Register for ’50 Years of Art Basel: the 2010s’


[ FACETTES ] Lancement du n°6 – Économie(s) de l’art




Revue annuelle et gratuite d’art contemporain

FACETTES est un espace de collaboration, de débat et de recherche de la scène artistique transfrontalière franco-belge (Hauts-de-France, Wallonie et Bruxelles). Éditée par 50° nord réseau transfrontalier d’art contemporain, cette revue annuelle et gratuite examine les données et enjeux de la création contemporaine dans le champ des arts plastiques et visuels. Chaque numéro est l’occasion de s’interroger sur une thématique, de l’explorer sous différentes perspectives, de porter des regards croisés sur ce qui fait l’actualité de l’art.

FACETTES affirme l’exigence de son contenu dans la multiplicité des approches et des points de vue. Artistes, critiques d’art, commissaires, universitaires, jeunes chercheur·se·s et autres acteur·trice·s du monde de l’art sur la scène eurorégionale et européenne, contribuent ainsi au développement de la revue.


C’est au lendemain de la décision du gouvernement flamand de réduire de 60% les aides aux projets à destination des artistes, que s’est constitué le comité de rédaction de ce sixième numéro de la revue FACETTES. Coté français, le secteur des arts visuels est engagé depuis deux ans dans une démarche d’amélioration de son organisation, de son économie, de sa relation au politique, aux territoires et aux publics. […]

Ce numéro de FACETTES se veut attentif aux bouleversements qui agitent les économies de l’art depuis bientôt deux ans. Car si les pouvoirs publics se désolidarisent financièrement par endroits, à d’autres, ils sont attentifs à une refonte structurelle pour diminuer légalement la précarité et les abus. Face à des contingences toujours plus diverses, comment les structures et les acteurs touchés eux aussi par les logiques d’industrialisation et de financiarisation s’organisent-ils et travaillent-ils ? Comment l’artiste s’inscrit-il dans la société ? S’oriente-t-on vers une plus grande considération des problèmes économiques du secteur et au delà ?


Claire Astier, Antoine Bonnet, Marc Buchy, Sonia Dermience, Sekou Fofana, Julie Gaubert, GRG – Garage de Design Graphique, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Camille Lemille, Carole Louis, Julien Saudubray, Doriane Spiteri, Philémon Vanorlé.

Comité de rédaction

Cassandra Bizoley, Caroline Douau, Joanna Leroy, Daniela Lorini, Estelle Nabeyrat, Nathalie Poisson-Cogez, Mickaël Tkindt-Naumann, Benoit Villain

ForTune à Facettes
*Duuu Radio

ForTune est une émission radio proposée par Eva Barto et Estelle Nabeyrat, qui s’intéresse au monde de l’art en tant que monde du travail. À raison d’un rendez-vous tous les deux mois et selon une liste de sujets, il accorde la parole à des invité·e·s venu·e·s parler et débattre des conditions de travail des (futur·e·s) travailleur·euse·s de l’art. L’émission entend aborder ouvertement un ensemble de problématiques liées à un milieu professionnel riche et complexe quoique peu fédéré puisque multiple, notamment en terme de statuts et de droits. C’est un espace permettant à la fois de dresser un état des lieux des conditions de travail actuelles tout autant qu’un espace de partage des initiatives qui entendent informer et aider ces mêmes (futur·e·s) professionnel·le·s.

Dans le cadre du lancement du sixième numéro de la revue FACETTES, une émission spéciale a été réalisée, avec la participation de quelques contributeur·trice·s et membres du comité de rédaction.

Retrouvez les participations de Sonia Dermience dans un échange avec Michèle Rossignol, Carole Louis, Antoine Bonnet dans un échange avec Barthélémy Bette, Claire Astier et Sekou Fofana, Marc Buchy, Julie Gaubert, Mickaël Tkindt-Naumann et Nathalie Poisson-Cogez.

L’émission sera diffusée ce soir en direct à 19h sur *Duuu Radio,
accessible via le lien suivant.

Accéder à l’émission

Retrouvons-nous en janvier…
Samedi 16 janvier 2021, Amiens

Le samedi 16 janvier 2021, nous vous donnons rendez-vous au Frac Picardie Hauts-de-France le temps d’un après-midi.
Plus d’informations vous seront communiquées à la rentrée.

Comment récupérer un exemplaire
d’ici le 16 janvier 2021 ?

Mise en place d’un Click & Collect

50° nord se mobilise pour vous faire parvenir la revue de la manière la plus adaptée. Nous proposons donc sur deux journées, la mise en place d’un Click & Collect à Lille le mercredi 16 et le jeudi 17 décembre 2020. Nous vous invitons à prendre rendez-vous via le formulaire suivant. Rendez-vous au 42 rue Kuhlmann à Lille, dans nos bureaux situés dans le bâtiment de la malterie.

Prendre rendez-vous

La revue directement chez vous

Vous n’avez pas la possibilité de vous déplacer jusque Lille pour récupérer votre exemplaire. Nous pouvons vous le faire parvenir par voie postale, contre contribution de 10€ pour les frais postaux et de gestion. Pour cela, nous vous invitons à envoyer le formulaire d’abonnement suivant à  Abonnez-vous à la revue

Découvrez la revue depuis chez vous !

En attendant de récupérer votre revue imprimée, découvrez la version numérique ! Vous pourrez également trouver sur notre site internet dans l’onglet “Revue Facettes”, l’ensemble des précédentes éditions de cette revue !
Bonne lecture !

Découvrir la revue

Réseau transfrontalier d’art contemporain

9 RUE DU CIRQUE – B.P. 10103
+33 (0)6 07 31 14 51

Graphisme : Yann Linsart – The Viewer Studio

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50° nord est membre du CIPAC et du collectif HF Hauts-de-France

Copyright © 2020 50 DEGRES NORD, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website

Our mailing address is:
9 Rue du Cirque
BP 10103

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exhibition PAPER WORKS and more



platform for arts & culture based in HEERLEN

exhibition: PAPER WORKS – le salon

With works, books, edition or documents by Lawrence Weiner, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Claude Horstmann, Toon Tejohaas, Donya Saed, Julien Nédélec, Daniel Buren, Markus Lichti, Claude Closky, Sleeping Disorders, Dora Garcia, Nora Turato, Bruce Nauman, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, David Renaud, Kenneth Goldsmith, Anne Kawala, Franz Thalmair, Dinanda Lutthikhedde among others.

curated by: Josephine Kaeppelin, Wouter Huis
date: 14.12.2020 – 24.01.2021
opening: Sunday 13.12.2020 , 15:00-19:00
location: Greylight Projects, Limaweg 3, 6415 XD Heerlen

note: open by appointment
category: Heerlen / LIMA Heerlen / news
more information:

Presentation poet in recidence Roy Voragen

Next to this there will be a presentation by Roy Voragen. Roy was the last resident in the space of Greylight Projects in Hoensbroek. He will show some of his projects and you will have a change to meet the artist for a talk.

