Amsterdam Art Week


Transferring Cultures into Bodies

curated by Adriana González Hulshof

Karim Adduchi, Faig Ahmed, Lisa Konno, 
Paul Kooiker, Anna Navas,
Aimée Zita Lemo & Elisa van Joolen

May 12 – June 18 2022
opening May 12, from 5 – 9 pm

Transferring Cultures into Bodies, installation view
photo: LNDW studio


We are proud to present Transferring Cultures into Bodies, a group show curated by Adriana González Hulshof, former director of Amsterdam Art, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Amsterdam Art.

Adriana González Hulshof was born in Mexico and grew up in Peru, later in the Netherlands. Her own memories and experiences were formed by a mix of colors, sounds and a wealth of images. That background made her curious about how we deal with the influences of diverse cultures. How do you perceive the world when you grow up with an ever-changing perspective of traditions and customs and their intrinsic value systems? How do you observe the world when your own observation is rooted in the visual language of those various cultures?

The invitation to curate an exhibition at tegenboschvanvreden for Amsterdam Art Weekend’s tenth edition was, for Adriana González Hulshof, a wonderful oppor,tunity to draw ´n those personal issues in contemplating the work of artists whose practice relates to visual art and fashion. Fashion and visual art can tell stories about rituals, about cultures, about time, about the lives of people. This became the point of departure for the exhibition Transferring Cultures into Bodies.

The artists included in Transferring Cultures into Bodies have in common the aspect that they use their work, consciously or unconsciously, to investigate their cultural heritage, break with traditions and stereotypes, combine them or in fact place them in a new context. Their artistic practice spans a range of fields, among them visual art, fashion, craft and mass production. Culture and subculture go hand in hand. The work of these artists shows how various elements can be interwoven. For Faig Ahmed, Karim Adduchi, Lisa Konno, Paul Kooiker, Ana Navas, Aimée Zita Lemo & Elisa Joolen the artistic approach is dynamic and fluid. It aims to tell (socially relevant) stories and to present these in a visual manner.

Amsterdam Art Week:

Special: on Sunday, May 15, Adriana González Hulshof will give a tour through the exhibition.
The tour will start at 2 pm.

Hamza Halloubi, Bégaiements, 2020/2021, videostill

Amsterdam Art Week & Eye Filmmuseum

Make sure not to miss the screening of Hamza Halloubi’s film Bégaiements in Eye Film museum on Sunday
May 15, at 1:30 pm


Eye on Art is a program on the intersection between film and other arts. Eye on Art keeps up with current events, with presentations on contemporary artists and programs that coincide with important exhibitions, manifestations and Eye activities.

New Harvest I and II will showcase the best new video art Amsterdam has to offer. In cooperation with Amsterdam Art. This double program will put a selection of the most interesting entries on the big screen. The selection committee consists of Marian Cousijn (Eye), Nina Folkersma (Amsterdam Art) and Kevin Osepa (artist/director). Alongside film screenings the program also consists of conversations with artists. This puts you up to speed on the latest developments in a single afternoon.

The screening Harvest I includes films by artists Charlotte Dumas, Hamza Halloubi, PolakVanBekkum, Marijke De Roover, Buhlebezwe Siwani, Joppe Venema and Rogier van der Zwaag.


you can book a ticket here


bloemgracht 57
1016 ke amsterdam
the netherlands

+31 [0]20 320 67 68

     opening hours
wednesday – saturday, 1 pm – 6 pm

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