Je bois le dĂ©sordre du monde 🌊

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AprĂšs un premier Ă©vĂ©nement organisĂ© par Camille LĂ©vy Sarfati Ă  KADIST Paris en avril dernier, le deuxiĂšme volet de ce programme “Double Takes” se tiendra du 20 au 24 septembre au studio El Warcha Ă  Tunis. đŸ—“ïž

« Je bois le dĂ©sordre du monde Â»* est une invitation Ă  explorer le potentiel de la crĂ©ation et du collectif face au pessimisme. La programmation, qui comprend des Ɠuvres vidĂ©o de la collection KADIST, d’artistes locaux et de la collection Lumbung, sera enrichie par des confĂ©rences, des interventions musicales et des ateliers. L’Ă©vĂ©nement vise Ă  crĂ©er des espaces de dialogue et d’Ă©change, dans un contexte de turbulences et d’incertitudes, tant en Tunisie qu’Ă  l’Ă©tranger.

Une partie du programme sera spĂ©cialement dĂ©diĂ©e au jeune public du quartier du Kram, en partenariat avec les associations Sentiers et El Warcha, tandis que le reste de l’Ă©vĂ©nement sera ouvert Ă  tous, en français et en anglais.


* Le titre du programme est extrait d’un poĂšme Ă©crit par EmnĂ© Nassereddine dans La Danse du Figuier (2021)




Mercredi 20 septembre
Workshop scĂ©nographie menĂ© par El Warcha pour jeune public du Kram (Ă©vĂ©nement privĂ©

Vendredi 22 septembre
Séance Jeune Public : Cinéclub Sentiers x El Warcha
(événement privé)

18h30 – 19h05 I Projections
Oeuvres d’Amine Koudhai, Zhou Tao, Fikret Atay et Elisa Strinna

19h10 – 20h I Conversation
“La vidĂ©o comme espace de rĂ©sistance – rĂ©flexion autour de la question des migrations, du nationalisme et de la xĂ©nophobie” avec Sentiers et El Warcha

Samedi 23 septembre
(ouvert au public)

18h30 – 19h30 I Projections
Oeuvres d’Amine Koudhai, Laure Prouvost, Zhou Tao, Fikret Atay et Agus Nur Amal

19h30 – 20h30 I DĂ©bat
El Warcha x Amine Koudhai x Fikret Atay : “Art et ‘peptimisme’ : crĂ©er en temps de trouble”

20h – 20h30 I PrĂ©sentation & Lancement
par Collectif BOUMA

20h30 – 21h15 I Performance sonore
par Emily Sarsam

Dimanche 24 septembre
(ouvert au public)

12h – 13h10 I Projection
Koki Tanaka, A Poem Written by 5 poets at once (first attempt), 2013

13h15 – 14h30 I Couscous & DĂ©bat
Koki Tanaka x El Warcha : “Collectif et convivialitĂ© comme projet artistique et politique”


El Warcha est un collectif et atelier basĂ© Ă  Tunis, fondĂ© en 2016. Son Ă©quipe crĂ©e du mobilier urbain temporaire, des installations artistiques et organise des Ă©vĂ©nements publics pour promouvoir l’Ă©ducation pratique et les actions civiques. Le projet s’est Ă©tendu Ă  Londres en 2018, Ă  Lisbonne en 2020, et a Ă©tĂ© invitĂ© Ă  des expositions internationales en 2022.

Sentiers-Massarib est une association culturelle Ă  Tunis crĂ©Ă©e en 2017. Sa mission est de diffuser la culture cinĂ©matographique dans des lieux marginalisĂ©s en projetant des films, et d’organiser des ateliers de crĂ©ation cinĂ©matographique. Ils considĂšrent la crĂ©ation artistique, en particulier cinĂ©matographique, comme un acte politique et esthĂ©tique.

Collectif BOUMA est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l’image depuis 2022 en Tunisie et en France. FondĂ© par Saif Fradj, AurĂ©a Jabeur et Cyrine Ghrir, le collectif a participĂ© Ă  des expositions et festivals en Tunisie, en France et en Égypte, dont “Personal Diaries” leur premiĂšre publication combinant photographie, mots et musique.


Camille LĂ©vy Sarfati est une commissaire d’exposition et cinĂ©aste basĂ©e Ă  Tunis. Elle est l’ancienne directrice artistique du 32bis Ă  Tunis. DiplĂŽmĂ©e de Sciences Po Paris, elle s’est intĂ©ressĂ©e aux questions d’ethno-nationalisme et de minoritĂ©, ce qui l’a amenĂ©e Ă  rĂ©aliser un documentaire explorant les mĂ©moires conflictuelles autour de l’histoire juive de la Tunisie.

Elle est Ă©galement l’autrice de plusieurs textes et articles, publiĂ©s notamment dans la Revue des Mondes musulmans et de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e. Sa pratique curatoriale est centrĂ©e sur les pratiques contemporaines tunisiennes et nord-africaines, en relation avec lesquelles elle a organisĂ© diffĂ©rents programmes Ă©ducatifs et d’accompagnement. En 2022, elle a curatĂ© les expositions Can We Sing Together Again, Old Friend? de l’artiste sud-africaine Thania Petersen, et Injurier le Soleil au 32bis Ă  Tunis.


