists the architectural premise of power that underwrites the white cube, democratizing the exhibition in terms of access. instead, its architectural premise is that of lateral networks; its vision decentralized and participatory.

copyright © 2022 intermission museum of art, all rights reserved.
you are receiving this email because you have either opted in via our website, or have been added because you have a connection to one of our founders, rose van mierlo or john ros.

intermission museum of art

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long island city, ny 11101

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[nadine] upcoming May 2022


[n0dine] Henri Pellée-Hirne, Marie Reinert invited by Centre Mondial du Dessin
06/05 – 08/05 2022 – n0dine

[EN] The Centre Mondial du Dessin was founded in 2021 in Brussels by Dimitri Broquard, Félix Gastout, Laetitia Gendre and Harrisson Vermot. With a program of exhibitions and editions, they celebrate the diversity of practices grouped under the wide spectrum of drawing, in the logic of a multidisciplinary approach. The program unfolds in a traveling way, within different places. For its inauguration, CMdD organizes a short exhibition by Henri Pellée-Hirne and Marie Reinert at n0dine.

[NL] Het Centre Mondial du Dessin werd in 2021 in Brussel opgericht door Dimitri Broquard, Félix Gastout, Laetitia Gendre en Harrisson Vermot. Via tentoonstellingen en edities promoten ze praktijken die binnen het wijde spectrum van tekenkunst vallen, in de logica van een multidisciplinaire aanpak. Hun programma is rondreizend en maakt gebruik van verschillende locaties. Ter inhuldiging van dit programma, organiseert CMdD een korte tentoonstelling van Henri Pellée-Hirne en Marie Reinert in n0dine. 

06/05/2022 : vernissage, 18:00-21:00 & performance by Marie Reinert, 19:00
06/05 – 08/05 2022 :
open by appointment, contact :   

n0dine, Rue de Laeken(se)straat 105, 1000 Brussels
more info:
image by CMdD

[n0dine] Inonde Moi by Various Artists  
12/05 – 02/06 2022 – n0dine

[EN] “Inonde Moi” brings together two recent exhibitions by Various Artists (Belíndia, Menin, September 2021 and Scarpe-Crinchon, Arras, April 2022). Both exhibitions examined water in an economical/political context. Two future scenarios in which the water line becomes the new frontier that changes the landscape and human activity. “Inonde Moi” is a tribute to the Senne, our invisible river.

[NL] “Inonde Moi” verenigt twee recente tentoonstellingen van Various Artists (Belíndia, Menen, september 2021 en Scarpe-Crinchon, Arras, april 2022). Beide tentoonstellingen onderzochten water in een economische/politieke context. Twee toekomstscenario’s waarin de waterlijn de nieuwe grens wordt die het landschap en de menselijke activiteit verandert. “Inonde Moi” is een eerbetoon aan de Zenne, onze onzichtbare rivier.

12/05/2022 : vernissage, 18:00-21:00
13/05 – 02/06 2022 : open by appointment, contact : 

n0dine, Rue de Laekensestraat 105, 1000 Brussels
more info:
image by Various Artists, Hell Tell Hell, 2017

[RusClub #53] DAU. String Theory by Ilya Khrzhanovsky & Aleksey Slusarchuk
16/05/2022 – dinA

[EN] RusClub is a platform for Russian cinema. Alexandra Dementieva selects Russian movies and guides you through the history of Russian cinema. *RusClub is by no means affiliated with politics in Russia and moreover explicitly condemns the war against Ukraine. 

[NL] RusClub is een platform voor Russische cinema. Alexandra Dementieva gidst het publiek doorheen de geschiedenis van Russische cinema aan de hand van geselecteerde films. *RusClub is geenszins verbonden met de politiek in Rusland en veroordeelt bovendien uitdrukkelijk de oorlog tegen Oekraïne.  

dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels
more info:

[extra muros] SOUVENHERE, walk by Lucia Palladino & Bruno De Wachter
27/05 – 28/05 2022 – Laken

[EN] For an afternoon, Lucia Palladino and Bruno De Wachter invite you to walk in Jette, Laken and your own mind. A map indicates seven points, which you will connect in the order of your choice. You hang around for a while at each of those places. Places evoke places it makes me think of… You play the game of leaving and finding traces, of writing and hiding notes. The map gets colored by the individual observations and by personal memories of other places at other times.

[NL] Lucia Palladino en Bruno De Wachter nodigen jullie uit voor een namiddagwandeling in Jette, Laken en je eigen gedachten. Een kaart wijst zeven punten aan, die je in een volgorde naar keuze met elkaar verbindt. Op elk van die plekken blijf je een tijdje rondhangen. Plekken roepen elkaar op het doet me denken aan… Je speelt het spel van sporen vinden en achterlaten, van aantekeningen maken en verstoppen. De kaart wordt gekleurd door de individuele observaties en door persoonlijke herinneringen aan andere plekken op andere tijdstippen. 

27/05 & 28/05 2022 : walks will start at 13:30, metro Pannenhuis Laken 

more info:
image by Lucia Palladino & Bruno De Wachter

nadine is supported by:
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Mobiel Brussel van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

dinA / Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf / Brussel 1000 Bruxelles

Actualités de l’art contemporain | Mai 2022

                                                                                                                                     MAI 2022





La figure de l’artiste véhicule de nombreuses idées préconçues, parmi lesquelles le mythe de l’artiste solitaire. Celui·celle qui crée seul·e dans son atelier, en dehors de toute réalité ; en dehors de tout contact avec le monde et les autres corps de métier.

La nouvelle édition de la revue FACETTES invite à déconstruire ces images et à envisager l’art contemporain comme un terrain de transversalité(s). D’une certaine manière, la territorialité en tant que donnée géographique et technique, est tremblante […].

La question du glissement se retrouve aussi dans sa définition spatiale et géographique. Les artistes contemporain·e·s se tournent de plus en plus vers les territoires ruraux. Logique de décentralisation ou volonté de créer dans un environnement différent ? En plus d’une conscience écologique et sociale avérée en milieu rural, cette tendance pourrait aussi s’expliquer par une échelle de production et de diffusion plus petites et plus satisfaisantes humainement […].

FACETTES est un espace de collaboration, de débat et de recherche de la scène artistique transfrontalière franco-belge (Hauts-de-France, Wallonie – Bruxelles). Éditée par 50° nord réseau transfrontalier d’art contemporain, cette revue annuelle et gratuite examine les données et enjeux de la création contemporaine dans le champ des arts plastiques et visuels. 

Au regard de la situation extrêmement difficile vécu par le peuple ukrainien aujourd’hui, au premier rang duquel les artistes, les commissaires d’exposition, les critiques et tou·te·s les professionnel·le·s de l’art contemporain – le comité de rédaction de la revue FACETTES a décidé de réserver aux artistes, critiques, commissaires, ukrainien·ne·s – qu’ils·elles soient en exil ou qu’ils·elles aient décidé de rester sur place – une carte blanche, un focus et un dossier pour permettre l’expression de le liberté et contre la tentative d’effacement de la culture ukrainienne par le gouvernement russe.



Actualités de l’art contemporain en Eurorégion Nord

Notre agenda de l’art contemporain est toujours disponible en libre consultation sur notre site, afin que vous puissiez découvrir tous les évènements organisés par nos adhérents en Hauts-de-France et en Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Nous vous donnons également rendez-vous sur nos réseaux sociaux Facebook et Instagram, où nous vous tiendrons informé·e·s des dernières actualités !

© Quentin Pruvost


Découvrez le septième numéro de la revue FACETTES !
Disponible depuis chez vous en version numérique, ce numéro aborde la question des libertés pour les artistes.

Si vous souhaitez la recevoir directement chez vous, nous vous invitons à écrire à  (10€ de frais de dossier et de port sont à prévoir). 

Bonne découverte et bonne lecture ! 

