Beste Wensen van Netwerk Aalst

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Netwerk Aalst thanks their audience, artists, staff and friends for the support in this challenging year. We wish you (now more than ever) a warm Christmas and a good start of 2021.
We can’t wait for the moment that we are allowed to open our doors fully again.

During the Christmas break, you are welcome on Saturday and Sunday for the exhibitions No one would have believed and Oooh. Reserve your tickets on our website.

In 2021, Netwerk Aalst is turning 40. With a smile, we look back on those beautiful years. Discover our music history on Spotify or get some inspiration for a movie night with these 40 classics
And after that, let’s experience together what is yet to come.

© Celine Roelandt, curator Laurens Dhaenens in Niemand zou hebben geloofd bij Ghost van Wendy Morris. © Celine Roelandt, Four FlagsParasite van Bong [removed];Broeiklas. Rekker. © Leontien Allemeersch, Katoo de Vuyst in Oooh. [removed];Koer. Laure Prouvost in Love Among the Artists. The [removed];© Tom Callemin, Occupie Paradit. Meditatiesessies met Andy [removed];Kunstoevers. © Maryam Jafri, Transmissions episode 4, Lawrence Abu Hamdan: The Gravedigger and the Prince. Rekker.

Netwerk Aalst is an open house, an international centre for contemporary art and an independent cinema located in Aalst, Belgium.

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Netwerk Aalst

Houtkaai 15

Aalst 9300


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