Parmi les oeuvres projetĂ©es figurera One Two Three Four de Zhou Tao (1976, Chine), artiste reconnu pour ses films expĂ©rimentaux qui remettent en question les rĂ©cits et les espaces conventionnels. Son travail explore des interactions subtiles et humoristiques, brouillant la frontiĂšre entre la rĂ©alitĂ© et la fiction. Zhou Tao intĂšgre de maniĂšre transparente le fonctionnement de la camĂ©ra dans la vie quotidienne, reliant divers environnements tels que des paysages naturels ou des dĂ©cors urbains, en passant par des chantiers de construction ou des terrains vagues.

Zhou Tao, One Two Three Four, 2008 (stills) | Courtesy of the artist, KADIST collection



El Warcha Design Studio
Je bois le désordre du monde, projections et programme public

du 20 au 24 septembre 2023


Une Assemblée de poÚte.sse.s civiques, exposition en collaboration avec la Sharjah Art Foundation

du 6 octobre 2023 au 4 fĂ©vrier 2024


KADIST San Francisco
de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas [from the underwater mountains fire makes islands], commissariat de Yina JimĂ©nez Suriel

du 13 octobre 2023 au 17 fĂ©vrier 2024


Following the first event organised by Camille LĂ©vy Sarfati at KADIST Paris last April, the second part of this “Double Takes” programme will be held from 20 to 24 September at the El Warcha studio in Tunis. đŸ—“ïž

“I Drink the World’s Tumult “* is an invitation to explore the potential of collective making against pessimism. The programme, which includes video works from the KADIST collection, local artists and the Lumbung collection, will be enriched by lectures, music and workshops. The event aims to create spaces for dialogue and exchange, in a context of turbulence and uncertainty, both in Tunisia and abroad.

Part of the programme will be specially dedicated to young audiences in the Kram district, in partnership with the Sentiers and El Warcha associations, while the rest of the event will be open to all, in French and in English.


* The title of the programme is taken from a poem written by Emné Nassereddine in La Danse du Figuier (2021).




Wednesday, September 20th
El Warcha scenography workshop addressed to the neighborhood youth (private event)

Friday, September 22nd
Young Public: Cinéclub Sentiers x El Warcha (private event)

6:30 – 7:05 pm | Screenings
Works from Amine Koudhai, Zhou Tao, Fikret Atay, Elisa Strinna

7:10 – 8:00 pm | Talk
“Video as a space for resistance – reflecting on migrations, nationalism and xenophobia” with Sentiers and El Warcha

Saturday, September 23rd
(open to public)

6:30 – 7:30 pm | Screenings
Works from Amine Koudhai, Laure Prouvost, Zhou Tao, Fikret Atay, Agus Nur Amal

7:30 – 8:30 pm | Talk
“Art and ‘peptimism’: creating in a time of tumult” with El Warcha, Amine Koudhai, Fikret Atay

8:00 – 8:30 pm | Presentation
by BOUMA Collective

8:30 – 9:10 pm | Sound performance
by Emily Sarsam

Sunday, September 24th
(open to public)

12:00 – 1:10 pm | Screening
Koki Tanaka, A Poem Written by 5 poets at once (first attempt), 2013

1:15 – 2:30 pm | Couscous & Debate
Koki Tanaka x El Warcha: “Collectivity and conviviality as an artistic and political project”


El Warcha is a Tunis-based collective and workshop founded in 2016. Its team create temporary street furniture, art installations and organise public events to promote practical education and civic action. The project expanded to London in 2018, Lisbon in 2020, and has been invited to international exhibitions in 2022.

Sentiers-Massarib is a cultural association in Tunis created in 2017. Its mission is to spread film culture in marginalised places by screening films and organising film-making workshops. They see artistic creation, particularly cinematography, as a political and aesthetic act.

BOUMA Collective has been dedicated to the image since 2022 in Tunisia and France. Founded by Saif Fradj, AurĂ©a Jabeur and Cyrine Ghrir, the collective has taken part in exhibitions and festivals in Tunisia, France and Egypt, including “Personal Diaries” their first publication combining photography, words and music.


Camille LĂ©vy Sarfati is a curator and filmmaker based in Tunis. She is the former artistic director of 32bis in Tunis. A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, her interest in ethno-nationalism and minority issues led her to make a documentary exploring the conflicting memories surrounding Tunisia’s Jewish history. She is also the author of several texts and articles, published notably in the Revue des Mondes musulmans et de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e.

Her curatorial practice focuses on contemporary Tunisian and North African practices, with which she has organised various educational and accompanying programmes. In 2022, she curated the exhibitions Can We Sing Together Again, Old Friend? by the South African artist Thania Petersen, and Injurier le Soleil at 32bis in Tunis.


Among the works shown will be One Two Three Four by Zhou Tao (1976, China), an artist renowned for his experimental films that challenge conventional narratives and spaces. His work explores subtle and humorous interactions, blurring the boundaries between reality and fiction. Zhou Tao seamlessly integrates the workings of the camera into everyday life, linking diverse environments such as natural landscapes, urban settings, construction sites and wastelands.

Zhou Tao, One Two Three Four, 2008 (stills) | Courtesy of the artist, KADIST collection



El Warcha Design Studio
I Drink the World’s Tumult, video screenings and public program

from September 20 to 24, 2023 

A Convening of Civic Poets, exhibition in collaboration with Sharjah Art Foundation

from October 6, 2023 to February 4, 2024


KADIST San Francisco
de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas [from the underwater mountains fire makes islands], curated by Yina Jiménez Suriel

from October 13, 2023 to February 17, 2024

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