Fondation CAB de Saint-Paul-de-Vence invite vos enfants à célébrer la fin de l’été autour d’un atelier créatif sur le thème du savoir-faire, du design et de l’écologie, où les enfants pourront développer leur créativité : “L’Art de la découverte”. Des booklets sont à disposition des familles avec enfants pendant toute la durée de l’exposition. Précédé d’une visite interactive et suivi d’un goûter, cet atelier permettra aux petits de se sensibiliser aux courants artistiques exposés à la Fondation : l’art minimal et conceptuel. Actuellement les expositions à la Fondation CAB Saint-Paul-de-Vence : Edith Dekyndt Specific Subjects et Muller Van Severen. Informations pratiques : CAB Foundation in Saint-Paul-de-Vence invites your children to celebrate the end of summer with a creative workshop on the theme of know-how, design and ecology, where they can develop their creativity : “The Art of discovery”. Booklets are available for families with children throughout the exhibition. Preceded by an interactive tour and followed by a snack, this workshop will introduce youngsters to the artistic currents on show at the Fondation: minimal and conceptual art. Currently the exhibitions at the Fondation CAB Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Edith Dekyndt Specific Subjects and Muller Van Severen. Practical information : CURRENT EXHIBITIONS EDITH DEKYNDT Open until the 30th October 2024 Specific Subjects, Edith Dekyndt, Fondation CAB Saint-Paul de Vence, 2024 Specific Subjects, Edith Dekyndt’s project for Fondation CAB Saint-Paul-de-Vence, weaves together new and evolving technologies, ancestral knowledge and contemporary issues. Some of the works challenge the decomposition of matter, allowing us to sketch out an atmosphere between brutality and fragility, problematising the presence of these two antagonistic notions in the same place. The exhibition at Saint-Paul-de-Vence is both a journey through Dekyndt’s artistic universe, where the dialogue between nature and culture intertwines with the land, and an experience that transcends the usual spaces of art. As visitors, she invites us to explore multiple levels of meaning and to question our understanding of space, memory and temporality. MULLER VAN SEVEREN Open until the 30th October 2024 Courtesy Muller Van Severen Studio Fondation CAB Saint-Paul de Vence presents an exhibition by the Belgian designer duo Muller Van Severen. Fien Muller (1978, Lokeren) and Hannes Van Severen (1979, Ghent) offer a selection of pieces from the last 12 years completed by unusual objects such as prototypes, drawings and materials. An additional dimension is given to the experience thanks to close-ups taken by the photographer duo Scheltens and Abbenes. Between art and design, Muller Van Severen creates pieces of furniture that interact with the space in which they are located and are distinguished by careful research into art, architecture and materials.