P/////AKT is proud to present a brand new work by Amsterdam-based artist Christian Friedrich, with whom we previously collaborated in 2011. Touch Me Not is part of a series of reliefs in which he exploits and submits to chance by breaking ceramic tiles into pieces, before assembling them into forms and figures on background planes.
The work of Christian Friedrich (b. 1977, Freiburg, Germany) has been shown, among others, at Haus Mödrath, Kerpen, Haus N, Athens, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Cabinet Gallery, London, Chapter Arts Center, Cardiff, NYU, New York, PS120, Berlin, Cobra Museum for Modern Art, Amstelveen, Goethe-Institut Amsterdam, Grazer Kunstverein, De Hallen, Haarlem, De Appel, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe and Kunsthaus Baselland. In 2017, Friedrich received the Cobra Art Prize.
Image: Touch Me Not (detail), 2023 Glazed ceramic tiles, wood, dispersion adhesive, grout, lacquer 120,5 x 101,5 x 6,5 cm