Réseau transfrontalier d’art contemporain

9 RUE DU CIRQUE – B.P. 10103
+33 (0)6 07 31 14 51

Graphisme 50° nord : Yann Linsart – The Viewer Studio

50° nord est membre du CIPAC et du collectif HF Hauts-de-France.

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9 Rue du Cirque
BP 10103



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De vrouwen die de kunstgeschiedenis oversloeg

❤ Opening Bernadette Van-Huy 05.05

Perm (#1), 2021
Perm (#10), 2021

Bernadette Van-Huy 
Turn the Mirror Upside Down

exposition/exhibition 05.05 – 03.06.2022
Ouvert du jeudi au samedi de 14h à 18h
Open from thursday to saturday, 2 – 6 pm

Vernissage jeudi 5 mai, 16h – 21h
Opening Thursday May 5th, 4 – 9 pm

Goton c/o Keur
78, rue des Amandiers 
75020 Paris 

infos & appointment request :

KEUR, a center for research and experimentation in artistic work, co-run by Marion Abeille, Manon Burg, Lou Couvidat, Caroline Honorien, Léopoldine Turbat and Victorien Soufflet.

KEUR, centre d’expérimentation et de diffusion du travail artistique, co-géré par Marion Abeille, Manon Burg, Lou Couvidat, Caroline Honorien, Léopoldine Turbat et Victorien Soufflet.

78 rue des Amandiers
75020 Paris

Copyright © 2022 Keur, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:


78 Rue Des Amandiers

PARIS 75020


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newsletter Ludwig Forum Aachen

Ludwig Forum




Donna Dennis and Rosemary Mayer while working as artist models for Raphael Soyer, ca 1972 © The Rosemary Mayer Estate, NY

Dear friends,

Donna Dennis was a close friend and companion of Rosemary Mayer. Today she will speak about their life and work in New York of the 1970s. The lecture Rosemary Mayer and Donna Dennis: Beginnings on the Cusp of the 1970s New York City starts at 6.30pm.

1st of May is Sparda-Day at the Ludwig Forum. With free admission and an extensive programme, we will celebrate the beginning of May!

SAVE THE DATE: on  May,7th and 8th, a symposium-like event will take place at the Kölnischer Kunstverein and the Ludwig Forum Aachen (Sun May 8th) as part of reboot: responsiveness. The programme will follow asap!

See you at the Ludwig Forum!


Donna Dennis. Photo: private

Lecture with Donna Dennis

The American artists Rosemary Mayer and Donna Dennis became best friends when chance – and their individual connections to the New York poetry world – brought them to live/work spaces a block from one another in New York’s Little Italy around 1970. It was the most formative time in their young lives as artists: Inviting each other over for dinner and a look, when a new work was finished, was like a celebration and the best kind of competition. In her lecture “Rosemary Mayer and Donna Dennis: Beginnings on the Cusp of the 1970s New York City”, Donna Dennis attempts to create a sense of what it was like to be young women artists just starting out in downtown New York in the heady, challenging early days of the 1970s. As a basis for this lecture serve excerpts from the journals, which Rosemary Mayer and Donna Dennis both used as a primary source for shaping their works, along with images of their work and their friends, especially those in their feminist consciousness-raising group. 

Thu 28.04.2022, 6.30 pm
Museum admission only 

Donna Dennis is known for her installations inspired by vernacular architecture, urban and rural: “Ship and Dock/Nights and Days or The Gazer”, at Lesley Heller Gallery, New York (2018), “Coney Night Maze”, Neuberger Museum (2013), “BLUE BRIDGE/red shift”, SculptureCenter (1993) “Deep Station”, Brooklyn Museum (1987) “Tourist Cabins on Park Avenue” (2007). Dennis has collaborated with poets Anne Waldman, Kenward Elmslie, Ted Berrigan and Daniel Wolff. Her work is in the collections of the Brooklyn Museum, the Cleveland Art Museum, the Walker Art Center, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany, the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Martin Z. Margulies Collection. Recipient of many grants and awards, she has permanent public art commissions in New York and Boston. After decades in New York City, she currently lives and works in the Hudson Valley.


Sparda-Day at Ludwig Forum Aachen

In order to give as many people as possible access to contemporary art, the Sparda-Bank West Foundation regularly organises action days in museums. On Sparda-Day, admission is free for all visitors. An extensive accompanying programme offers guided tours and workshops for children, young people and adults.

Sun 01.05.2022, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Free admission!

The programme:

10am to 4pm One Day in May
Open workshop for families and friends
In the work of US-artist Rosemary Mayer, not everything had to last for eternity. She celebrated the moment and liked to create connections between people. Therefore, she invited others to actively participate in her art.
With big balloons, pens and paint, ribbons and lots of ingenuity, this day in May will be a colourful one.

11am / 1pm / 4pm Guided Family tours
12am Guided tour Geometry and Flowers with curator Holger Otten
4pm Guided tour Rosemary Mayer. Ways of Attaching with Director Eva Birkenstock

Café with snacks, coffee and cake


graphic desin: Sean Yendrys

Asynchronicity –  a symposium-like-gathering

A two-day symposium-like gathering
at the Kölnischer Kunstverein and the Ludwig Forum in Aachen
hosted by artist Cally Spooner

Sat May 7, at the Kölnischer Kunstverein
Sun May 8,
at the Ludwig Forum Aachen
8:59am to 6pm daily
Admission free!

Asynchronicity is part of reboot: responsiveness.
Kölnischer Kunstverein and Ludwig Forum Aachen jointly present reboot: – a collaborative, cyclical, anti-racist and queer-feminist dialogue between performative and research-based practices.

reboot: Conceived by Eva Birkenstock, Nikola Dietrich and Viktor Neumann.

Core Collective: Alex Baczynski-Jenkins, Gürsoy Doğtaş, Klara Lidén, Ewa Majewska, Rory Pilgrim, Cally Spooner, and Mariana Valencia.Graphic design by Sean Yendrys
More information will follow soon.

read more


on display



art education







Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst
Jülicher Straße 97–109
52070 Aachen
Tue – Sun 10am – 5pm, Thu 10am – 8pm
Tel. +49 (0) 241 1807 104/ Fax +49 (0) 241 1807 101
E-Mail: Editor:
Julia Zeh
Ludwig Forum Aachen
Public relations

Ein Museum der Stadt Aachen

Diesen Sonntag: Künstlergespräch mit Reinhard Doubrawa

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FR / EN / NL

Kommende Veranstaltungen im IKOB // Mai 2022

Sonntag 01.05.2022, 16 Uhr
Künstlergespräch mit Reinhard Doubrawa

Reinhard Doubrawa, Receiver, 2014. Jackett, Schablonenbeschriftung, Lackspray. © der Künstler

Anlässlich seiner aktuellen Ausstellung im IKOB, ein Gespräch mit dem Künstler Reinhard Doubrawa. Neben seiner derzeit ausgestellten Installation DIE GANZE WELT SAMMLUNG TEIL1 werden die übergreifenden Ideen und Konzepte seiner künstlerischen Praxis sowie frühere Arbeiten thematisiert.

Für mehr Informationen und Anmeldung, hier klicken.

11.05.2022, 19 Uhr
NOTHING IS OVER: Online film screening (EN)

Veronika Eberhart, 9 is 1 and 10 is none, 2017, Film still, Courtesy of the artist

Eine Online-Filmvorführung über politische Geschichte, Arbeit und Widerstand, mit Kurzfilmen der Künstler:innen Veronika Eberhart, Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze, Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Monika Uchiyama. Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil des Programms zur aktuellen Ausstellung von Kristina Benjocki im IKOB.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung hier.

15.05.2022, 14 Uhr
Ein thematischer Spaziergang durch Eupen

Tuchfabrik Gülcher & Sternickel im Ortsteil Hütte von Eupen, Ansicht um 1926.

