Online Viewing Room ⏤ Catharina van Eetvelde

Catharina van Eetvelde
Online Viewing Room

October 14 – November 15, 2021

Catharina Van Eetvelde, September 4, 2021, oil and wax (101,8 x 66,7 cm)

In the new drawings and textile works presented in this online viewing room, Catharina van Eetvelde (b. 1967, Ghent) channels colors into vulnerable [removed];The colours and fabrics that compose these works wither and change, they are at once impermanent and [removed];By examining spatial, temporal and technical boundaries, the artist approaches drawing as an ongoing activity rather than a [removed];For her drawing is a continual process and a way to maintain a constant engagement with her surroundings.
Access the online viewing room here