Voragen: “Some poems, which I fabricated during my residency at @greylightprojects, will be presented. Come if you have questions – or want to question the poetryhood of my poems – or come to just have a drink without further complications.”

Roy Voragen (Heerlen, 1974) is a poet, writer and curator. He studied political science and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. After his graduation in 2003, he moved to Indonesia, in 2017 he moved to the the Philippines and in late 2019 he returned to the Netherlands. He is curator and editor at Manila-based research and publishing lab Kwago ( As a poet, he focuses on the materialities and embodiment of languages. He tries – and fails – to make silence stutter into contradictory multitudes.

more information you can find on:

/ / /
category: Hoensbroek

opening: Sunday 13.12.2020 , 15:00-19:00
location: Greylight Projects, Limaweg 3, 6415 XD Heerlen


exhibition in public space: Shady Shopping

Shady Shoping, een expositie in het centrum van Heerlen. Veertien leegstaande winkelpanden zijn tijdens Cultura Nova het decor voor een spannend schimmenspel. Overdag blijven de geprepareerde etalages onopgemerkt, maar na zonsondergang spelen krachtige schaduwbeelden op subtiele wijze een associatief spel met het straatbeeld. Iedere locatie is anders; soms zijn er restanten te vinden van een interieur, soms van een gestaakte verbouwing en soms is het een kale witte ruimte. Al deze factoren zijn van invloed op het werk dat ontstaat.

De expositie bevindt zich op het snijvlak van theater en beeldende kunst. In het theater wordt de bezoeker niet geconfronteerd met feiten, maar met een verzonnen werkelijkheid. De vertoonde beelden transformeren de vertrouwde omgeving tot een surreële wereld, die blijkt te zijn opgebouwd uit samenvoegingen van vermoeden en projectie.  

Shady Shopping is een coproductie i.s.m. stichting Greylight Projects, Collectief RTSMD en Cultura Nova en maakt deel uit van de Stadmaakweek.

Shady Shopping is gemaakt met steun van het Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds en Stichting Stokroos.Met dank aan: Boek en Offermans, METRO PROP, VOC Vastgoed, Suyderland BV, John Kengen, Stichting Weller Wonen, Jongen Projectontwikkeling, MVGM, Leenen Vastgoed, Gallery Forty Five, Gemeente Heerlen, stichting Stokroos en het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

artist(s): , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

curated by: Laurent Malherbe
date: 24.12.2020 – 04.01.2021
opening: Wednesday 23.12.2020
opening hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun , 16:30-22:00
location: centrum Heerlen
category: Heerlen / news


Greylight Projects residency program is launching an open call for a residency of 2 months (March-April 2021) in Heerlen. This open call is addressed to artists based in the EUREGIO. The EUREGIO is a crossborder region between the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

The residency has its focus on supporting the artist’s research rather than the production. Greylight Projects offers a time to take a step back in an environment favorable to think. Greylight Projects has always been interested in art in the public space and wish to continue to do so. Following this idea, the guest artist is welcomed to explore forms or actions that can be or happen in the public domain.

location: LIMA Ateliers, Heerlen, NL
deadline: Friday January 15, 2021, midnight
date: March – April 2021

More information about the program and how to apply:

Greylight Projects

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Emanuele Marcuccio I Sì o No I Opening 17 18 19 December I Damien & The Love Guru hosted by CFA Live Milan

Damien & The Love Guru


Emanuele Marcuccio

Sì o No

Opening reception
17. 18. 19. December 2020
Thursday  –  Saturday from 2 – 8 pm
and by appointment

Damien & The Love Guru hosted by CFA Live
Via Rossini 3
20121 Milan


Covid measures will be in place during the opening days.
Please bring your own mask and keep your distance.

The exhibition will be on view until 2. February 2021
Opening hours :
CFA Live
Tuesday – Friday
3 – 9 pm


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For more information please contact:

Priya Shetty +32 477 58 79 73

Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

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In a Long Blink of an Eye, HISK Laureates 2020, 16.12.2020 > 31.01.2021, Gosset site, Brussels


U bent van harte welkom op de HISK laureatententoonstelling 2020
In a Long Blink of an Eye, Gosset site, Brussel

You are welcome to visit the HISK laureates exhibition 2020
In a Long Blink of an Eye, Gosset site, Brussels

Om iedereen een veilig en aangenaam bezoek te garanderen, vragen we je tijdslot hier online te reserveren.
To guarantee everyone a safe and pleasant visit, we ask you to book your time slot online here.

Katya Ev’s performance Visitors of an Exhibition Space Are Suggested to ‘Do Nothing’ will be activated from Wednesday 16.12 till Sunday 20.12.2020 and on Saturdays (07.01, 14.01, 21.01, 30.01) from 14h to 18h. Visitors can take a comfortable seat and in return get paid according to Belgium’s minimum wage. Your time is unlimited. To reserve a slot to ‘do nothing’ click here.

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Marc Jancou


This month, Marc Jancou Contemporary presents online viewing rooms by Stanley Whitney (b.1946, New York) alongside Alan Uglow (b.1941 – 2011).  Although from strikingly different backgrounds, Stanley Whitney and Alan Uglow are both associated with the post-minimalist painting scene in New York in the 1970s. Whitney and Uglow both put process at the forefront of their practice. Equally, both artists have a repetitive and methodical approach to colour, making subtle changes in each piece to show the nuances of juxtaposition and harmony. In this selection of viewing rooms, we look at works by Uglow and Whitney together, while also reflecting separately on how each artist’s unique backgrounds and interests have effected their creative vision.








