Invitation solo show

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Dear Friends,

I am very thrilled to invite you for my first solo show Where do we put the bug?.

For the solo exhibition at Cunst-Link in Brussels I present the results of my research into my grandfather’s past – a man who was surveilled for decades because of his position as oppositional politician during the Soviet regime – in video, paintings and happenings by undercover performers. By comparing personal and political stories I investigate the way we transfer information and the defects in communication systems.

The title ‘Where do we put the bug?’ refers to the first chapter of the Hungarian documentary Az Ügynök élete (The Life of an Agent) by Gábor Zsigmond Papp in which he shows how secret agents used to work in Budapest before the regime change. The film is made of the original secret archive material and tells you instructions about how they observed people.

For the finissage I invited the musician Carrageenan to create a new music piece that is inspired by the works in the [removed]; 

I am looking forward to see you soon!

Yours truly,
Dóra Benyó


My video ‘ Intermission’ will be shown from 29th of Augusts in Z33, Hasselt till 8th of November.

Copyright © 2020 Dóra Benyó, All rights reserved.
Invitation exhibitions from Dóra Benyó.

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