[n0dine] Dancing on the Edge of the Etna by EARC 15/06 → 25/06/2023 – expo & performance
[EN] Mid-June, n0dine will be the venue for Dancing on the Edge of the Etna, the first event organised by the Etna Art and Research Center (EARC) in Brussels. Artists and collectives from various disciplines will bring their research about the Etna and its surroundings together during a group show and performance program.
[NL] Midden juni is n0dine de locatie voor Dancing on the Edge of the Etna, het eerste evenement georganiseerd door EARC in Brussel. Kunstenaars en collectieven brengen hun onderzoek vanuit diverse disciplines samen tijdens een groepsshow en performance programma.
[FR] Mi-juin, n0dine accueillera le Centre d’art et de recherche de l’Etna, qui organise son premier evenement à Bruxelles, Dancing on the Edge of the Etna. Des artistes et des collectifs de différentes disciplines présenteront leurs recherches sur l’Etna et ses environs dans le cadre d’une exposition collective et d’un programme de performances.
With Elisa Raciti, Lien Debruyne, Fyllenia Grigoriou & Anton Lambert, Celine Aernoudt & Emile Van Helleputte, een-twee, Conte Potuto, Antonino Triolo
15 June 18:00-21:00 > vernissage 16-17-18-22-23-24-25 June 14:00-18:00 > expo open 15-16-17 June > performances (19:00 Anton&Fyllenia, 20:00 Conte Potuto) 25 June 14:00-17:00 > finissage & performance (16:00 Anton&Fyllenia)
n0dine, Rue de Laekensestraat 105, 1000 Brussels more info: [removed], fb-event curated by Gustave Demoen, EARC image by Antonino Triolo |