This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Wednesday 06 Sep → Tuesday 12 Sep

Thu 07.09 — 17:00

Thu 07.09 — 17:00

Thu 07.09 — 17:00

Thu 07.09 — 18:00

Opening next week
Wednesday 13 Sep → Tuesday 19 Sep

Newsletter Ludwig Forum Aachen

Ludwig Forum

Ausgabe 06.09.2023



Illiberal Lives, Ausstellungsansicht / installation view, Ludwig Forum Aachen, 2023. Foto: Mareike Tocha.

Letzte Ausstellungswoche: “Illiberal Lives” im Ludwig Forum Aachen

Bis Sonntag, den 10. September 2023, haben Sie noch die Möglichkeit die vielbesprochene Ausstellung Illiberal Lives (Illiberale Leben) im Ludwig Forum Aachen zu besuchen. Die Ausstellung nimmt die historischen Voraussetzungen von Beschränkungen im Feld der Kunst nach 1989 genauer in den Blick: Ausgehend von den Arbeiten von Pauline Curnier Jardin, Johanna Hedva, Ho Rui An, Blaise Kirschner, Jota Mombaça, Henrike Naumann, Melika Ngombe Kolongo, Bassem Saad, Mikołaj Sobczak und Jordan Strafer öffnet die Ausstellung einen Raum, in dem diese Beschränkungen aus der Perspektive künstlerischen Schaffens auf vielfältige Weise erörtert werden, nicht zuletzt anhand von Neuhängungen von durch die Künstler*innen ausgewählten Arbeiten der Sammlungen im Ludwig Forum Aachen. Anlässlich des letzten Ausstellungstages und dem Tag des Denkmals erwarten Sie am Sonntag darüber hinaus noch zwei Führungen durch die Ausstellung sowie ein Familienworkshop und Kaffee und Kuchen.

Zudem möchten wir Sie schon jetzt auf unsere kommende Eröffnung der Ausstellung Ooooooooo-pus der Künstlerin Katalin Ladik (geb. 1942, Novi Sad) am Freitag, den 6. Oktober um 19 Uhr aufmerksam machen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!

Team Ludwig Forum

Führungen durch die Ausstellung Illiberal Lives
So, 10.09.2023
12-13 Uhr und 15-16 Uhr

Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Treffpunkt: Museumskasse

Tag des Offenen Denkmals

Wenn der Boden zur Wand wird
Familienworkshop für Familien mit Kindern ab Grundschulalter
11 – 13  Uhr
Was passiert, wenn der Boden zur Wand wird?
Die Künstlerin Henrike Naumann bringt monumentale Werke aus der Sammlung und Gegenstände aus dem Leben in großen Installationen zusammen. Erinnerungen, Sehgewohnheiten und Assoziationen werden hinterfragt. Nach einer kurzen Familien-Führung anlässlich der Finissage der Ausstellung Illiberal Lives, werden im Workshop kleine Räume aus Kappa-Platten gebaut, nach eigener Vorstellung gestaltet und eingerichtet. Dazu können auch eigene Miniaturmöbel mitgebracht werden. Durch einen Perspektivwechsel der Räume verändern sich unsere Sichtweisen. Das Angebot ist kostenlos. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich.

Information und Anmeldung
Museumsdienst Aachen
+49 241 432-4998








Was kommt?




Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst
Jülicher Straße 97–109
52070 Aachen
Di bis So 10–17 Uhr, Do 10–20 Uhr
Tel. +49 (0) 241 1807 104/ Fax +49 (0) 241 1807 101
E-Mail: Redaktion:
Ludwig Forum Aachen


Ein Museum der Stadt Aachen

Z33 spreekt klare taal over hedendaagse kunst.

Geen afbeeldingen? Bekijk de webversie

Z33 Nieuwsbrief

Het najaar van Z33 staat in het teken van het kunstencentrum als unieke leeromgeving. Op zaterdag 30 september gooien we onze deuren open met vier nieuwe tentoonstellingen. Ontdek het programma en schrijf je in!


Openingsavond najaarstentoonstellingen 

Credits: Felix Kindermann – That Wants It Down – 2023 – Photograph – Courtesy of the artist

Ontdek op zaterdag 30 september als eerste de vier gloednieuwe najaarsexpo’s, geniet van de bar en de afterparty door niemand minder dan B-Classic. Let op: de plaatsen zijn beperkt. Inschrijven is verplicht.

Schrijf je in!


Omdat het kunst is

Wat is de kunstenaarsfilm? Hoe staat het met de gendergelijkheid in de kunstwereld? Hoe gaan we vandaag om met kunst in de publieke ruimte? Wil je meer weten over hedendaagse kunst, maar weet je niet weet waar te beginnen? De vijfdelige lezingenreeks ‘Omdat het kunst is’, die Z33 in samenwerking met M Leuven organiseert, biedt je vanaf donderdag 19 oktober inzicht in de kunst van vandaag.

Meer info


Dag van de Architectuur

Altijd al willen weten wat er schuilt achter de grote, rode gevel van Z33? Op zondag 10 september vieren we Dag van de Architectuur met rondleidingen in het gebouw. Onze gidsen nemen je mee langs de oude vleugel die in 1958 werd gebouwd, maar ook de nieuwe tentoonstellingsvleugel die in 2019 onder handen werd genomen.

Schrijf je in!

Z33 is een grensverleggende kunstinstelling in Hasselt, op het kruispunt van hedendaagse kunst, design en architectuur.


Word Vriend


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We have waited a long time for this… And we are almost there! Brussels Gallery Weekend starts on Thursday and we couldn’t be more excited. To ensure you don’t miss a single beat during this exhilarating weekend, we’ve been hard at work since last year, meticulously crafting our events calendar. This invaluable tool provides a panoramic view of all the exhibitions hosted across the 45 participating galleries. But that’s not all – it’s your window into a world of diverse events, from captivating performances and engaging book signings to enlightening artists talks, guided tours and many other events happening in the galleries. Don’t be left out of the loop – let our calendar guide you through an unforgettable experience.

