Quelle influence l’intelligence artificielle aura-t-elle sur la crĂ©ation contemporaine ? Remplacera-t-elle les artistes ou stimulera-t-elle leur crĂ©ativitĂ© ?
KADIST et le Centre Pompidou annoncent une collaboration de trois ans autour de l’IA đ
En tant que premiĂšre dâune nouvelle sĂ©rie de collaborations entre KADIST et de grands musĂ©es (âCollection Nomade KADISTâ), ce partenariat en plusieurs volets dĂ©butera dans le cadre de la programmation de Moviment, le 13 juillet au Centre Pompidou. Il se poursuivra jusquâen 2025, illustrant lâengagement de KADIST Ă accompagner et soutenir des institutions internationales de premier plan sur le long terme.
Ho Rui An, Screen Green, 2015 | Courtesy de lâartiste, collection KADIST
Conscients de lâimpact futur de lâintelligence artificielle sur la crĂ©ativitĂ© et les pratiques artistiques, KADIST et le Centre Pompidou sâintĂ©ressent au potentiel critique et Ă lâimpact de cette rĂ©volution naissante de la culture visuelle, prĂȘte Ă bouleverser les questions liĂ©es Ă lâagrĂ©gation culturelle, au consentement artistique et les limites du droit dâauteur.
Cette collaboration explore lâintelligence artificielle et les technologies de production de sons, dâimages et de vidĂ©os, ainsi que leur impact sur le champ de la crĂ©ation et de la production artistiques. Elle comporte trois Ă©tapes :
â En juillet 2023 : un Ă©vĂ©nement public au Centre Pompidou posera les bases des rĂ©flexions critiques et artistiques en cours.
â En 2024 : une sĂ©rie de nouvelles commandes et dâacquisitions rĂ©centes sera prĂ©sentĂ©e au Centre Pompidou â MusĂ©e national dâart moderne.
â En 2025 : suite Ă la fermeture pour rĂ©novation du bĂątiment du Centre Pompidou, une intervention dans lâespace public prendra forme.
Carlos Amorales, Why fear the future?, 2005 | Courtesy de lâartiste, collection KADIST
Une confĂ©rence organisĂ©e dans le cadre de Moviment inaugure cette nouvelle collaboration avec un aprĂšs-midi de conversations, de projections vidĂ©o et de discussions, de 15h Ă 21h. Lâaccent sera mis sur les aspects critiques de ce moment culturel, alors que lâIA est simultanĂ©ment absorbĂ©e ou dĂ©ployĂ©e et alternativement combattue et rejetĂ©e.
Parmi les [removed] et les artistes : Marcella Lista (Centre Pompidou â MusĂ©e national dâart moderne), Joseph del Pesco (KADIST), Michael Connor (Rhizome, NY), Mashinka Firunts Hakopian, Nouf Aljowaysir, Carlos Amorales, Ho Rui An, Sofia Crespo, Holly Herndon & Mathew Dryhurst, Agnieszka Kurant, Juan Obando.
En anglais, au Centre Pompidou, Galerie 3 â Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris (accĂšs libre).
Agnieszka Kurant, Sentimentite, 2022 | Courtesy de lâartiste, collection KADIST
En tant quâorganisation philanthropique singuliĂšre et engagĂ©e, KADIST prĂ©voit dâĂ©tablir des partenariats de long terme avec des musĂ©es, permettant Ă sa collection de se nourrir en permanence et ainsi de rester pertinente pour les gĂ©nĂ©rations Ă venir.
Conçue avec un groupe de [removed] et de [removed] de musĂ©es, la « Collection Nomade KADIST » est une rĂ©flexion sur lâavenir dâune institution en rĂ©seau, sur sa collection et sur les relations entre les musĂ©es publics et les fondations privĂ©es.
