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Äänitaiteen kuukauden päätöstapahtumat – Closing events of Sonic Arts Month @ MUU Helsinki
![]() Äänen lumo & MUU presents:
Äänitaiteen kuukausi @ MUU Helsinki nykytaidekeskus Sonic Arts Month @ MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre – English text, please scroll down –
KUULOLLA – konsertti & kenttä-äänityspäivä ja ÄÄNITAITEEN KENTTÄ -keskustelu ovat ÄÄNEEN – äänitaiteen kuukauden päätöstilaisuudet helmikuussa 2021. Kuukausi on toteutettu yhteistyössä MUU ry:n, Äänen Lumon sekä äänitaiteen kentän eri toimijoiden kanssa. Ohjelmisto on muodostettu avoimen yhteiskuratointihaun kautta ja tapahtumia tukee Niilo Helanderin säätiö. Koronatilanteen vuoksi festivaali tekee yhteistyötä digitaalisen yhteisöllisyyden kehittämiseksi perustetun Station of Commons -hankkeen kanssa. Lisätietoa ÄÄNEEN – äänitaiteen kuukaudesta TÄÄLLÄ.
KUULOLLA – Concert & Field Recording day and THE FIELD OF SONIC ARTS – Closing Talk are the closing events of ÄÄNEEN – Sonic Arts Month in February 2021 that has been realised in collaboration between MUU, Äänen Lumo, and several actors in the local field of sonic arts. The programme has been formed through an open call for co-curation and the events are supported by Niilo Helanderin säätiö. Due to the recent development of the pandemic, the festival collaborates also with Station of Commons, a collaborative initiative on digital commoning practices. More info about ÄÄNEEN – Sonic Arts Month HERE.
Reminder! Saturday, 27. Feb. 3 p.m, Salon # 77 by Rhona Mühlebach!
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12.03.21—04.04.21: What Stories WantEdit name
[nadine] upcoming in February-March 2021
This week’s openings in Brussels
New project by Tris Vonna-Michell I Printed Matter 2021
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Masereeldijk 5, 2460 Kasterlee, BE |
J-2 ! Quelle liberté pour l’artiste ? – appel à contributions – Facettes numéro 7
‘De dood is een surrealistische gelegenheid’
Daniel Knorr: Flagship Store ???? Ab 02.03.2021
MARS 2021 ???? LAST DAYS: U̺͆n̺͆e̺͆ c̺͆h̺͆a̺͆m̺͆b̺͆r̺͆e̺͆ e̺͆n̺͆ v̺͆i̺͆l̺͆l̺͆e̺͆ / RESIDENCE: ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? / CURRENT: ℂℝ????????????ℍ ℝ????́????????ℕ???? ????????????????ℕ????
[NGHE NEWSLETTER] médiathèque en retard – ouverte ce samedi 20/02

HEUTE: Artist Talk mit Daniela Georgieva und Vanessa Joan Müller
Der NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein freut sich heute, am Freitag, den 19. Februar 2021 um 19 Uhr den Artist Talk zum Projekt quixotic essence of a breath of movement / 1×3 mit der Künstlerin Daniela Georgieva und der Kuratoirn Vanessa Joan Müller als Zoom Gespräch präsentieren zu dürfen. Der Artist Talk wird hier zu erreichen sein: Die am vergangenen Sonntag live gestreamte Performance ist noch bis zum kommenden Sonntagabend auf unserem Youtube Kanal eingestellt und hier zu sehen: Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch: Falls Sie den Newsletter nicht mehr erhalten möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail mit dem Betreff UNSUBSCRIBE. NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein |
Denicolai & Provoost | Why Are You Angry? | Boekpresentatie | ‘Ontrafel de code’ voor tieners
Derniers jours ! Quelle liberté pour l’artiste ? – appel à contributions – Facettes numéro 7
Georgia Dispatch; Online Video Exhibition: La Luz Entre Nosotros
![]() ![]() Georgia Dispatch, a Zoom roundtable with artists Suzanne Jackson, Yanique Norman, and Katya Tepper, hosted by Erin Jane Nelson, in collaboration with Burnaway, Thursday, March 4, 5 pm (PST). Before Georgia surprised the world in two recent US elections, the Peach State was a vital cultural and political force. Georgia Dispatch convenes four Southern artists to discuss living and working in a dynamic, transforming culture and among a diffuse but ambitious community of artists. The program is led by Georgia native, collection artist, and Burnaway Director, Erin Jane Nelson. ![]() La Luz Entre Nosotros – Part I, Online Video Exhibition, curated by Julio César Morales, streamable February 23 to March 28, 2021. The two-part video program illuminates our commonalities and encourages reflection on our current cultural climate. The videos address issues of labor, migration, loss, intimacy and our relationship to the environment, both psychological and physical. With works by Iván Argote, Tania Candiani, Thiago Rocha Pitta, and Miguel Angel Ríos. Part II will be streamable from March 30 to May 2, click for information.