See you on Thursday from 17:00 to 21:00 for the festive opening of Brussels Gallery Weekend!

Detailed Program


Alice Gallery, Almine Rech, Ballon Rouge, Baronian, Belgian Gallery Brussels, Bernier / Eliades, C L E A R I N G, Claes Gallery, Damien & The Love Guru, dépendance, EDJI Gallery, ESTHER VERHAEGHE-Art concepts, Frédérick Mouraux Gallery, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Galerie DYS, Galerie Greta Meert, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Gallery Nosco, Gladstone Gallery, Harlan Levey Projects, Hopstreet Gallery, Irène Laub Gallery, Jan Mot, KIN, LMNO, Mai 36 Galerie, MARUANI MERCIER, Meessen De Clercq, Mendes Wood DM, Michel Rein, Montoro12 Gallery, Mulier Mulier Gallery, NINO MIER, Nosbaum Reding, QG Gallery, Pierre Marie Giraud, rodolphe janssen, Sorry We’re Closed, Stems Gallery, TEMPLON, Waldburger Wouters, Xavier Hufkens


argos, Art et marges museum, Contemporary Art Collection of the National Bank of Belgium, Contretype, Fondation CAB, Garage Cosmos, KANAL-Centre Pompidou, La Cambre, La Loge, MIMA, Royal Museums of Art and History, Société, TheMerode, WIELS


Brussels Gallery Weekend is coming in a few days! Did you book your guided tour? Don’t miss the opportunity to explore a selection of  galleries from Thursday to Sunday. Our guides will take you from gallery to gallery to discover their exhibitions and artists. The tours of 2h are organised in the different neighbourhoods of Brussels in English, French and Dutch. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Brussels galleries. 


















Would you be interested in delving into the offerings of 45 galleries through the lens of a specific theme? This year, we’ve designed 12 thematic routes that afford you the opportunity to tailor your own itinerary and explore at your preferred pace. On our website, you can easily select the theme that intrigues you the most and download the itinerary we’ve meticulously prepared for your convenience.


BGW teamed up with 5 bars in Brussels. Each of these bars collaborated with artists and galleries to produce limited edition stickers featuring artworks. 


Éric Croes (Sorry We’re Closed)

Mia Enell (Nino Mier Gallery) 

Thibaut Henz (KIN)

Emma Larsson (Galerie DYS)

Shaina McCoy (Stems)


CLAIR / OBSCUR I Rue de l’Aqueduc 61/63, 1060 Brussels

Tigre I  Rue de la Brasserie 117, 1050 Brussels

Cantina La Generale I Rue Général Patton 24, 1050 Brussels 

Chez Ta Mère I Chau. d’Ixelles 181, 1050 Brussels

Cheval Marin I Quai aux Briques 90, 1000 Brussels

Collect all the stickers to get a free drink at Tigre or CLAIR/OBSCUR.


Sybille du Roy de Blicquy  – Non-Executive Director 
sybille Marie Ephame – General Information

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Derniers jours : Bodies of Identities / Tills

Actualité des arts visuels | Septembre 2023 📬

Toutes les infos des arts visuels de votre territoire pour une rentrée culturelle !

Deborah Bowmann at Centre Pompidou, Paris and Fabrique Pola, Bordeaux

Installation for Extra!

performative literature event at Centre Pompidou, Paris

Opening on the 7th of September 6pm at Centre Pompidou

Event running from 7th to 17th of September 2023

More information on Centre Pompidou

Installation for DIASPORAMA,

Zebra3’s 30th anniversary exhibition at Fabrique Pola, Bordeaux

Opening on the 15th and 16th of September 6pm at Fabrique Pola

10 Quai de Brazza, 33100 Bordeaux

More information on zebra3

OV34: Helene Appel >< Nadia Guerroui — Opening September 7

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Project 34
e1f6bcc8-8c86-4ba4-b0ad-306f7706d233.jpg Helene Appel >< Nadia Guerroui

Opening Thursday September 7, from 5pm to 9pm
Exhibition on from September 7 to November 4, 2023.


Opening Hours during Brussels Gallery Weekend
Thursday from 5 to 9pm
Friday from 11am to 7pm
Saturday from 11am to 7pm
Sunday from 11am to 6pm


OV Project:
Rue Van Eyck, 57
B- 1050 Brussels
OV contemporary – office:
Rue Jean-Baptise Colyns, 72
B -1050 Brussels


Opening hours :
Thu. to Sat. from 2 — 6 pm
or by appointment



Detail of Helene Appel “Washing Liquid”, 2018
acrylic, watercolor, oil, on linen
120 x 88 cm

Detail of Nadia Guerroui “Friction in Plain Sight VII”, series from 2020
Ambient white light, 2 layers of double-tone textile
Dimensions variable

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Opening this Sunday September 10, 3-7 PM : Clara Brörmann – Joke Hansen

Opening solo-exhibitions Clara Brörmann – Joke Hansen

We welcome you to Whitehouse Gallery for the solo-exhibitions Anatomy of Colour by Clara Brörmann and Blame it on the Boogie by Joke Hansen in the Whitehouse Gym. 


Clara Brörmann
Anatomy of Colour

Joke Hansen
Blame it on the Boogie
Opening September 10, 3-7 pm
10 September – 15 October 2023


Clara Brörmann (°1982, Duisburg, DE) lives and works in Berlin. She had solo exhibitions at R16 (Berlin), Tick Tack (Antwerp), Shiavo Zoppelli (Milan) and Nicelle Beauchene Gallery (New York), among others.
Her paintings and drawings offer the viewer the chance to follow the process of creation of the works. During a longer process of construction and deconstruction, a layered painting emerges: she constructs and deletes, covers or removes paint. She sketches and rejects until she has created a unity of colour, shape and material. Vivid lines, shifted areas of colour and traces of the working process guide the eye through the artworks. The results are paintings and drawings with abstract, often geometric compositions that exude a multidimensional materiality and strong physical presence.