Anlässlich des Internationalen Museumstages am Sonntag, 15. Mai 2022, führt Jochen Buhren, Historiker und Vorsitzender des Tuchwerk Aachens, mit einem Zwischenstopp im IKOB durch die Eupener Ober- und Unterstadt. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Verflechtungen der Stadtgeographie mit der industriellen Textilproduktion. Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil des Programms zur aktuellen Ausstellung von Kristina Benjocki im IKOB.
Preis: 8€ | Mehr Informationen und Tickets hier.

IKOB x Meakusma
Finissage Kristina Benjocki | Vernissage Nika Schmitt | Konzerte und DJ-sets

Tickets ab sofort im Vorverkauf.

Aktuelle Ausstellungen im IKOB

Bis 05.06.2022
Kristina Benjocki
At sunset we retreat once again, up the hill, to where we can watch the skeins of water reflect colours we’ve never seen before
Bis 29.05.2022
Reinhard Doubrawa


Weitere Infos findet Ihr auch auf unseren digitalen Kanälen.

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Rotenberg 12b
4700 Eupen
Belgien / Belgique / Belgium

Öffnungszeiten / Horaires d’ouverture / Opening hours 
Di – So / Mar – Dim / Tue – Sun
13.00 – 18.00

Führungen auf Anfrage / Visites guidées sur demande / Guided tours on demand: Pressedossiers auf Anfrage / Dossiers de presse sur demande / Press Files on demand:  Presse-Login

Art does not need a common language, it is international by itself.
The Network of 11 art institutions of the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. Supported by Euregio Maas-Rhein

Mit der Unterstützung von / Avec le soutien de / With the support of

Partner / Partenaires / Partners

Copyright © 2022 IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:

IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst

Rotenberg 12b

Eupen 4700


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Rendez-vous le 30 avril 2022
de 15h à 21h

Exposition principale
Festival Jeune Création

C’est avec un immense plaisir que nous vous invitons à Romainville pour le vernissage de l’exposition principale du 72e festival d’art contemporain Jeune Création, qui se tiendra du 30 avril au 15 mai 2022 dans la Chaufferie sur le site de la Fondation d’entreprise Fiminco en partenariat avec les galeries de Komunuma. 

Inscription obligatoire ici

À cette occasion vous pourrez découvrir le travail de 48 artistes internationaux sélectionnés par leurs pairs. 

Pour l’exposition principale du 72e festival d’art contemporain Jeune Création, la commission de sélection était composée de 10 artistes des éditions précédentes : Chedly Atallah, Carmen Ayala, Benoit Blanchard, Nathalie Genot, Hélène Gugenheim, Shani Ha, Tilhenn Klapper, Vincent Lemaire, Norman Nedellec, Samuel Trenquier ; et d’une personnalité invitée, Françoise Docquiert.


Les artistes sélectionné.e.s :

Aram Abbas, Morgane Baffier, Olivier Bémer, Max Blotas, Kamil Bouzoubaa-Grivel, Mégane Brauer, Camille Chastang, Lou Chavepayre, Clément Courgeon, Juliette Dérutin, Jérémie Danon, Yuna Denis, Énora Denis, Inès Di Folco, Morgane Erpen, Cédric Esturillo Cacciarella, Raphaël Fabre, Léo Fourdrinier, Juliette George, Juliette Green, Shuo Hao, Ninon Hivert, JJ von Panure (Leïla Fromaget & Anastasia Gaspard), Jean-François Krebs, Guillaume Lépine, Corentin Laplanche Tsutsui, Aurore Le Duc, Robin Lopvet, Leticia Martinez Perez, Adrien Menu, Sergio Morabito, Lucian Moriyama, Pascal Mouisset, Raphaël-Bachir Osman, Nefeli Papadimouli, Chae Dalle Park, Joseph Perez, Maëlle Poirier, Franck Rausch, Paola Siri Renard, Francisco Rodriguez Teare, Lucas Seguy, Masahiro Suzuki, Una Ursprung, Gaspar Willmann, Yoann Ximenes, Xolo Cuintle (Romy Texier & Valentin Vie Binet). 

Le festival Jeune Création se poursuivra ensuite dans les villes de Marseille, Lhomme et Paris par des expositions thématiques, des programmes de performances et des interventions infusant l’art, la culture et la solidarité au coeur de la vie. 

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer, d’échanger et de partager ensemble !

Née en 1949, Jeune Création est un des plus ancien collectifs d’artistes dans le monde. Fidèle à sa mission, Jeune Création perpétue l’émulation entre artistes, publics, collectionneurs, galeries et institutions publiques ou privées.


Créée en 2017, la Fondation Fiminco incarne les missions de Groupe Fiminco de soutien à la création contemporaine et d’accès pour tous à la culture, au plus près des dynamiques sociales et culturelles du Grand Paris.


43 rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 – Romainville

Métro : ligne 5 / Bobigny-Pantin-Raymond Queneau


Manon Raoul : Jérémy Chabaud :

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P31 WORDS AS POETICAL WEAPONS! — Opening today, from 2 to 9pm – Performance at 8pm

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Project 31 
e1f6bcc8-8c86-4ba4-b0ad-306f7706d233.jpg words as poetical weapons !

co-curated by Joana Preiss, Sam Samore, Olivier Vrankenne

Including :

Gene Beery
Joana Preiss
Sam Samore
Lawrence Weiner

Opening from 2 to 9pm

Performance by Joana Preiss at 8pm


o          v project room
Rue Van Eyck, 57
B – 1050 Brussels

Olivier Vrankenne
Cell: +32 486 43 43 44

Sophie Delruelle
Cell: +32 492 07 35 28

Opening hours :

Wedn. to Sat. from 2 — 6 pm
or by appointment


© Gene Beery. © Sam Samore. © Lawrence Weiner. © Joana Preiss and Leïla Smara. Courtesy the artists and Olivier Vrankenne.

Our gratefulness to Micheline Szwajcer.

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This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Wednesday 27 Apr → Tuesday 03 May

Wed 27.04 — 18:00

Opening next week
Wednesday 04 May → Tuesday 10 May

ABA MISS READ Friday, April 29 from 5–9 pm!



AIR Berlin Alexanderplatz




ABA is pleased to invite you to
several events in which we take part


MISS READ: The Berlin Art Book Festival 2022

Opening Hours
Friday, April 29 from 5–9 pm Saturday, April 30 from 12–7 pm Sunday, May 1 from 12–7 pm
Opening party: Friday, April 29, 9 pm until late

Haus der Kulturen der Welt John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 10557 Berlin, Germany


Gallery Weekend
taking place from 29 April – 1 May
Uqbar project space in Berlin-Wedding
Schwedenstraße 16, Berlin
ABA current Residents Ambasada Kultury present


Hopscotch Reading Room
taking place on 28th of May 2022
Kurfürstenstraße 14/Haus B, 10785 Berlin
Book presentation: “
FUNKENZUFLAMMEN ” edited by Susanne Kriemann & Aleksander Komarov


Feel free to join our ongoing online events here: ABA / Air Salon Radio broadcast on the 19 April 2022

at Residency Air Berlin Alexanderplatz :
Dorothy Wong Ka Chung, Benjamin Ryser (CH), Valentina Kiselyova (BLR), Anna Chistoserdova (BLR)


scroll down for more









FUNKENZUFLAMMEN „ABA 10+1 years artists research”

A book edited by Susanne Kriemann and Aleksander Komarov, designed by Tobias Wenig, published by Spector Books, 360 p, over 200 images, edition 500.

