Friday 7th of May! New show opening!

Dear friends, colleagues, comrades and subscribers of this list, we hope you are doing well after the opening of the terraces and the great days that we had on our backs. We hope that the upcoming rain showers do not last for too long and we can share a drink soon!

It was really fantastic to be able to share with so many of you the paintings of Gabrielė Adomaitytė, Rezi van Lankveld and W. Rossen, thanks a lot for those who came and for those who did not, you can always see some images here. Now we are in the process of installing a new exhibition we are also super excited to show you, with the works of John Bock, Ying Liu and Silvana McNulty.

We will be doing a test opening this upcoming Friday 7th of May. An appointment will not be necessary although highly recommended. We will be open from 2pm until 8pm but remember that the space is not so big, so better if you do not come all at the same time, we know how eager we all are to meet again, but we will keep that for the next show…



Most of the time I like the possibility to work with accessible things, but not when that becomes associated with an idea of precarity. I do not like the idea of not being able to do something because of a lack of access to a specific material or the knowledge of how to manipulate it. I want to think that imagination and art can touch the viewer without the need to use expensive machinery or supplies, and that it depends on the artist’s honesty when using those materials and the viewer’s visualisation that, for example, two yogurt pots and a long piece of string can become a telephone.

It is with this preconceived state of mind, where we have our eyes and senses open to admitting the potential of anything that surrounds us, that I would like to consider the work of the three present artists: John Bock, Ying Liu, and Silvana McNulty. Although it would be inappropriate to think that they work in a similar way, I would like to focus on the connections that I found between their practices and how those can help to amplify the reading of each of their works. Their shared use of accessible materials as a starting point can allow us to enter easily into their works, which can then lead to different approaches. In the work of John Bock we can see how the use of quotidian materials such as cables, cardboard, or paper, become fused together to create a whole, proposing a new space or object that takes on new meaning. The practice of Ying Liu shares a similar interest in using accessible materials, although these are more often things that can be found in the domestic environment. In her practice she is interested in enacting persistent gestures with daily and fragile materials and how making as a process is sometimes more interesting for her than the final result. She produces works that, perhaps in the line of conceptual art, are more thought of for their concept than for their final visualisation. It is in this interest in the repetition of gestures that we can find the work of Silvana McNulty. Silvana uses techniques that require a lot of time and attention, repeating a movement again and again, back and forth. These allow both the artist and the viewer to become immersed in the details and care that Silvana imprints onto her works. When we zoom out we can look at the constructions that Silvana produces as potential architectures or models for larger pieces, but we could be wrong and it might be in that small scale that its potential rests.

This idea of the constructions being potential models for something else is what I had in mind when the first thoughts for this exhibition sprouted in my mind, but I am happy that through rethinking I also felt that it is not necessary that everything is a proposal for something larger, but that it can be in the modest or the ordinary where we can also find an escape, an opportunity to slow down rather than making the most out of less. What do you think?


The exhibition will be open until mid-June and we are basically available 24/7-365 so you can write us on Instagram, Facebook, email or WhatsApp if you prefer a more personal approach for booking an appointment. Tilde is also in the process of looking for an intern or a sparring partner, so if you know someone who would be interested in discussing some of our upcoming ideas, please, send them over! We will be sending around one email per month and our apologies if you do not want to be on this list, please unsubscribe. You can also follow some of the updates through the website, instagram or facebook. Please, if you do have any feedback, question or proposal in relation to the project do not hesitate to contact us.

Talk soon,
Diego Diez P.

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