Newsletter June

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Welcome back in Netwerk Aalst! 

Discover and become part of Gardens of Netwerk, visit the exhibition Citoyenne Reprise by Jeremiah Day and follow Day’s conversation with Christophe Busch or take part in the Logomotion workshop, follow the symposium Play-White by Bianca Baldi and come and watch film!

Gardens of Netwerk provides oxygen for and plants seeds in many projects in Netwerk Aalst: the exhibition Nuido by Maaike Van den Abbeele, the photo project Inside Out, Kunstoevers and many more. On June 26th there is a lot going on, including the announcement of the artists who will become part of the gardens after an open call.


FILM – On Wednesday 9 June, our cinema can finally open again! We start with White Cube, the new, long-awaited film by artist and filmmaker Renzo Martens (Enjoy Poverty). The film shows the relationship between Western art museums and the violence of the plantation system.

Come and watch White Cube on 9, 11 and 15 June at 20h in Netwerk [removed];
More info (NL) >
Tickets >


SYMPOSIUM – Play-White: Racial Passing and Embodied Images gathers experts, artists, activists and researchers around the theme of image-making in racial passing.
The symposium takes place online on June the 4th with contributions by Bianca Baldi, Pool Space, Shoniqua Roach, Sinethemba Twalo, Zayaan Khan, Kate Strain and Pieternel Vermoortel.
Register for the symposium >
Read more >

INTERNATIONAL – On 16 April Cameo by Bianca Baldi opens in Graz, Austria. The exhibition is co-produced by Netwerk Aalst. Together with K. Verlag we are also working on an artist publication.
More info on the exhibition in Grazer Kunstverein >
More info on the publication >


EXHIBITIONCitoyenne Reprise approaches contemporary events with one eye on history and the other on “Fridays For Future.” Stories of politics and civics, artists and activists are being captured and challenge us to find our place in the landscape of our close struggles and broader forces. Forests and streams, occupations and strikes, “fake news” and true secrets: what is the landscape of civic action today.

The exhibition runs till Sunday 25 July.
Tickets Nuido and Citoyenne Reprise >
More info >

TALK – As part of the exhibition Citoyenne Reprise, artist Jeremiah Day will be in conversation with Christophe Busch, director of the Hannah Arendt Institute.
Register for the Zoom talk >
WORKSHOP  -In a four-part workshop series on 19, 20, 26, and 27 June by Claire Filmon, we are introduced to Logomotion, an improvised and narrative dance form that combines writing, speaking and movement with a strong relationship to the natural world.
More info >


FILM – Netwerk Aalst presents every summer the best films outdoor. This year we will show films every Friday and Saturday starting at sunset at the Houtkaai. On Friday you choose which film will be played from a selection that we made together with library Utopia. On Saturday the focus is on the MAKERS of the cinema. They show their favourite open-air films. The MAKERS is a collaboration with deAuteurs.

Every Friday and Saturday from 2 July to 18 September 2021
More info (NL) >


SUMMER – Kunstoevers is back again from 26 June to 19 September! This edition, you will be able to enjoy an open-air exhibition spread throughout the city and its suburbs all summer long. On billboards throughout the city you can discover the work of local artists.
You will also be able to relax at one of the ‘Tables of multiplication’. The first two tables are presented on Saturday 26 June in the Gardens of Netwerk. After that, these artistic picnic tables multiply at lightning speed and spread throughout the [removed];


EXHIBITION – Maaike Van den Abbeele shows her exhibition NUIDO ‘the way of embroidery’. She was selected for the master apprentice programme for immaterial heritage and focuses on artisanal machine embroidery. Maaike was guided by the department of Tourism Aalst and Erfgoedcel Denderland.

The exhibition runs until Sunday 13 June.
Tickets Nuido en Citoyenne Reprise >
Read more (NL) >


FOTOPROJECT – Do you agree that everyone belongs in Aalst? That everyone is unique and that this uniqueness is an added value for the city? With the Inside Out project, we want to celebrate this diversity in Aalst. Have your picture taken and support this statement with your portrait!

Next photo session 26 June at Netwerk Aalst.
Meer info (NL) >


ONLINE TV – During the ongoing pandemic, for many artists, writers and thinkers, exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees are postponed or cancelled. In response, TRANSMISSIONS was founded in 2020 as an online platform that commissions artists to share their work within a classic TV format.

Watch the fourth episode of the 2021 season on 16 June at 10pm ECT or on 18 June at 11am ECT.
More info on TRANSMISSIONS >
Watch the episodes live on their website >

KIDS – Are you between 8 and 12 years old and dreaming of making an animated film?
Register via the REKKER website (NL) >
Are you between 6 and 12 years old and do you love and do you like to occupy yourself with art in a playful way?
Register via the BAZART website (NL) >

INTERNATIONAAL – On 9 April the online video exhibition Not Fully Human, Not Human at All opens at KADIST in Paris. It follows up on a three year project in collaboration with Lumbardhi, HANGAR, Kunsthalle Lissabon and Netwerk Aalst.
More info on the website of KADIST >

NEARBY – From Saturday 22 May onwards, the exhibition HINDER by Mat and Nikki will be running in DISKUS. The opening coincides with their work that can be discovered in Netwerk Aalst. Besides Belle Epoque they are also part of the MAKERS of cinema.
Reserve here for HINDER >

NEARBY – It started with a shared interest in modern and contemporary art, and it grew – to our own surprise – into an “irresistible urge”.
12 and 13 June in Garage Neven
Meer info on the website of Garage Neven (NL) >

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