“Perhaps this book holds a place in a room, or in the text of another book; perhaps it is in the sound of radio tunes, or in the pc-mouse’s clicking through a blog. It rests for a moment, in between certainty and wonder, to encounter anew what has been edited over ten years; where one’s own voice challenges the noise of the city, where our good friend, the night, pioneered the sun, and sparks turned into flames “
photo credit: Studio Œ


10% Concerning the Image Archive of a Nuclear Research Center,
Edited by Susanne Kriemann, Judith Milz, Friederike Schäfer, Klaus Nippert, Elke Leinenweber, designed by Moritz Appich and Cécile Kobel

Unknown lady in the radiation protection department, puddle, dancing couple in costume, damage to a waste drum, retiree send-off, lead shielding, burnt-out glovebox, scorpion with microchip—these are all captions to photographs of Germany’s first major nuclear research facility. In 1957, professional photographers began to make an on-site record of procedures at the Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (KfK, Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center). In 2017, the decision was made to digitize ten percent of this image archive. Based on current concerns regarding the whereabouts of contaminated nuclear waste, the publication brings together over thirty perspectives from the fields of art, sociology, politics, and science as well as accounts of people who were directly involved with the facility. “10%. Concerning the Image Archive of a Nuclear Research Center” sets out to delineate and visualize the afterlife of nuclear research.


Susanne Kriemann, Ge(ssenwiese), K(anigsberg) – Library for Radioactive Afterlife, edited by Cassandra Edlefsen Lasch, published by Spector Books, Leipzig Design by Alix Linn Bouteleux, typefaces by Catharina Grözinger, Radim Pesko 16 x 24 cm, 196 pages, color and black/white images, hardcover, April 2020, English, ISBN: 9783959053365

Gessenwiese and Kanigsberg form part of a landscape that has been in a process of constant change since 1946. The overburden from the mining industry created radioactive spoil heaps and lakes that are being rehabilitated by various means: plants growing on Gessenwiese accumulate contaminants from the soil. Textiles are used to slowly dry out the lakes and bind the radioactive dust. The banked mounds are returned to the earth bit by bit. These continual changes to the volumes in the landscape and their afterlife are the conceptual starting point for Ge(ssenwiese) K(anigsberg), Library for radioactive afterlife. In recent years, Susanne Kriemann has developed a radically expanded idea of photography that investigates new systems for registering events and geological periods.



Susanne Kriemann, MNGRV (polymersday) & MNGRV (nylonsnoon)
Edition of 100 each, self-published, designed by Dongyoung Lee,
with text excerpts by Natasha Ginwala & Vivian Ziherl, and Bernadette Bensaude Vincent, 2020

Mngrv adds a new plant species to the botanical sciences.  Mngrv emerged in South and South East Asia, where mangroves’ rhizomatic roots, always exposed to the rhythm of the tides, get entangled with fishnets, plastic waste, and oil remnants. Mngrv explores how in times of climate change and environmental pollution the borders between nature and culture, plant and plastic, increasingly blur. Susanne Kriemann imprinted the photographs she took during field research in Sri Lanka and Indonesia with the plastic waste she found on location, using a chunk of raw oil picked in the water as her pigment.




Can You Take Me On Your Way Home After Sunset? 太陽下山後,可以帶我走一次你回家的路嗎?

Author and Artist
Dorothy Wong Ka Chung, Benjamin Ryser

Set of 6 books + 8 audio tracks (108:52 min), Artist copy (limited edition)
Texts: English, Traditional Chinese
Audio: Cantonese, with English transcription
Year of Publication: 2021
No. of Pages: 556
Price: 85 Euro (VAT included) Publisher: Self published

The artist duo Dorothy Wong Ka Chung and Benjamin Ryser (o!sland) worked on their project “Can you take me on your way home after sunset“ throughout 2020-2021 in Hong Kong, inviting and accompanying a number of their friends home. On the way home, while listening to their stories, the artists recorded everything they saw, heard and felt on the road. The artists recorded and reproduced the memories with words and photos, and reshaped the mental space of the story owners with sound, and finally presented them in the form of an audio-visual book. Audiences are invited to walk along streets in Hong Kong with the book and step into the others’ thoughts at night.



Our Manifestos: Videography. Micro Narratives. Temporal Beings. Our Manifesto 我們的錄像宣言:微敘事。存在的時間書寫

Author, Artist, Editor
Ryan Chan Siu Lung, Anna Chim, Ding Cheuk Laam, Tony Hui Wang Cheun, Gloria Shum Wing Pui, Don Tsang Yuk Hei, Dorothy Wong Ka Chung, Linda Lai Chiu Han

Book + DVD (16 videos)
Year of Publication: 2018 Language: English, Traditional Chinese
No. of Pages: 140
ISBN / ISSN: 978-988-14525-3-5
Price: 20 Euro (VAT not included) Publisher: Floating Project

“Our Manifesto” is a collection of a shout, a whisper, a note, or a written record in any form written by a group of young video artists and their teacher from Hong Kong between 2015-2018. A 140-page of bilingual writings (in traditional Chinese and English) with a DVD of works by 7 videographers, this Manifestos project documents the process of Dr. Linda Chiu-han Lai and 8 young artists sorting out, in 3 years, their reasoning for experimental actions in art and in what ways videography is a unique critical response to the milieu in which they live.




Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses 我們的錄像宣言2:記述的衝動

Author, Artist, Editor
49 artists…

Book + DVD (67 videos)
Year of Publication: 2021 Language: English, Traditional Chinese
No. of Pages: 364
ISBN / ISSN: 9789887566403
Price: 30 Euro (VAT not included)
Publisher: Floating Project

The Manifesto series on videography, launched in 2018 in Hong Kong, is a project initiated by research-based interdisciplinary artist, Dr. Linda Chiu-han Lai, to encourage the re-purposing of videography in a time when image-making tools are ubiquitous. And we have gathered self-directed, diligent videographers to enter a series of rigorous dialogues and to become a theorist of their own practice. “Our Manifestos II: Videography, Documentary Impulses” , a 365-page bilingual book (English, traditional Chinese), which includes 49 Hong Kong local and overseas videographers’ manifestos, and a total of 67 video works, will be released on 25th May.





Gallery Weekend Berlin

April, 29 – May, 1
Ambasada Kultury presents International Coalition of Cultural Workers Against the War in Ukraine

Venue: UQBAR (Schwedenstraße 16, Berlin)

As part of the screening, a discussion ‘The silent words are frightening’ will take place on April 29 at 6 p.m.

Participants: Piotr Armianovski, Lesia Khomenko, Anna Shcherbyna
Moderator: Tatiana Kochubinska
The discussion will be held on English is initiated by Ambasada Kultury and a group of Belarusian cultural workers: Anna Chistoserdova, Oxana Gourinovitch, Valentina Kiselyova, Aleksander Komarov, Lena Prents, Antonina Stebur, Maxim Tyminko.
More than 50 works from Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Poland, South Africa, etc. be shown as a gesture of solidarity with those in Ukraine who are affected by the Russian military aggression, and with those resisting colonial, patriarchal, imperialistic, and political repressions and terror elsewhere.

#77 Salon hosted by Rhona Mühlebach



Excitement is not part of my feeling repertoire

Feb27, 2021
The Salon took place via a Telegram-Chat-Group

“You will go for a walk in a forest or park nearby starting at 3 p.m. You’ll need to take your phone and headphones with you on your walk. Via the Telegram-Chat-Group you will receive different audio pieces for about one hour. We invite you to listen to them wherever you are outside in a park or in the woods.


Image: Rhona Mühlebach, 2020



#76 Salon hosted by Magali Dougoud



The Womxn Waves I-II-III 

Oct 8, 2020
Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany

All the womxn’s bodies that crossed the rivers and canals of the city of Berlin are connected with each other. They were killed there, died, or only passed through these liquid spaces and together they grew into an original memory that connects distant pasts and potential futures. In this new narration a population has emerged from this violence and loss: the Womxn Waves.




Image: Magali Dougoud: Still from the video work: The Womxn Waves I, 2020



#75 Salon 
hosted by Joris Perdieus



Sep 19, 2020, 17:00
Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany


Immersive Installation.
Room A: The Healing Room

You are invited into a dark room. You enter it by yourself. Inside you are immersed in a healing sound. You are immersed in a healing wind. You are there for a while. To discover the rocks.

