Opening this week
Thursday 29 Apr → Wednesday 05 May
Thursday 29/04 — 12:00
Super Dakota
F#%k U & ur DisNey : Math Bass, Baptiste Caccia, Sarah Derat, Cai Zebin, Aleksandra Domanović, Gareth Long, Isaac Lythgoe, Paul McCarthy, Real Madrid, Asha Schechter, Julia Wachtel.
F#%k U & ur DisNey : Math Bass, Baptiste Caccia, Sarah Derat, Cai Zebin, Aleksandra Domanović, Gareth Long, Isaac Lythgoe, Paul McCarthy, Real Madrid, Asha Schechter, Julia Wachtel.
Thursday 29/04 — 16:00
Thursday 29/04 — 18:00
Opening next week
Thursday 06 May → Wednesday 12 May
Thursday 06/05 — 18:00
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