This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Thursday 15 Sep → Wednesday 21 Sep

Opening next week
Thursday 22 Sep → Wednesday 28 Sep



©Antonin Weber/Hans Lucas

Brussels Gallery Weekend 2022 is already over. This edition gave us the opportunity to see amazing shows, discover new artists and celebrate the beginning of the artistic season together. We couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out.

We would like to send a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the galleries, institutions of the Off program, artists and visitors who contributed to make this edition an exceptional moment. It was a great pleasure to be reunited again and we couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate our 15th edition.

This would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors, Treetop Asset Management, as well as Art Brussels and Art Shippers. We would also like to thank our partners and the subsidizing institutions which collaboration and support has been again essential this year. 

We look forward to seeing you next year.

Sybille du Roy & BGW Team

Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens Gala Dinner & benefit auction
Thursday 22 September 2022, 18:00 – 23:00

The proceeds of the evening will support in particular MDD’s artists’ residency programme at the Woning Van Wassenhove and the expansion of the museum’s educational mission, an essential pillar for founders Jules and Irma Dhondt-Dhaenens.

Tickets €300 /pp or €3.000 – p. table /10 pers

Reservation & info | here.


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UNSEEN | Rens Horn, Erin O’Keefe & misha de ridder, September 16-18

UNSEEN | Rens Horn, Erin O’Keefe & misha de ridder, September 16-18


Erin O'Keefe

UNSEEN |  Westergas, Amsterdam | booth 19
At this year's Unseen, Albada Jelgersma Gallery is pleased to present works by:
Rens Horn
Erin O'Keefe
misha de ridder
Opening hours:
Friday, September 16: 11.00 – 21.00
Saturday, September 17: 11.00 – 19.00
Sunday, September 18: 11.00 – 19.00


misha de ridder

Rens Horn

Lijnbaansgracht 318
1017 WZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Open: Thursday through Saturday 12-5 pm and by appointment.



invitation: THE 1970s: _____


Dear 🅐🅡🅖🅞🅢 reader,  

As the long, hot summer started slowly ebbing away, we’re eager to present our upcoming programme for the fall here at ⓐⓡⓖⓞⓢ. 

THE 1970s: _____ is the first public manifestation of a long-term research project that we launched in 2018. The exhibition highlights a remarkably prolific era of artistic production in Belgium that saw the acceleration of audiovisual experimentation, marking a period during which artists developed new forms of production that were often collaborative, immaterial, and interdisciplinary in nature.

We hope to see you on Saturday 24 September from 18:00 onward when we’ll be opening THE 1970s: _____ exhibition, together with the fifth, and final installment of our Alexander Kluge project.

Make sure to keep an eye on our events this fall. In partnership with cinema nova, we will be dedicating an evening to Videographie, the radical, nonconformist TV programme that aired on RTB from 1976 till 1986. 

Take care and see you soon!

Niels with Dagmar, Daria, Dušica, Inge, Jonas, Julia, Katia, Katoucha, Laurence, Maryam, Sander, Stijn

Joëlle de La Casinière, Dans la maison (2017)
1 September – 10 October

The film Dans la maison (du Montfaucon Research Center) by Joëlle de La Casinière shows documents relating to Sophie Podolski, who worked at the Montfaucon Research Center in Brussels from 1969 until 1973. The first part of the film Part I – rue de l’Aurore, features a detailed description of the house in Ixelles, with two cats as the only characters appearing on screen. The second part of the film, Part II – La Poésie graphique de Sophie Podolski, presents over forty of Podolski’s drawings, accompanied by the music of Jacques Lederlin.

Every month,  highlights one particular work from the collection. It can be viewed online and on site as it is shown on a window display at Koopliedenstraat 62 Rue des Commerçants (next to the rile* entrance).


Cher.e d’ₐᵣᶢᴼˢ,

Tandis que les préparatifs battent leur plein chez ⓐⓡⓖⓞⓢ, la chaleur de l’été s’estompe lentement et le dolce far niente culturel semble déjà un rêve lointain. Nous avons néanmoins l’immense plaisir de vous présenter notre programme d’automne.

THE 1970s: _____ est la première manifestation publique d’un projet de recherche initié par argos en 2018. L’exposition met en évidence une époque particulièrement prolifique pour la production artistique en Belgique, durant laquelle l’expérimentation audiovisuelle s’est accélérée, et marque ainsi une période au cours de laquelle de nombreux artistes développent de nouvelles méthodes de production souvent collaboratives, immatérielles et interdisciplinaires.

Vous êtes cordialement invité.e.s le 24 septembre à 18:00 pour l’ouverture. On trinquera également au cinquième et dernier chapitre de notre projet autour des Minutenfilme d’Alexander Kluge.

Gardez aussi à l’œil nos autres événements cet automne. En collaboration avec cinema nova, on consacre la soirée du 2 octobre à Videographie, l’émission anticonformiste de la RTB qui a diffusé, de 1976 à 1986, un large éventail de vidéos et de films issus de l’avant-garde belge et internationale.

A très bientôt,

Niels avec Dagmar, Daria, Dušica, Inge, Jonas, Julia, Katia, Katoucha, Laurence, Maryam, Sander, Stijn

Joëlle de La Casinière, Dans la maison (2017)
1 septembre – 10 octobre

Dans son film Dans la maison (du Montfaucon Research Center), Joëlle de La Casinière nous montre des documents autour de Sophie Podolski au Montfaucon Research Center à Bruxelles, de 1969 à 1973. La première partie Part I – rue de l’Aurore présente une description détaillée de la maison à Ixelles, avec pour seule présence deux chats. La seconde partie du film Part II – La Poésie graphique de Sophie Podolski, nous fait découvrir une quarantaine des dessins de Sophie Podolski accompagnés de la musique de Jacques Lederlin.

Tous les mois, vous permet d’accéder gratuitement aux œuvres anciennes et nouvelles de la collection sur votre écran personnel. L’œuvre sélectionnée est également présentée dans une vitrine au 62 rue des Commerçants.



Beste ₐᵣᶢᴼˢ-lezer, 

Terwijl de lange, hete zomer langzaam wegebt en de culturele dolce far niente alweer een verre droom lijkt, stellen we jullie met genoegen ons najaarsprogramma voor.

THE 1970s: _____ is de eerste publieke manifestatie van een langlopend onderzoeksproject dat argos in 2018 aanvatte. De tentoonstelling belicht een bijzonder rijke periode voor de artistieke productie in België, waarin steeds meer audiovisuele experimenten plaatsvonden en nieuwe, interdisciplinaire samenwerkingen ontstonden.

Jullie zijn van harte welkom op 24 september om 18:00 op de opening van de tentoonstelling. Op dat moment lanceren we ook het vijfde, en laatste, hoofdstuk van het Alexander Kluge project.

Hou zeker onze events van het najaar in het oog. Zo wijden we, in samenwerking met cinema nova, op 2 oktober een avond aan Videographie, het baanbrekende televisieprogramma dat van 1976 tot 1986 tweewekelijks video’s en films van de Belgische en internationale avant-garde in de schijnwerpers plaatste.