Geneva / New York / Porto

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What’s happening at AVL Mundo

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What’s happening at AVL Mundo

Art Nativity Scene (Kunst Kerststal)

scroll for Dutch

AVL Mundo, Atelier Van Lieshout and Plusplunt bring light to these dark days with an Art Nativity Scene and fundraising in and around the M4H area. A pilgrimage for people between the ages of 8 and 88 who, regardless of their beliefs or disbeliefs, who want to come together in solidarity or because they feel lonely and displaced. Of course, everything with due regard the latest corona measures.

The Art Nativity Scene at the Keileweg is a diorama, a life-size spectacle, with revolving temple dancers, challenging Hanukkah candlesticks, spoiled godsons, rotating fertility priests, and of course babies as radiant centers.

Ongoing daily is the Christmas Audio Tour for the whole family. On December 23, a take-away Christmas dinner will be served for (ex) homeless people and others in vulnerable situations. On the weekends, with a hot chocolate in hand, come listen to the unlicensed Street Musicians that have problems earning money in these difficult times.

Under the adagio “burn a candle for yourself”, together we torch the misery of the past year in the fire pits at the Sculpture Park.

The activities around the Kunst Kerststal also ring the final bells for the last days of the outdoor exhibition Let’s Get Physical in the M4H area. In a solidarity setting, walk this beautiful route with over 30 statues. In the happy expectation that 2021 may be a better year and that we may leave 2020 behind us.

Entrance is free, registration is not necessary.

Sculpture park AVL Mundo
Keileweg 18, Rotterdam

Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00
Weekend 12:00 – 17:00
Except for December 25th and January 1st

Fake Me Hard

FAKE ME HARD part 1 is the kick-off of a spectacular exhibition at the interface of art and technology, planned from June 25 to Aug 15, 2021 by the creators of ROBOT LOVE and TEC ART in collaboration with AVL Mundo / Worm.

FMH is urgent and has a big wow factor. How do we survive the “post-truth” society? Are people in control or are algorithms taking over? Artificial Intelligences are already characterized as omniscient. Will they become the new Gods? Do they determine what is fact or fiction while human truths slowly become irrelevant? Technology was once a tool in the service and extension of human beings. But tech has become a supreme system, driven by a handful of big companies. People are played apart “users” in fake news environments, automatically generated from their profile. Each of us is condemned to his / her / their own bubble, a meaningfully disconnected illusory world. To use Matrix terms: we can no longer choose between the red or the blue pill. Only the blue pill is available. 

FAKE ME HARD takes the audience on a trip into a new dimension. Physical and online locations become players in a magical landscape. The loss of meaning may sound alarming, team human does not give in. With the artists on the front line, we investigate our cultural capital. In the FMH kick-off Daito Manabe, Joey Holder, Viviane Komati, Frederik de Wilde, Marnix de Nijs and Joep van Lieshout navigate the complexity of the 21st century.

‘Complexity is not a condition to be tamed, but a lesson to be learned.’ James Bridle

4 t/m 7 feb 2021 during Rotterdam Art Week 
Every day from 10.00 – 19.00

Keileweg 18, Rotterdam
Tickets: € 6,-

Tickets (will go on sale soon):
More info: 

Kunst Kerststal

AVL Mundo, Atelier Van Lieshout en Pluspunt brengen licht in deze donkere dagen met een Kunst Kerststal en een goede doel actie in en rondom het M4H gebied. Een bedevaartsoort voor mensen tussen de 8 en 88 jaar die zich wellicht eenzaam en ontheemd voelen, ongeacht het geloof dat ze aanhangen.

De Kunst Kerststal aan de Keileweg is een levensgroot diorama met ronddraaiende tempeldansers, uitdagende Chanoeka-kandelaars, verwende godenzonen, roterende vruchtbaarheidspriesters, en natuurlijk babies als stralende middelpuntjes.

Ook is er doorlopend een Kerst Audio Speurtocht voor de hele familie en op 23 december een take-away kerstdiner voor (ex)dak- en thuislozen en anderen in een kwetsbare situatie. Luister in het weekend met een warme chocolademelk in de hand naar de Straatmuzikanten-zonder-vergunning die hier hun een broodnodig centje bij verdienen in moeilijke tijden.
Onder het mom van ‘brand een kaarsje voor jezelf’ fakkelen we de ellende van het afgelopen jaar af in de vuurkorven in het Beeldenpark.

Vier de laatste dagen van de Let’s Get Physical tentoonstelling in deze solidaire setting, in de blijde verwachting dat 2021 een beter jaar mag worden.

Toegang is gratis, aanmelden is niet nodig.

Beeldenpark AVL Mundo
Keileweg 18, Rotterdam
Ma-Vrij 09:00 – 17:00
Weekend12:00 – 17:00
M.u.v. 1e kerstdag en nieuwjaarsdag

Follow us @avlmundo on Instagram


Samenschool calendar 2021 ready!

Halo! The Samenschool calendar 2021 is readyy!

***Welcoming future gatherings***

In this edition, we counted with 13th very nice artists that during the
last year have been related to Samenschool in different ways, as
residents, workshop initiators, participants of events that got cancel,
or just by spending some time around. Thank you!

INTRO TEXT : Valentin Cernat
APRIL : Vincent Van Dijck
JUNE : Jo Camino
AUGUST : Leander Sebrechts
SEPTEMBER : Jesus Eloy
OCTOBER : Michela Dal Brollo

The calendar has been printed in the Samenschool Antenna atelier, in
Riso, and it’s an edition of 150.
If you want to get one you can pass by the Samenschool or write to us.
You can also get it in the library of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. We
can also send it. The price is 10 € (+ sending cost in case)

geeet yoursssssssssss
supporttt your local artist-run spacessss
dreaming of future gatheringssss


LAST CALL | Horst Digital Lab on Nightlife | 11-12-13 December 2020

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Allies, 

Hope this finds you in good health and good spirits! 
I’m excited to share with you Horst Arts & Music’s Digital Lab – Joining Forces: Building Resilient Nightlife Communities, 
happening this weekend 11-13 December. Live from your computer screen! 
Tune in and join us for a three-day programme of talks, performances, experiences, DJ-sets and cooking sessions. 
Entry is at 35,- euro all-in, though we offer free spots for people facing financial hardships, let me know if I can help you further!