The installation is A result of the research Joris conducted on nonvisual atmospheric and scenographic actors in his artpractice



Image: Room B, during the Salon, 2020, Berlin






Jan Mot open during Gallery Night, 27 April, 2 – 9pm

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Please note

Johanna Billing, Each Moment Presents What Happens (2021), video, sound, 27 min./loop.

Currently on view:

Johanna Billing
Each Moment Presents What Happens
Exhibition until 21/05
Proposed by Hollybush Gardens, London

Opening hours during Art Brussels week: 
Wednesday: 2 – 9 pm
Thursday and Friday: 2 – 7 pm

Saturday: 12 – 6 pm
Sunday: closed

The Newspaper no. 131 is now online.


Andrea Büttner
Part 1: Asparagus harvest
04/06 – 23/07
Opening: 04/06, 3-7 pm


Jan Mot
Petit Sablon / Kleine Zavel 10
1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 514 10 10
Wednesday till Friday 2 – 6.30 pm
Saturday 12 – 6 pm
and by appointment


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Beleef Design Fest Gent, Kunstennacht en unieke rondleidingen

Geen afbeeldingen? Bekijk de webversie

Z33 Nieuwsbrief

De komende dagen trekt Z33 eropuit. We zoeken grensverleggende ideeën op tijdens Design Fest Gent en keren terug naar onze buren tijdens Tournée Locale en Kunstennacht in Hasselt. 

5 tips voor Design Fest Gent

re-FORMAT Heleen Sintobin © Selma Gurbuz

Design Fest Gent is de hoogmis voor alle designliefhebbers. Ook Z33 is deze week aanwezig op het festival. Morgenavond staan we er stil bij de nood aan een designtijdschrift in Vlaanderen. Daarnaast ontdek je op verschillende locaties in Gent werken van o.a. Mae-ling Lokko en tal van designers die aan FORMAT deelnamen. 

Nog meer tips voor Design Fest Gent lees je hier

Een unieke blik achter de schermen bij Z33

© Jeroen Verrecht

Z33 telt heel wat geheime plekken waar je als bezoeker nooit komt. Ontdek ze tijdens één van onze architectuurrondleidingen op zaterdag 7 of 21 mei.  In samenwerking met de Mies van der Rohe Award neemt een gids je mee langs alle verborgen en bekende plekken. 

Architectuurliefhebbers kunnen ook de tentoonstelling van BC architects & studies & materials over duurzaam bouwen bezoeken. 

Schrijf je in voor de rondleiding op 7 of 21 mei

Aaibare dierenhuiden op Kunstennacht 


© Boumediene Belbachir

Hasselt wordt één groot kunstenparcours tijdens Kunstennacht. Pik een concert, cursus naaktmodel tekenen of een museumbezoek mee. Bij ons kan je met een cocktail in de hand de nieuwste tentoonstelling van Lore Langendries ontdekken. Speciaal voor Kunstennacht en voor jou als bezoeker ontwierp ze een uniek papieren juweel. 

Ontdek het programma

Z33 is een grensverleggende kunstinstelling in Hasselt, op het kruispunt van hedendaagse kunst, design en architectuur. 



Bonnefantenstraat 1
3500 Hasselt (BE)


Copyright © 2022 Z33, All rights reserved.
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Bonnefantenstraat 1

Hasselt 3500


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tegenboschvanvreden news April/May, 2022


We are pleased to invite you to the opening of Art Brussels on Thursday April 28, or to one of the regular opening days of the fair. We will present a solo show by Ricardo van Eyk


NIHIL (smoke and mirrors)


Booth D -14
Tour & Taxis, Brussels
April 28 – May 1

Vernissage: Thursday April 28, 2022 from 5 – 10 pm
Regular opening hours: Friday April 29 – Sunday May 1, 2022 from 11 – 7 pm

Ricardo van Eyk
Lobby, 2019
plywood, concrete plywood, filler
141 x 172 x 25 cm
photo LNDW Studio




You’re your country’s lost property with no office to claim you back!


Make sure not to miss Hamza Halloubi’s second solo show in the gallery:

Until April 30

Hamza Halloubi
, You”re you’r country’s lost property with no office to claim you back, installation view

photo LNDW Studio


Transferring Cultures into Bodies


curated by Adriana Gonzalez Hulshof

Karim Adducchi, Faig Ahmed, Lisa Konno, Paul Kooiker, Ana Navas, and Aimée Zito Lema & Elisa van Joolen


May 12 – June 18


‘Special’: on Sunday, May 15 Adriana Gonzalez Hulshof will give a tour through the exhibition.

Lisa Konno
Henk, 2022

photo Laila Cohen


We have the pleasure to invite you to the opening of
Art Rotterdam on May 18, or to one of the regular opening days off the fair, from 19 until May 22.

We will show works by Ricardo van Eyk, Hadassah Emmerich, Cristina Lucas, Ana Navas, Anna Ostoya, Sanne Rous, Dieuwke Spaans, Anouk van Zwieten, Evi Vingerling

Anouk van Zwieten,
Heads, 2021, textile paint, ink and acrylic on canvas, 183 x 122 cm
Violence, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 183 x 122 cm


We are happy to participate in Ballroom Project #4 during Antwerp Art Weekend. 
At Turnhoutsebaan 92, 2140 Antwerp curator Ilse Roosens will put together a show with works of the participating galleries.

We will present


Subjects in mirror are closer than they appear

Lucas reflects on the huge disconnect between man and nature in  abstract compositions made with the very matter that makes up the human body. The images for the video were shot in Spitsbergen, Norway. With her video Lucas not only portrays the urgent issues of our time, but she does so in one of the most challenging locations in the world, the North Pole, where the effects of climate change are obvious and where tensions relating to the international division of sources of fossil fuel will determine the near future. 

Cristina Lucas, The People that is Missing, 2019, HD video, installation view


bloemgracht 57
1016 ke amsterdam
the netherlands

+31 [0]20 320 67 68

     opening hours
wednesday – saturday, 1 pm – 6 pm

     social media

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Final call for our open call!

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Volg ons op Facebook en Instagram

Sweet reminder for our open call, a new publication and two artist talks to look forward to!

Laatste oproep voor onze open call, een nieuwe publicatie van Wim Cuyvers en twee artist talks om naar uit te kijken! 

Artist Residencies 2023
NL – De deadline voor onze open call nadert: nog tot 12 mei kan je je aanmelden voor een kunstenaarsresidentie in 2023. Dien je aanvraag tijdig in via het online formulier.

Heb je vragen over onze residentiewerking? Op 4 mei organiseren we digitale infomomenten en een bezoekmoment. We staan je dan graag te woord! 

EN – The deadline for our open call approaches! Applying for an artist residency in 2023 is still possible until May 12th. Submit your application online

Do you have questions about the residency? On May 4th we organise digital, as well as walk-in info sessions!

Former resident Colin Lyons at work in our intaglio studio – (c) Ksenia Kuleshova

DE-AD – Wim Cuyvers
NL – De nieuwe publicatie ‘DE-AD’ van architect-kunstenaar-schrijver-forestier Wim Cuyvers wordt feestelijk ingelezen tijdens twee verschillende artist talks. Het boek bundelt zowel recente en nieuwe essays als ontwerpen van architectuurprojecten die nooit werden uitgevoerd en geeft zo een overzicht van de ruimtes waar Cuyvers naar zocht en zoekt.

Wees welkom op 19 mei om 19u in CIVA, Brussel en op 29 mei om 15u in BOOOOOKS tijdens Antwerp Art Weekend.
Bezoekers genieten een lanceringskorting van 10% op de aankoop van het boek.

EN – You're welcome to the launch of the new publication 'DE-AD' by architect-writer-artist Wim Cuyvers during two different artist talks. The book not only bundles recent as well as new essays, but also designs of architectural projects that were never executed. In this way, Cuyvers gives an overview of the spaces he has searched and searches for. 

