Vinyl release “Zij/Goesting” + Live at Jazz Middelheim

live at Jazz Middelheim + new vinyl release

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Hi there, once again thanks for opening this mail!

It’s been quite some time in the making but Sunday September 27th it’ll finally be out there for the world to enjoy: the first 7 inch release to my name. The single features two poems set to music: Zij and Goesting, plus one locked groove: Eindeloos toogfilosoof.

We’ll be celebrating the release on several occasions, the first being on Jazz Middelheim, on Sept. 27th, with a brunch. Live on stage I’ll be accompanied by Charlotte Jacobs and Ferre ‘Sergeant’ Marnef. October 10th we’ll be celebrating the release on a secret location in Brussels, with very limited capacity, if you want more info on that, send me a mail.

It’s an extremely big honour to see this released on Brussels most respected Lexi Disques imprint (collect ’em all!) and it’s been an equally big honour to work with this talented team, therefor allow me to thank: Charlotte Jacobs, Wiet L., Paulo Rietjens, Emmanuel Gonay, Fred Ångström, Wouter Brandenburg, Pim and Jakob at Crevette, Marouchka Payen, Font OSP Brussels and last but not least Catherine Plenevaux! 

Pleasure yourself by (pre-)ordering your copy over at Crevette Records. The single comes with a locked groove, a bonus poem, a booklet by yours truly, and an mp3 download card.

In other news, but still in the poetry section: Dichters Van Wacht is releasing it’s first anthology: We zouden naar zee gaan compiled and edited by Luuk Gruwez and Thomas Möhlmann. The resulting volume is a beauty, and not only because it features my poem Kwart voor straks. Order your copy on their website, you won’t regret it.

Groetjes, or:
wishing you the very best,


PS there is more:

The radioshow is back! Listen over here, you won’t regret it, promised!
Night S. Yung’s debut release is still out on cassette, reading the first Mad Villain album entirely.
The long sleeve shirt featuring my childhood horse painting is still available chez Crevette too!


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