a rural death
With: Birke Gorm, Derek Jarman, Inland, Javier Arce, La Bardal and Out of the Woods.
Opening: Friday, September 10th, 2021 [removed] – [removed] [removed] Exhibition continues until October 22nd.
fluent is pleased to present A rural death, an exhibition and discursive program bringing together artists, theorists and activists who examine non-urban-centric forms of death.
The imposition of one way of thinking and making death visible during the current health crisis, erases the presence of those bodies and practices that escape the channels of urban interconnection and contact. The idea of the countryside becomes reduced to an escapist image, rooted in the romantic imagination and in the contemporary dispossession of indigenous and peasant cultures. Through bio-political regimes in which the very definition of life is controlled through the bodies, images and legal structures that choreograph our movements, A rural death delves into contemporary forms of power and distributed mortality as a metaphor of our time.
Exploring death as a social form, the exhibition proposes alternative thresholds that take into account the elderly in rural contexts, life-death cosmologies as non-binary entities, agricultural extractivism as contagion, as well as the loss of biodiversity and collective mournings for the current multiple processes of massive extinctions. Through a series of formal languages that address these material conditions, A rural death questions the laws, liturgies, ontologies, beliefs and codes that expand our imaginary of individual and collective perenniality.
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