Images (from top to bottom): Katya Tepper, Tania Candiani Full credits on
Q-O2 News :: February 2021
This week’s openings in Brussels
Installation views I Harm and Charm I Aisha Christison & Margarita Maximova I prolonged until 6. March
Sound Room CV – Concert Saturday 20 February 2021 online!
Äänen lumo & MUU presents: Sound Room CV – Concert The online concert curated by Third Space
![]() – suomenkielinen teksti viestin lopussa – Sonic Arts Month @ MUU Helsinki: Sound Room CV – Concert The online concert curated by Third Space hosts performances from three artists: Marko Timlin, L O, and Ana Gutieszca. Sound Room CV – Concert is a part of Ääneen – Sonic Arts Month in February 2021, that is realised in collaboration between MUU ry, Äänen Lumo, and several actors in the local field of sonic arts. The programme has been formed through an open call for co-curation and the events are supported by Niilo Helanderin säätiö. Due to the recent development of the pandemic, the festival collaborates also with Station of Commons, a collaborative initiative on digital commoning practices. L O (Lora Dimova) creates vocal and sound -scapes, opening up a connection to new dimensions and territories. Realisation of the subtle body and hyper-sensorial experience through meditative high tuning. Words become portals to a greater aspect of existence. The voice is the connector. The body is the transmitter. Ana Gutieszca is a visual and sound artist born in the dry lands of the northern Mexican plateau. With a background in visual arts and music, she sculpts the unfathomable boundaries of drawing through the creation of analog instruments, the sonification of graphite and its deconstruction into performance art. Her music is rough as the desert, combining hypnotic brain-melting noise from self-made analogs and blistering broken techno beats from drum machines. She is also known for being a founder member of Third Space; a gallery located in the center of Helsinki where she curates the Sound Room concert series. Marko Timlin is a Finnish-German sound artist, composer and installation artist. In his artistic work he focuses on the technical, acoustic and philosophic development of kinetic sound installations that merge sound art, music and visual arts. His artistic career began at the beginning of the 1990s in London. It lead him as a part of the alternative electronic music scene to the former East-Berlin where he founded among other things the band “tritop” one of the first Drum ‘n’ Bass live-bands in Germany. During this time he also developed new methods of combining acoustic instruments with digital samplers, electronic sounds and computerized control systems. Nowadays he lives and works as a freelance artist close to Helsinki developing sound installations, composing computer, theater and dance music, performing with self-made experimental sound machines and giving workshops and seminars at universities and cultural centers. Third Space is a cross border transcultural collective that seeks to erase the invisible lines that separate us. Their collective identity and goals are shaped by diverse geopolitical views and backgrounds. Third Space is an incubator for generating ideas, a space for encounters, a space for people, art and its production. Third Space was founded the 13th of December 2013, hosting the first Sound Room as the beginning of all our activities. Instructions for streaming *** Program of Sonic Arts Month continues in MUU Helsinki Contemporary At Centre and online until 28 February. Read more on MUU’s webpages.
Äänen lumo & MUU presents: Sound Room CV – konsertti Third Space -kollektiivin kuratoimassa online-konsertissa nähdään esitykset kolmelta taiteilijalta: Marko Timlin, L O ja Ana Gutieszca. L O (Lora Dimova) Ana Gutieszca Marko Timlin Sound Room CV – konsertti toteutetaan lauantaina 20.2.2021 klo 19-22, ja yleisö voi seurata sitä livestriimina. Konsertti on osa ÄÄNEEN – äänitaiteen kuukautta, joka toteutetaan yhteistyössä MUU ry:n, Äänen Lumon sekä äänitaiteen kentän eri toimijoiden kanssa. Ohjelmisto on muodostettu avoimen yhteiskuratointihaun kautta ja tapahtumia tukee Niilo Helanderin säätiö. Koronatilanteen vuoksi festivaali tekee yhteistyötä digitaalisen yhteisöllisyyden kehittämiseksi perustetun Station of Commons -hankkeen kanssa. Third Space on vuonna 2013 perustettu transkulttuurinen kollektiivi, joka pyrkii ylittämään ja hävittämään meitä erottavia näkymättömiä rajoja. Kollektiivin yhteinen identiteetti ja toiminta perustuu moninaisille geopoliittisille taustoille ja näkemyksille. Third Space on ideahautomo, tila kohtaamisille, ihmisille, taiteelle ja sen tuottamiselle. Ohjeet livestriimin seuraamiseen: *** Äänitaiteen kuukauden ohjelma jatkuu 28.2. saakka MUU Helsinki nykytaidekeskuksessa. Lue lisää MUUn nettisivuilta.
Daniel Knorr: FLAGSHIP STORE ???? Presse Preview