Joke Hansen (°1979, Bilzen, BE) lives in Bilzen and works in Hasselt. She had group exhibitions in Z33 (Hasselt), SMAK (Gent) and Julianus (Tongeren).
With each new painting or series, Joke Hansen sets ground rules for herself. For example: at least one oblique plane, at least one eye and no more than two corners. In recent years, she has made this game of strangely shaped canvases and cut-outs her own, and it constantly directs her towards new quests. The cut-outs and, in parallel, the oval-, circular- or elliptical- shaped elements on the canvas, imply an extra dimension, a portal to another world or a next level. For the first time, in collaboration with scenographer Joris Perdieus, she translates this ‘boogie’ into a special experience, which automatically turns the exhibition into a total installation.

Groot Park 2, 3360 Lovenjoel –

Cas-co NIEUWS: september

Cas-co NIEUWS: september


Foto: terugblik finissage groepstentoonstelling ‘zWaar‘. Fotograaf: Jente Waerzeggers.


Cas-co trapt het nieuwe seizoen af ​​op 6 september met de inwijding van een nieuwe kunstenaarsvlag ‘Josephine’ door Lisa Ijeoma om 18u00 op het schoolplein van Brede School Stroom. Vervolgens bent u welkom in Off the Grid voor de openingen van solo presentatie ‘Dear Julius,’ door Benjamin Mengistu Navet en groepspresentatie ‘on and on and on and on’ door INFINITIF. Deze openingen gaan gepaard met een artist talk door Mengistu Navet om 19u00, in de context van Let’s Talk Leuven, en een sound performance door Jelle Martens om 20u00.

De 31ste editie van Open Monumentendag focust op de men­sen, ver­ha­len, cul­tu­re­le prak­tij­ken en tra­di­ties die ver­bon­den zijn met onze monu­men­ten. Cas-co en partners grijpen deze gelegenheid aan voor een artistiek programma dat het architecturale in haar omgeving viert. Vijf residenten met een atelier in maakleerplek stellen een tijdelijke of permanente kunstintegratie op de site voor. In de brutalistische Villa Stuyven verwelkomen we u dan weer voor een Open Studio van Benjamin Mengistu Navet, die hier tijdens de zomer verbleef en werkte, analoog aan zijn residentie in Off the Grid.

Op 14 september ont­vangt Cas-co curator en schrijver Yann Chateigné Tytelman voor een lunch talk en stu­dio visits. Tijdens de talk (11u30 — 12u30) ver­telt Tytelman o.a. over zijn prak­tijk, verleden en toekomstige projecten en actuele interesses. Nadien kan u aanschuiven voor een goed gesprek en een democratisch geprijsde lunch.

Focus: tentoonstellingen in Off the Grid

  • De solo presentatie ‘Dear Julius,‘ door Benjamin Mengistu Navet ontstond aan het einde van drie maanden residentie aan Off the Grid. Mengistu Navet’s onderzoek gaat over de interpretatie, vertaling en verweving van het repertoire van Julius Eastman. 
  • De groepstentoonstelling ‘on and on and on and on’ door artist-run uitgeverij INFINITIF is eveneens het resultaat van een (korte) residentie in Off the Grid. De kunstenaars Tim Bruggeman, Jelle Martens, Chantal van Rijt en Maxime Le Bon bezochten de afgelopen maanden elkaars atelier en wisselden van gedachten m.b.t. onderwerpen als accumulatie, verdubbeling en degradatie. Het resultaat is een tentoonstelling die zich laat lezen als een publicatie.


  • Deze zomer verwelkomden we Jonas Beerts (1997, Leuven) als nieuwe vaste resident op maakleerplek. Beerts studeerde aan het KASK en woont en werkt nu in Leuven. Vanuit een ach­ter­grond in video en foto­gra­fie maakt hij plooi­ba­re plek­ken: (video-)installaties en video-per­for­man­ces, hybri­de werel­den waar het digi­ta­le en fysie­ke samenkomen. Je kan Jonas’ werk ontdekken tijdens Open Monumentendag op maakleerplek!
  • In de tweede helft van september start een nieuwe, tijdelijke resident in Off the Grid: Francisco Correia (1996, Lissabon). Correia woont en werkt in Brussel. Quico voor zijn moe­der en een deel van de fami­lie. Onvermijdelijk Chico voor zijn vrien­den in Portugal. Ccicco voor Rebecca, Sjieko voor Judith en Franciscus voor Elias. Fransisco op het werk. Ooit Francis Goneia. Vaak ​“gespeld als San Francisco”, en meest­al Francesco. Hij werkt met beeld­hou­wen, schil­de­ren en schrij­ven. Il fait tout ce qu’il peut.


Feest! In de zomer kreeg Cas-co heuglijk nieuws: de organisatie ontvangt voor het eerst subsidies van de Vlaamse Overheid binnen het Kunstendecreet voor het driejarige project ‘Off the Grid 23-26’. Hiermee kan Cas-co de komende drie jaren haar individuele en collectieve residentietrajecten en een rijk gevuld publiek programma, onder begeleiding van artistiek projectcoördinator Koi Persyn, bestendigen en uitbouwen.

Ateliers, residenties & omkadering voor kunstenaars

Vaartstraat 94
3000 Leuven


Generation Brussels

Cet obscur objet du désir 

The 2023 exhibition of Generation Brussels, Cet obscur objet du désir, is curated by the art critic/ curator Sam Steverlynck and is entitled after the surrealist cinematographer Luis Buñuel’s eponymous masterpiece from 1977. 