Tot snel weer!

Niels met Dagmar, Daria, Dušica, Inge, Jonas, Julia, Katia, Katoucha, Laurence, Maryam, Sander, Stijn

Joëlle de La Casinière, Dans la maison (2017)
1 september – 10 oktober

Met haar film Dans la maison (du Montfaucon Research Center) toont Joëlle de La Casinière tekeningen van Sophie Podolski, die van 1969 tot 1973 werkzaam was in het Montfaucon Research Center in Brussel. Het eerste luik van de film Part I – rue de l’Aurore is een gedetailleerde beschrijving van het huis in Elsene, met twee katten als enige personages. Het tweede deel van de film, Part II – La Poésie graphique de Sophie Podolski, presenteert een veertigtal tekeningen begeleidt door de muziek van Jacques Lederlin.

Elke maand brengt oude en nieuwe werken uit de collectie naar je thuisscherm. Het werk wordt ook gepresenteerd in de vitrine van de Koopliedenstraat 62.

copyright © 2022 argos centre for audiovisual arts, all rights reserved.

our mailing address is
argos centre for audiovisual arts
werfstraat 13 rue du chantier
B-1000 Belgium

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We are pleased to share with you the preview of our  32nd  project on show in our gallery in Rue Van Eyck 57, Brussel.


Featuring works from the 80s to the early 2010s, the exhibition traces Richard Nonas's evolution in his research of space and forms.

The preview can be downloaded via this link DOWNLOAD PREVIEW 
If you have any questions, or if you would like to arrange an in-person viewing, please do not hesitate to let us know

With best wishes,

Oliver Vrankenne and Valeria Butera


Installation view 

o          v project room
Rue Van Eyck, 57
B – 1050 Brussels

Olivier Vrankenne
Cell: +32 486 43 43 44

Valeria Butera 
Cell: +39 3472472107

Opening hours :

Wedn. to Sat. from 2 — 6 pm
or by appointment



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Last days: Sven Augustijnen, ‘Maps of the Middle East (1942-1969)’, on view until 18/09 at Lempertz

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Sven AugustijnenMaps of the Middle East (1942-1969), 2020, installation view, Jan Mot at Lempertz, 2022. Photo: Philippe De Gobert.

On view until Sunday 18/09:

Sven Augustijnen
Maps of the Middle East (1942 – 1969)

Jan Mot at Lempertz
rue du Grand Cerf / Grote Hertstraat 6 1000 Brussels

This is a selection from the maps of the Middle East published in Time Magazine between 1942 and 1969. The segments before, between 1923 and 1941, and after, from 1970 to today, will be shown on other occasions. Most of the published maps are geopolitical or war maps, some are of archeological or religious interest. They show the shift of power and focus, and thus of territory, from the crumbling of the British Empire in the 20th century, to the independence and the birth of new nations in the post-war area, a process going hand in hand with the dynamics of the Cold War and the confrontation of the American and Soviet spheres of influence. […]”

Sven Augustijnen

Special opening hours:
14/09 – 18/09, 12 am – 6:30 pm and by appointment


Jan Mot
Petit Sablon / Kleine Zavel 10
1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 514 10 10


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September im IKOB und Ausblick 🍂

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Liebe Leser:innen,

während der Herbst langsam aber sicher Einzug hält, haben wir im IKOB einiges für euch in petto! Die Ausstellung zum IKOB – Feministischen Kunstpreis neigt sich dem Ende zu und unser September-Programm steht thematisch ganz besonders unter dessen Stern.

Wir starten am 14.9 mit einem Spieleabend zum Thema Frauen in der Kunstwelt, und es geht weiter am 15.9 mit einer digitalen Diskussionsrunde mit drei queer-feministischen Organisationen des Kultursektors.

Am 24.9 präsentieren wir eine Performance von Catinca Malaimare als Teil des ersten Very Contemporary Performance-Festivals im Kunsthaus NRW, und verabschieden uns am Tag darauf von der Kunstpreis-Ausstellung mit der langerwarteten Performance OCEAN von Daniela Bershan zur Finissage.

Am Sonntag, den 9. Oktober öffnen wir die Tore wieder zur Vernissage zwei neuer Ausstellungen: Johan Tahon: Umarmung und die Gruppenausstellung Redrawing the Lines.

Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme und euren Besuch!

Donnerstag 15.09.2022, 19:00

Online-Gesprächsrunde mit And She Was Like: BÄM!, Engagement, & Queer is not a Manifesto

Eine Diskussionsrunde mit Vertreter:innen von queeren und feministischen Organisationen aus dem Kulturbereich dreier Länder. Die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, sie findet in englischer Sprache statt und wird online über Zoom abgehalten.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung hier.

Mittwoch 14.09.2022, 19:00

L’Art & Ma Carrière von Olivia Hernaïz

Mit dem Spiel « L’Art & Ma Carrière » (“Kunst & Meine Karriere”) der Künstlerin Olivia Hernaïz schlüpfen wir in die Rolle verschiedener Akteurinnen um die Herausforderungen einer Karriere in der Kulturindustrie besser zu verstehen. Teilnahme ist kostenlos, keine Anmeldung notwendig.

Mehr Informationen hier.

Samstag 24.09.2022, 11:00 – 18:00

IKOB präsentiert Catinca Malaimare: Emergency Ex

Am 24. September 2022 veranstaltet das Netzwerk der EUREGIO Very Contemporary zum ersten Mal das  » Performance-Festival cross-border «. Institutionen aus Belgien, Deutschland und den Niederlanden zeigen ausgewählte performative Positionen im Kunsthaus NRW in Aachen-Kornelimünster. Das IKOB präsentiert eine Performance der Künstlerin Catinca Malaimare, mit dem Titel Emergency Ex (2022): eine intime Begegnung zwischen menschlichen Körpern und Maschinen. 

Den Zeitplan und detaillierte Informationen zu den Künstler:innen findet ihr in Kürze auf und hier.

Sonntag 25.09.2022, 13:00 – 18:00

FINISSAGE: Feministischer Kunstpreis 2022 & Nika Schmitt

Das IKOB lädt ein zur Finissage der aktuellen Ausstellungen, bestehend aus einer Führung mit der Kuratorin Brenda Guesnet um 14:00 und Daniela Bershans Performance OCEAN von 15:30-18:00.

Mehr Informationen hier.

Sonntag 09.10.2022, 14:00

VERNISSAGE: Johan Tahon & Redrawing the Lines

Johan Tahon gilt als einer der wichtigsten belgischen Künstler seiner Generation. In der Einzelausstellung “Umarmung” präsentiert er ältere Werke aus der IKOB Sammlung neben neuen Arbeiten.

Mehr Informationen hier.

Die Ausstellung “Redrawing the Lines” zeigt Werke der rumänischen Künstler:innen Matei Bejenaru, Irina Botea Bucan und Dani Ghercă. Von Daniella Géo kuratiert und in Zusammenarbeit mit SwitchLab, Bukarest organisiert.

