LOOP Festival 2020: announcing the network of collaborators!

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10 – 22 November 2020 – around the city of Barcelona and the digital seas


Right Now: everything is yet to be done and everything is possible

These words are not only the verses of a splendid poem by Miquel Martí i Pol; they are also the title that Chus Martínez chose for the exhibition she will curate in collaboration with Rosa Lleó for this year’s edition of the Festival. Gathering together a series of works by different artists who are active in Barcelona, the show to be held at Arts Santa Mónica in fact speaks of the necessity to keep supporting artists and caring for art, while “everything is yet to be done.” This same urgency is also echoed within the rest of the programming, that this year poses special attention to supporting the local art scene and to reinforcing already existing or new collaborations.

Working together with the local art community
This way, among the artists featured in the programme there will be: Valentina Alvarado Matos, Blanca Arias García, Anna Dot, Carlos Vásquez Méndez, Augustí Ortíz Herrera, Àlex Palacín, Mabel Palacín, Helena Vinent or Pedro Torres. Most of the invited curators and programmers are also currently operating in Barcelona; among them, Laura Baigorri, Manuel Ciruaqui, Gisela Chillida, Natàlia Chocarro, Blanca del Río, Menene Gras Balaguer, Gabriel Virgilio Luciani, Leandro Madrazo, Albert Mercadé, Marta Pol, Eduard Rubix, Hilde Teerlinck, Rubén Verdú and Marina Vinyes Albes. The proposals put together by an even wider group of collaborators will be scattered all around the city and hosted in venues such as Casa AsiaCasa Elizalde, Casa de Rusia en Barcelona, Casa Seat, Casa Vicens, the CEC – Centre Excursionista de Catalunya, Cercle del Liceu, the Centre Cívic Convent de Sant Agustí,  EINA Barra de Ferro, the Filmoteca de Catalunya, the Fundació Lluís Corominas, the Fundació Vila Casas, La Ideal, La Salle, the KBr – Barcelona Photo Center, the Museu Marés, Palau Güell, the Pavelló Mies van der Rohe, Picasso Museum, the Real Cercle Artístic.

As every year, the City Screen will then complement the official festival’s programming. With the coordination of Victoria Sacco and the participation of more than 30 venues in the city, it will feature independent proposals to get a broader insight into contemporary moving image creation. Among them: àngels barcelona, àngels barcelona – espai 2, Arte Aurora Galería, Bombon Projects, CAGE – Contemporary Art Gallery, CHEZ XEFO – Art Gallery, Chiquita Room, Cordova, Die Ecke Art Contemporani, Dilalica, Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture, Fundación Ideograma, Galería Joan Prats, Galería Zielinsky, Gràcias por su visita, Homesession, Juan Naranjo Galería de Arte & Documentos, L&B Gallery, Lab36 – galería SENDA, Metàfora Studio Arts Program, Projekteria [Art Gallery], SENDA, Tangent Projects, trama34, Urban Gallery, and more participants to be confirmed soon.

The festival will also reach beyond the city of Barcelona, to involve different art entities in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and Sant Cugat del Vallés (the Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, the TPK – Art i Pensament Contemporani and the Centre d’Art Maristany, among others), as well as all the entities that are part of the Network of the Visual Art Centres of Catalunya, as a result of a continuous exchange carried on throughout the years to promote the Co-Production [removed];

International projection (online and offline) 
Other major institutions such as the CCCB, the Fundació Antoni Tàpies in collaboration with the Han Nefkens Foundation, the Fundació Joan Miró or the MACBA will put up shows dedicated to internationally recognised artists and distinguished for their moving image works, such as Aziz Hazara, William Kentridge, Nalini Malani or Tony Cokes. To complement the programme, also a series of online contributions by renowned video art collections and production entities such as In Between Art Film (Rome), the Julia Stoschek Collection (Dusseldorf and Berlin) or TBA21-Art Contemporary (Vienna and Madrid). 

Soon more information regarding the full programme on our website: [removed]

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