Artists: Chloé Arrouy | Aurélie Bayad | Maëlle Dufour | Yvan Megal | Lucian Moriyama | Nina Robert | Bas van den Hout

Join us at us at our Meeting Point to explore this exhibition. Address: rue du Prévot 82 Proovststraat, 1050 Ixelles/Elsene. 



Participate in one of the guided tours led by the exhibition’s curator

Visit the Generation Brussels exhibition alongside Sam Steverlynck, accompanied by participating artists. Free admission, upon registration. Visits in ENG/NL/FR.
Book your spot now!

SATURDAY 09/09 13:00 – 14:30 


SUNDAY 10/09 13:00 – 14:30 


Generation Brussels. Artwork: Lucian Moriyama

Globe Aroma, Ateliers Indigo & Stockmans Art Books 


Join us for the Projects Presentation by Ateliers Indigo & Globe Aroma 

Delve into the remarkable work of two Brussels-based non-profits, Ateliers Indigo and Globe Aroma. Explore their projects and immerse yourself in the diverse artistry showcased through two unique endeavors created exclusively for the Brussels Gallery Weekend.
Free visits in ENG/NL/FR. Book your spot now!

SATURDAY 09/09 15:00 – 16:00 
Project presentation Globe Aroma & guided tour with the artists 


SUNDAY 10/09 15:00 – 16:00 
Project presentation Ateliers & guided tour with the curators  


Stockmans Art Books / Hopper&Fuchs

Bruno Devos, the art book curator and publisher behind Stockmans Art Books and HOPPER&FUCHS, will showcase his archive. A core tenet of his curation is providing a safe haven for books to act as tools for artists to connect with their audiences. Join us for a rhythmic art book installation and engage in conversations about book publishing, creation, and distribution. 


Allow your children to unleash their creativity while you indulge in one of our guided tours. This year we offer you the possibility to inscribe your kids to one of our two workshops on Saturday 09/09 and Sunday 10/09 at our Meeting Point. 

Hurry, there are only a few spots left!



Clémence Bellisson – Project Manager
Sybille du Roy de Blicquy – Non Managing Director

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INVITATION | 73e festival Jeune Création | Vernissage

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Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous inviter à l’Espace Niemeyer jeudi 7 septembre pour le vernissage de la 73e édition du festival. 

Vous pourrez y découvrir les 25 artistes sélectionnés :

• Irene ABELLO
• Assoukrou AKÉ
• Socheata AING
• Kai-Chun CHANG
• Diane CHÉRY
• Rodrigue de FERLUC
• Elias GAMA
• Lidia LELONG
• Marguerite LI-GARRIGUE
• Ilyes MAZARI
• Roberto PEZET
• Marilina PRIGENT 
• Céleste ROGOSIN
• Andréa SPARTÀ
• Yue SUN
• Silina SYAN
• Joséphine TOPOLANSKI
• Andréa VAMOS

Nous remercions tous nos partenaires
et les 25 prix indépendants.


Dates : 

Vernissage :
• Jeudi 7 septembre 18h – 21h30

Ouverture exposition :
• 8 septembre au 17 septembre, tous les jours de 11H à 19h.

Journées du patrimoine :
• samedi et dimanche 16 et 17 septembre.


Espace Niemeyer 
2 place du Colonel Fabien
75019 PARIS 

Métro : Ligne 2 et 5 / Bus 46 et 75
Station vélib à proximité


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Jeune Création

12, rue Felix Faure

Vitry sur Seine 94400


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It’s next week! Brussels will be buzzing with exhibitions, screenings, book signings, talks and much more.

Don’t miss any of the 45 participating galleries nor the D’Ieteren Headquarters emerging as a new meeting point, housing the Generation Brussels exhibition and spotlighting projects by Globe Aroma, Ateliers Indigo, and Stockmans Art Books.

And there’s more – make sure to keep the OFF Program on your radar, alongside a multitude of activities within the galleries : Join Richard Tuttle book presentation at Greta Meert, catch the screening of Tania Libre at CINEMA Palace in collaboration with Waldburger Wouters, discover the artistic practice of Adrien Lucca during an artist talk at LMNO, embark on guided tours led by gallerists and artists, accompanied by a refreshing glass of Duvel at Harlan Levey Projects, CLEARING & Montoro 12, and countless other engaging experiences that await.


Opening hours 

Thursday 07.09.23    17:00-21:00

Friday 08.09.23         11:00-19:00

Saturday 09.09.23     11:00-19:00

Sunday 10.09.23       11:00-18:00

* Please note that the opening hours mentioned above apply to all the galleries and activities of Brussels Gallery Weekend. However, for the off programs, we advise you to confirm the opening hours, bookings and eventual entrance fees on their respective websites.


Guided tours
Discover the galleries in the company of one of our guides. We offer six different itineraries, divided by geographical areas and lasting about 2h. Don’t wait any longer and book your place via our website as soon as possible!

Curated routes 
Explore curated routes, dveling into specific artistic mediums, societal questions, and prevailing artistic mouvements. Download the routes on our website and discover them at your own pace. 

Richard Tuttle’s book presentation
@ Galerie Greta Meert

Within his series titled “Stories, I–XX,” Richard Tuttle extends his exploration of moving beyond traditional painting into alternate dimensions, inviting us to partake in a rhythmic contemplation of color.
For more information visit the Gallery website. Event starts at 16:30


SATURDAY 09/09 & SUNDAY 10/09
Artist Talk with Adrian Lucca at LMNO 

Delve into the creative world of Adrien Luca and acquaint yourself with his artistic practice, which revolves around geometry, color, light, physics, and perception.

More information on the website of the Gallery. Starts at 12:00. 