Elle prolongera les liens dĂ©jĂ existants entre ces deux types dâentitĂ©s, qui se rĂ©sument gĂ©nĂ©ralement Ă un soutien financier ou Ă des actions Ă court terme. Tous les 3 Ă 5 ans, ce programme de collaboration mettra Ă disposition une grande partie de la collection KADIST par le biais dâun prĂȘt pluriannuel Ă un musĂ©e de premier plan, pour des expositions et des programmes Ă©ducatifs abordant des enjeux clĂ©s de notre Ă©poque.
La PinacothÚque de São Paulo (Brésil) prendra la suite du Centre Pompidou en 2025.
What influence will artificial intelligence have on contemporary creation? Will it replace artists or boost their creativity?
KADIST and the Centre Pompidou are announcing a three-year collaboration on AI đ
As the first in a new series of collaborations between KADIST and major museums (âKADIST Nomadic Collectionâ), this multi-part association will start within the Moviment program, on July 13 at the Centre [removed];It will run until 2025, illustrating KADISTâs commitment to accompany and support leading institutions in the long term.
Ho Rui An, Screen Green, 2015 | Courtesy of the artist, KADIST collection
Recognizing the near-future impact of artificial intelligence on creativity and artistic practice, KADIST and the Centre Pompidou are focusing on both the critical and the transformational potential of this dawning revolution of visual culture, launching debates about automation, problematics of cultural aggregation, issues of artistic consent, and the limits of copyright.
This collaboration explores artificial intelligence and sound, image and video generating technologies, and how they will impact the field of artistic creation and production. It has three components:
â In July 2023: a public event at the Centre Pompidou will set the groundwork for critical frameworks and artistic reflections in progress.
â In 2024: a series of new commissions and recent acquisitions will be presented at the Centre Pompidou â MusĂ©e national dâart moderne.
â In 2025: an intervention in the public space will take form, following the closure for renovation of the Centre Pompidou building.
Carlos Amorales, Why fear the future?, 2005 | Courtesy of the artist, KADIST collection
ON THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023, 3-9 PM
A conference during Moviment inaugurates this new collaboration with an afternoon of conversations, video screenings and discussions, from 3 to 9 pm. The focus will be on critical takes of this cultural moment, as AI is simultaneously absorbed or deployed and alternately resisted and rejected.
Speakers and artists include: Marcella Lista (Centre Pompidou â MusĂ©e national dâart moderne), Joseph del Pesco (KADIST), Michael Connor (Rhizome, NY), Mashinka Firunts Hakopian, Nouf Aljowaysir, Carlos Amorales, Ho Rui An, Sofia Crespo, Holly Herndon & Mathew Dryhurst, Agnieszka Kurant, Juan Obando.
In English, at the Centre Pompidou, Galerie 3 â Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004 Paris (free access).
Agnieszka Kurant, Sentimentite, 2022 | Courtesy of the artist, KADIST collection
As a singular and engaged nonprofit, KADIST plans to establish long-term partnerships with museums, ensuring the continual renewal and relevance of its collection for the next generation.
Conceived alongside a group of curators and museum directors, the âKADIST Nomadic Collectionâ is a reflection on the future of a networked institution, its collection and the relationships between public museums and private foundations.
It will extend the already existing links between these two types of entities, which usually amount to financial support or short-term endeavors. Every 3 to 5 years, this collaborative program will make available, via a multi-year loan, a large part of the KADIST collection to a leading museum, for exhibitions and educational programs addressing key issues of our time.
The Pinacoteca de SĂŁo Paulo (Brazil) will follow the Centre Pompidou, in 2025.
OUR Programs around the World
through June 11, 2023
[removed]; Donde empieza el cuerpo y acaba la terra, a video program in partnership with Museo de Arte ContemporĂĄneo de Oaxaca (MACO)
through June 23, 2023
through July 21, 2023
through August 12, 2023
through August 12, 2023
June 6-16, 2023
Sa Sa Art Projects, Phnom Penh Myth in Motion, video exhibition and public programs
through August 12, 2023
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