We'd love to see you on May 19th, 19h at CIVA, Brussels and on May 29th, 15h in BOOOOOKS during Antwerp Art Weekend. Attendees enjoy a 10% launch discount on the purchase of the book. 

Cover image of 'DE-AD'  (2022) by Wim Cuyvers, published by Frans Masereel Centrum.

Emmanuelle Quertain met EQSNC in Toison d'Or
NL – In het kader van Connexion #1 werden zes Belgische kunstorganisaties gevraagd om een kunstenaar te selecteren voor een solopresentatie in een van de panden van Toison d’Or, een gekende winkelgalerij in het hart van Brussel. In deze context presenteert Emmanuelle Quertain het project EQSNC, dat ze de voorbije twee jaar op uitnodiging van het Frans Masereel Centrum ontwikkelde in onze ateliers.
Open op 29 april, 6 mei, 13 mei, 20 mei, 27 mei, 3 juni en 24 juni 2022 van 14u tot 18u.

EN – For Connexion #1, six Belgian art organizations were asked to select an artist for a solo presentation in one of the buildings of Toison d'Or, a well-known shopping gallery in the heart of Brussels. In this context, Emmanuelle Quertain presents the EQSNC project, which she developed over the past two years in the workshop of the Frans Masereel Centrum.
Open on 29 April, 6 May, 13 May, 20 May, 27 May, 3 June and 24 June 2022 from 14h to 18h.


Conceived as a mail order catalogue, EQSNC (2021) provides an overview of the digital experiments developed by Emmanuelle Quertain in the Frans Masereel Centrum ateliers within the framework of Hibernus #1. 

NL – Proficiat aan onze voormalige residenten en affiliated artists Amy Sillman, Tina Gillen en Kendell Geers met hun bijdragen voor de Biënnale van Venetië 2022 in respectievelijk de centrale tentoonstelling “The Milk of Dreams”, het paviljoen van Luxemburg en het nevenevent “PLANET B, Climate Change and the New Sublime.” 

Hun bijdragen in gelimiteerde oplage aan eerdere initiatieven van het Frans Masereel Centrum zijn hier en hier te vinden.

EN – Our compliments to our former residents and affiliated artists Amy Sillman, Tina Gillen and Kendell Geers with their contributions to the 2022 Venice Biennale in respectively the main-exhibition “The Milk of Dreams”, the Luxembourg Pavilion and the collatoral event “PLANET B, Climate Change and the New Sublime.” 

Find their contributions in limited edition to previous initiatives of the Frans Masereel Centrum here and here.

'The O.G. Vol. 15: Elements for a Conversation' (2021)  by Amy Sillman as part of Solitude; '’L.H.O.O.Q. (X)’ (2008), silkscreen print by Kendell Geers as part of Re:print; 'Apartment III' (2008) silkscreen print by Tina Gillen as part of Re:print. 


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Rendez-vous le 29 avril 2022
de 15h à 18h

Exposition principale
Festival Jeune Création

C’est avec un immense plaisir que nous vous invitons à Romainville pour la preview de l’exposition principale du 72e festival d’art contemporain Jeune Création, qui se tiendra du 30 avril au 15 mai 2022 dans la Chaufferie sur le site de la Fondation d’entreprise Fiminco en partenariat avec les galeries de Komunuma. 

Télécharger le pack presse

À cette occasion vous pourrez découvrir le travail de 48 artistes internationaux sélectionnés par leurs pairs. 

Pour l’exposition principale du 72e festival d’art contemporain Jeune Création, la commission de sélection était composée de 10 artistes des éditions précédentes : Chedly Atallah, Carmen Ayala, Benoit Blanchard, Nathalie Genot, Hélène Gugenheim, Shani Ha, Tilhenn Klapper, Vincent Lemaire, Norman Nedellec, Samuel Trenquier ; et d’une personnalité invitée, Françoise Docquiert.


Les artistes sélectionné.e.s :

Aram Abbas, Morgane Baffier, Olivier Bémer, Max Blotas, Kamil Bouzoubaa-Grivel, Mégane Brauer, Camille Chastang, Lou Chavepayre, Clément Courgeon, Juliette Dérutin, Jérémie Danon, Yuna Denis, Énora Denis, Inès Di Folco, Morgane Erpen, Cédric Esturillo Cacciarella, Raphaël Fabre, Léo Fourdrinier, Juliette George, Juliette Green, Shuo Hao, Ninon Hivert, JJ von Panure (Leïla Fromaget & Anastasia Gaspard), Jean-François Krebs, Guillaume Lépine, Corentin Laplanche Tsutsui, Aurore Le Duc, Robin Lopvet, Leticia Martinez Perez, Adrien Menu, Sergio Morabito, Lucian Moriyama, Pascal Mouisset, Raphaël-Bachir Osman, Nefeli Papadimouli, Chae Dalle Park, Joseph Perez, Maëlle Poirier, Franck Rausch, Paola Siri Renard, Francisco Rodriguez Teare, Lucas Seguy, Masahiro Suzuki, Una Ursprung, Gaspar Willmann, Yoann Ximenes, Xolo Cuintle (Romy Texier & Valentin Vie Binet). 

Le festival Jeune Création se poursuivra ensuite dans les villes de Marseille, Lhomme et Paris par des expositions thématiques, des programmes de performances et des interventions infusant l’art, la culture et la solidarité au coeur de la vie. 

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer, d’échanger et de partager ensemble,
Bien à vous,

L’équipe de l’association Jeune Création

Née en 1949, Jeune Création est un des plus ancien collectifs d’artistes dans le monde. Fidèle à sa mission, Jeune Création perpétue l’émulation entre artistes, publics, collectionneurs, galeries et institutions publiques ou privées.


Créée en 2017, la Fondation Fiminco incarne les missions de Groupe Fiminco de soutien à la création contemporaine et d’accès pour tous à la culture, au plus près des dynamiques sociales et culturelles du Grand Paris.


43 rue de la Commune de Paris
93230 – Romainville

Métro : ligne 5 / Bobigny-Pantin-Raymond Queneau


Manon Raoul : Jérémy Chabaud :

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Vanessa Disler I Art Brussels 2022 I 28. April – 1. May 2022

Damien & The Love Guru

Vanessa Disler, The Wheel, 2021, oil on canvas, 200 x 70 cm / 78.74 x 27.56 in 


Vanessa Disler 
collaborative presentation with Hot Wheels Athens and works by Anastasia Pavlou


PREVIEW : APRIL 28, 2022
PUBLIC : APRIL 29 – MAY 1, 2022


Preview request of Art Brussels paintings by Vanessa Disler


Magnus Andersen
Opening Tuesday 26. April 5-9 pm 
Damien & The Love Guru

Christiane Blattmann 
The Law
4. February – 30. April 2022
Damien & The Love Guru

Anne Fellner
duo show with Alessandro Carano
Depth of Field 
29. March – 7 May 2022
Castiglioni in collaboration with Damien & The Love Guru 

Christiane Blattmann 
Sharon Van Overmeiren 
Sour Well
group show with Henrik Potter
12. March – 30. April 2022 
Nir Altman 

Emanuele Marcuccio
Der Radwechsel
Opening 30. March 6-9 pm 
group show with Jenna Bliss, Noémie Degen/Simon Jaton, Martin Ebner, Georgia Gardner Gray, Julia Haller, Sveta Mordovskaya, Matthias Noggler, Lukas Posch, Allen Ruppersberg, Michael E. Smith, Joanna Woś, Steffen Zillig
curated by Lukas Posch
Universitätsgalerie im Heiligenkreuzerhof

