INC Newsletter



To say this year has been eventful would be an understatement. After period that was both challenging and rich, and full of publications, events, and protests, INC will be closed this summer for a period of reflection and rest. We will be back on the 26th of August. Wishing you a great summer! 


We also invite you to join our Telegram channel,  a place where we can connect through collaborative conversations, livestreams and the sharing of our latest publications such as books, zines, articles, videos, events and much more. Click here to subscribe.

INC Telegram Channel

New INC Podcast Series ⚡️ Art in Permacrisis ⚡️

We are proud to present Art in Permacrisis, a podcast on the organization of art workers in the face of the ever-growing stack of crises. How can artists make a living without selling their souls? Can we imagine and practice a sustainable art economy beyond precarity? How should we transform the circulation of artworks, the curriculum of art and design academies, the exhibition programs of museums, and the organization of collectives and unions? We invite speakers with combined backgrounds in art, theory, and organizing to share their insights. The first three episodes are available now! #1: Kuba Szreder and the Projectariat #2: Emanuele Braga and Art for UBI #3: Katja Praznik and feminist perspectives on art unions

🔗 Read more: [removed];

🎧 Listen on Soundcloud: [removed] 

Hosts: Candela Cubria and Sepp Eckenhaussen.

Art in Permacrisis is a collab between the INC and Caradt.

New Publications

Expanded Publishing Fest #2: Space-in / Space-out
By Gytis Dovydaitis  
The Void Report 

Read  HERE 

Starnet: A History of Internet cafes in Iași (Romania)
Ruxandra mărgineanu & Radu-mihai tănasă
INC Longform

Read  HERE 

Critical Meme Reader III: Breaking the Meme
edited by Chloë Arkenbout & Idil Galip
INC Reader #17

Read and order HERE 

Archiving Activism in the Digital Age
edited by Daniele Salerno and Ann Rigney
Theory on Demand #52

Read and order HERE 

Falling Through
By Agnieszka Antkowiak, Morgane Billuart & Klara Debeljak
INC Zine

Read  HERE 

Internet’s Dark Forests: Subcultural Memories and Vernaculars of a Layered Imaginary 
By Marta Ceccarelli
Network Notion #2

Read  HERE 

Six Theses towards the Liberation of Arts Philanthropy 
By Sepp Eckenhaussen 
INC Longform 

Read  HERE 

eBook DDoS: Reflections on Spam Publishing
By Ezequiel Soriano
INC Longform

Read  HERE 

‘Look at This Graph’: And Essay on Structural Silliness 
By Ivana Emily Škoro
INC Longform

Read  HERE 

You can currently order a free print copy of the following INC publications:

  • TOD52: Archiving Activism in the Digital Age, edited by Daniele Salerno and Ann Rigney 
  • Critical Meme Reader III: Breaking the Meme, edited by Chloë Arkenbout and Idil Galip
  • Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in the Cultural Field, edited by Sepp Eckenhaussen, Senka Milutinović, and Carolina Valente Pinto
Order HERE 


Reflections on Trigger Warnings: A Practice of Care, a Refusal of Witnessing 
​​​​​By Chloë Arkenbout

Read  HERE

One Finds Comrades to Publish
​​​​​By Silvio Lorusso

Read  HERE

Stedelijk Museum Fails to Loan Artwork by Ahmet Öğüt to Protect Students in Amsterdam
​​​​​By the Not Surprised Collective

Read  HERE

Dromen over een zichtbare, levendige HvA bibliotheek
By Geert Lovink

Read  HERE

Witnessing the Student Intifada – On Palestine, Solidarity and Cultural Boycotts
By Alina Lupu
(originally published on metropolis M)

Read  HERE