Robert Filliou, Funny Bones — Opening today, March 18, 12 – 6 pm

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Robert Filliou, Project for Sky-Writing (n°3), 1971, color silkscreen on paper, signed and dated, 62,2 x 89,5 cm, edition of 10 and 1 [removed], Ed. Hartmut Kaminski. Courtesy the Estate of Robert Filliou & Peter Freeman, Inc., New York / Paris.

18/03 – 29/04
Robert Filliou
Funny Bones
curated by François Curlet

Opening today, 18/03, 12 – 6 pm

For Funny Bones, the artist François Curlet brings together a representative selection of editions and unique works by Robert Filliou from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s.
Curlet’s choice is motivated by an in-depth knowledge of the work of the ‘anartist-poet’ Filliou and of his peers within the loose art constellation of Fluxus. Curlet’s choice is also guided by an affinity between his own and Filliou’s practices, which share a sly phlegmatic humour and a serious interest in institutions that playfully assume the airs of good governance.
The protean oeuvre of Robert Filliou (1926-1987) touches on poetry, sculpture, video, performance, and any other form capable of translating his principle of Permanent Creation, itself derived from his Principle of Equivalence, which places well donebadly done, and not done on equal footing.

François Curlet (1967, lives, among others, in Brussels) blithely combines registers — logos, cartoon characters, art historical references, etc. — to create skewed, offbeat, or incongruous objects and situations. What arises is an amused but precise reflection of a society reluctant to acknowledge its intrinsic absurdity.

Jan Mot
Petit Sablon / Kleine Zavel 10
1000 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 514 10 10


Wednesday to Friday 2 – [removed] pm
Saturday 12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

Webshop: [removed] 

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