Last week to see Disorder, Transmission, Love in Silence: Goro Kakei >< Carole Vanderlinden

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[removed] “Disorder, Transmission, Love in Silence”
Goro Kakei >< Carole Vanderlinden

Last few days to view the show, closing on June 29th, 2024.

Please take note that:
from  July 4th to September 11th, OV Project will only be open by appointment.
Email to schedule.

Upcoming Show:
OV 38: L'exposition qui n'a jamais eu lieu (suite): JFO >< MMCO
Opening September 12 – until November 9

OV Project:
Rue Van Eyck, 57
B- 1050 Brussels
OV contemporary – office:
Rue Jean-Baptise Colyns, 72
B -1050 Brussels


Opening hours :
Thu. to Sat. from 2 — 6 pm
or by appointment



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