MPR April Schedule
Tuesday April 18th at 7pm, tune in for Info/Eco: The Nature of Information with Richard Lowenberg. On this segment, presented in partnership with The Kitchen, Richard Lowenberg will be in conversation with The Kitchen’s archivist, Alex Waterman to discuss Richard’s work in the context of Bio-Art, Ecology, Second Order Cybernetics, and the inaugural years of The [removed];
On Sunday April 23rd, we’ll be broadcasting from 8pm NYC time or 10am Monday 24th April Melbourne/Naarm, Australia, live from Melbourne Now Festival, with a day of shows curated by MPR London producer & host Miranda Shutler in collaboration with NGV Australia, featuring Amita Kirpalani, Olivia Koh, Liang Luscombe, Clare Coleman, Jen Rae, Australian Queer Archives, Murrundindi, Moorina Bonini, Deanne Gilson, Fiend Bookshop, Verve Zine, Liquid Architecture, noom and more.
Monday April 24th at 7pm, Oral Rinse Zine hosts a reading celebrating its seventh and final issue. This bon voyage will feature dedicated contributors Anya Wiggins, Nande Walters, Eliana Szabo, Jamison Lung x True Young, Zoey Greenwald, Andy Nappi, Lydia Matthews, Sydney Wildman, Dakotah Jennifer, and Cassandra [removed];
Tuesday April 25th, 7:30pm, Seoul-based gallery White Noise journeys to our studio at Canal Street to record food’s journey to our [removed];
Wednesday April 26th from 11:30am-9pm with Extra Extra, TNT, Mutamur, Nick Klein, Reilly Davidson, Olivia van Kuiken, LMListening, James Hannaham, John Tsung, Downtown Critic, and more.
Thursday April 27th we’ll be rebroadcasting our shows from the NGV from 1pm-8pm London time. At 7pm, we’ll be screening Taylor Ervin’s “Art Boy 2: The Undead”, a home movie for the New York art world that tackles big questions like “What is art?” “What is it for?” “Is progress in art desirable or even possible?”, etc. The screening will be followed by a discussion moderated by Caesura magazine. The movie features contributions from Victoria Campbell, Rafael Foster, Aaron Lehman, Chris Mansor, Clint Montgomery, Sean Tatol, Olivia van Kuiken, Allison Hewitt Ward, as well as work from Taylor Ervin and Gabriel Almeida.
On Friday April 28th, we’ll be broadcasting from 46 Canal Street with NYRB Classics editor Edwin Frank at 5pm and performances from Dissensus and Shots at 7pm. Immediately following these performances, we’ll switch over to our Mexico broadcast which will be live from Veri Bari with Susana Varges Cervantes, Victor Costales, Gaby Cepedas, Delirio Tropical, Sonido Apokalitzin, and [removed];
And meet us on Saturday April 29th at 4pm at the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Education Center for Colloquy #5: Translating the Caribbean with Kaiama Glover, Aaron Coleman, and Urayoán Noel. This series, presented by World Poetry Books, provides a forum for translators to engage with live audiences in an exploration of the art of translation. Each Colloquy event brings together a group of two to four translators of recently published works for short readings and extended conversations moderated by Colloquy’s curator C. Francis Fisher, followed by Q&A’s with the [removed];

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With love,
MPR & Montez Press