Gasthoven Invites
group show
Vernissage Saturday 9th August 2014, 19:30
CC Het Gasthuis
09/08 – 28/09
(closed on Mondays and holidays)
Josephus (2014) wood, thread, iron, 43,4 x 100 x 10 cm
Saturday 30/08/2014
To the Mountain
participative installation
L’incroyable Téléphérique, Park van Vorst/ Parc de Forest, Brussels
Be welcome to participate
To the Mountain
The mountain
with trees
with trees
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
A person
with a white thread
going up
An open web
+32(0)475938152 (BE)
+31(0)638500092 (NL)
blog: [removed]
studio: Vaartstraat 45, 12th floor
1000 Brussel
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No hard feelings
6 thoughts on “Invitation vernissage Gasthoven Invites 09/08 & To the Mountain 30/08/2014”