[extra muros] To do or not to do? Resistance & Care initiated by Isabel Burr Raty & radical_house 19-21/12/2020 – series of online lectures & open fires
[EN] To do or not to do? is a three-day event where Resistance and Care are discussed and explored from various geographical locations, cultural landscapes and artistic discourses. During three days, you are invited at brunch time (12:00-13:30) to participate in the (online) lecture of three invitees. In the afternoon (16:00-18:00) three curated open fires resonate with the ideas introduced at the brunch lectures to dig deeper (places limited). Find the detailed program following this link.
[NL] To do or not to do? is een driedaags evenement waarbij Resistance and Care onder de loep worden genomen vanuit verschillende geografische locaties, cultuurlandschappen en artistieke discours. Gedurende drie dagen wordt u uitgenodigd van 12u tot 13:30 om (online) deel te nemen aan presentaties en Q&A van drie genodigden. In de namiddag (16u – 18u) resoneren deze gesprekken verder aan open vuren op drie locaties in Brussel (plaatsen beperkt). Gedetailleerd programma via deze link.
more info : [removed], i[removed] supported by VG culturele activiteiten premie, radical_house, The Monastery, ZSenne art lab, nadine image by Laetitia Gendre, Screens on Fire, 2020 |
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