post-residency performance 28 July – 18h (free) Selu Herraiz Silence will lead you to transformation. In a moment of total vulnerability of the species, listening is fundamental, a powerful tool in the politics of revolutionary love. Listening is being present, caring. Only through care we can change the world. Silence is the first step towards a listening attitude, towards change. [more info]
expo – workshop – conference 9 July – 8 August (at CIVA) Walking from Scores – Elena Biserna Elena Biserna will be back in town to work on Walking from Scores. Three events are taking place at and in collaboration with CIVA. •> An expo will be up from now until August 8. •> From July 27 to 30, Elena will guide a workshop, open for youths and adults. For the workshop reservation is mandatory. •> On July 30 the project will be concluded with a conference with guests Jean-François Pirson and Franziska Windisch. Walking from Scores is a collection of hundred verbal and graphic scores by artists, collectives, and composers on walking, listening and sound production in urban space. The project explores the relationship between the aesthetic sphere and the everyday, the dynamics of sound and listening in urban space, and the (porous) boundaries between artist and audience. [more info]
in situ performances 15 – 29 August Saab Sculptures/Paesaggimaginati – Amber Meulenijzer Amber Meulenijzer will show her mobile and site-specific sound installation Saab Sculptures in three different places in public space in and around Brussels on August 15, 22 and 29. Info about the locations will follow soon. [more info]
save the dates 27 August – 11 September Het Blokfluitasiel – Lukas De Clerck, Angélica Castello, Katelijne Lanneau, Matthias Verniers & Company Het Blokfluitasiel is a collaboration between instrument builder Lukas De Clerck, composer Angélica Castello, and music teachers Katelijne Lanneau and Matthias Verniers with their pupils from the Music Academies of Jette/Brussels and [removed] End of August, the project will culminate into performances at Meakusma Festival in Eupen on September 4, and the St. Agatha Church in Brussels on September 11. Lukas and Angélica will also play a concert at La Semaine du Son on September 1st and a workshop on Free Improvisation will be given by Angélica on September 5. This project is a cooperation with Meakusma. [more info]
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits – releases In case you have missed parts of the festival Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits last April/May, here is your second chance:
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