Mehr Informationen hier.

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Rotenberg 12b
4700 Eupen
Belgien / Belgique / Belgium

Öffnungszeiten / Horaires d’ouverture / Opening hours 
Di – So / Mar – Dim / Tue – Sun
13.00 – 18.00

Führungen auf Anfrage / Visites guidées sur demande / Guided tours on demand: Pressedossiers auf Anfrage / Dossiers de presse sur demande / Press Files on demand:  Presse-Login

Art does not need a common language, it is international by itself.
The Network of 11 art institutions of the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. Supported by Euregio Maas-Rhein

Mit der Unterstützung von / Avec le soutien de / With the support of

Copyright © 2022 IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:

IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst

Rotenberg 12b

Eupen 4700


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Expo Blue Marble, installation Somatic Communism, stage, cours… Découvrez notre riche rentrée

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Ouverture de l’exposition de Stéphanie Roland

Cette exposition est un voyage dans une géographie alternative, dans un récit à la fois documentaire et fictionnel. À la recherche de lieux cachés, les installations de l’artiste et réalisatrice belgo-micronésienne nous amènent à accoster sur des îles qui n’ont peut-être jamais existé, à partir à la rencontre de personnes disparues au bout du monde, à sonder un point d’inaccessibilité ou encore à lire les mémoires d’écrivains fantômes.

Entrée libre du mardi au samedi de 11h à 18h
Vernissage le jeudi 06.10 de 18h à 21h

Consultez toutes les infos sur notre site
Une surface de mycélium est cultivée dans une vitrine. Nourrie de matières en décomposition, elle fait naître des champignons qui se déploient graduellement en une infinité de réseaux. Découvrez l’installation d’Ève Gabriel Chabanon dans notre espace d’accueil durant toute la durée de l’exposition ! 

Envie d’aller plus loin ? Participez à la rencontre avec l’artiste le 08.11 de 18h30 à 20h.

Deux cycles de cours démarrent en octobre 

L’art en sida
Par Thibault Boulvain

Ma. 11.10, 18.10, 22.11 & 29.11
18:30 → 20:00 

Jusqu’en art, la crise du sida opère un tournant majeur de l’histoire contemporaine. Thibault Boulvain en a dressé l’analyse dans un imposant ouvrage récemment publié aux Presses du réel. Ce cycle en découle : il couvre la période allant de ses origines (1981) à la révolution thérapeutique de la fin des années 1990, et s’intéresse à son impact sur les artistes américains et européens.


Le rythme aux confluences de l’espace et du temps
Par Gilles Rémy

Je. 13.10, 20.10, 10.11 & 17.11
14:00 → 16:00

Le pouvoir d’abstraction du rythme lui confère une place de choix dans le dialogue des arts qu’entend parcourir cette réflexion esthétique. Elle explorera ses multiples propriétés : vitalité dans les musiques contemporaines, swing dans le jazz, dynamisme des lignes et couleurs dans les arts plastiques, ponctuation dans le montage cinématographique et pouvoir cinétique structurant la danse.

Family Day
Découverte de notre nouvelle exposition en compagnie de médiateur.rices, visite guidée par la curatrice, ateliers de jeu de construction géant en bois avec Amadeo Kollectif et de sérigraphie avec Ice Screen : le samedi 08.10 entre 14h et 18h, participez à notre après-midi familiale de début de saison !  
En savoir plus

Stage de Toussaint : L’archipel de l’invisible
Du 24.10 au 28.10
l’architecte designer Aria Ann propose aux enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans de créer une histoire silencieuse constituée d’images découpées, superposées, transparentes et d’apprendre à écrire en effaçant les mots, pour recueillir chaque trace dans un fanzine mystérieux.
En savoir plus

Résidences à l’ISELP : appel à candidatures 

Vous avez achevé ou vous terminez vos études en histoire de l’art ou en sciences sociales ? Vous souhaitez poursuivre vos recherches en lien avec la culture artistique contemporaine ? Envoyez-nous votre candidature pour être notre prochain·e résident·e scientifique avant le 01.10.22

Vous avez achevé vos études en arts plastiques et/ou arts visuels ? Vous avez un projet lié à votre champ de création ? Envoyez-nous votre candidature pour être notre prochain·e résident·e artistique avant le 01.10.22

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ISELP, 31 boulevard de Waterloo, 1000 Bruxelles
+32 (0)2 504 80 70 | 

Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de la Commission communautaire française et de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. 

Copyright © ISELP2022
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Mijn fascinatie voor vissen

VOID – Autumn’s Exhibitions




Curator: Selen Ansen
September 14, 2022–February 12, 2023

MESHER – İstiklal Caddesi No: 211 Beyoğlu 34433 İstanbul, Türkiye

L’homme qui tend une parabole vers le ciel, VOID, 2020



Co-curated by: Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris & Centre des Arts, Enghien Les Bains
Septembre 21, 2022 – December 18, 2022

CENTRE DES ARTS  12-16 rue de la libération, Enghien Les Bains, France

Voice recording booth, SARA, 2022

The Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Parisinvited by the CDA – unveils a selection of international and Belgian artists, asking the question of the scope of our individual and collective action in an interconnected world, where humans and non-humans cohabit. If Prometheus was condemned for revealing the secret of fire, what consequences do we draw today from our mastery of technology? This exhibition suggests a possible world through the prism of art and looks at the society we have created and the environment we have chosen to live in, in the light of what we have created.

 Adrien Lucca, Alice Pallot, Caroline Le Méhauté, Charlotte Charbonnel, Justine Emard, Filipe Vilas-Boas, Frederik De Wilde, Mathieu Zurstrassen, Pierre Jean Giloux, Raymond Delepierre, Sabrina Ratté, Sarah Caillard, Thy Truong Minh, VOID

With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International & the Promotion of Brussels – Visit Brussels – the French-speaking Community Commission (COCOF) and the Ministry of Culture (French), the contribution of BOZAR (Brussels) & the Délégation Générale du Québec in Paris.




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VOID studio


Chaussée de Jette 400

Brussels 1081


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Time flies: today is already the last day to enjoy Brussels Gallery Weekend. Enjoy this sunny Sunday by walking around the city freely or on a guided tour to discover some of our 47 participating galleries and make the most of this last day! It’s now or never to come and discover our exhibitions Generation Brussels and Sculpture Factory at L’Imprimerie, Boulevard de Berlaimont 56. Today will also be the occasion to discover talks, workshops for children and the awarding of the Komet prize at our meeting point. See you there!

Credits photo : Antonin Weber



11am-6pm | General Opening in the galleries, Generation Brussels & Sculpture Factory
The 47 galleries, the 12 institutions of the Off program and the meeting point located at L’Imprimerie (Boulevard de Berlaimont 56), will open their doors to the public for the grand opening day of Brussels Gallery Weekend. Come and celebrate the new artistic season with us!

