[4th WAB] final WABmeeting #18 28/06/2021 – 12:30-02:00 – online & Ictus – public event
[EN] Monday 28 June we celebrate the last 4th WAB meeting. Please join us for a varied program presenting projects by several 4th WAB participants.
[NL] Maandag 28 juni vieren we de laatste 4th WAB-bijeenkomst. Wij nodigen u uit voor een gevarieerd programma met projecten van een aantal 4th WAB-deelnemers:
12:30-13:30 Acts of Listening and Urban Geography online (!) conference curated by Anna Raimondo with Griselda Flesler, AM Kanngieser, Gascia Ouzounian
18:00-19:00 THERE IS NO LISTENING WITHOUT INTERVENTION 1st study performance by Davide Tidoni with Abigail Aleksander, Alkis Barbas 19:00-20:00 oracle Telepathic Practice discussion hosted by oracle 20:00-21:30 Je suis cercle, je suis carré, et je dessine dans l’espace public series of videos presented by Francesca Chiacchio/Il Palinsesto 20:15 – 21:30 food by Twee Citroenen 21:30 – 22:30 The Telepathic Lockdown sound piece by Ruben Nachtergaele
23:30-02:00 Coins Sombres night walk by Clément Thiry
more info click here / meer info klik hier.
link to online conference the evening program happens at Ictus, Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Forest Vorst more info : [removed] more info on 4th WAB : [removed] image by oracle, score by Jason Sweeney 12/2020 |
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