SUNDAY 10/09 
Panoptès Collection

Step into the world of Panoptès, an extraordinary art collection meticulously curated by Emilie De Pauw since 2015. The collection spans from Geometric Abstraction to Light and Space, delving into the influential art of the ’60s-’70s. 

Panoptès collection will be open from 14:00 PM to 18:00 PM. Access upon registration only via 

SUNDAY 10/09
Apero Visit @ Montoro 12 Gallery & CLEARING 

Embark on a delightful journey through Montoro 12 Gallery & CLEARING exhibitions while savoring a refreshing drink on Sunday, September 10th, at 16:00. Free admission. Limited availability. Register here.



BGW teamed up with 5 bars in Brussels. Each of these bars collaborated with artists and galleries to produce limited edition stickers featuring artworks. 


Éric Croes (Sorry We’re Closed)

Mia Enell (Nino Mier Gallery)

Thibaut Henz (KIN)

Emma Larsson (Galerie DYS)

Shaina McCoy (Stems)


CLAIR / OBSCURRue de l’Aqueduc 61/63, 1060 Brussels
Tigre Rue de la Brasserie 117, 1050 Brussels
Cantina La Generale I Rue Général Patton 24, 1050 Brussels 
Chez Ta Mère
Chau. d’Ixelles 181, 1050 Brussels
Cheval MarinQuai aux Briques 90, 1000 Brussels

Collect all the stickers to get a free drink at Tigre or CLAIR/OBSCUR.


We’ve upgraded our meeting point to the emblematic D’Ieteren Headquarters and made sure Rue du Prévot 82 Provooststraat, 1050 Ixelles/Elsene is boldly displayed, it seems our marker missed the memo and is stuck in last year’s hotspot on the printed map. Don’t be fooled! 

MAP 2023

The new meeting point will be housing the Generation Brussels exhibition and spotlighting projects by Globe Aroma, Ateliers Indigo, and Stockmans Art Books.


Alice Gallery, Almine Rech, Ballon Rouge, Baronian, Belgian Gallery Brussels, Bernier / Eliades, C L E A R I N G, Claes Gallery, Damien & The Love Guru, dépendance, EDJI Gallery, ESTHER VERHAEGHE-Art concepts, Frédérick Mouraux Gallery, Galeria Jaqueline Martins, Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Galerie DYS, Galerie Greta Meert, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Galerie La Patinoire Royale Bach, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Gallery Nosco, Gladstone Gallery, Harlan Levey Projects, Hopstreet Gallery, Irène Laub Gallery, Jan Mot, KIN, LMNO, Mai 36 Galerie, MARUANI MERCIER, Meessen De Clercq, Mendes Wood DM, Michel Rein, Montoro12 Gallery, Mulier Mulier Gallery, NINO MIER, Nosbaum Reding, QG Gallery, Pierre Marie Giraud, rodolphe janssen, Sorry We’re Closed, Stems Gallery, TEMPLON, Waldburger Wouters, Xavier Hufkens


argos, Art et marges museum, Contemporary Art Collection of the National Bank of Belgium, Contretype, Fondation CAB, Garage Cosmos, KANAL-Centre Pompidou, La Cambre, La Loge, MIMA, Royal Museums of Art and History, Société, TheMerode, WIELS


Sybille du Roy de BlicquyNon-executive Director
Marie Ephame General Information

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DC Open 2023 Program

Join us for DC Open 2023 this weekend!

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01—03 Sept 2023
15 years

Join us for DC Open 2023 this weekend!
The Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries (DC Open) is holding its fifteenth edition this year. Fifty-seven galleries, thirty-three off-spaces and institutions in Cologne and Düsseldorf will show the year’s exhibition highlights. With the start of the art season in the fall, the Rheinland will again become the center for current art events. DC Open is both a weekend for art-lovers as well as an international meeting point for professional art makers.

Friday 01 Sept
6 pm—9 pm

Saturday 02 Sept
1 pm—7 pm

Sunday 03 Sept
1 pm—5 pm

See DC Open 2023 Program
Get the DC Open App!

Available free on the App Store and on Google Play! In the same beauty of simplicity as the DC Open booklet, the DC Open App is an art guide for easy-to-use orientation during Düsseldorf Cologne Open Galleries.

Providing information about the exhibitions in galleries, museums, institutions and off-spaces as well as images, texts and customizable maps, the DC Open App puts the simple discovery of Cologne/Düsseldorf’s art scene in your pocket!

DC Open App
Partners and Sponsors
Media Partner
Monopol Magazin Handelsblatt
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Kulturamt Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Tourismus Köln Business Visit Köln Stadt Köln Art Cologne Art Düsseldorf UNIQA Kunstversicherung Deltax Költ
Brussels Gallery Weekend

We kindly recommend a visit of Brussels Gallery Weekend from Thursday 07 Sept until Sunday 10 Sept. Galleries and guest venues as well as artists from the “Generation Brussels” exhibition will gather to celebrate contemporary art. The Brussels Gallery Weekend presents a wide program with many debates, conferences, performances, VIP events, guided tours, etc. allowing the public to discover the richness of the Brussels art scene.

