Seth Siegelaub: How is Art History Made?
Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Rosemarie Castoro, Hanne Darboven, Douglas Huebler, Robert Huot, Joseph Kosuth, David Lamelas, Lawrence Weiner, Ian Wilson
Art Basel Online Viewing Room: Pioneers 25/03 – 27/03 VIP Opening: 24/03, 2 pm (CET)
Ongoing at the gallery:
Joachim Koester The Invisible Index Exhibition until 01/05
To comply with the regulations only four individual visitors can be welcomed at the gallery at the same time. Wearing of a face mask and keeping a distance of min. 1,5 m are obligatory. Visits by appointment have priority.
10 thoughts on “Art Basel OVR Pioneers – Seth Siegelaub: How is Art History Made?, 24/03-27/03”