Warm regards 
Stay safe, healthy, and hopefully we can meet again in person soon. 



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Horst Digital Lab: full program, start planning.

The Horst Digital Lab is a three-day intense & multidisciplinary weekender where we offer inspiration, togetherness and playfulness on December 11, 12 & 13. During these three days we explore various topics through five in-depth panels which are alternated with a soundscape walk, an introduction to dharma techno meditation, an ancestral Chicago house-infused voodoo circle, the exclusive screening of cult film ‘If I think of Germany Tonight‘, various cooking sessions with our guest chef Maël SchampDJ-sets live performances.

The digital Lab has been shaped in close partnership with KU Leuven & Nachtplan

How do we build resilient nightlife communities?

During the Horst digital Lab we pause, reflect and examine the above challenge through five panels:

→ Determining the societal importance of nightlife
→ Enhancing personal and collective wellbeing through nightlife
→ Decolonising music & nightlife culture
→ Becoming a real community
→ The architecture & design of club culture

We’ve invited influential and creative minds from around the world to join in. Among the confirmed speakers are: Cornelius Harris (Underground Resistance, Detroit), Authentically Plastic (Nyege Nyege, Uganda), Giulio Margheri (OMA, Rotterdam), Eamon Harkin (Nowadays, New York), Jozef Wouters (Decoratelier, Brussels), Eris Drew (T4T LUV NRG, Chicago), Lutz Leichsenring (VibeLab, Berlin), Jozefien De Leersnyder (KU Leuven, Leuven) and many others.

We’ll bring a bit of nightlife into your home.

Do you remember dancing together? Pounding beats in our ears, the smell of mingled sweat, the mind-inducing catharsis? It’s harsh, we know. As our clubbing hiatus will be extended for a while longer, we’re proposing the option of bringing a bit of nightlife into your home.

In a retro-reflective conservatory, a scenography by Philip Janssens, is where we invite Belgian artists to play and guide you through the weekend. Together we revalue the in-between moments and yearn for the dancefloor.

→ An ambient sleep-in session with Roméo Poirier
Music for sharing plates with Kim Kenis and Aso Asin.
Wake-up and explore with Lieven Martens.
→ A reflection of live with Soft Focus and Kuba
Yearning for a dancefloor with DTM FunkAliA & Bjeor.

Credit: Philip Janssens – Hope Springs Eternal, in collaboration with Weird Dust (EAR).

copyright © HORST Arts & Music 2020

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HART in december en januari

Alles over kunst.

Beste HART-abonnee,

De recente sluiting van musea en kunstorganisaties ten gevolge van corona deed ons besluiten om het december- en januarinummer samen te brengen in één nummer. Dit nummer, dat extra veel content bevat, valt op 16 december in uw brievenbus.

Gelukkig mogen we ondertussen weer volop tentoonstellingen bezoeken. Hierbij alvast vijf tips van onze redactie. In januari brengen we graag verder verslag uit op onze website.

Bij het december-januarinummer bieden we u ook met veel plezier onze Winterpublicatie aan. We vroegen kunsthistorica Barbara De Coninck om een close reading van Jan Van Imschoots tentoonstelling Le Bouillon de onze heures.

Alvast veel leesplezier en een fijn eindejaar gewenst.

Hartelijke groeten,
het HART-team



Kleine Markt 7-9, bus 26
2000 Antwerpen, België

+32 470 860 275

WOCHE 2 – NAK Digitale Benefiz Auktion 2020


























WOCHE 2: 07.12. – 13.12.2020



Die Digitale Benefiz Auktion des NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein ist am Montag in die zweite Woche gestartet. Die zweite Auktionswoche endet am Sonntag, den 13. Dezember, beginnend ab 17 Uhr. Alle eingestellten Arbeiten laufen zeitversetzt im Abstand von 5 Minuten ab. So besteht die Möglichkeit, bei Interesse mehrere Arbeiten im Blick zu behalten und Gebote abzugeben.

Die aktuellen Auktion finden Sie hier:  

Um an der Auktion teilzunehmen und Gebote abzugeben, registrieren Sie sich bitte vorab auf dieser Seite. Per Email werden Sie unterrichtet, falls Sie überboten werden und auch im Falle eines Zuschlags am Sonntagabend. Anschließend erhalten Sie von uns eine Rechnung über den Kauf, bitte warten Sie diese ab. Nach Bezahlung verschicken wir die Arbeit oder Sie kann im NAK nach Vereinbarung abgeholt werden.  

Die teilnehmenden Künstler*innen der zweiten Woche sind:

Florian Auer // Mark Barker // Horst H. Baumann // Clemens Behr // Sarah Bogner /// Aline Bouvy // Lars Breuer // Sebastian Burger // Zuzanna Czebatul // Andreas Diefenbach // Matthias Dornfeld // Klaus Endrikat // Bertrand Fournier // Max Frintrop // Isabella Fürnkäs // Jakob Gilg // Tahnee Godt // Samuel Henne // Marcel Hiller // Gina Hunt // Christian Keinstar // Thomas Kellner // Rene Kemp // Daniel Kiss // Halina Kliem // Jody Korbach // Tom Król // Wolfgang Kupczyk // Talisa Lallai // Alwin Lay // Anna Ley // Timur Lukas // Tobias Maring // Bea Otto // Andreas Plum // Laurentius Sauer // Evamaria Schaller // Sami Schlichting // Ani Schulze // Ulrike Schulze // Oliver Sieber // René Spitzer // Katja Stuke // Wolfgang Tillmans // Cléo Totti // Luki von der Gracht // Thomas Wachholz // Nicholas Warburg // Noemi Weber // Eric Winkler // Sonja Yakovleva // Nina Zeljković

Alle Einzelheiten zum Prozedere der Auktion finden Sie ausführlich unter

Falls Sie den Newsletter nicht mehr erhalten möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail mit dem Betreff UNSUBSCRIBE.
_ _

NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
Passstraße 29
52070 Aachen
0049 (0)241503255



new publishing initiative in Athens: kyklà

kyklà is a small imprint, a series of texts resonating with phenomena in the Aegean Archipelago. kyklà is a publishing project in Athens, driven by a trans-disciplinary group of artists, exploring critical and experimental positions in writing. With each volume in this series, we are slowly forming a catalogue of liquid forms of modernity: corporeal bodies – historical and actual, real, and imaginative.

keywords: island topographies, archipelago culture, experiences in landscapes, urbanism, architecture, corporeality, historical (dis)continuities, queer culture, gender equality, non-patriarchy, travel and tourism narratives, photography, art and poetry.

