Slow Reading Club I 13 dedications I Opening Friday 28. October 5-9 pm I Brussels

Damien & The Love Guru



Please join us for the opening of ’13 dedications’ by Slow Reading Club at the gallery in Brussels Friday 28. October from 5-9 pm

Slow Reading Club will present a new body of works about dedications, indebtedness, reversibility and circulation.

13 dedications
Slow Reading Club
29 October—17 December 2022
Opening 28 October 5pm.


Slow Reading Club (SRC) is a semi-fictional reading group initiated by Bryana Fritz and Henry Andersen in late 2016. The group deals in constructed situations for reading. SRC looks at, probes, and interrupts ‘readership’ as a way to stimulate the contact zones between reader and text, text and text, reader and reader. Their work takes the form of text, performances, collective reading sessions, exhibitions, video, sculpture, textiles and a road novel.

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Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Zollikerstrasse 249
8008 Zürich
by appointment

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