Emanuele Marcuccio
D’Après Cavenago
2017-2021 / Damien & The Love Guru 

Jannis Marwitz
La réforme de Pooky 
19. February – 8. May 2022
group show with Fabienne Audéoud, Sarah Benslimane, Elise Corpataux, Gritli Faulhaber, Sophie Gogl, Jasmine Gregory, Nanami Hori, Tom Humphreys, Marc Kokopeli, Matthew Langan-Peck, Sophie Reinhold, Marta Riniker-Radich, Christoph de Rohan Chabot, Thomas Sauter, Grégory Sugnaux, SoiL Thornton, Amanda del Valle, Jiajia Zhang
curated by Grégory Sugnaux, Paolo Baggi and Nicolas Brulhart
Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

Jasmin Werner 
Stufen zur Kunst 
11. March 2022 – March 2023
Kunstverein Hannover


Vanessa Disler 
Light Sleeper
Opening 13. May 2022
Damien & The Love Guru 


Jasmin Werner 
solo presentation 
13-19 June 2022
Liste Art Fair 


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Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Zollikerstrasse 249
8008 Zürich
by appointment

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Reminder: CAConrad, Reading performances


13 Moons: Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return

Reading performances

Friday 29 Abril 2022, 8 p.m
Saturday 30 April 2022, 12 p.m



As part of their solo exhibition 13 Moons: Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return, Philadelphia-based poet CAConrad will be performing what they coined as (soma)tic exercises, exploring which direction their voice should move and the fluctuations of sound as a liberating movement. 

As a poet who is also interested in movement, these ritualistic body experiences unfold language as a mechanism of presence. CA’s work has been a vital figure in thinking about how poetry and the body can play and build off one another. In this, the notion of Ecopoetics becomes more than just a focus on degraded soil, air and water, and through this 2–chapter performance considers the ability of language to invoke environmental vibrational absences, making and distributing poems that embody the vulnerable and generative friction between bodies and words. 

This event has been programmed in the context of 13 Moons: Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return and will take place in–site with no online retransmission. Thus, we kindly encourage you to book your attendance through the link above. 
13 Moons: Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return was made possible with the generous support of INJUVE.

c/ Luis Hoyos Sainz nº2 (int)
39001, Santander, SP.


Art Brussels x LMNO



Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer notre participation à la foire d’Art Brussels pour la 5ème année consécutive.

Du 28 avril au 1er mai LMNO retrouvez-nous au stand D30 à Tour & Taxi.


Durant ces 4 jours de foire, vous pourrez venir découvrir les oeuvres du collectif VOID, un duo d’artistes qui utilise le son comme matériau de représentation du réel réalisant des oeuvres résolument visuelle et sculpturales. Une sélection d’oeuvre de la série La stagione dell’amore réalisée par Denicolai & Provoost sera également visible lors de la foire. Ce duo d’artistes produit un art qui analyse des faits économiques et des réalités sociales avec légère et un humour caractéristique.


Dans le cadre de la Gallery Night organisée par Art Brussels le 27 avril, nous vernirons l’exposition High Tide de l’artiste espagnol Miguel Sbastida à la galerie.





Tour & Taxi – Av. du Port 86C

1000, Bruxelles, Belgique


+32 498 57 35 47

LMNO – 31 Rue de la Concorde, 1050 Brussels


N’hésitez pas à faire la demande par

Au plaisir de vous retrouver !

Save the Date – Upcoming Exhibitions

contemporary art fair – THE SOLO PROJECT Brussels

Nathalie Campion Solo Show presented by Atelier Jespers

April 27 > May 1 – Circularium, Liverpool Hall 1 – Liverpool street 77- 1070 Brussels

Corpus #3 – The Gisant – Glazed Ceramic – 2021 – 40 x 69 x 160 cm – photo Antony Girardi

I’ve Lost My Head

Nathalie Campion Solo Show presented by Jonathan F. Kugel Gallery

Opening May 5 > May 29 – rue Watteeu 16- 1000 Brussels

Corpus #10 – Glazed Ceramic – 2021 – 72 x 12 x 36 cm – photo Antony Girardi

Oscillation 2022 Bulletin ::: episode 3 :: All things radio

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Oscillation Bulletin ::: episode 3
25 April

Tune in, drop out!

Oscillation ::: Festival wouldn’t be Oscillation ::: Festival if there weren’t some radio waves involved; hence, a bulletin dedicated to all things radio, to get you prepared at the start of the festival (that is, only in three days!). Be sure to grab your tickets and reserve for the workshops and walks in time.

Get in the mood for our four day celebration: listen to festival previews on Klara’s Late Night Shift (the Oscillation part starts at 1h 22’) by Bart Vanhoudt and Gerrit Valckenaers, Kiosk Radio by Caroline Profanter and Margherita Brillada and Cashmere Radio (Tuesday, 15:00 Brussels time) / We Are Various (Wednesday, 15:00 Brussels time) by Margherita Brillada.

During the festival, all of the acts are live relayed via the festival website. Our radio partners Listening Arts channel, radio P-node and Shirley & Spinoza are also broadcasting parts of the program. The acts that are streamed are indicated with the red dot on the festival website. The first act starts Thursday, 19:00 Brussels time.

We also like to highlight RYBN as a very special addition to this year’s festival. We came across the practice of RYBN while researching contemporary sound-walking as part of an upcoming book in collaboration with Elena Biserna. The collective has been operating in Paris since 1999 in a wide variety of formats and guises, drawing on computer programming, activism and experimental art. There is a forensic precision to their work, paired with an expansive attitude to research and presentation, drawing parallels and comparisons across various systems and technologies that shape the world we live in.

For their contribution to Oscillation ::: Public Address, RYBN proposed to stroll through the murky world of international finance. The Offshore Tour Operator is a Situationist Dérive charting the opaque territories of Offshore Finance. The project starts out with the Paradise Papers, a 2017 leak of some 13.4 million documents detailing international tax evasion. This evasion was made possible by a vast network of so called “shell companies”, which use physical addresses all across the world to move money in and our of tax jurisdictions. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, RYBN will lead a performative hunt for shell companies, trust firms, domiciliation agencies, and shadow finance offices—in short, the physical infrastructure of international tax evasion, reshaping the city by virtue of its shadow finance. The walks make use of specially designed players built by the collective to capture and document these addresses.

This is a rare and intimate occasion to encounter the work of RYBN, so don’t wait too long to sign up for a walk and discussion on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, followed by a collective discussion in various locations around Brussels.

Lastly, Den Haag-based sound artist and electroacoustic music composer Margherita Brillada will kick off the workshop program with her Radiophonix workshop, in which we dive deep into radio art, broadcasting technologies and discuss our own radiophonic pieces. Be sure to subscribe for this and the other workshops in time.

Hoping to meeting you later this week,

The Oscillation Crew

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With the kind support of Needcompany,, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.

Greetings from Berlin — Grüße aus Berlin — Amitiés de Berlin


We would be pleased to see you at Miss Read, Berlin Art Book Festival 2022. We will be presenting a selection of our recent artists publications.


Nb: I will be in Berlin the first ten days of May. I hope to see you there.


Berlin Art Book Festival 2022
April 29 – May 1, 2022
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin

Opening Hours
Friday 5-9pm // Opening Party 9pm till late.
Saturday 12-7pm
Sunday 12-7pm

MISS READ: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2022 will take place on April 29th to May 1st at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and will bring together a wide selection of 300+ publishers, art periodicals and artists/authors.

In conjunction, the Conceptual Poetics Day will explore the imaginary border between visual art and literature.