2 PM | Kids # /> 2 PM | Performance  | by Mary # /> 2 PM | Book Launch :  Inventory by Benjamin Sabatier | # & Beernaert
5 PM | Workshop 

11AM | Guided Tour | Kunstraum Collection
11 AM | Guided Tour | Downtown
11 AM | Guided Tour | Ixelles
2 PM | Guided Tour | Sablon
4 PM | Guided Tour | Ixelles
4 PM | Guided Tour | Saint-Gilles



Almine Rech, Arcade, Archiraar Gallery, Ballon Rouge, Baronian, Belgian Gallery Brussels, Bernier/Eliades, Clearing, Damien & The Love Guru, Dauwens & Beernaert Gallery, dépendance, didier Claes, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, Galerie de la Béraudière, Galerie Dys, Galerie Felix Frachon, Galerie Greta Meert, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Gladstone, Harlan Levey Projects, Hopstreet Gallery, Irène Laub Gallery, Jan Mot, La Maison De Rendez-Vous, La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach, La peau de l’ours, Maniera, Marra\Nosco, Maruani Mercier, Meessen De Clercq, Mendes Wood DM, Michel Rein, Mulier Mulier, Montoro12 Gallery, Nino Mier, Nosbaum Reding, Pierre Marie Giraud, rodolphe janssen, Rossicontemporary, Schönfeld Gallery, Sorry We’re Closed, Spazio Nobile, Stems Gallery, Templon, Waldburger Wouters, Xavier Hufkens. 


Ada Ventura, La Centrale, Fondation CAB, Cloud Seven, Globe Aroma, JAP, La Loge, LaVallée, Musée Juif de Belgique, SB34 Clovis + Société, WIELS, 10N.


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Paul Kooiker – Solo Presentation at UNSEEN


Paul Kooiker at UNSEEN

tegenboschvanvreden booth nr 64
September 15  – September 18,  2022
Westergas, Amsterdam 

Paul Kooiker, Untitled (Luncheon), 2022 
archival ink on photo rag paper, framed
57 x 42 cm

You are cordially invited to come and visit us at UNSEEN photo fair, booth 64.

In his presentation at UNSEEN 2022, Paul Kooiker (1964, Rotterdam) shows recent work that moves at the intersection of fashion and art. Kooiker has made a name for himself in the world of fashion photography in recent years, doing shoots for famous brands such as Rick Owens, Marni, Givenchy and Viktor & Rolf. He has published his photos in magazines a.o. Vogue Italia, Dazed, AnOther Magazine, Vanity Fair, M le Monde, and New York Times Magazine. The fashion assignments offer Kooiker the opportunity to experiment with new ideas for his work.

“Paul Kooiker often exaggerates the shape of bodies to the extreme. Using artificial body extensions, wigs, and extravagant clothing as well as light, shadow, and fragmentation, he creates a unique visual language whose surreal undertone often recalls icons of photography and art history. Social themes such as diversity, body positivity, or the fetishization of bodies, which the fashion world takes up, also translate directly into Kooiker’s image production. Between the queer and avant-garde creations of the designers and the nostalgically anarchic look of his photographs, an effective power typical of Kooiker emerges.” (quote from the press release of Kooiker’s solo exhibition at Museum Fokwang, Essen, DE, Dec 2021-feb 2022).


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Brussels Gallery Weekend continues today with a high quality program. Come and visit us at L’Imprimerie, 56 Boulevard Berlaimont, to discover the magnificent exhibitions Generation Brussels and Sculpture Factory. While you’ re there, have a walk in the city and enjoy the exhibitions of our 47 participating galleries. And if you feel like celebrating the launch of the artistic season, don’t forget to come to our afterparty at LaVallé tonight!

Credits photo : Antonin Weber



11am-7pm | General Opening in the galleries, Generation Brussels & Sculpture Factory
The 47 galleries, the 12 institutions of the Off program and the meeting point located at L’Imprimerie (Boulevard de Berlaimont 56), will open their doors to the public for the grand opening day of Brussels Gallery Weekend. Come and celebrate the new artistic season with us!


2 PM | Book Launch :  Victory over the Sun by Xavier Mary Baronian
3 PM | Talk with Alice Audouin | La patinoire royale
8 PM | Brussels Gallery Weekend Afterparty | LaVallée


11AM | Guided Tour | Kunstraum Collection
11 AM | Guided Tour | Sablon
2 PM | Guided Tour | Ixelles
4 PM | Guided Tour | Ixelles
4 PM | Guided Tour | Sablon
4 PM | Guided Tour | Saint-Gilles


11 AM | Workshop | NFT 1:1 with PINSL
11 AM | Talk by PINSL : Artist talk with TR Ericsson
2 PM | Kids Workshop

6:30PM | Performance  | Mary Szydlowska



Almine Rech, Arcade, Archiraar Gallery, Ballon Rouge, Baronian, Belgian Gallery Brussels, Bernier/Eliades, Clearing, Damien & The Love Guru, Dauwens & Beernaert Gallery, dépendance, didier Claes, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, Galerie de la Béraudière, Galerie Dys, Galerie Felix Frachon, Galerie Greta Meert, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Gladstone, Harlan Levey Projects, Hopstreet Gallery, Irène Laub Gallery, Jan Mot, La Maison De Rendez-Vous, La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach, La peau de l’ours, Maniera, Marra\Nosco, Maruani Mercier, Meessen De Clercq, Mendes Wood DM, Michel Rein, Mulier Mulier, Montoro12 Gallery, Nino Mier, Nosbaum Reding, Pierre Marie Giraud, rodolphe janssen, Rossicontemporary, Schönfeld Gallery, Sorry We’re Closed, Spazio Nobile, Stems Gallery, Templon, Waldburger Wouters, Xavier Hufkens. 


Ada Ventura, La Centrale, Fondation CAB, Cloud Seven, Globe Aroma, JAP, La Loge, LaVallée, Musée Juif de Belgique, SB34 Clovis + Société, WIELS, 10N.


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It has been a great opening, thanks for coming! Today we’re thrilled to welcome you to the galleries and l’Imprimerie to visit the Generation Brussels exhibition. Discover below the whole program of the day, and see you soon!

Credits photo : Antonin Weber



11am-7pm | General Opening in the galleries, Generation Brussels & Sculpture Factory
The 47 galleries, the 12 institutions of the Off program and the meeting point located at L’Imprimer
ie (Boulevard de Berlaimont 56), will open their doors to the public for the grand opening day of Brussels Gallery Weekend. Come and celebrate the new artistic season with us!

