Summer 2023 at fluent

Summer Season 2023 
at fluent

Calle Luis Hoyos Sainz 2, (int) 
39001, Santander,


Against the backdrop of systemic violences used by political narratives to burst into bodies, the beginning of the summer comes to fluent as a possibility for contact and resistance. The current and upcoming season presents a series of exhibitions and programmes aimed at unfolding collective–becomings and ecologies of engagement that we are excited to announce [removed];

These projects also expand through a new selection of publications just arrived to our bookshop:

Iris Touliatou, low theory.
Last days: Exhibition open until July 7th, 2023.

low theory, the first solo exhibition in Spain by Greek artist Iris Touliatou is still on view until Friday, July 7th. The exhibition looks at how people figure themselves out by arrangements of materials, in formats and positions that enable them particular vantage points and ways of doing things. New variants to a body of on–going scores, and a newly commissioned work, expand from a series of institutional and infrastructural parameters in the will to examine the affective side of fragmentation and failure and the unruly forms of relationality.

Iris Touliatou lives and works in Athens. Recent solo exhibitions include Gift, Kunsthalle Basel (2023); mothers, RODEO Piraeus/London (2022); appendage, Grazer Kunstverein, Graz (2022); Her work has been included as part of Siren (some poetics), Amant, New York (2022) the 2021 New Museum Triennial: Soft Water Hard Stone, New York (2021–22); Work and Leisure, Milan (2022); When I state I am an anarchist, PLATO, Ostrava (2022); Eclipse, the 7th Athens Biennale (2021); Anti Structure, DESTE Foundation, Athens (2021) and The Same River Twice, Benaki Museum, Athens (2019).

Aulas y ausencias:
Notes on art, politics and education in a given context.

Exhibition opening: Friday, July 14th
July 14th –– September 15th

“The archive is meaningful in its context, it is not “truth”, it belongs to an entire social environment(*)”.

This archival exhibition features printed and audiovisual materials, legislative documents, publications and photographs, whose axis examine the relationships between forms of artistic and humanistic education and the social landscapes in which they exist.

The examination on how artistic and humanistic pedagogies revert into demographic flows and the distribution of cultural agency, illuminate, seemingly unnoticed, power dynamics. Through the compilation of meaningful historical and contemporary initiatives and practitioners, cutting across these relationships, the archive is structured in four volumes which delve into its inherent functionings; and is expanded by the invitation to a series of policy–makers to engage in working–sessions around the genealogies, limitations and potentialities of educational structures.

The archival display and its transformation into a workplace thus serves as an encounter between a historical conversation and its echoes in the present.

(*). Françoise Vergès, A museum without objects.

Call for applications open until August 20th.
Study Programme running from September 20th to December 20th


Praxis is an intensive study programme running during 14 weeks (180 contact hours). 
Reacting to current conditions of great narrative anxiety where detachment and hyper–mediation have replaced the openness of the narrative; emotion and affectivity are at the forefront of this new phase of neoliberalism. Considering these challenges and the subsequent role of the arts and humanities, Praxis aims to develop socially transformative prospects that repair the social realm from reduced listening and re–articulate aesthetics, and making processes. In this, the words of Audre Lorde resonate with the logics and dynamics that organize and structure this programme: ”(…)is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into language, then into idea, then into more tangible action. (…) It is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. The farthest external horizons of our hopes and fears are cobbled by our poems, carved from the rock experiences of our daily lives’’.

Building upon this ethos, the programme is open to a maximum of twenty participants and encourages applications from different fields of knowledge. This diverse spectrum of practices seeks to unfold an experimental and ephemeral community of learning.

How can a transitory, moving community gathered in a small Atlantic city contribute a shift in the social landscape within and beyond the direct context?


Image: Cover of the manifesto drafted during the 1994/95 Taller de Co–educación. Courtesy of Fondo Enrique Pérez Simón, Archivo de la Universidad de Cantabria.  

*For further information and image requests, please contact hello[​at][removed]
Praxis is kindly supported by Santander City Hall and FSC.


Calle Luis Hoyos Sainz 2, (int).
 39001, Santander, SP.