Brussels Gallery Weekend Website

Soirées du jeudi 1 au 6 septembre

vendredi 1 septembre
Not Your Techno
ven. 01 septembre
Not Your Techno
Movie Release Party The Beast x Mirano
ven. 01 septembre — sam. 02 septembre
Movie Release Party The Beast x Mirano
Mirano Brussels
Fuse presents: CHANOIRS night w/ AliA b2b Mankiyan
ven. 01 septembre — sam. 02 septembre
Fuse presents: CHANOIRS night w/ AliA b2b Mankiyan
Voir tous les évènements
samedi 2 septembre
LET'S DANCE - International Party |  Just A Night
sam. 02 septembre — dim. 03 septembre
LET’S DANCE – International Party | Just A Night
Cactus Club
Invasion Latina x Mirano
sam. 02 septembre — dim. 03 septembre
Invasion Latina x Mirano
Mirano Brussels
Fuse presents: .VRIL (live) & Function
sam. 02 septembre — dim. 03 septembre
Fuse presents: .VRIL (live) & Function
THROWBACK Your Favorite Oldschool Party
sam. 02 septembre — dim. 03 septembre
THROWBACK Your Favorite Oldschool Party
Belgium Event Party
Singes' Apero
sam. 02 septembre — sam. 06 juillet
Singles’ Apero
Full Circle
Voir tous les évènements
jeudi 7 septembre
Prochaine date: jeu. 07 septembre
Abattoirs d’Anderlecht
Voir tous les évènements

Join us on the opening of Francis Alÿs!

FR     EN      NL

Just one more week until the grand unveiling of Francis Alÿs’ newest exhibition, The Nature of the Game, at WIELS. Get ready for a playful journey through an extensive selection of his Children’s Games from around the world, from Afghanistan to Hongkong, Ukraine to the Flemish Pajottenland. 

18:00 I Exhibition doors open + Bar + Food
18:30-23:00 | Music by La Souris et l’Éléphant

22:00 | Last admission to the exhibition

“Whereas adults are more likely to use speech to process experiences (…), children play to assimilate the realities they encounter. Their games mimic, mock or defy the rules of the adult society that surrounds them. (…) But the magical thing about a child’s game is that it holds no secrets, “it’s all there is”. We as adults should be faithful to the children we were; remember and trust that moment, the most precious one of our existence.”

– Francis Alÿs



On 9 and 10 September, WIELS presents Workers in Song, a collaboration between visual artist James Richards and composer Billy Bultheel. The performance is haunted by histories of occult photography and spectral music, as well as more trivial pleasures such as internet hook ups, fanship and Franz Schubert’s Winterreise. A nice bonus: on Sunday, you can buy a combo ticket for Workers in Song and the exhibition The Nature of the Game!
09_09, 18:30
10_09, 16:00


Join us for the festive launch of Ann Veronica Janssens’ monograph Grand Bal in presence of the artist, with words of welcome by our director Dirk Snauwaert, and a brief introduction to the catalogue and its making process by Roberta Tenconi, Chief Curator at Pirelli HangarBicocca, and Manuela Dechamps Otamendi, graphic designer of the book.





Former resident Julien Englebert invites you to explore his presentation, À propos de Révolution, at the WIELS Project Room from September 7th to September 24.

“Affronter la réalité du monde nous fera retrouver l’espérance.”
– Emmanuel Macron 


OPENING: 07_09, 18:00-21:00


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Save the date: Edith Dekyndt and Richard Tuttle

We are pleased to invite you to the opening of Edith Dekyndt and Richard Tuttle's exhibitions. 

On view from Thursday, September 7
11am  9pm

Vernissage on Saturday, September 9
In presence of the artists 

Book presentation: Richard Tuttle, Stories I – XX 
Saturday, September 9 at 5pm

Opening hours during the Brussels Gallery Weekend
Thursday, September 7, 11am ⏤ 9pm
September 8, 9 and 10, 11am ⏤ 7pm

Edith Dekyndt

Ne pas laver le sable jaune

September 7
⏤ October 21, 2023


Galerie Greta Meert is pleased to present Ne pas laver le sable jaune, Edith Dekyndt's fourth solo exhibition at the gallery, conceived in response to a residency* in the north of the enigmatic island of Ibiza.

It was within the island's idyllic conditions, and the context of the 'Summer of Love’ of 1968, that hippie culture found refuge, away from any form of US imperialism, far from the shadow cast by the Vietnam War. Less documented is the quiet transition of a number of the movement's protagonists into entrepreneurs and other actors within Silicon Valley’s environment of technological radicalism.

It's precisely at this intersection that Ne pas laver le sable jaune presents assemblages of natural elements – wood, earth, textiles, plants – and timeless crafts – crocheting, knitting, weaving – in dialogue with works made with, for example, experimental 3D printing.

Working with video, sculpture, installation, sound and drawing, Edith Dekyndt addresses timeless questions about time and space. Using this wide range of techniques, she makes transient physical phenomena and momentary incidents visible, creating a conceptually rich and materially engaged visual language. Paying homage to what is neither clean nor pure, her work functions as a translation of time into materiality and vice versa, a study of the subtle variations in the fabric of our tangible world.

*The Corinthian Contemporary Art Partnership

Richard Tuttle


September 7
⏤ October 21, 2023


Galerie Greta Meert is pleased to present Richard Tuttle's sixth solo exhibition with the gallery, 18×24, introducing a series of wall pieces created in his studio in New Mexico.

Forms – shapes, gestures, and written words – drawn on sheets of 18×24 inch paper, are rendered, by the artist’s very personal methodology, in styrofoam, into works evading definition as sculpture, painting, collage, installation, or assemblage, transcending their humble materials into a mirage-like abstractions, lyrical gestures in rich, often monochromatic color.

His work is widely recognised for its ability to evoke poetry from the ordinary, concerning the myriad ways in which light, scale, color, and systems of meaning flow from his art into the world; that art can be a fundamental means of influencing life itself.

Richard Tuttle (b. 1941, Rahway, NJ, USA) lives and works in New York City; Abiquiú, New Mexico, and Mount Desert, Maine. Since his first exhibition in 1965, his work has been the subject of over two hundred solo exhibitions internationally, and was one of the first artists that Galerie Greta Meert exhibited in 1988. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and was elected to the National Academy in 2012.

