The 2023 exhibition of Generation Brussels, Cet obscur objet du désir, is curated by the art critic/ curator Sam Steverlynck
GENERATION BRUSSELS Cet obscur objet du désir
The 2023 exhibition of Generation Brussels, Cet obscur objet du désir, is curated by the art critic/ curator Sam Steverlynck and is entitled after the surrealist cinematographer Luis Buñuel’s eponymous masterpiece from [removed];
Participate in one of the guided tours led by the exhibition’s curator
Visit the Generation Brussels exhibition alongside Sam Steverlynck, accompanied by participating artists. Free admission, upon registration. Visits in ENG/NL/FR. Book your spot now!
Join us for the Projects Presentation by Ateliers Indigo & Globe Aroma
Delve into the remarkable work of two Brussels-based non-profits, Ateliers Indigo and Globe Aroma. Explore their projects and immerse yourself in the diverse artistry showcased through two unique endeavors created exclusively for the Brussels Gallery Weekend. Free visits in ENG/NL/FR. Book your spot now!
SATURDAY 09/09 15:00 – 16:00 Project presentation Globe Aroma & guided tour with the artists
Bruno Devos, the art book curator and publisher behind Stockmans Art Booksand HOPPER&FUCHS, will showcase his [removed];A core tenet of his curation is providing a safe haven for books to act as tools for artists to connect with their audiences. Join us for a rhythmic art book installation and engage in conversations about book publishing, creation, and [removed];
Allow your children to unleash their creativity while you indulge in one of our guided [removed];This year we offer you the possibility to inscribe your kids to one of our two workshops on Saturday 09/09 and Sunday 10/09 at our Meeting [removed];