5 PM | Guided Tour | Ixelles
6PM | Guided Tour | Kunstraum Collection
6:30PM | Performance  | SPA FOR SPIRITS | L’Imprimerie



Almine Rech, Arcade, Archiraar Gallery, Ballon Rouge, Baronian, Belgian Gallery Brussels, Bernier/Eliades, Clearing, Damien & The Love Guru, Dauwens & Beernaert Gallery, dépendance, didier Claes, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, Galerie de la Béraudière, Galerie Dys, Galerie Felix Frachon, Galerie Greta Meert, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Gladstone, Harlan Levey Projects, Hopstreet Gallery, Irène Laub Gallery, Jan Mot, La Maison De Rendez-Vous, La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach, La peau de l’ours, Maniera, Marra\Nosco, Maruani Mercier, Meessen De Clercq, Mendes Wood DM, Michel Rein, Mulier Mulier, Montoro12 Gallery, Nino Mier, Nosbaum Reding, Pierre Marie Giraud, rodolphe janssen, Rossicontemporary, Schönfeld Gallery, Sorry We’re Closed, Spazio Nobile, Stems Gallery, Templon, Waldburger Wouters, Xavier Hufkens. 


Ada Ventura, La Centrale, Fondation CAB, Cloud Seven, Globe Aroma, JAP, La Loge, LaVallée, Musée Juif de Belgique, SB34 Clovis + Société, WIELS, 10N.


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Prix Pictet | The global award in photography and sustainability

Prix Pictet | The global award in photography and sustainability ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Uitnodiging: super feelings Episode 1: Jota Mombaça, ‘sinking could be’

Logo high res 

super feelings
Episode 1: Jota Mombaça – sinking could be 
16 september t/m 25 september, dagelijks van 12:00-18:00

Opening: 15 september 19:00 (deuren open om 18:30)
Performance met Tessa Mars

 Image Credit Pedro Lima kopie                            Beeld: Pedro Lima.                              

an elevation
thinking about you. in the sand,
dry and fluid – the wind blowing
you shape-shifting
are we these images?

– Jota Mombaça, fragment uit sinking could be, 2022
Op donderdag 15 september ben je van harte uitgenodigd voor de opening van super feelings: een vierdelige tentoonstelling, publieksprogramma en reader, die zich ontvouwt gedurende de herfstmaanden september, oktober en november van 2022, georganiseerd door het Curatorial Programme van de Appel.

We zijn vereerd de kunstenaar Jota Mombaça te mogen verwelkomen voor episode 1 van super feelings: sinking could be. In deze episode, die zowel een performance is als het residu ervan, laat Mombaça de Aula baden in blauw licht en de vloer bedekken met een tijdelijk landschap van zandduinen.

sinking could be is een vervolg op een reeks recente locatie-specifieke performances, waarin Mombaça werkt met een assemblage van materialen, waaronder blauw licht, geluid en textiel van katoen. Deze materialen vormen onderdeel van Mombaça’s praktijk en materiële onderzoek naar de wijze waarop de elementen hun omgeving aftasten. Dit onderzoek voert langs en door de wateren van de Venetiaanse lagune tot aan de archipel van Stockholm in de Oostzee, en meest recentelijk, de Amsterdamse grachten. Voor sinking could be breidt Mombaça het onderzoek uit naar de kustlijn en de veranderlijke vorm van zand, door de aanwezigheid op te roepen van de nabijgelegen Sloterplas in Nieuw-West, waar zand werd gewonnen voor de bouw van de Amsterdamse Westelijke Tuinsteden. Herinnert een duin zich de oceaan; herinnert het zand zich de aanraking van het water?

Ingegraven in de zandduinen van sinking could be liggen de nieuwe, in opdracht gemaakte, sculpturen van Mombaça. De metalen sculpturen zijn met water uitgesneden naar de lijnen van de tekeningen van de kunstenaar en omwikkeld met katoenen textiel. Voorafgaand aan de opening zijn de sculpturen twee weken lang ondergedompeld geweest in de gracht naast de Rijksakademie in Amsterdam, waar Mombaça momenteel in residentie is.

sinking could be derives from an ongoing investigation on the radical performativity of sinking, and it unfolds from a sensorial and material engagement with the planet, a transitional mode of inquiry committed to the preservation of possibility.’

– Jota Mombaça

Op 15 september 2022 verwelkomen wij Jota Mombaça in samenwerking met Tessa Mars voor de performance van sinking could be. Na de performance zal episode 1 tien dagen lang te zien zijn in de Appel, van vrijdag 16 september t/m zondag 25 september 2022, van 12:00 tot 18:00 uur. Wij verwelkomen je graag in de Aula van de Appel tijdens de opening van sinking could be. Meer informatie is hier te vinden.

Vriendelijke groet,
Ka-Tjun, Chala, Melissa en Monika,
deelnemers van het Curatorial Programme 2022 van de Appel.

Praktische informatie
De opening is vrij toegankelijk, vooraf opgeven is niet nodig. Voor aanvang van de performance zal de Aula gesloten zijn. We vragen de bezoekers daarom te verzamelen in de Livingroom. De performance duurt ongeveer 45 minuten. 


de Appel
Schipluidenlaan 12
1062 HE Amsterdam

+31 (0)206255651

STEUN de Appel

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De Appel wordt structureel ondersteund door
Essentiële steun aan het Curatorial Programme wordt verleend door Stichting Hartwig

De Appel ondersteunt de kunstsector via De Zaak Nu en MOKER

Verzorgd door MailingLijst

Friendly reminder: Opening New Exhibitions and Presentations | 10 September 2022, 20:00-24:00

                                                                      View this email in your browser

MAIN SPACE: Kristina Sedlerova Villanen

Kristina Sedlerova Villanen
Turning to Dust and Bones, part 3

Opening: Saturday 10 September, 20-24 hrs
Until 16 October, Thu – Sun, 14 – 18 hrs

horizon is tilting with each propulsion of oars dragging the speculative transformations and arrangements behind. transfer will happen at the deepest if zeros will not bleed too much before.

stone boats, anatomy of numbers, towel, alienation from the present moment and perhaps an attempt to grasp the totality of the matter just a minute later. inert movement of layers (after a splash) are part of the large scale transaction. the subject of orange melts into the purple one.
future currency will corrupt the codes of today, even those covered with sun cream

/ she left for a swim after all

The work of Kristina Sedlerova Villanen (Finland, 1987) can be described as emotionally loaded transitions in perishable matter. She is interested in the inconsistency of human nature, the attraction of humankind towards building unequal systems, creating concepts and the need to believe in them. Working with geological sediments, poorly made degradable materials, immaterial sources and language deposits, she alters these raw materials and the information history they are loaded with, unfolding the structures behind hierarchies and ownership history of natural resources.

With a series of sculptural gestures, MAIN COURSE is examining its own name and internal and external relationships, mingling with the space of P/////AKT.

Sedlerova Villanen is a graduate of the Academy of the Fine Arts Master’s degree program in Sculpture and the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture degree program in Scenography, both in Helsinki Finland. She has been exhibiting at Extra City Kunsthal Antwerp, Oksasenkatu 11 Helsinki, Park Tilburg, Outo Olo Helsinki, Art au Centre #3 Liège, Van Eyck Open Studios Maastricht, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Titanik Gallery Turku, MUU Kaapeli Gallery Helsinki, Eemil Art Museum Lapinlahti, Colombo Art Biennale, Colombo, FISAD 2015 Turin, Exhibition Laboratory Helsinki, Taiga-Space Saint Petersburg and Sorbus Gallery Helsinki among others. She is currently based between Helsinki and Brussels.

