Seth Siegelaub Books online sale!

Dear friends, colleagues, comrades and subscribers of this list, it is crazy to think that 2021 is around the corner and I am wondering if you have any wish for it? Or maybe just the ones from 2020 will work too…  In any case, it has been great to finish this year surrounded by the collection of Marja Bloem and Seth Siegelaub, and now, in relation to that we are doing a very special book sale! Next week I will send you an email with the installation shots of the show…

In collaboration with Marja Bloem and Luuk Hoogewerf we have been setting up this accessible way to buy the books that Seth Sigeleuab produced mostly under International General, the publishing house he founded in the outskirts of Paris and that he used to publish books on communication, culture & ideology. On top of these books you can also acquire the newest publication that collects most of his writings and interviews and celebrating this special occasion, with every book you order you also get a free copy of the famous How to Read Donald Duck : Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic.

Please, take a look at this link for the titles and do not hesitate to contact me in case you would like to order large or mixed quantities, I am just learning how to set up these things. Also, will be in Madrid at the end of the year, so if you want to save some shipping costs, act quick!

Remember, the show is open until the 14th of February and following the new restrictions in NL the show is only open by appointment until the 19th of January. I will be sending around one email per month and my apologies if you do not want to be in this list, please unsubscribe. You can also follow some of the updates through the website, instagram or facebook. Please, if you do have any feedback, question or proposal in relation to the project do not hesitate to contact me.

Talk soon,
Diego Diez P.

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