Aulas y ausencias:
Notes on art, politics and education in a given context.
Opening: July 14th, 2023 [removed];– [removed] [removed]
The exhibition continues throughout September 21st.
“The archive is meaningful in its context, it is not “truth”, it belongs to an entire social environment(*)”.
fluent is pleased to present Aulas y ausencias: notes on art, politics and education in a given context, an archival exhibition featuring printed and audiovisual materials, legislative documents, publications and photographs, whose axis examine the relationships between artistic and humanistic education and the social landscapes in which it exists.
The display unfolds the potential interaction between art, politics and education, while questioning the extractivist political rhetoric on culture’s socio–economic utility, its social functioning and populist discourses advocating for forms of representativeness and belonging that these three aspects activate. The examination on how artistic and humanistic pedagogies revert into demographic flows and the distribution of cultural agency, illuminate, seemingly unnoticed, power dynamics. Through the compilation of meaningful historical and contemporary organisations, and practitioners cutting across these relationships, the archive unfolds in 4 volumes which delve into its inherent functionings; and is expanded by the invitation to a series of policy–makers to engage in working–sessions around the genealogies, limitations and potentialities of educational structures here and today.
The archival display and its transformation into a workplace thus serves as an encounter between a historical conversation and its echoes in the present.
(*). Françoise Vergès, A museum without objects. Image: Drawing included in the self–edited magazine, El Bálsamo de Fierabrás, published by the UC students at Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Courtesy ofArchivo de la Bibloteca de la Universidad de [removed];