Invitation vernissage solo Isabel Fredeus & Hilde Overbergh

Vernissage Thursday September 12, 5-9 PM


Isabel Fredeus

A Fungal Affair

Artist talk Isabel Fredeus & Elise Elsacker Sun Sep 15, 2 PM


Hilde Overbergh

  Cheer the Sum and Celebrate the Parts

Artist talk Sun Sep 15, 4 PM

Isabel Fredeus (°1991, Kapellen) has her fourth exhibition in the gallery. She works with installations, sculptures, video and interventions. Fredeus is mainly interested in materials that are elastic, manipulative and flexible. Within her artistic practice she tries to follow signs, investigate the origin of their attraction and search for alternative meanings. For the past two years, she has been researching the sculptural qualities of mycelium in collaboration with microbiologist Elise Elsacker. Mycelium is the thread network of fungi. The exhibition ‘A fungal affair’ presents active installations, sculptures and drawings that aspire an alternative approach to classical sculpture. The exhibition visualizes an artistic dialogue Fredeus has initiated with this living organism.

Hilde Overbergh (°1964, Leuven) has her first solo exhibition in the gallery. With an infectious open-mindedness, she allows herself to be taken in tow by the remnants, fabrics, things and materials she encounters around her, as well as by the range of possible activities in which these attributes allow themselves to be assembled, connected, stacked, interwoven and strung together into multiform constellations. The title of Overbergh‘s solo exhibition, Cheer the Sum and Celebrate the Parts, refers to the playful aspect of this oeuvre, to the experimental pleasure with which very diverse objects, materials or actions are combined. And also to the magic of the moment in which an unforeseen encounter between thing, material or action takes place. 

Thu 12, 5-9 PM, Fri-Sat,11- 6 PM
Sun Sep 15, free breakfast 11 AM, artist talks 2 and 4 PM

Ch. de Charleroi, 54 1060 Brussels – [removed]