Q-O2 news :: Soundwalk the extra mile

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Soundwalk the extra mile

This might turn out to be a premature announcement of the start of a memorable Indian summer, but this Saturday’s weather looks ideal for trying out 2 new soundwalks created by Francesca Hawker and Margherita Brillada. Their walks can be experienced through the new soundwalking app Tracks, and will be launched upcoming Saturday from 14h to 18h. Stop by our HQ, meet Francesca and Margherita, and get all the necessary instructions to explore our [removed];Bring your smartphone and headphones—if you don’t have a smartphone, please let us know via

And, if the forecast of the beautiful Indian summer doesn’t come true, or even if it does, there’s still more beauty below in this newsletter!

21 September – 14h – 18h – @ Q-O2 – free
Margherita Brillada, Francesca Hawker

Duck Duck Eel by Francesca Hawker is an audio jaunt along the Brussels Canal that suggests 6 waterside listening breaks. The piece consists of 2 parts: part 1 can be done on foot, and part 2 is a bike / scooter ride, so bring a vehicle if you want to do both parts. The audio pieces feature readings of biographies of people who were or are into eels, collaged alongside recordings made in Flanders while visiting eel conservationists, as they counted and weighed hundreds of migrating eels. Underwater recordings of the canal also feature, which came out devoid of any eel noises. The frustration this inspires (and the question ‘where are the eels?’) has been shared by eel enthusiasts for millennia, who have never experienced the relief of witnessing the reproductive lives of the species they’re so into.

Whispers of the Unheard by Margherita Brillada offers a multi-faceted perspective on the community development of Molenbeek over the past years. By combining voices, field recordings, and found samples, listeners will gain insight into the neighbourhood’s history, structures, and community. Unveiling sounds of the past, listeners will be immersed in soundscapes that are now absent but once filled the neighbourhood. The audience will be guided by a mix of voices and testimonies from local residents and individuals involved in socio-cultural spaces, including Johan Leman, anthropologist and sociologist, president of the Brussels Immigration Museum; Fadel El Ouahabi working at De Vaartkapoen; and Père Etienne, priest at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church. The walk unfolds in a non-linear narrative, with voices at times overlapping, allowing listeners to experience their own version of the story through various narrative forms. The walk unfolds in a non-linear narrative, with voices at times overlapping, allowing listeners to experience their own version of the story through various narrative forms.
[More info here]

12 October – 10h – 17h –  @ Q-O2 – registration required
Coding – Introduction to SuperCollider with Giulia Rae

SuperCollider is a free and open-source coding environment, first released in 1996 and now maintained and developed by an active community of code enthusiasts. It provides a framework for various sound research fields, from live coding to sound synthesis, from neural networks to interactive media design.

The participants will be guided through the main architecture and the basics of the language, until developing a basic system for sound synthesis and live sequencing. You will leave this workshop with an instrument that you can continue designing on your own. No prior experience is required, this workshop is for complete beginners, with special encouragement to FLINTA* people to participate.
[read more]

Open call
Showcase Emerging Sound

STUK, Q-O2 and Musica present an annual showcase of emerging sound artists in Belgium. The showcase shines a light on the diversity of the Belgian sound art landscape, and gives a boost to an upcoming generation of makers. We are looking for recent, existing sound work in any format: performance, installation, soundwalk, radio piece, intervention or other innovative formats. The deadline for the call is 15 October, the selected works will be presented in STUK on Thursday 8 May 2024.
[more info]

Oscillation ::: Materia Forma – discourse program

During the discourse afternoon of the Oscillation festival Bojana Cvejić, Gabriel Paiuk, Giulia Rae, Rim Irscheid, and Tim Ingold provided various perspectives on the festival topic, with contributions on, among others, immersion, technology, cultural conventions, and [removed];These talks can now be listened to on our podcast series.
[listen here]

Still available + new
podcasts, books, releases, videos

Q-O2 is funded by the Flemish Community, VGC Brussels, and the European Union.

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