P/////AKTPOOL is hosting Mutter

Mutter presents Janne Schimmel
Modders and Poachers

Opening: Saturday 10 September, 20-24 hrs
Until 16 October, Thu – Sun, 14 – 18 hrs

Until the summer of 2023, and expanding the horizon to the future beyond, P/////AKT will be closely collaborating with some of Amsterdam’s youngest and finest. A celebration of The Initiative, of its dedicated organizers and of the many many talented artists that they (re)present and care for. We will talk, think, share experiences and insights – connive why not – and see what makes The Initiative tick. For starters our former P/////AKTPOOL space is put to new use by hosting initiative-initiated projects. After Tilde’s kick-off (1934, curated by Masha Domracheva) it’s now Mutter’s turn.
Mutter is a newly open contemporary art platform based in Amsterdam set up in the communal event space formerly known as filmhouse De Lange Adem, run by three of the inhabitants of the Ruychstraat 295 t/m 301. They will present the work of Antwerp based artist Janne Schimmel, who deconstructs existing hardware and technological devices to reimagine what technology is and our relationships with it.

P/////AKTSALON: Charlott Markus

Charlott Markus
Some Things Bleak

Opening: Saturday 10 September, 20-24 hrs
Until 16 October, Thu – Sun, 14 – 18 hrs

Some Things Bleak is a publication about seeing versus not seeing, about gender, class and climate, a work about representation and reproduction. In short, a vehicle for perception and togetherness. It is more of an artwork than an actual book. A hardcover that contains loose sheets, which all have been folded into separate folders. Folders that can be democratically taken out and be used as separate artworks. Three colors give the publication its identity, white, black and blue, which are combined in both paper choices and in different layers of ink, transparent and opaque alike.

Charlott Markus will be present in the P/////AKTSALON during the opening on Saturday 10 September,  inviting anyone who wants to have a talk or a private reading.
Texts by Charlott Markus and Sophia Seawell
Designed by Hans Gremmen 
Some Things Bleak is published by Fw:Books 
This project is made possible with the kind support of AFK – Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst, Stichting Stokroos, Tijl Fonds via Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Stichting Jaap Hartenfonds and indirectly via Mondriaan fund.

New Publications by Benjamin Francis and Tessa Langeveld

Finally here, available from our opening next Saturday onwards: the publications by our final P/////AKTPOOLers Benjamin Francis (Artez Arnhem, 2020) and Tessa Langeveld (AKI, 2020) who participated in the program in 2021-22.
With contributions by Àngels Miralda, Laura van Grinsven and Nesli Gül Durukan and Zeger Reyers, Gabriel Lester and Mickey Yang respectively. 

Francis and Langeveld were preceded by Stefan Cammeraat (HKU, 2015), Thomas Swinkels (St. Joost Breda, 2015), Lisa Sudhibhasilp (GRA, 2016), Monique IJsseldijk (AKI, 2016), Emiel Zeno (HKU, 2017), Loïs Richard (KABK, 2017), Brigitte Louter (KABK, 2018), Pia Hinz (GRA, 2018), Laura Hogeweg (MAFAD, 2019) and David Grønlykke (GRA, 2019).

P/////AKTPOOL Vol. 1 comprises the endeavours of all twelve participants of this special program, who were each invited shortly after their bachelor graduation. Each of them realised three consecutive presentations with special guests and produced a publication on the results of their project at P/////AKT.

Now online: Sarah Pichlkostner – Fill O

Sarah Pichlkostner’s solo exhibition (6 – 20 August) is the second part of an
organisational exchange with David Dale Gallery in Glassgow. For all of you
who didn’t make it there, DDG’s Max Slaven’s documentation of the project
and a commissioned text work by Clarinda Tse are available on our website

Join our Facebook event here.

Our events are featured on Public Data for Public Events

P/////AKT would like to thank:

Mondriaan Fund, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and 

Stadsdeel Amsterdam Oost.

Zeeburgerpad 53
1019 AB Amsterdam

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[nadine] upcoming September 2022

[n0dine] ZombieBox by Alexandra Dementieva & Various Artists
09/09 – 02/10/2022

[EN] ZombieBox is a Q&A exhibition by Alexandra Dementieva and Various Artists. Both are interested in the ‘p-zombie concept’, a hypothetical creature that is completely identical to a person in terms of the physical body, but does not have consciousness. They took this as a starting point to make new work. ZombieBox serves as a metaphor for the current broadcasting culture that is zombifying a huge amount of spectators everywhere and especially in Russia nowadays.

[NL] ZombieBox is een Q&A tentoonstelling van Alexandra Dementieva en Various Artists. Beide zijn geïnteresseerd in het ‘p-zombie-concept’, een hypothetisch wezen dat qua fysiek volledig identiek is aan het lichaam van de mens, maar geen bewustzijn heeft. Zij namen dit als uitgangspunt om nieuw werk te maken. ZombieBox dient tevens als metafoor voor de huidige mediacultuur die een enorme hoeveelheid toeschouwers ‘zombificeert’ over heel de wereld maar vooral in het huidige Rusland.

Vernissage : 08/09/2022, 6-9pm
Exhibition : 09/09 – 02/10/2022, 11am-5pm & by appointment (

n0dine, Rue de Laekensestraat 105, 1000 Brussels
more info:

image by Various Artists


[dinA] Serial Experiments Opencoil by Constant
11/09/2022 – presentation

[EN] nadine vzw will host a presentation by Constant about the OPENCOIL workshop. This two days workshop was dedicated to e-scooters: experimenting with new possibilities other than just renting and riding them. Read: parasitical micro-websites, nomadic noise installations, meshed communications on wheels, mapping of canal-lost devices… The participants of the workshop will share their prototypes and experiments, showcasing them on live trottinettes.

[NL] Constant geeft een presentatie bij nadine vzw over de OPENCOIL workshop. Deze tweedaagse workshop was gewijd aan e-scooters: experimenteren met nieuwe mogelijkheden anders dan het huren en rijden. Lees: parasitaire micro-websites, nomadische geluidsinstallaties, vermaasde communicatie op wielen, het in kaart brengen van verloren toestellen… De deelnemers aan de workshop zullen hun prototypes en experimenten delen, en ze live demonstreren op trotinettes.

11/09/2022: 8pm-11pm (no reservation required)
dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels
more info:

image by Constant

[RusClub #56] Living by Vasiliy Sigarev
29/09/2022 – 19:30-22:00

[EN] RusClub is a platform for Russian cinema. Alexandra Dementieva selects Russian movies and guides you through the history of Russian cinema.

[NL] RusClub is een platform voor Russische cinema. Alexandra Dementieva gidst het publiek doorheen de geschiedenis van de Russische cinema aan de hand van geselecteerde films.

