A Neighborhood of Things Dieter Roelstraete
I don’t worry about rhyme. Two trees, One next to the other, are rarely identical. Fernando Pessoa
1. Where, in the sculptural oeuvre of Gabriel Kuri, do “form” and “content” meet – other than at the intersection of the Rue de Flandre and Rue Léon Lepage where Saint-Martin Bookshop is currently located? Indeed, we could think of this very juncture as an intertwining of long-standing conceptual concerns (related to questions of circulation, exchange, trafficking and valuation) with the artist’s tried and tested arsenal of signature sculptural gestures and moves (balancing, nestling, propping, wedging): an art of both assembly and juxtaposition in every sense of those [removed];
2. “Iuxta” is a Latin preposition meaning alongside, or side by side. Adjoining, or neighboring: much of Gabriel Kuri’s three-dimensional work consists of such exact exercises in conjoining and connecting….. Read this fantastic text on our website |
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