Through navigation, our westernized sense of perspective has established a common horizon, simplifying islands as visual spots at the surface of the sea. Islands are not exotic entities alone in the sea waters. Islands remain interconnected with the mainland and each other, from the top of the mountains to the hidden topographies of the sea bed: a myriad of creatures and non-organic matter which lives in constant symbiosis with water; tectonic plates, fossil fuel pipes, and data cables.

Free Love Paid Love

Expressions of Affection in Mykonos

Nowhere in Cycladic culture has love been defined in a singular all-encompassing manner. Forces of attraction, affection, connection, and relation were ascribed in a plurality of ways. Through symposia in Delos, the tax haven of antiquity, 17th-century transactions of love involving pirates, slaves, and Mykonians; naturist communities reliving sexual freedom in the 1960-70s and 21st-century tourists quest in search of love, free or paid; this book gathers fragments of expressions of affection across Mykonos island. Mykonos has long defined itself as a self-ruling place far away from realities lived elsewhere.

contributions by Nicolas Lakiotakis, Juan Duque, Denis Maksimov, Dimitra Kondylatou


The Architect is Absent

The Architect is Absent

Approaching the Cycladic Holiday House

The white cubical house, the vernacular architecture in the Aegean Archipelago, knows no author. Its capacity to resist harsh climatic and topographic circumstances has been improved and adjusted through time and seems today close to perfection. The white-washed Cycladic House has become iconic to the image of Greece through the construction of national and tourism narratives. What happens when an architect steps into this process of anonymous transmission of skills? In 1966 music composer, architect, and engineer Iannis Xenakis articulated a response to this tradition and designed, from his base in Paris, a holiday house on the island of Amorgos while choosing to remain absent throughout the construction process.

contributions by Sharon Kanach, Hulya Ertas, Mâkhi Xenakis, Sven Sterken, David Bergé, Dimitra Kondylatou


The Sleeping Hermaphrodite

Waking up from a Lethargic Confinement

What can a reclining marble sculpture, conceived through a myth in Greek antiquity, tell us today about the fluidity of our gender construction? What has been the role of aesthetic and historical canons in the construction of the female and male genders? Is ‘the sleeping Hermaphrodite’ really asleep? Or has she/he been induced to a long lethargic state, punished and confined by the history of gender normalization?

contributions by Paul B. Preciado, Juan Duque, Nicolas Lakiotakis, Denis Maksimov 


Public Health in Crisis

Public Health in Crisis

Confined in the Aegean Archipelago

Epidemics and pandemics undermine societies and highlight the vulnerability of relations people have created to the land, other species, and each other. This book presents fragments of disease management in the Mediterranean from the 15th-century onwards and in the Aegean Archipelago in the last two centuries. From religious to medical approaches to the Bubonic Plague, through the creation of lazarettos, to the famine in occupied Syros, to ghost ships drifting on the Mediterranean: citizens are forced to avoid citizens. Public health in crisis: confinement versus mobility, awakening memories of totalitarian regimes.

contributions by Dimitra Kondylatou, Nicolas Lakiotakis, Hulya Ertas, David Bergé

The production of this book received the support of Goethe-Institut Athen.

all books available now

96 pages 
102 x 162 mm 
offset printing
color and b/w illustrations

selling points

catalogue 2020


kyklà team: 
Juan Duque, Dimitra Kondylatou, Nicolas Lakiotakis, Hulya Ertas, Denis Maksimov, Costas Kalogeropoulos (design), Roland Brauchli (logo), Foteini Salvaridi (social media),
Alan Wainwright (photography) and Dimitris Katsanis (website)

project directed by David Bergé

media contact: Nicolas Lakiotakis
distribution greece: Dimitra Kondylatou
distribution international: David Bergé

kyklà is an imprint of
a not-for-profit organization registered in Brussels

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Risquons-Tout is open • SICK SAD WORLD van Tarek Lahkrissi • Mixtape door Jean D.L. • Online events

EN     FR      NL

Kunstenaar Tarek Lahkrissi licht in deze korte teaser al een tipje van de sluier op van zijn uitgestelde performance. Oscillerend tussen tienerkamer en droomlandschap, verdiept Lahkrissi zich in gevoelens van vervreemding en anders-zijn. Een lyrische reflectie op alternatieve, futuristische werelden van queer- en minderheidsgemeenschappen.

Stay tuned voor de nieuwe datum van de performance in 2021, en ontdek alvast Lahkrissi’s installatie in de tentoonstelling Risquons-Tout.





Kunstenaars, ontwerpers en kunstcritici komen virtueel samen om tools en richtlijnen uit te wisselen voor ethischere samenwerkingen tussen groepen, organisaties en instellingen.




Je (klein)kinderen leiden je vanop afstand rond in WIELS! Laat hen vanuit de tentoonstelling naar 02/340 00 50 telefoneren en een werk van hun keuze beschrijven. Misschien maken wij wel van hun telefoontje een online audiogids om van te genieten en te delen. (Her)beluister alvast de podcasts van de WIELS KETS hier.


In afwachting van zijn uitgestelde concert schenkt Jean D.L. je een mixtape, geïnspireerd op de verhaallijnen van Risquons-Tout. Ruitenwissers, een kakofonie van klokken of stemmige herfststormen creëren een bijna buitenaards geluidslandschap. Laat je in deze koude winterdagen omhullen door een uitgestrekt en speculatief klankuniversum.

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De Appel begint 2020 met een keynote van Darby English, 13 januari 19:00 in de Oude Lutherse Kerk

Logo high res 

Start met ons het nieuwe jaar!

Dutch small 

U bent van harte welkom op 13 januari 2020 om 19:00 uur
in de Oude Lutherse Kerk (Singel 411 1012 WN Amsterdam)
voor de opening van het nieuwe jaar.


