Atelier in de Stad: afsluiting residentie Dorothy in Hell and more!

Greylight Projects - platform for art & culture


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Atelier in de Stad: afsluiting residentie Dorothy in Hell

(NL) In het weekend van 28 en 29 september sluit Dorothy haar residentie bij Atelier in de stad af met een open studio. Op beide dagen is er tussen 16:00 en 21:00 uur de mogelijkheid om binnen te lopen en de werken van Dorothy te bekijken. De afgelopen weken is ze bezig geweest met het verzamelen van materiaal in de stad en werken op locatie. Hier zijn verschillende nieuwe beelden tot stand gekomen die onderdeel zijn geworden van Dorothy haar artistieke [removed];

Dorothy ziet haar eigen artistieke praktijk als een manier om toe te werken naar een vorm van verlossing. Dit doet ze onder andere door te werken met verwijzingen naar religies. Door het gebruik van woorden die voortkomen uit het christendom kent ze waarde toe aan haar artistieke proces.

Tijdens het weekend van 28 en 29 september zal Dorothy dagelijks rond 20:00 uur een “Mis” opvoeren, in de vorm van een performance met basgitaar met een opbouw van klanken die het Atelier in de stad tijdelijk zullen overnemen.

Tijdens de open studio verkoopt Dorothy ook haar zelfgemaakte shirts en afstudeer publicatie.

(EN) On the weekend of 28 and 29 September, Dorothy will conclude her residency at Atelier in the City with an open studio. On both days, between 16:00 and 21:00, there will be an opportunity to walk in and view Dorothy’s work. For the past few weeks, she has been busy collecting material around town and working on location. Here, several new sculptures have been created that have become part of Dorothy’s artistic practice.

Dorothy sees her own artistic practice as a way of working towards a form of redemption. One way she does this is by working with references to religions. By using words stemming from Christianity, she assigns value to her artistic process.

During the weekend of 28 and 29 September, Dorothy will perform a ‘Mass’ daily around 20:00, in the form of a performance with bass guitar with a buildup of sounds that will temporarily take over the Atelier in the city.

During the open studio, Dorothy will also sell her homemade shirts and graduation publication.


date: [removed] – [removed] , 16:00 – 21:00
opening hours: 16:00 – 21:00
location: Spoorplein 58 / Stationshal NS station Heerlen

link: [removed]


T!P in Heerlen:
Destination Unknown
oude DSM gebouw

DESTINATION UNKNOWN is a non-profit organization that offers starting artists a work period in buildings that are temporarily empty; waiting for a new owner or ready for demolition. Artists are challenged to develop site-specific work. Destination Unknown is a nomadic organization, which means that it settles in a different location every year. This year, the former DSM-headquarters in Heerlen has been made available by Wonen Limburg to serve as a workshop for artists during the months of July, August and September. During this work period, professionals from the field were invited to give workshops and to enter into dialogue with the participating artists. The work period is traditionally concluded with an exhibition weekend. You are of course cordially invited to come and see the end result.

opening: September 27, 2027 from 7 [removed] to 11 [removed]
expo: September 28 and 29, 2024 from 10 [removed] to 5 [removed]
adres: Het Overloon 1, 6411 TE Heerlen

link: [removed]

and more on the agenda:

> Atelier in de Stad: afsluiting residentie Dorothy in Hell

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> Talk&Walk – (Waar is Andy) – Atelier presentaties Hugo Kostrzewa, Renée Stravers, Krista Jantowski (Reading room)

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> open call: 2025-> Binnenlands ateliers programma x Borderland Residencies -> Greylight Projects Heerlen

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Greylight Projects is supported by the gemeente Heerlen

Greylight Projectsis a member of Very Contemporary,
the network of contemporary art venues in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion.

Greylight Projects is part of the cross border residencie

Greylight Projects is part of #TOKTOK,
platform for cultural initatives in Heerlen.
ateliers/ studio’s: Limaweg 3, 6415XD, Heerlen