Montez Press February News

Montez Press News
February 2025

→  Interjection-011-02
→  Read Kaiya Waerea’s ‘Unfurling Whakapapa Takatāpui’
→  Join us at The Library at Deptford Lounge
 Keep an eye on this month’s MPR schedule

February Interjection: Gain – Ariana Reines

Ariana Reines’s newest books are Wave of Blood (2024) and The Rose (2025). A Sand Book (2019) won the Kingsley Tufts Prize and was longlisted for the National Book [removed]; TELEPHONE, her Obie-winning play, was produced by the Foundry Theatre in [removed]; Ariana has created performances for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Swiss Institute, Stuart Shave / Modern Art, and many [removed]; Born in Salem, Massachusetts, she teaches at Invisible College and lives in Queens, NY.

→ Read Ariana’s work here

From the WR archive: Unfurling Whakapapa Takatāpui – Kaiya Waerea

Kaiya Waerea is a writer, designer and publisher from Aotearoa, now living in London. Their research is concerned with crip feminist methodologies, indigenous knowledge production, and print culture. Kaiya’s writing has been featured in Counter Signals 5: Systems and their Discontents, Errant Journal: Learning from our Ancestors, AIGA Eye on Design and others. Kaiya also co-runs feminist press Sticky Fingers Publishing, an intra-dependant feminist press based in South East London.

→ Read Kaiya Waerea’s ‘Unfurling Whakapapa Takatāpui’
→  Visit their website

Celebrate LGBTQ+ history month with us at The Library at Deptford Lounge

Join us on the 13th of February for Deptford Lounge’s Independent Publishers Showcase as part of LGBTQ+ history month. We’ll have performances from Sam Cottington, author of Phone Plays, and Rosanna McLaughlin, author of Sinkhole: Three Crimes, and end the night with a conversation about Montez Press and the indie publishing scene in [removed];

Sam Cottington is an artist and writer based between London and Frankfurt. His written work takes form as plays, novellas and short stories and his artistic work spans painting, sculpture, video and installation. He studied Art and Art History at Goldsmiths University in London and is currently studying Fine Art at Städelschule in Frankfurt. His first novella People Person was published by JOAN in 2023, and a collection of his plays was published by Montez Press in 2024. Recent exhibitions included Louche Ops, Berlin (2025), Nir Altman, Munich (2024), and London Performance Studios (2024).

Rosanna McLaughlin is a writer and editor who lives in East Sussex. She is the author of two books: Double-Tracking (Carcanet, 2019), a collection of satirical essays and short fiction, and the novel Sinkhole (Montez Press, 2023). Her essays, cultural criticism and short fiction have been published by The Guardian, ArtReview and Granta among other places. She was formerly co-editor of The White Review.

→  RSVP here
→  Phone Plays – Sam Cottington 
→  Sinkhole: Three Crimes – Rosanna McLaughlin

MPR February Schedule: 

MPR will be broadcasting throughout the month from New York, London, and Saigon, including a special broadcast in partnership with Rivers Institute for Contemporary Art & Thought on the 18th. Check out our full schedule for more details at Montez Press Radio.

Listen at [removed]
→ Keep an eye on this month’s schedule
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With love,
MPR & Montez Press

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