Het jaar 2020 begint bij de Appel met een keynote van de vrijdenkende kunsthistoricus en cultuurcriticus Darby English. De eerste lezing van English in Nederland zet de toon voor ons nieuwe jaarprogramma dat geïnspireerd is door onze vernieuwde missie: “ruimte en tijd maken voor kunstenaars en bondgenoten om essentiële vragen te stellen”. 2020 wordt een jaar waarin we aandachtig naar onze omgeving luisteren en daarbij ook dieper luisteren; vandaar de term keynote, wat je als grondtoon zou kunnen vertalen, een lage toon waarop we kunnen afstemmen.


Eee fa be eedcea
Darby English

Wij hebben English uitgenodigd om zijn essay ‘The King’s Two Bodies’ uit het boek To Describe a Life: Notes at the Intersection of Art and Race Terror als uitgangspunt te nemen voor zijn keynote. ‘The Kings Two Bodies’ heeft als centraal motief het schaalmodel Lorraine Motel, April 4, 1968 gemaakt door het ontwerpbureau Boym Partners, als onderdeel van Buildings of Disaster (1998-2008). Het Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, de VS, is het best bekend als plaats waar de moord op Martin Luther King Jr plaatsvond. Maar dit is ook de locatie voor cruciale bijeenkomsten tussen King en zijn medestanders, de plaats waar een transnationale sociale omwenteling gepland werd. Deze transformatie leeft tot op de dag van verder, onder verschillende namen, in uiteenlopende streken en in steeds andere gedaantes. We kunnen ons afvragen hoe wij dat hier, in Amsterdam, in Nederland, in deze hoek van Europa, anno 2020 voelen.

De eerdere publicaties van English, How to See a Work of Art in Total Darkness en 1971: A Year in the Life of Color, bezorgden hem zijn reputatie voor scherpe inzichten gestoeld op diepgravend onderzoek en een diep-gevoelde ervaring van een aantal van de belangrijkste kunstwerken van onze tijd. Dit is ook zogenaamde “hard art”: kunst die tijd en aandacht vraagt en die zijn betekenissen niet meteen bloot geeft. Maar wanneer we in deze kunstwerken investeren, ons ermee verbinden, er een publiek voor vinden, dan is de potentiële perspectiefverandering die het teweeg kan brengen niet minder dan levensveranderend. Dit is precies het soort ervaring van kunst en cultuur waar de Appel zich vanaf 2020 aan committeert.

De keynote lezing wordt gevolgd door ‘hard art’, een openbaar seminar met Darby English dat plaatsvindt tussen 14 en 16 januari 2020, 11:00-16:00 uur in de iconische Aula van de voormalige Wederopbouwschool van Tuinstad Overtoomseveld, nu onze thuisbasis aan Schipluidenlaan 12 (Broedplaats Lely).

Gedurende 2020 zal de Appel de Aula blijven gebruiken als locatie voor tentoonstellingen en andere ruimte- en tijdsexperimenten. Naast het seminar beginnen we met de actieve bouw van de Appel’s nieuwe Built Environment Research Group of BERG, met Rosa te Velde als speciale adviseur.


Speciale dank aan onze partners en sponsors:  

De appel sponsors 

de Appel
Schipluidenlaan 12
1062 HE Amsterdam

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Anne Boyer, Queer Correspondence, Anna Halprin and Sasha Litvintseva & Beny Wagner.

Opening: December 11th, 2020. 4.00 – 9.00p.m
Exhibition continues until February 19th.

fluent is pleased to present lengua(S), an exhibition that examines the logics and regimes of vulnerability. Spanning from its ideological foundations to its ecosystemic functioning, the show questions binary notions of sickness and health, hegemony and dissent, productivity and collapse as forms of structural contagion.

In dissecting how, the outlines of life and non–life are constructed, the exhibition is a proposition to expand our understanding of vulnerability from a bodily phenomenon into the realm of ecologies, desires, economies and communities: a living exchange between physical and immaterial transmissions. 

Through the work of four artists and thinkers, it sets out to explore contagious ecologies through human systems and more-than-human touching zones. Looking at immaterial compositions in ideology, science, politics and culture lengua(S) is an embodied critique about questions of radical interdependency demonstrating how our utterly specific experiences are inevitably collective.


In Anne Boyer’s The Undyingwhat the author describes as ‘the ideological regime of cancer’ is a deep exploration on the experience of illness as mediated by digital screens, weaving in ancient Roman dream diarists, corporate lies, the ecological costs of chemotherapy, and the many little murders of capitalism.

In the context of on-going uncertainty –a condition familiar to minority communities, though now made even more palpable to themselves and others by the arrival of Covid-19–, Queer Correspondence (a mail-art initiative) seeks to nurture the indeterminate spaces of possibility that are put forward by subcultural lives. The project was conceived by writer and Associate Curator at Cell Project Space, Eliel Jones, and commissioned and produced by Cell, with emergency funding from Arts Council England, to work with artists and writers whose original projects and/or exhibitions were postponed due to the impact of the pandemic. Over the past six months, over 800 subscribers worldwide have received monthly Queer Correspondence projects, including by: Alex Margo Arden & Caspar Heinemann; Beatriz Cortez & Kang Seung Lee; Ezra Green & Martin Hansen; rafa esparza; Gelare Khoshgozaran; David Lindert; and Atiéna. 

Anna Halprin is a choreographer, dancer and performance artist considered the mother of postmodern dance. At age 100 she continues to inspire through movement and has extended the boundaries of dance to addressing social issues, community building, fostering both physical and emotional healing, and connecting people to Earth. In the summer of 1966, in collaboration with her husband American landscape architect Lawrence Halprin, she began a series of experimental, cross-disciplinary workshops in northern California that offered a new approach to environmental awareness in relation to the body. Drawn from architecture, ecology, music, cinematography, graphics, choreography, and lighting, Experiments in Environment brought together artists, dancers, architects, and environmental designers in avant-garde environmental arts experiences.