Upcoming EVENTs


Book launch: Richard Tuttle
Stories I – XX

Saturday, October 9 at 5pm
In presence of the artist
We are delighted to announce the launch event of the publication Richard Tuttle: Stories I-XX. Originally published in 2021 in parallel with the solo exhibition of the same name, its launch was delayed due to covid restrictions. Richard Tuttle will be joined by Luc Derycke for a public talk as part of the launch event.




Book launch: Edith Dekyndt, From two thousand and sixteen to two thousand and twenty-three
Saturday, October 21 at 4pm
The gallery is delighted to announce that it will be hosting a launch of the artist’s new book, From two thousand and sixteen to two thousand and twenty-three. Published by Éditions Dilecta, with contributions from Emma Lavigne, Léon Kruiswijk, Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel, Katja Schroeder, Vinciane Despret, Tim Goosens and Dirk Snauwaert.
Photo: Aurélien Mole. Courtesy Pinault Collection

This week’s openings in Brussels

This week’s openings in Brussels ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
This week’s openings in Brussels

Opening this week
Wednesday 30 Aug → Tuesday 05 Sep

Opening next week
Wednesday 06 Sep → Tuesday 12 Sep

Thu 07.09 — 17:00

Thu 07.09 — 17:00

Thu 07.09 — 17:00

Thu 07.09 — 18:00

Q-O2 news :: September > correct link tekhnē call

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

European collaborative project – calls
15 September
The correct link to apply for the tekhnē research residencies is  HERE
tekhnē is pleased to launch the first calls for its collaborative project: research residencies between two and six weeks will be offered by GMEA, TRAFO and Q-O2; a call for commissions for hybrid radio / live performance works, to be premiered in Berlin during the CTM Festival in February 2024, will be hosted by CTM.
=> read more about the project and sign up for the tekhnē newsletter

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Persbericht: De Appel verhuist naar Tempel Amsterdam


De Appel verhuist naar Tempel Amsterdam in januari 2024

Klik hier om het volledige persbericht te lezen. 

Verzorgd door MailingLijst

VERNISSAGE: Lukas Luzius Leichtle – all thoughts no prayers






















VERNISSAGE: 09. September 2023, 19 Uhr

LAUFZEIT: 10. September – 08. Oktober 2023



Der NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein freut sich freut sich mit All Thoughts No Prayers die erste institutionelle Einzelausstellung des Künstlers Lukas Luzius Leichtle in der Reihe Junge Kunst Euregio in Kooperation mit der STAWAG präsentieren zu dürfen.

Thematisch bauen die neuen Ölmalereien und Zeichnungen der Ausstellung auf Abbildungen aus Leichtles eigener Erfahrung auf: er dokumentiert aufmerksam sich und ausgewählte, angeordnete Objekte fotografisch als Grundlage der Werke. Damit definiert er den Hyperrealismus neu: als etwas Reales, in dem Traumhaftes steckt. Im besten Sinne des Wortes fake, aber auch realer than real.

Der Maler universalisiert dabei seine Erfahrung nicht, sondern zeigt sie explizit als eigene, individuelle Erzählung die auf kollektive Gefühle hindeutet. Sie ist at odds oder im Unbehagen mit Normen und fordert daher einen aufmerksamen Blick auf die Emotionen, die über diese Konstrukte hinauswachsen. At odds zu sein als das Ungewisse, (Ver-)Störende, Formlose, emotional Überwältigende nicht abzuwehren, also keiner patriarchal-gewaltvollen Logik zu folgen, sondern im Geschehen, in der verwirrenden Emotion zu verharren. Zu fragen, auf welche Beziehung oder Beziehungslosigkeit sie hinweist und diese zu verdauen.

Auszug dem Ausstellungstext von Leonie Döpper.

Lukas Luzius Leichtle (*1995, Aachen) studiert an der Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee in den Klassen von Friederike Feldmann und Nader Ahriman. Er lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch:


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NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
Passstraße 29
52070 Aachen
0049 (0)241503255


Herbert News 2314 – Upcoming exhibitions

lees online     français     english    

– Save the Date –

Zondag 1 oktober 2023, 16:00 – 20:00


Hanne Darboven – Welttheater
Gilbert & George – Pink Elephants
Sol LeWitt – Grids
De Collectie Herbert

Receptie met de genereuze steun van Duvel Moortgat

Gilbert & George, Morning Gin at the Abercorn Bar (1970) in Data, Summer 1974


Teresa Cos – Karnofsky’s Scores

Saint-Martin Bookshop


Karnofsky’s Scores

Thursday September 7 from 5pm
Vernissage + After party

Exhibition till Oct 4th

A Matter of Abstraction
by Piero Bisello

These new works by Teresa Cos prompt a reflection on art and concreteness, toying with abstraction. A lineage of critiquing abstraction as life-deprived formalism started as early as abstraction itself, leading to a few historical avant-gardists proposing “concrete art” as an alternative.

Concreteness in art has taken different shapes ever since; its presence in these works is not so much about solidity as it is about reality–things in these works are practical, life-related, existential even.
Read more

Together with the exhibition, the artist and Saint-Martin Bookshop will present an original portfolio of prints. Edition of 5+2AP, signed and numbered.

All the artworks and prints were produced in April 2023 at Frans Masereel Centrum, BE.

Rue de flandre 114 Vlaamsesteenweg
1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 487 13 65 72

Monday – Saturday, 11am – 7pm
Website  –  Facebook  –  Instagram

Copyright © 2023 Saint-Martin Bookshop, All rights reserved.
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Q-O2 news :: September (Ode to Routine)

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Ode to Routine

September’s here again: our supposed summer break gently gives way to old routines. To those who question the usefulness of these, we would like to refer again to Hans-Christian Dany’s talk at Oscillation ::: o tempo in April.

Two post-residency presentations are scheduled for this transition: Nika Son experiments on a new composition for a multi-channel sound piece in interaction with light and moving image, and Clara Lévy & Stéphane Clor blur the lines between acoustic and amplified sounds through a system of transducers set on their instruments and within the space on various sounding bodies.

