Annette Behrens & Celine Aernoudt have joined the residency!
Annette Behrens (she/her) is a visual artist, researcher and teacher. She employs a multi-disciplinary approach, utilizing photography, video and text in various forms to explore subjects that are often polarizing, generating significant public discourse, controversy and debate. One of her main interests lies in examining the usage, lack or inaccessibility of image(s) and/ or information, related to these subjects. She is particularly intrigued by the role that photographic material plays in shaping knowledge, assumptions and prejudices. The visual and textual narratives within her work activate a sense of missing or incompletion of information, a dissatisfaction that there often is no one way which opens to examining and visual wander in concerned subjects.
Right-wing extremism and the formation of individual and group identity are recurring subjects. In recent years food and environmentalism have shifted from a private interest to becoming subjects in her individual work as well as within collaborations. Annette mostly works in installations and publications. Besides her own practice she has been a (guest)teacher at various schools such as St. Joost School of Art & Design, Willem de Kooning Academy and Syracuse University. Originally from Germany, Annette studied Visual Arts and Photography in the Netherlands and is currently based in Rotterdam where she is a member of artist initiative Het Wilde Weten.
Residency period: May–August 2024
Supported by Mondriaan Fund
Celine Aernoudt (she/they) has advanced a versatile body of work, including installations, performances, video, sculpture and text, in which they refer to (self-)consuming and self-erasing in relation to representational systems of neoliberal society. Who and how are “we” today? Drawing from personal iconography and popular culture, they jump between the position of the individual and the universal subject in their work. Their writing practice, which finds its way into performances, videos and sculptures, reflects on topics such as self-delusion, semiocapitalism and psychopolitics. Based on these topics, they construct poetic and witty scenes that feel both recognizable as well as potentially unnerving.
Residency period: May–August 2024
Supported by Flanders State of the Art
To welcome our new residents, please join us for the ABA Lab, where the artists will present their work to the public, fostering discussions and reflections while delving into their ongoing research. The LAB will take place on the 14th of May at the ABA office and will be followed by conversations and drinks after.
Uqbar running stitch
with Tsolek Topchyan 3–24 May
Until the 24th of May, you have a chance to catch running stitch at Uqbar, where throughout the month of May, Tsolek Topchyan is making work from Monday to Friday, 9–5 [removed];He is stitching a large piece of fabric, patiently, thread by thread. The fabric exceeds the dimensions of the space, while the time required to finish it is undefined. Hence, he has imposed a disciplinary regime of working hours – a temporal frame – to declare, at the end, that the work is finished. Or will it be? Towards the end of this residency at Uqbar Tsolak will unveil his work.
3–24 May | Monday to Friday, 9 am–5 pm
24 May | 7 pm: Tsolak Topchyan in conversation with Dr Angela Harutyunyan. This conversation will reflect upon the material and conceptual processes of the production of the [removed];