The poster for MISS READ 2022 is created by Jay Ramier. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfond Berlin

First launch of the book / Première présentation du livre




Artist Book / Jacket / Soft cover / 60 pages / 9 color inserts / Edition of 500 copie / isbn 978-2-9552776-2-1 / Editions Salon du Salon / 19 € / Online sales (Worldwide shipping)

With the support of Cnap, Centre national des arts plastiques & Région Sud


The protocol for the production of the works presented at Salon du Salon is simple. There is a certain nonchalance, few gestures. These gestures directly question how a work is produced. The stages of development of these works are predefined: visiting museums, taking photographs, opening them on a computer, copying, pasting, adjusting, moving and recording. The same protocol is applied to sculptures: looking for models of works of art, downloading them, opening them on a computer, copying, pasting, adjusting, moving and recording. The finalized digital document is then sent via the internet for printing. Once received, its elements are arranged and displayed. My task is to keep the machine running, to test my method, to extend it and to accept the hazards of improvisation, chaos and surprise. The forms produced would have what Tristan Garcia calls an equal ontological dignity.

We live in this world of things, where a cutting of acacia, a gene, a computer-generated image, a transplantable hand, a musical sample, a trademarked name, or a sexual service are comparable things. » (1)

In addition to this drift in the museum rooms, there is a drift on the many websites that offer models, files of digitised works. This monstrous, distorted approach represents both a way of proceeding and a principle of equality. Everything is reduced to a relation to forms, remains elusive. It is difficult to establish substantive relations between these forms, but there is something that connects them. A certain desire, a willingness, a need projected in the use or contemplation of the object, the gesture, the icon. These works and these attitudes embody the same joyful and inoperative melancholy in the world. Beyond the meaning that can be extracted from it, this process questions copying, documentation and capture. Understanding, creating, citing, using, deforming, destroying, copying and pasting; acting, drifting too.

This set of works takes a precise and critical look at what computing is changing in our way of thinking and understanding the world. It is a question of experimenting with a whole system of possible operations carried out with an unfailing form of love for things, gestures and beings.

This publication is both a synthesis and an extension of these issues.

Qu’il est bon
de se réveiller le matin
tout seul
et de se dire de l’art
que vous l’aimez
que vous l’aimez plus que tout
au monde
. (2)

Michaël Sellam, Paris, September 2019

(1) – Tristan Garcia, Form and Object: A Treatise on Things, Edinburgh University Press, 2014, p. 1.
(2) – Freely inspired by: « Love Poem » by Richard Brautigan.


First launch of the book / Première présentation du livre


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Arjan van Helmond | Vertical Thinking | Opens Saturday April 30, 5-7 pm

Arjan van Helmond | Vertical Thinking | Opens Saturday April 30, 5-7 pm


We would like to invite you to the opening of:
Arjan van Helmond
Vertical Thinking
Saturday April 30, 5-7 pm

Albada Jelgersma Gallery is pleased to invite you to Vertical Thinking, Arjan van Helmond's second solo exhibition at the gallery. The exhibition opens on Saturday April 30th from 5-7 pm and runs through June 4th.

On display are ten large and smaller paintings of trees, always painted from the same point of view. In contrast to his usual loose way of working, van Helmond created a series of works with the same motif. Yet the paintings are very different. Each work explores in an experimental way the different possibilities and options that color, light and form have to offer.

Van Helmond uses vertical thinking, which is regarded as the opposite of creative (or lateral) thinking. It describes a strict, linear thinking process, in which you rationally look at all options to arrive at the best result. In this series, van Helmond explores whether and how this way of thinking can be used in the creative process of painting.

Although as a viewer you view the paintings horizontally, it feels as if you are looking vertically 'into' the painting. There is a sense of looking up. If you look up at the trunk, you can see light shining through the foliage. Sometimes the light seems to come from the trunk itself. Or the light is reversed, as in a negative of a photograph. At times the trunk of the tree fills up half the image, but way up beyond the leaves, there is always an infinite amount of sky to look up to. Depending on the distance between you and the painting, the paintings can appear almost abstract.

We usually recognize a tree by its location, much more than by its specific appearance. As a source, van Helmond photographed trees in places that are meaningful to him. An oak tree near his home in Amsterdam. A beech tree in a park in Berlin. A palm tree in a garden in Dubai. Each of the trees have a physicality to it. With branches that twist and bend like arms. Exuberant or subdued. Although the trees are all painted from the same perspective, this makes each of the trees recognizable and unique.
Arjan van Helmond (1971) lives and works in Amsterdam. He graduated from the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam in 2004. Currently he has a solo exhibition at Museum MORE, through June 6, 2022. In October 2019 he created a public artwork in the NS Station of Leeuwarden, named Golfbrekers. In 2018 he received the Jeanne Oosting Prize. Solo exhibitions include: Kranenburgh Bergen (2018); De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam (2017); Lucebert Huis, Bergen (2017); LUMC, Leiden (2010). Group exhibitions include Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam (2014); Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht (2011); White Box, NY (2001). His work is part of the following collections: Museum MORE, the Saatchi Gallery, Museum Het Domein, De Nederlandsche Bank, Chadha Art Collection, Akzo Nobel Art Foundation, Heden, Schunck, The Schorr Family Collection, Rabo Art Collection.


Re-collection in Museum MORE
Currently there is a solo exhibition of Arjan van Helmond's work on view at Museum MORE. Arjan van Helmond and curator Marieke Jooren selected more than 20 works created over a period of 15 years. This exhibition, Re-collection is on view at Museum MORE through June 6, 2022.

More information

New book: What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond
In line with the exhibition at Museum MORE, Arjan van Helmond has a new book, published by Jap Sam Books. In What speaks to us he looks back and reflects on his paintings of the last twelve years.
More information

Image: Arjan van Helmond,Tree #18, 2022, 105 x 85 cm, gouache and acrylic paint on canvas

Lijnbaansgracht 318
1017 WZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Open during exhibitions: Wednesday through Saturday 1-5 pm and by appointment.



Magnus Andersen I Readers Remedy I Opening Tuesday 26. April 6-9pm

Damien & The Love Guru


Magnus Andersen

Tuesday April 26th 2022
5-9 pm

Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels 

Art Brussels Gallery night 
Wednesday April 27th 2022
6-9 pm 

Preview request of ‘Readers Remedy



Christiane Blattmann 
The Law
4. February – 30. April 2022
Damien & The Love Guru

Anne Fellner
duo show with Alessandro Carano
Depth of Field 
29. March – 7 May 2022
Castiglioni in collaboration with Damien & The Love Guru 

Christiane Blattmann 
Sharon Van Overmeiren 
Sour Well
group show with Henrik Potter
12. March – 30. April 2022 
Nir Altman 

Emanuele Marcuccio
Der Radwechsel
Opening 30. March 6-9 pm 
group show with Jenna Bliss, Noémie Degen/Simon Jaton, Martin Ebner, Georgia Gardner Gray, Julia Haller, Sveta Mordovskaya, Matthias Noggler, Lukas Posch, Allen Ruppersberg, Michael E. Smith, Joanna Woś, Steffen Zillig
curated by Lukas Posch
Universitätsgalerie im Heiligenkreuzerhof

Emanuele Marcuccio
D’Après Cavenago
2017-2021 / Damien & The Love Guru 

Jannis Marwitz
La réforme de Pooky 
19. February – 8. May 2022
group show with Fabienne Audéoud, Sarah Benslimane, Elise Corpataux, Gritli Faulhaber, Sophie Gogl, Jasmine Gregory, Nanami Hori, Tom Humphreys, Marc Kokopeli, Matthew Langan-Peck, Sophie Reinhold, Marta Riniker-Radich, Christoph de Rohan Chabot, Thomas Sauter, Grégory Sugnaux, SoiL Thornton, Amanda del Valle, Jiajia Zhang
curated by Grégory Sugnaux, Paolo Baggi and Nicolas Brulhart
Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

Jasmin Werner 
Stufen zur Kunst 
11. March 2022 – March 2023
Kunstverein Hannover


Vanessa Disler 
Anastasia Pavlou
shared booth with Hot Wheels Athens
28 April – 1 May 2022
Discovery section
Art Brussels 

Vanessa Disler 
Opening 13. May 2022
Damien & The Love Guru 


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Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Zollikerstrasse 249
8008 Zürich
by appointment

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