Furthermore, it marks the return of one of our most longstanding routines – the Second Sundays series – or wait, is this edition with Clara Lévy actually taking place on the third Sunday of September? A transition it truly seems to be.

And lastly for all you seasoned residency-hoppers, you know the routine: two more weeks to apply for residencies at Q-O2 and our new European project tekhnē.

Post-residency presentation
1 September – 18h-19h – free – @ Q-O2 
Nika Son
During the residency at Q-O2 Nika Son experiments on a new composition for a multi-channel sound piece in interaction with light and moving image. For the presentation she’s following the thoughts and questions surrounding various states of mind in the wake of insomnia, the desperate striving for sleep and the longing to stay awake in a world of constant consumption and processing. How does our auditory sense shift at the brink of each state? Which senses take over when and why? When do we hear and when do we listen? What happens to the perception of time and its loss? Which overtones are produced? What rhythm do our thoughts set? What influence do surrounding noises and changes in light have on our hearing? When does the perception of space alter and what echoes are generated? As it’s a work in progress, you will see and hear an intermediate state composed for differing speakers, video, flash lights and a fan.
[read more]

Post-residency presentation
16 September – 18h-19h – free – @ Q-O2 
Clara Lévy & Stéphane Clor – L’oriole
L’oriole mixes the string colors from the violin and cello with a timbral mechanism made of transducers set on sounding bodies. The sound of the acoustic instruments vibrates through different materials, offering new possibilities of colors and textures drawn from these suspended resonators. Eery and acute, the music thus flutters in long contemplative flights and sometimes condensates in clouds of screams and raw materials.

Clara Lévy – violin
Stéphane Clor – piccolo cello
[read more]

Second Sundays #42
17 September – 17h (doors 16h30) – free – @ Q-O2 
Clara Lévy
Second Sundays is a monthly series initiated by Q-O2. Each session a new guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice. The sessions try to put value on listening to recorded music in a social setting as a space for discussion. The series takes place on the second Sunday of every month. Each session is paired with a cocktail-of-the-month, as decided by the invited guest.

For its forty-second edition, Second Sundays invites violinist Clara Lévy, for a listening session around Hildegard of Bingen and Pauline Oliveros.
[read more]

European collaborative project – calls
15 September
tekhnē is a collaborative project in which six European organisations aim to explore the emancipatory potential of technology in music and sound art. By engaging critically and creatively with technology, and by putting the focus on the user rather than the developer, technologies and methodologies can be demystified and lead to more autonomous mindsets towards the tools around us. => read more about the project and sign up for the newsletter

tekhnē is pleased to launch the first calls for its collaborative project: research residencies between two and six weeks will be offered by GMEA, TRAFO and Q-O2; a call for commissions for hybrid radio / live performance works, to be premiered in Berlin during the CTM Festival in February 2024, will be hosted by CTM.

More information on the research residencies can be found HERE
More information on the call for commissions can be found HERE

Call for residencies
15 September
Q-O2 residencies 2024
Q-O2 will host 14 residencies in 2024, 7 for international and 7 for local artists (living in Belgium) working with, on or around sound. We are open to artists, art workers and theorists who wish to work on a research-oriented project. Please mind that we do not organise residencies directed at production. We offer a work studio and material, a creative and communicative environment, and the possibility to present your work to a public and/or propose a workshop. For international residents we provide accommodation in a shared apartment and a contribution to travel expenses of max 150€. A small subsistence budget will be reserved for all artists who do not come with other funding. Residencies are usually four weeks long.
To apply, please send a concise project proposal of not more than one page and a link to your website or other secondary information by September 15th to [read more]


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Last chance for our current exhibition and closing event Brigitte Louter | Sunday 3 September

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Finissage Brigitte Louter | Special Case #1

Sunday 3 September, 17 – 19 hrs
(exhibition open from 14 hrs)

On Sunday 3 September we will be celebrating the last day of Brigitte Louter’s solo exhibition The plastic model and her plastic response; our very first at our new location. We will also be presenting another first: The ‘Special Case’ is a new series of dossiers containing texts, documentation and materials related to the artists’ surrounding thoughts and the presentations themselves. 
Special Case #1 consists of: the exhibition poster, hand-out and documentation, a commissioned text by curator/philosopher Audrius Pocius and some amazing additions and handmade objects produced by Brigitte herself. This portable exhibition/thinking space/archive/collectible will come in a cardboard box designed by Dongyoung Lee, as well as a free downloadable pdf. Come get your copy or come get a drink!


Brigitte Louter – Last week

Brigitte Louter – The model organism and her plastic response

Until 31 August by appointment only
Thursday 31 August – Sunday 3 September, 14 – 18 hrs

Brigitte Louter’s artistic practice encompasses installation, sculpture, drawing and occasionally moving components, using any material that suits her. She is interested in humanity’s continuous attempts to order, measure and map everything in search for world understanding. A search that can exist in a small act or a megalomaniac gesture. The failures inherent to these pursuits are at the centre of her work. With an attention for (im)practicality, (im)possibility and (in)visibility, she hopes to create curious narratives that are structured by slippery and absurd logic. Often (mis)using visual elements and solutions used in data visualization, educational contexts and measuring instruments.
From her residency at de Ateliers onwards she has been researching the life and times of Daphnia (also commonly known as water fleas) from which she developed a new series of works, part of which will is presented at P/////AKT as an installation and has also found its way into Special Case #1.

Read more


Join our Facebook event here.

Our events are featured on Public Data for Public Events

P/////AKT would like to thank the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts 

Visiting address:
Groenhoedenveem 2
1019 BL Amsterdam
(entrance around the corner at Veemkade)

Postal address:
Zeeburgerpad 53
1019 AB Amsterdam

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