Video Salon, BookStop, ABA residents, Sellerie Weekend
Air Berlin Alexanderplatz
Newsletter April 2023
Video Salon
Scanners(1981) | 15 April 2023 | Haus der Statistik
ABA launched a new VHS Video Salon series at Haus der Statistik. Keep your eyes and ears open for the next salon to come.
BOOKSTOP | Every Wednesday, 1–4pm HdS, Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72
Looking for more room in your pockets|Fri to Sun,28–30 April HdS, Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, part of Sellerie Weekend
AIR SALON| Tuesday, 23 May 2023 & every third Tuesday monthly On Colabradio via Freies Radio Berlin/Brandenburg
88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam or listen here
Resonant Match – Crafts and Score| Kato Six, Inne Eysermans and Agata Jastrzabe | June (Opening times TBA)
Uqbar, Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Wedding
ABA residents
Nelson Beer Residency Mar– Sep 2023
Nelson Beer is a Swiss research-artist whose work focuses on the social fabric woven through the experimental study and practice of sound. He graduated from the Center for Research Architecture in London and currently works from the Brasseries Atlas in Brussels. In June 2022, Nelson played at Belluard Bollwerk in Fribourg with YARNS, a study group whose aim is to rethink the ethics and policies of “the band”. Since 2014, Nelson is part of On Land Collective which takes care of music practitioners and publishes their [removed];(More info)
Jonasworks across sculpture and installation. By questioning the properties and ideological economies of objects and the way we engage with such, he stresses the normative narratives of the material landscapes surrounding us and aims at eventual [removed];His practice materialises in subversive assemblages consisting of a broad variety of materials – ranging from secondhand ware to objects from the street like abandoned pieces of furniture, toys or domestic devices. Through collaging and recomposing, his installations make use of the variety of expressive layers that objects consists of; relating materiality, conceptual power, as well as cultural and socioeconomic context anew. Morgenthaler’s sculptures search for deviant object relations to transpire and thereby pierce individual experience rooted in cultural history and preconception [removed];(More info)