Art Brussels WEEK

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Dear LMNO friends

We are pleased to invite you to the 2021 Art Brussels WEEK edition.
Three times and places will composed this event:




Online At the Gallery At la Conciergerie
June 01 –> 14 June 03 –> 06 June 02 –> 04

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An online viewing room is live on Artsy. You can already come and discover or rediscover the works of our selection by clicking here.

As part of the Contemporary Art Gallery Tour, we will receive you at the gallery from 11 [removed] to 6 [removed] There, we are going to proudly present “10 Hors-champ in the show” exhibition by the artistic duo Denicolai & Provoost.

Discover the fresh artistic residency project at La Conciergerie. The artist in residence Miguel Sbastida and Natacha Mottart are going to welcome you for a 45min tour at 17 Avenue Emile de Mot, 1000 Brussels, between 11 [removed] and 6 [removed] or by appointment. Click here to sign up.




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