(!) This RusClub is helt on a Thursday instead of Monday. Door opens at 19:30 and projection starts at 20:00. Feel free to bring some drinks/snacks.
dinA, Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf, 1000 Brussels
more info:

[Buratinas] Latin Flowers by Francesca Chiacchio & Mott Flyf
24/09/2022 – mobile concert 

[EN] LATIN FLOWERS is a walk, a guided tour, a boat trip, a song… 
LATIN FLOWERS is an alphabet of flowers sung in Latin – English by Mott Flyf and Francesca Chiacchio, on Buratinas boat, from A to Z.

[NL] LATIN FLOWERS is een wandeling, een rondleiding, een boottocht, een lied…
LATIN FLOWERS is een alfabet van bloemen gezongen in Latijn – Engels door Mott Flyf en Francesca Chiacchio op Buratinas boot, van A tot Z.

meeting point at 4 pm : TENACE BOATAllée du Kaai, Quai des Matériaux 17, 1000 Bruxelles 
walk starts at 5 pm, arriving at NGHE médiathèque, rue des Mariniers 6, 1080 Molenbeek St Jean

more info :;
thanks to Boot Tenace

image by Francesca Chiacchio

SOUVENHERE, walk by Lucia Palladino & Bruno De Wachter
25/09/2022 & 16/10/2022, Laken

[EN] Lucia Palladino and Bruno De Wachter invite you for an afternoon walk in Jette, Laken and your own mind. A map indicates seven points, that you will connect in the order of your choice. Places evoke other places – “it makes me think of…“. You play the game of leaving and finding traces, of writing and hiding notes. The map gets colored by the individual observations and by personal memories of other places at other times.

[NL] Lucia Palladino & Bruno De Wachter nodigen je uit voor een namiddagwandeling in Jette, Laken en je eigen herinneringen. Een kaart wijst zeven punten aan, die je in een volgorde naar keuze met elkaar verbindt. De ene plek roept de andere op – “het doet me denken aan…”. Je speelt het spel van sporen zoeken en verbergen, van berichten lezen en notities maken. In de loop van de namiddag raakt de stadskaart gekleurd door tal van associaties met andere oorden op andere tijdstippen.

There will be two editions of the walk, on Sunday 25 September and Sunday 16 October 2022. The walk will start at 11:00 at Sun Café, next to metro station Pannenhuis. The event will end around 19:00 at the same place.

Reservations :  
>> Maximum 14 people can participate each walk. You can register via mail until the day before the walk.
>> Please include the specific date you would like to participate, and the number of people.
more info :
supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, GC Essegem

nadine is supported by:
Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Mobiel Brussel van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

dinA / Nieuwbrug 3 Rue du Pont Neuf / Brussel 1000 Bruxelles



It starts today! After a year of waiting, the Brussels Gallery Weekend celebrates today the first day of a weekend full of events and artistic discoveries. Come and discover the exhibitions of our 47 galleries and 12 institutions of the Off program and celebrate with us the launch of the artistic season. We look forward to seeing you at L’Imprimerie, 56 Boulevard Berlaimont, to discover the Generation Brussels exhibition as well as the Sculpture Factory project and many other surprises.

We look forward to seeing you!!



11am-9pm | General Opening in the galleries, Generation Brussels & Sculpture Factory
The 47 galleries, the 12 institutions of the Off program and the meeting point located at L’Imprimer
ie (Boulevard de Berlaimont 56), will open their doors to the public for the grand opening day of Brussels Gallery Weekend. Come and celebrate the new artistic season with us!

3PM | Guided Tour | Frank Walter Exhibition

Those interested in joining the tour can sign up by sending a mail to 4PM | Guided Tour | Ixelles
5 PM | Guided Tour | Downtown
6 PM | Guided Tour | St-Gilles

7PM  | Performance  | SPA FOR SPIRITS | L’Imprimerie
7PM   | Evening of Poetry  | Arcade

 7.30 | Performance  Mary Szydlowska | L’Imprimerie 


Almine Rech, Arcade, Archiraar Gallery, Ballon Rouge, Baronian, Belgian Gallery Brussels, Bernier/Eliades, Clearing, Damien & The Love Guru, Dauwens & Beernaert Gallery, dépendance, didier Claes, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, Galerie de la Béraudière, Galerie Dys, Galerie Felix Frachon, Galerie Greta Meert, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Gladstone, Harlan Levey Projects, Hopstreet Gallery, Irène Laub Gallery, Jan Mot, La Maison De Rendez-Vous, La Patinoire Royale | Galerie Valérie Bach, La peau de l’ours, Maniera, Marra\Nosco, Maruani Mercier, Meessen De Clercq, Mendes Wood DM, Michel Rein, Mulier Mulier, Montoro12 Gallery, Nino Mier, Nosbaum Reding, Pierre Marie Giraud, rodolphe janssen, Rossicontemporary, Schönfeld Gallery, Sorry We’re Closed, Spazio Nobile, Stems Gallery, Templon, Waldburger Wouters, Xavier Hufkens. 


Ada Ventura, La Centrale, Fondation CAB, Cloud Seven, Globe Aroma, JAP, La Loge, LaVallée, Musée Juif de Belgique, SB34 Clovis + Société, WIELS, 10N.


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[NGHE NEWSLETTER] Ouverture + Concert ce samedi 10/09 à 17h + emission radio ce dimanche 11/09 à 17h

Capture d’écran 2022-09-06 à 14.15.44.jpg

N        g          h   E

Ouvert ce samedi 10 septembre de 14h à 20h

17h – CONCERT – Chansons d'une famille ukrainienne

Capture d’écran 2022-09-07 à 15.32.54.png

Ce dimanche 11/09 – Emission Radio Chansons Partout en direct de Nghe dès 17h

  Les chants du foyer, les chants des animaux, les chants du nid.
Écoutable le 11/09 à partir de 17h ici :
    Certains chants d'oiseaux et certains cris d'animaux sont un moyen de
    définir les contours d'un chez soi.
    Qu'on soit humain.e.s ou animaux, le chant fait foyer.
    Qu'est-ce qu'on chante à la maison ?
    Quels chants rassemblent nos proches, ou definissent le territoire de
    notre maison ?

Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles – Un futur pour la culture

NGHE – Médiathèque bricolée

rue des mariniers, 6
1080 Molenbeek St Jean

ERÖFFNUNG: Let your ( ) do the talking, eyes, knee, whatever
























OPENING WEEKEND 10. + 11.09.2022




Der NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein freut sich am Wochenende des 10. und 11. September 2022 die Ausstellung Let your ( ) do the talking, eyes knee whatever zu eröffnen.

Der konzeptuelle Rahmen der umfangreichen Gruppenausstellung fokussiert auf die Erfahrung unmittelbarer, sprachlicher Nähe; die Ausstellung versucht sprachliche Nähe-Distanz Verhältnisse zu reflektieren sowie ihre poetischen, politischen oder konkreten Effekte. Dabei geht es um die immersive Erfahrung von Sprache; es geht um das emotionale Erleben ihrer Sinnhaftigkeit oder ihres Unsinns und um den Versuch, Sprachlichkeit als ein empfindsames und vielfältiges Organ zu begreifen mit dem wir uns verständigen und einschreiben. In dieser Ausstellung geht es nicht um Entmaterialisierung, sondern um eine noch zentralere Komponente des Werkbegriffs.

