[nadine] upcoming end of December 2020

[extra muros] To do or not to do? Resistance & Care initiated by Isabel Burr Raty & radical_house
19-21/12/2020 – series of online lectures & open fires

[EN] To do or not to do? is a three-day event where Resistance and Care are discussed and explored from various geographical locations, cultural landscapes and artistic discourses.
During three days, you are invited at brunch time (12:00-13:30) to participate in the (online) lecture of three invitees. In the afternoon (16:00-18:00) three curated open fires resonate with the ideas introduced at the brunch lectures to dig deeper (places limited).

Find the detailed program following this link.

[NL] To do or not to do? is een driedaags evenement waarbij Resistance and Care onder de loep worden genomen vanuit verschillende geografische locaties, cultuurlandschappen en artistieke discours.
Gedurende drie dagen wordt u uitgenodigd van 12u tot 13:30 om (online) deel te nemen aan presentaties en Q&A van drie genodigden. In de namiddag (16u – 18u) resoneren deze gesprekken verder aan open vuren op drie locaties in Brussel (plaatsen beperkt).
Gedetailleerd programma via 

more info : [removed], i[removed]
supported by VG culturele activiteiten premie, radical_house, The Monastery, ZSenne art lab, nadine
image by Laetitia Gendre, Screens on Fire, 2020

[n0dine vitrine] polyphony by hans Andreas & Django Jane by Various Artists
25/12/2020-02/01/2021 – ongoing – n0dine

[EN] Two videos will be screened during the Christmas holidays in the vitrine of [removed];
polyphony by hans Andreas R. shows a 24h image capture of the installation presented in November 2020.
Django Jane,
a video by Various Artists, shows an evolution of portraits of more than 2000 composers from the Middle Ages to the present [removed];

[NL] Twee video’s worden in de kerstperiode vertoond in de vitrine van [removed];
polyphony van Hans Andreas R. toont een 24-uur lange beeldopname van de installatie die hij in november 2020 presenteerde.
Django Jane
een video van Various Artists, toont een evolutie van portretten van meer dan 2000 componisten van de Middeleeuwen tot nu.

image by Various Artists

this week in December
13 – 18 December 2020 : BKFF online workshop
14 – 18 December 2020 : oracle telepathic practice week

– 31 December 2020 : dinA vitrine