Events – Save the dates

Saint-Martin Bookshop

Events for this NEW YEAR 
& till spring

As you can imagine, we will probably add a few dates to invite last-minute guests for book launches or shows, or we might just pimp our bookshop, and book a night, for an improvised party.
So keep in touch!


Saturday Feb 3
From 5 to 8pm


Vernissage & book signing
​Exhibition till March 2nd

Mist escapes from a stranded black box. The sound of waves devours the surfaces of our memory and covers its [removed];

Raphaël Lecoquierre’s work is protean: his frescoes cover archetypes of our collective history. They put into perspective the notion of sampling, so dear to the artist. By mixing pigments from the colored surfaces of vernacular analog photographs he gleans with Venetian stucco, Raphaël Lecoquierre charges his pictorial compositions with a singular memory.

Summer laughter, family meals and birthday celebrations blend, merge and blur into an abstract substratum that gives rise to a minimal memorial motif. At once unique and universal, precious and counterfeit, poetic and psychedelic, Raphaël Lecoquierre’s work questions the material of the work as well as the symbolic dimension of the image.
​More info


Saturday Feb 17
From 5 to 7pm 

Zéro Dièse Existe. Art, Mathématiques, Inesthétique

Book signing

Tombroff takes us on a journey between art, mathematics and infinity. He draws on the work of philosopher Alain Badiou, on the concept of inaesthetics, a novel approach that challenges the conventional notion of aesthetics universal nature of art’s truths.
More info

Monday Feb 19
All day event @WIELS


Platform for law and contemporary art​ 

Under the coordination of Sandrine Carneroli, lawyer, a day of conferences and discussions devoted to law and contemporary art. Conceived as a way of increasing (re)knowledge of artists and artistic productions, and is intended to be educational, inspirational and [removed];More info

Saturday March 10
From 4 to 8pm

Ten Years of Creations

Tea Time Vernissage
Exhibition from March 6 till March 27

Ten years of creation – Pascale Risbourg presents a retrospective of her creations since her arrival in Brussels in 2013. It is in Brussels that Pascale explores new creative [removed];She has developed a line of unique wallpapers, tackled the world of ceramics, explored augmented reality, and designed carpets, lighting, and [removed];This exhibition traces the freedom of expression that Brussels has given her.


Saturday March 30
From 5 to 8pm

​Plugs, Pores, Walls & Lures

Vernissage & Book signing
Exhibition till April 20

W​ith the series of sculptures titled ‘Plugs, Pores, Walls and Lures’, visual artist Doris Boerman responds to the practice of self-design as a form of mass occupation, common identity and pseudo individuality in popular culture. With hair, earrings, scrunchies, wall plugs and gallery walls, the series talks about the feminine as a commercially constructed value, as well as the normative female body and its role in (art) history. With the support of the Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in Brussels.


Wednesday April 24
From 5 to 8pm

​Another Seder

Vernissage & Passover drink
Exhibition till May 25

The exhibition “Another Seder” results from an artistic research that looks at the Passover holiday in the Jewish culture and the family rituals that are accustomed to happen during it.
The project deals with the intergenerational transmission of stories, presenting an installation of a living room; in this uncanny space, memories take form. Combining a video, an installation, etching prints, and paintings, and launching an artist’s book, “Another Haggadah,” the artist offers an alternative heritage. This project is supported by the VGC.


Don’t forget that our website is open 24/7. Our book collection is updated daily and everything is available [removed];We ship worldwide.

Follow us on Instagram, we post daily our last books, some cool images from our bookshop and from our great visitors.

Rue de flandre 114 Vlaamsesteenweg
1000 Brussels, Belgium

+32 487 13 65 72

Monday – Saturday, 11am – 7pm
& by appointment

Website  –  Facebook  –  Instagram


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