Die Ausstellung wird organisiert und kuratiert von Luisa Schlotterbeck (Künstlerische Leiterin, Neue Galerie Gladbeck), Monty Richthofen (Künstler) und Maurice Funken (Direktor, NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein). 

Teilnehmende Künstler_innen:

Havin Al-Sindy / Arts of Working Class: Maria Inés Plaza Lazo & Jeronimo Voss / Sophie Calle / Kyrill Constantinides Tank / Richie Culver / Marcel Hiller / Thomas Hirschhorn / Artor Jesus Inkerö / Barbara Kapusta / Ndayé Kouagou / Inga Krüger / Mafia Tabak / Stefan Marx / James Mæssiah / Marianne Mispelaëre / Thomas Musehold / Boris Nieslony / PMS / Daniele Pusinanti / Johanna Reich / Monty Richthofen / Franca Scholz / Luki von der Gracht / Nicholas Warburg



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NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
Passstraße 29
52070 Aachen
0049 (0)241503255



Kristof Van Heeschvelde | Art on Paper 2022 | Bilal Bahir


Ief Spincemaille will present a series of new works at the coming edition of Art on Paper 2022. ‘Blue Dot On White Paper’ (2022), is a kinetic work that tricks our perception of shape and colour.

Kristof Van Heeschvelde

For this edition Kristof will transform his studio in a temporal bar where you are welcome to enjoy a freshly brewed Cornet beer, have a look at his latest series of works made during his residency in Paris and have a good chat in good company. Welcome!

participating artists to the Open Studios Lindenlei: Kristof Van Heeschvelde, Bart Spitaels, Stephanie Gildemyn, Conrad Willems, Manon De Craene, Elisia Poelman, Gianni Skoric, Ine Smet, Isabel Devos, Lieven Lefere, Jana Vasiljevic, Valery Konevin, Jean-Marie Bytebier, Pieter Rosseel, Simon Van Parys, Ines Claus, Niels Ketelers, Marjolein Labeeû, Annouk Thys, Sven Boel, Felix Fasolt, Bart Vansteenkiste, Isa D’hondt, Wannes Goetschalckx, Leen Galle, Leo Gabin, Cecilia Jaime

Art Fair News: Art on Paper 2022

  • 05.10.2022 – 09.10.2022

Berserk Art Agency is delighted to announce our 2nd participation to the Art on Paper art fair at the Espace Vanderborght, Brussels.

With this edition we will present new works by Daems Van Remoortere and Ief Spincemaille. Two practices focused on art, science and technology.

Find us at booth n° 10

05.10.2022 > VIP-opening from 12am

06.10.2022 – 09.10.2022 > 12am – 7pm

Daems Van Remoortere

  • 13.10.2022 > 16.10.2022

Track Tracy, EVI Lichtungen, Hildesheim (Germany)

Daems Van Remoortere’s interactive AI installation Track Tracy is premiered in Germany at the bi-annual Hildesheim Light Art Festival.

Bilal Bahir

  • 17.11.2022 > 26.02.2023

Finis Terrea, a city wide exhibition by gallery Geukens & Devil, Antwerp (Belgium)

more info soon


Sept 8, PICPUS, for an Exhibition, of Sorts

dépendance Gallery & Saint-Martin Bookshop

Quarterly Arts Journal

For an Exhibition, of Sorts

Genoveva Filipovic
Christian Flamm
Dorota Jurczak
Goergia Küng
Alan Michael
Peter Wächtler

Vernissage Thursday Sep 8 from 6:00pm
Exhibition till Oct 15 2022 at Saint-Martin Bookshop



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Jasmin Werner I there in spirit I Brussels Gallery Weekend I 8. – 11. September 2022

Damien & The Love Guru

Opening Thursday 8. September 11am – 9pm
Brussels Gallery Weekend



Jasmin Werner, Al Satwa Balikbayan, 2022, digital print, cling film wrapping, archival card, aluminium frame,
73,5 x 42,5 cm / 28.94 x 16.73 in 


Jasmin Werner’s exhibition at Damien & The Love Guru, “there in spirit,” expresses an urge to see – and be – somewhere else, but also the impossibility of doing so. The title, taken from Earvin Charles Borja Cabalquinto’s research paper – “We’re not only here but we’re there in spirit”: Asymmetrical mobile intimacy and the transnational Filipino family – on how migratory Filipino workers mediate intimacy with family members back home is not merely an academic exercise for Werner, a Filipina-German raised near Cologne and Berlin.
⏤ Nadine Khalil

Jasmin Werner
Stufen fur Kunst
March 2022 – March 2023
Kunstverein Hannover

Julian Irlinger
Hanna-Maria Hammari, James Krone, Tetsumi Kudo, José Montealegre, Berenice Olmedo, Darling Lopez-Salinas, Anna Solal, Zoe Williams
Wet Resistance
Opening 13. August 2022 

Dortmund Kunstverein



Christiane Blattmann
The Sculpture Factory
as part of Brussels Gallery Weekend
8 – 11 September 2022 
Maria Zahle, Xavier Mary, KRJST Studio, Haseeb Ahmed, Tatiana Wolska, Ana Mazzei, Enrique Ramir, 
Rafa Macarrón, Christoph Meier, Thomas Renwart, Jeanne Vicerial, Jean Katambayi Mukendi 
Boulevard Berlaimont 56 

Emanuele Marcuccio
Dream pop
Opening 8. September 2022
Lodos Gallery
Mexico City

Sharon Van Overmeiren 
Jef Geys, Fik van Gestel, Luc Deleu, Ria Pacquée, Guillaume Bijl, Liliane Vertessen, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Fred Bervoets, Anita Evenepoel, Luk Van Soom, Hans Op de Beeck, Vaast Colson, Tom Liekens, Dries Segers, Bart Van Dijck, Michèle Matyn, Nicolas Provost, Nick Andrews, Peter de Cupere, Nel Aerts, Filip Vervaet, Carole Vanderlinden, Peter Morrens, Nadia Naveau, Philippe Aguirre y Otegui and others
Old Wine / New Bags 
Opening Friday 16. September 2022
De Warande

Group show
17 – 18 September 2022
Open Monumentendagen

Anne Fellner & Mathis Pfäffli
Valentin Cafuk, Valentin Hauri, Cosima zu Knyphausen
organized by Samuel Haitz
Opening 10. September 2022


Anne Fellner 
Primordial Dime
Opening 14. September 2022 
Zyrland Zoiropa

Anne Fellner 
Forever Home
Opening 30. September 2022 
Damien & The Love Guru


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Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Zollikerstrasse 249
8008 Zürich
by appointment

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