Uitnodiging/Invitation: DIFFERENCES. Vernissage & opening speech by Sven Gatz, 09/09/2021, 18:00 > 23:00, Gosset site, Brussels.

Hartelijk welkom/We hope to have the pleasure of your company

[removed];HISK Alumni Exhibition
Gosset site, Building A, Rue Gabrielle Petitstraat 4-6, 1080 Brussels 

Donderdag/Thursday 9 September 2021, 
18:00> 23:00. Met openingswoord van/with opening speech by Brussels minister Sven Gatz, in aanwezigheid van de curator en de kunstenaars/in the presence of the curator and the artists.


Brussels Gallery Weekend: 10, 11, 12 September 2021 | 11:00 > 19:00 

Daarna/Afterwards: 16 September > 3 October 2021 | Do/Thu > Zo/Sun | 11:00 > 18:00

The first edition in the series of HISK alumni exhibitions is entitled DIFFERENCES. It stands, simply put, for a particular aspect of the mission of the HISK: to provide young visual artists with a context in which they can further develop their individuality, in confrontation with a variety of experts from the art world. The HISK offers advanced higher education, but it is not a school in the scholastic sense, nor is it prescriptive or bent on rules. On the contrary, de-regulation seems to be its educational principle of choice. Nor is the HISK a school in the sense that it stands for a set of characteristics shared by a group of artists and used as a denominator under which they present themselves. To be a HISK alumnus implies that one has been admitted by an expert jury of international standing and has completed a two-year process. It does not refer to any type of art, to one particular understanding of what art should be, but to a variety of concepts of what might be called [removed];
HISK Chairman Willem Elias is acting as curator for DIFFERENCES. He chose one artist per graduation year, twenty-four in total. Not the best in the class. After all, the HISK is a quality label. However, in each case, an artist for whom being different in his relationship with others seemed relevant. In this sense, not an exhibition centred on a conciliatory unifying theme or formal quality. But rather one that places the emphasis on what constitutes the [removed];

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11 thoughts on “Uitnodiging/Invitation: DIFFERENCES. Vernissage & opening speech by Sven Gatz, 09/09/2021, 18:00 > 23:00, Gosset site, Brussels.

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