Bilateria by Sasha Litvintseva and Beny Wagner employs the Klein Bottle as a form with which to inhabit the interstices between organisms and environments. The Klein bottle is a mathematical shape that, like the Möbius strip, merges interior and exterior, beginning and end. Here the form is simultaneously a leaky vessel and a projection surface for an array of found video material. Organisms and environments are mapped onto a single metabolic pathway where inside and outside continuously fold into each other in rhythmic pulsations.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to Covid–19 restrictions, we will be welcoming you in half hour slots between 4 and 9 p.m. Reply to this e–mail with your prefered time slot to make sure you don’t have to wait to enter the exhibition as only a maximum of 6 people can enter the gallery.
Visitors are required to wear a mask, unless able to do so and to use hand-sanitiser  upon arrival.
Please keep 2 meters apart where possible. There will be a limit of 6 people in the gallery space at one time.
Our staff will be wearing PPE and all of our spaces will be cleaned/sanitised on a regular basis. It is at the discretion of our staff to turn away visitors based on the Social Distancing/Coronavirus prevention measures currently in place.
* If you feel unwell, or are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, please stay at home and postpone your visit.
General Enquiries: Email: Tel: +34 636 653 369

c/ Luis Hoyos Sainz nº2 (int)
39001, Santander, SP.


heropening Me, Myself and I Black Swan Gallery

Dear all, 

Despite this bizarre Corona time, I did not sit still. 
Once I graduated as a painter, I decided after a few years to take up sculpting. Now, more than 30 years later, painting in large format has my attention. 
I would like to share this recent work with you, but I would also like to draw your attention to the group exhibition at Black Swan Gallery in Bruges, where one of my favorite sculptures is in the gallery. Welcome there and otherwise hopefully at the KunstRai 2021, where I will be represented by Galerie Larik with my latest work.
It remains for me to wish you a good end to this turbulent year and, given circumstances, happy holidays! 

Warm regards,
Hans van der Ham


studio December 2020                                                                                                                    ‘Der Leiermann’  oil on canvas 140 x 100 cm   

Vriendelijke groet / best regards,
Hans van der Ham
+ 31 654705240

Atelier Hans van der Ham
Drievriendenstraat 26
3014 JS  Rotterdam (NL)

Vriendelijke groet / best regards,

Hans van der Ham

December 12 | Screening Misha de Ridder’s film verwirklichungen & Last chance to see the exhibit

Misha de Ridder


Theatrical Screening + Q&A with Misha de Ridder | December 12, 11 am
Due to high demand, we have planned an extra and final theatrical screening + Q&A of verwirklichungen by Misha de Ridder at Filmtheater de Uitkijk, Saturday 12 December at 11.00 am. We have a few seats available. This is also the last day of De Ridder’s topical and urgent exhibition resilience on view in the gallery. 
Filmtheater De Uitkijk, Prinsengracht 452
Saturday December 12, 11.00 am 
about the film
verwirkichungen, 2020, (21 minutes) consists of five short films or chapters and refers to the processes that take place in the landscape over time. It also refers to the fact that the process actually takes shape by our act of looking. The world takes shape because we look at it. One of the films is accompanied by music composed by Swiss musicians Daniela Larkin and Thomas Larscher based on a poem by Emily Dickinson 'Hope is a thing with Feathers'.

Image credit: Nina van Heuveln

Last week to see Misha de Ridder's exhibition resilience.
Closes Saturday December 12
"Alp dreams: Misha de Ridder shows ethereal photographs of the Swiss Alps, inspired by Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’." – Hans den Hartog Jager
During a summer De Ridder immersed himself in the Lower Engadin, applying his systematic, almost scientific approach and keen eye for color to his surroundings. The resulting photographs and films are anything but scientific. They are ethereal, arresting, and spiritual works, at times bordering on abstraction that sustain engagement through their sublime beauty. On view are carefully selected photographs exploring the existential implications of time.
Opening times: Wednesday – Saturday, 1-6 pm

The exhibition and production of the works is generously supported by the Paul Deiters Stipendium of Stichting Stokroos and Het Mondriaan Fonds.

Lijnbaansgracht 318
1017 WZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 261 93 66


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Q-O2 News :: December 2020

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

radio transmission
5 December – 19h
Planète Concrète : Sagittarius Celebration
Live from the Q-O2 residency space on: or
With the support of Flemish Community Activation Fund [>more info]

lockdown package
All live events are suspended till December 13th, due to the general cultural lockdown. They will be rescheduled at a later moment. However, in the meantime you can listen to some podcasts, read good books and listen to our latest cassette releases, or watch videos of some recent talks and events.

tape release
Mayday Radio Marathon: work on tape by Lazara Rosell Albear + Giovanni Lami / Elisa Ferrari + Olli Aarni / Diana Duta & Julia E Dyck + martiensgohome / Teresa Cos + Planète Concrète / Edyta Jarzab & Pawel Kreis + Penates

Oscillation Mayday Radio Marathon took place over 39 hours in May 2020, incidentally during the Covid-19 lockdown. It was broadcast online and on FM radio, in collaboration with several community radio partners. Ten new pieces of the forty-six contributions are brought together for this series of five cassettes. Design by Meeuw. Released as cassettes and as download on Bandcamp. [>more info]

Sat/Sun 30-31 January
The Fish Within – Johanna Peine & The Oceanographies Institute
How much of jellyfish, fish or amphibian is still present in the human body and voice? In this workshop we try to get to the bottom of this question by exploring the movements of early phylo – and ontogenesis in connection with the sound of our voice. With the support of Flemish Community Activation Fund. [>more info]

The Middle Matter: sound as interstice

The Middle Matter is a reader which brings together thoughts on the nature of sound; its substance, specific qualities, and potential – with a specific curiosity to its propensity to occupy the spaces in-between, the instertitial gaps between different spaces, times, cultures, and world views, between the interior body and the exterior space.
Contributions by Enrico Malatesta, Séverine Janssen, Tomoko Sauvage & Akio Suzuki, Lila Athanasiadou, Carolyn Chen, Justin Bennett, Brandon LaBelle, Anna Raimondo & Edyta Jarząb, Jennifer Walshe, Gary Schultz, Salomé Voegelin, Marc Matter, Franziska Windisch, David Toop, Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima, Mark Fell. Interviews with Jonathan Frigeri, ooooo, Paulo Dantas, Melissa E. Logan, Isabelle Stragliati, Alice Pamuk, Klaas Hübner, Wederik De Backer, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, Lucie Vítková. Edited by Caroline Profanter, Henry Andersen & Julia Eckhardt. Design by Ward Heirwegh.
[>more info]

Eliane Radigue – Intermediary Spaces/Espaces intermédiaires
Éliane Radigue is considered one of the most innovative and influential contemporary composers, from her early electronic music through to her acoustic work of the last fifteen years. In the long interview that forms the body of this publication, Éliane Radigue talks about her work, her reflections and underlying research, as well as her historical context.
Editor: Julia Eckhardt / French redaction: Benoit Deuxant, Jean-François Caro / English translation and redaction: Eleanor Ivory Weber / Design: Ines Cox
[>more info]

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Opening tentoonstelling Niemand zou hebben geloofd

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(Her)Opening 12 december
De deur mag op een kier. Op zaterdag 12 december (her)opent Netwerk Aalst de tentoonstellingen. We pakken onmiddellijk uit met Niemand zou hebben geloofd, een tentoonstelling die kunst, sciencefiction en politiek samenbrengt. Daarnaast kan je Oooh terug bezoeken, de groepstentoonstelling is verlengd tot zondag 3 januari. 
Al onze andere activiteiten waaronder de filmvoorstellingen zullen jammergenoeg nog even op zich laten wachten.


