The final week of – which runs from Tuesday 1 June until Monday 7 June – makes all previous videos available simultaneously. This unique occasion allows you to revisit some of the works, catch the ones you missed, or view them all in relationship to one another.  Featuring works by Alex Dolores Salerno, Alison O’Daniel, Amalle Dublon & Constantina Zavitsanos, Eduardo Andres Crespo, Carolyn Lazard, Jordan Lord, Liza Sylvestre, Park McArthur & Constantina Zavitsanos.
View here.
is an online platform that critically engages with captioning as a singular artistic form of expression.
Image description: Various images with captions on white background. The captions read from top left to bottom right: “My IQ level is Gucci.”, “O why?”, “[Roar of vehicles]”, “[ SINGING IN KOREAN] / [SINGING IN KOREAN ] / [ SINGING IN KOREAN ]”, “[ominous atmospheric wooshing]”, “[the sound of sun entering the bedroom]”, “[Interpreters at work]”, “american audiences / subtitles”, “[clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap]”.
8 thoughts on “Activating Captions: final week”