Q-O2 News :: February/March 2023

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Post-residency presentation
28 February – 18h-19h – free
Rupert Enticknap
Rupert Enticknap presents a research project which uses musical melody as a lens to investigate the intersections of class, race, identity politics and the embodiment of histories present in ‘accent’ of spoken language. It will explore these issues in a postcolonial framework working with audio cassettes of interviews with his maternal grandmother who was born and raised in Colonial British India.
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5 March – 14h-18h – 4€
Farida Amadou
Are you a musician with a connection to Molenbeek who is curious about improvisation? Are you interested in playing music together with others and would you like to get to know other musicians from the neighborhood in the context of a Molenbeek-based music festival? This workshop implies a concert on March 12 at Huis van Culturen Molenbeek, and is organised by Klarafestival and Bozar.
[more information and registration]

Post-residency presentation
11 March – 18h-19h – free
Victor Guaita Igual & Lukas De Clerck & Suzan Peeters & Andrés Navarro García
The group presents an un-scored collaborative composition, keeping an spontaneous dynamic while still developing ideas. There is a certain fragility about working in a quartet. Already the timbers of the instruments: viola, accordion, percussion, organ/aulos/pipes; are constantly on and off balance, at times merging together in tones and overtones, other times being distinctively four independent voices. And also the fact of composing collaboratively, blurring the roles of composer/interpreter into the collective.
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12 March – 15h – 19h
Farida Amadou and workshop participants
@ Huis van de Culturen / La Maison des Cultures – more info soon.
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Second Sundays #38
12 March – 17h (doors 16h30) – free
Chris Evans
Second Sundays is a monthly series initiated by Q-O2. Each session a new guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice. The sessions try to put value on listening to recorded music in a social setting as a space for discussion. The series takes place on the second Sunday of every month,. Each session is paired with a cocktail-of-the-month, as decided by the invited guest.

In March, it will be the turn of Chris Evans, an artist, musician and editor based in Brussels. His work often evolves through conversation with people from diverse walks of life, selected in relation to their public life or symbolic role. Sculptures, letters, drawings, film scripts and unwieldy social situations created as a result of this, are indexes of a larger structure through which Evans deliberately confuses the roles of artist and patron, author and muse.
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Post-residency listening session
22 March – 18h – 19h – free
Diana Duta
Diana Duta is a visual and sound artist based in Brussels since 2016. She runs the recording studio Jambes, which functions as a platform for artists, writers or musicians who are interested in experimenting with sound and voice. What comes out of this collaboration – a new piece, a way of working, an improv session – is then uploaded onto an online archive.
[more info]

27 April – 30 April – tickets on sale soon
Oscillation ::: o tempo
After online and nomadic editions, our annual festival takes on a mainly sedentary form: this year’s edition is hosted by Needcompany and HISK in Molenbeek. We’ll reflect on the notion of time – time fas­ci­nates because of its per­va­sive­ness: there is no way to think around it. As with any­thing so ubiq­ui­t­ous, an assump­tion of time as nat­ur­al and non-nego­tiable is quick­ly made, but con­cepts of time are con­struc­tions, and those con­struc­tions depend strong­ly on social and tech­no­log­i­cal real­i­ties. Sound and music offer a space where aspects of this oth­er­wise elusive mat­ter can be made tan­gi­ble, where we can exper­i­ment with its many facets and pos­si­ble approach­es.

The four days of Oscillation 2023 will pro­pose dif­fer­ent set­tings to explore these con­sid­er­a­tions. Day by day will zoom in on aspects such as dis­place­ment in time by mem­o­ry or antic­i­pa­tion; time-struc­tur­ing instru­ments like rhythm, ges­ture, pulse, rep­e­ti­tion or silence; dura­tional simul­tane­ity in which the audi­ence can nav­i­gate; and the sub­jec­tive tem­po­ral expe­ri­ence of impro­vi­sa­tion which strong­ly draws on relationality.

Featuring: Younes Zarhoni, Limpe Fuchs & Valérie Vivancos, Jung An Tagen, Éliane Radigue’s Sigma, Katharina Ernst, Rebecca Lane & Clara de Asís, Mark Vernon, Charlemagne Palestine, Clara Lévy, Asuna, Marija Rasa, Juliet Fraser performs Morton Feldman, Jessica Ekomane, Ameel Brecht, Maia Urstad, John McCowen, Maria Komarova, Farida Amadou, Felix Kubin, Hans-Christian Dany, and more.
[Festival website]

New book
Elena Biserna : Going Out – Walking, Listening, Soundmaking
Going Out explores the relationship between walking, listening, and soundmaking in the arts – from the first soundwalks and itinerant performances in the 1960s to today’s manifold ambulatory projects. The book consists of an extensive essay by Elena Biserna followed by an anthology of 51 historical and contemporary contributions in the form of documentation, essays, interviews, manifestos, scores, narratives and reflections.
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