Henrique Alvim Corrêa, H. G. Wells, Runo Lagomarsino, Wendy Morris en Mariske Broeckmeyer

Niemand zou hebben geloofd is een tentoonstelling die vertrekt vanuit het boek The War of the Worlds van H. G. Wells geïllustreerd door Henrique Alvim Corrêa uit 1898. Een invasie van Marsbewoners verstoort het leven op aarde, ze koloniseren het Britse Rijk. Curatoren Fernanda Pitta en Laurens Dhaenens nemen je mee in het verhaal dat via sciencefiction kritiek geeft op het kolonialisme. Ze leiden je langs het werk van hedendaagse kunstenaars Wendy Morris en Runo Lagomarsino dat aanzet tot nadenken over de relatie tussen exploratie en invasie, wetenschap en fictie.
Za 12/12 – Zo 14/03
Meer info over Niemand zou hebben geloofd >
Koop je tickets >


Kunstenaars zijn meesters in verwondering: ze verruimen, vernieuwen of veranderen onze blik op de wereld rondom ons. Oooh is een groepstentoonstelling die voortvloeit uit een open call van Kunstwerkt, in samenwerking met Netwerk Aalst, Stichting IJsberg en Z33. Curatoren Jan Moeyaert, Annelies Thoelen en Pieternel Vermoortel samen met Charlotte Geeraert, selecteerden 110 kunstenaars uit bijna 1000 inzendingen. Hoe gaan ze een relatie aan met hun omgeving of publiek? Welke sociaal maatschappelijke topics zetten ze op scherp? Deze vragen liggen aan de basis van de selectie.  
Za 3/10 – Zo 3/01
Meer info over Oooh >
Reserveer je tickets >

Ontdek de muziekgeschiedenis van Netwerk Aalst op Spotify. Het 40 jarig bestaan van Netwerk doet ons in terug kijken in de tijd. In De sfeer van grote dagen vatten we telkens 10 jaar samen in één afspeellijst. Met vier lijstjes van smurfpunx tot jazzlab, van experimenteel tot legendarisch als resultaat.
Ontdek De sfeer van grote dagen op Spotify >

5 december is de Internationale dag van de Vrijwilliger.
Daarom nemen we graag even tijd om al onze losse medewerkers te bedanken.
Bedankt Nina, Marjolein, Bryan, Lieven, Lisa, Senne, Karel, Noah, Katoo, Erik, Fatma, Tom,
Christine, Ellen, Ilse, Hugo, Elza, Johan, Christine, Heike, Marina, Kim, Celine, Dyllen, Ines,
Renate, Francois, Rein en Jonah!

De tentoonstellingen zijn open van donderdag tot zondag, van 13u tot 18u, of op afspraak. Netwerk Aalst is gesloten op 24, 25, 31 december en 1 januari. Om de veiligheid tijdens een bezoek te garanderen, wordt het aantal bezoekers gelimiteerd aan de hand van tijdsloten. Koop je tickets op voorhand.

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WIELS Bracelet 2021 – One year access to contemporary art

Give yourself or a loved one unlimited access to the best of contemporary art. WIELS welcomes you all year round with the WIELS BRACELET 2021. This limited edition bracelet of 500 numbered pieces, offers free – and stylish – access to all the exhibitions for one year starting from January 2021. An opportunity to visit Risquons-Tout and to discover WIELS’ ambitious programme.

An ideal gift made in collaboration with Studio Collect, a young team of Antwerp designers.

Book yours now via WIELS Bookshop.



* Picture: Marie Wynants

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Contemporary Art Centre   
Centrum voor hedendaagse kunst
Centre d’art contemporain

Avenue Van Volxemlaan 354
1190 Brussel(s)/Bruxelles
T +32 (0)2 340 00 53  

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Major work by David Lamelas in Antwerp threatened with demolition, we ask you for your support.

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David Lamelas, Quand le ciel bas et lourd (When the sky low and heavy), 1992, view at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, 2011, photograph by Philippe De Gobert. In the collection of M HKA, donation by the artist in 2011

Major work by David Lamelas in Antwerp threatened with demolition, we ask you for your support.
Quand le ciel bas et lourd (When the sky low and heavy) was realised for the exhibition America. Bride of the Sun: 500 Years Latin-America and the Low Countries at the KMSK (Royal Museum of Fine Arts) in Antwerp (1992). The work deals with the relation between nature and the industrial society as well as with colonisation and questions of oppression, struggle and censorship. Quand le ciel bas et lourd is an extremely rare example in Belgium of a public monument critically reflecting on the colonial past. It is also one of the most important works in David Lamelas’ oeuvre.

Due to the ongoing renovation of the KMSK involving a new access to the museum, plans had been developed to move it slightly to the corner of the park surrounding the museum. Unfortunately the Flemish government withdrew its initial proposal that was accepted by the artist and now no longer wants to rebuild the work. A letter by Lamelas asking Jan Jambon, Flemish Minister of Culture, to reconsider his decision has remained unanswered.

We are therefore launching a public campaign inviting everyone to co-sign the original letter which will be resent to the Minister of Culture on December 15 in the hope the work can be saved from destruction. 

More information is available here.

You can express your support directly on our website or by replying to this email before December 15.

Thank you.

Jan Mot
Petit Sablon / Kleine Zavel 10
1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 514 10 10
Wednesday till Friday 2 – 6.30 pm
Saturday 12 – 6 pm
by appointment

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