Start spring in an artistic way by discovering a selection of Ixelles’ galleries and their amazing [removed];Join us on March 18th from 2pm to 4pm!
Our guide will lead you on a tour of some of Brussels’ finest galleries. This is a unique opportunity to experience several exhibitions all at once, including some new shows like Roni Horn and Danh Vō at Xavier Hufkens and some last-chance shows like Emmanuel Taku, Upliftment – A God in the Life of Others at Maruani [removed];
The Gallery Walks will take place on Saturday March 18th, from 2pm to 4pm.
Participating galleries: Almine Rech, Irène Laub Gallery, Xavier Hufkens, Hopstreet Gallery, and Maruani Mercier.
Book your guided tour (EN)* : 2 hr | 12€/person
*Should you wish to book your guided tour in another language, please reach us at